Kafkasya’nın sahip olduğu jeo-stratejik önem tarih boyunca birçok devletin
bölgede siyasi hâkimiy... more Kafkasya’nın sahip olduğu jeo-stratejik önem tarih boyunca birçok devletin bölgede siyasi hâkimiyet kurmasına sebep olmuştur. Ancak Kuzey Kafkasya, 19 yüzyılda Rus yayılmacılığına karşı verdiği bağımsızlık mücadelesiyle tüm dünyanın dikkatini çekmiştir. Nakşibendi tarikatının bölgede kök salmasıyla Müridizm adı verilen bir hareket oluşmuştur. Haraketin başına geçen liderler (İmamlar), Ruslara karşı savaş ilan etmiş ve uzun yıllar Rusların bölgeyi ele geçirmesinin önünde engel teşkil etmiştir. Bu haraket, Rusların bölgedeki siyasi faaliyetleriyle yakından ilgilenen Batı’da merak uyandırmış ve bu konuda birçok incelemeler yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Müridizm hareketinin son İmamı olan ve Ruslara karşı 25 yıl mücadele yürüten İmam Şamil’in Depping ve Dularier özelinde Fransız yazınına nasıl yansıdığını ele alarak değerlendirmek ve böylece alanyazına katkılar sunmaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Fransız Yazını, Rusya, Kafkasya, Müridizm, İmam Şamil
Fırat Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Jan 31, 2019
Kıbrıs, Akdeniz'in üç büyük adasından birisidir. Jeo-stratejik konumu gereği erken dönemlerden be... more Kıbrıs, Akdeniz'in üç büyük adasından birisidir. Jeo-stratejik konumu gereği erken dönemlerden beri, insanlığın ilgisini çekmiş ve önemli bir yerleşim merkezi olmuştur. Ada, her şeyden önce, eski ve büyük bir uygarlık beşiği olan Akdeniz havzasına hâkim bir konumdadır ve bu özel durumu nedeniyle, geçmişten günümüze bu bölgelerde hâkimiyet kurmak isteyen pek çok devletin ilgi odağı olmuştur. Nitekim tarihsel süreç içerisinde Anadolu, Suriye, Kuzey Afrika ve Avrupa'da ortaya çıkan hemen her devlet, Kıbrıs adası üzerinde hâkimiyet tesis etmeye çalışmış; bir ada olarak Kıbrıs, pek çok istilalara ve fetihlere sahne olmuştur. Osmanlılar da, Akdeniz üzerindeki hâkimiyet alanını genişletmek ve garanti altına almak için, 1571'de adayı fethetmişler ve kendi topraklarının bir parçası haline getirmişlerdir. Böylelikle ada, Türk-İslam uygarlığının önemli merkezlerinden birisi haline gelmiştir. Tarih öncesi dönemlerden itibaren çok sayıda seyyahın uğrak yerlerinden birisi olan Kıbrıs, Osmanlı topraklarına gelen kimi batılı seyyahların da dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu seyyahlar, ada hakkında gözlemlerini aktarmışlar, adanın tarihsel ve sosyo-kültürel gelişimini anlamamıza olanak sağlayacak önemli bilgiler sunmuşlardır. Ada hakkında gözlemlerini aktaran önemli seyyahlardan birisi de, 19. yüzyılın ilk yarısında Kıbrıs'ta bulunan İngiliz seyyah J. McDonald Kinneir'dir. İşte bu çalışmanın amacı, onun gezi notlarından yola çıkarak adanın o dönem içinde bulunduğu fiziki, coğrafi, idari, siyasi ve sosyo-kültürel durumuna ışık tutmak ve adanın tarihine kimi katkılar sağlamaktır.
Along with the foundation of the Modern Turkish Republic the radical changes experienced in the s... more Along with the foundation of the Modern Turkish Republic the radical changes experienced in the social structure have drawn the attention of the Western writers and the researchers from past to the present time. It is not groundless; Turkish modernisation takes the basis of westernisation of the Ottoman culturally and politically from the Tanzimat period onwards, her integration into the Western civilization. As a woman traveler, Lilo Linke, who was German, the writer and the journalist, had to escape London from the oppressive ruling of the Nazi Germany and came to Turkey in 1935, starting from İstanbul she visited the Eastern towns and the Black Sea towns on the coast and closely observed the newly-established Republic founded under the leadership of Atatürk and the effects of the reforms realised by the enlighted spirit of the Republic upon the society. The work of Lilo Linke titled as Allah Dethroned: A Journey Through Modern Turkey is somewhat a document that surprisingly expresses the political revolutions and the cultural transformation experienced in modern Turkey from the eye of a Western researcher and the traveler. To her, the Turkish revolution is an important document how an Eastern society, the religiously structured culture has been modernised through a revolutionist staff and how the modern values have been adopted by the society. Namely, to her, the modern Turkey is an example of a transition from the God-based society to the secular based society. From her vivid description and analysis, Samsun, a revolution town, also gets its share. Samsun, where the first step of the Independence war was taken and the foundations for the Republic and the reforms were laid; the political administration, People's Houses, the tobacco company and its port is the most important town that reflects the modern culture and its values in itself. This article is based on the impressions of Lilo Linke in the aforementioned work in 1930's. Through the analysis of these impressions, it is aimed to put forth the institutional structures that make up the heart of the economy of Samsun at the time and the attempts to spread the reforms to the public.
Ayşegül KUŞ Alan, who is a professor at the History department at the Faculty of letters in Er... more Ayşegül KUŞ Alan, who is a professor at the History department at the Faculty of letters in Erciyes University has carried out several studies on the missionary activities that gained a different momentum in the Ottoman lands in the early years of the 19th century owing to some military, political, social and economic changes through which the Ottoman Empire went. Along with a foreword, the abreviations and the introduction and the closing, bibliography, index and the supplements included in the book, the book is mainly made up of four parts. What makes the book valuable and interesting for the readers is that it specifically focuses on the missionary activities ranging from religious, educational services to health and relief services provided by the American Board and its activities within the franework of the Anatolian College in Merzifon. Moreover, while giving a detailed account related to the subject, the writer also uses a wide range of primary sources such as the Ottoman documents, the American archives and the Papers of the American Board of Commisioners for Foreign Missions, which cast a light upon the arrival of the American Board in Merzifon, the activities conducted at Merzifon station, some
Etimolojik olarak Türkçe bir kelime olan bucak “uzak, köşe, uç, yer” gibi anlamlarına gelir. Bu a... more Etimolojik olarak Türkçe bir kelime olan bucak “uzak, köşe, uç, yer” gibi anlamlarına gelir. Bu adlandırma bir noktaya kadar Bucak bölgesinin sahip olduğu coğrafi yapı hakkında da bilgi sahibi olmamızı sağlar. Bucak hem 15. ve 19. yüzyıllar arasında Türk kavimlerinin yerleştiği bir yer olarak hem de Kırım’a giden yollar üzerinde bulunması nedeni ile Türk tarihinde sosyal, kültürel ve jeo-stratejik bakımdan önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Bucak’ın siyasî ve idarî bir bölge olarak ortaya çıkması Osmanlılar döneminde gerçekleşmiştir. II. Bayezid 1484’te, Tuna’nın kuzey kolu üzerinde kurulan ve Boğdan-Lehistan yollarını kontrol eden Kili Kalesi’ni ve Turla nehrinin Karadeniz’e döküldüğü yerde kurulan Akkirman’ı ele geçirmiştir. Ancak fethedilen bu iki kaleyi savunmak ve yolları güven altına almak için, bütün bölgeyi kontrol etmek zorunludur. Bu nedenle, Bucak, idarî, askerî ve ekonomik bir bölge olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bölgenin sahip olduğu jeo-stratejik ve ekonomik önem, yabancıların da burayı ziyaret etmelerine neden olmuştur. Osmanlı idaresi altında iken bölgeye gelen önemli isimlerden birisi Rusya hizmetinde asker olarak görev yapan Alman asıllı Baron Campenhausen’dir. Seyyahın bölgeye dair izlenimlerinin yer aldığı gezi notları, “Historical Account of Zaparog Cossacks and of Bessarabia, Moldavia, Wallachia and the Crimea” adı ile 1808 yılında İngilizce olarak yayımlanmıştır. Campenhausen’in eserinde Bucak bölgesinde Türklerin yaşadığı Akkirman ve Bender gibi yerlerin fiziki yapısı ile birlikte burada yaşayan Türklerin sosyal ve kültürel yaşamları hakkında da gözlem ve incelemeleri yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Campenhausen’in verdiği bilgilerden yola çıkarak bölgenin Osmanlı idaresi altındaki durumunu, özel olarak da bölgenin önemli merkezleri olan Akkirman ve Bender’in fizikî ve sosyo-kültürel yapısını ele alarak değerlendirmektir. --- The word bucak is etymologically a Turkish word with some meanings such as “distant, corner edge, and place”. To some extent, this appellation provides some information as to the geographical condition the Bucak region possesses. Bucak played a major role in Turkish history socially, culturally and geo-strategically due to the fact being both a place where Turkish tribes settled down between the 15th and 19th centuries and also a location that goes to Crimea. The emergence of Bucak as a political and administrative unit took place during the Ottoman period. In this sense, Bayezid II captured Kili Castle, established himself on the northern tributary of the Tuna River, and controlled the routes to Wallachia and Poland. He also captured Akkerman, situated on the point where the Turla River (Dinyester) empties into the Black Sea. The main reason why the Ottomans demanded Wallachia be captured was to take control of the Black Sea and provide security to the places in the eastern parts of Dobruja and the Balkans. However, controlling all the region was required to defend these two castles and secure the routes. As a result of these factors, Bucak appeared as an administrative, military, and economic region. The geo-strategic and economic importance the region possesses also caused foreigners to visit the region. One important person who came to the region during Ottomans rule was the German traveler, Baron von Campenhausen, who served as a soldier for Russia. Campenhausen’s travelogues regarding his observations in the region were published in English in London in 1808 with the title “Historical Account of Zaparog Cossacks and of Bessarabia, Moldavia, Wallachia and the Crimea”. In addition to the examinations and observations regarding the physical structure of places such as Akkerman, and Bender, he also made some observations related to the social and cultural lives of the Turks residing there. Using the information von Campenhausen provided, this study aims to generally handle and evaluate the condition of the region while under Ottoman reign and more specifically the physical and sociocultural structure of Akkerman, and Bender as the important centers of the region.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 2, 2015
A lower consumption of thermal energy will contribute not only to a reduction in the running cost... more A lower consumption of thermal energy will contribute not only to a reduction in the running costs, but also in the reduction of pollutant emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Cogeneration or CHP (Combined Heat and Power) is the system that produces power and usable heat simultaneously by decreasing the pollutant emissions and increasing the efficiency. Combined production of mechanical or electrical and thermal energy using a simple energy source, such as oil, coal, natural or liquefied gas, biomass or the sun; affords remarkable energy savings and frequently makes it possible to operate with greater efficiency when compared to a system producing heat and power separately. This study aims to bring out the contributions of cogeneration systems to the environment and sustainability by saving the energy and reducing the emissions. In this way we made a comprehensive investigation in the literature by focusing on the environmental aspects of the cogeneration systems. In the light of these studies we reached that, cogeneration systems must be consider in sustainability and their benefits on protecting the ecology must be investigated.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 3, 2015
Greenhouses offer us suitable conditions which can be controlled easily for the growth of the pla... more Greenhouses offer us suitable conditions which can be controlled easily for the growth of the plant and they are made by using a covering material that allows the sun light entering into the system. Covering material can be glass, fiber glass, plastic or another transparent element. This study investigates the solar energy usability rates and solar energy benefitting rates of a semi-spherical (modified arch) type greenhouse system according to different orientations and positions which exists under climatic conditions of Bayburt. In the concept of this study it is tried to determine the best direction and best sizes of a semi-spherical greenhouse to get best solar benefit from the sun. To achieve this aim a modeling study is made by using MATLAB. However, this modeling study is run for some determined shapes and greenhouses it can be used for different shaped greenhouses or buildings. The basic parameters are determined as greenhouse azimuth angle, the rate of size of long edge to short and seasonal solar energy gaining of greenhouse. The optimum azimuth angles of 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50 m 2 modified arch greenhouse are 90 o , 90 o , 35 o , 35 o , 34 o , 33 o and 22 o while their optimum k values (ratio of length to width) are 10, 10, 10, 10, 6, 4 and 4 respectively. Positioning the buildings in order to get more solar heat energy in winter and less in summer brings out energy and money savings and increases the comfort.
Research paper Synthesis and characterization of 6,8-di-tert-butyl-3-[p-(propynyl)phenoxy]coumari... more Research paper Synthesis and characterization of 6,8-di-tert-butyl-3-[p-(propynyl)phenoxy]coumarin substituted phthalocyanines and investigation of their photophysical and photochemical properties
Exergy for A Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 2, 2018
A lower consumption of thermal energy will contribute not only to a reduction in the running cost... more A lower consumption of thermal energy will contribute not only to a reduction in the running costs, but also in the reduction of pollutant emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Cogeneration or CHP (Combined Heat and Power) is the system that produces power and usable heat simultaneously by decreasing the pollutant emissions and increasing the efficiency. Combined production of mechanical or electrical and thermal energy using a simple energy source, such as oil, coal, natural or liquefied gas, biomass or the sun; affords remarkable energy savings and frequently makes it possible to operate with greater efficiency when compared to a system producing heat and power separately. This study aims to bring out the contributions of cogeneration systems to the environment and sustainability by saving the energy and reducing the emissions. In this way we made a comprehensive investigation in the literature by focusing on the environmental aspects of the cogeneration systems. In the light of these studies we reached that, cogeneration systems must be consider in sustainability and their benefits on protecting the ecology must be investigated.
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 2013
This paper presents an experimental energetic and exergetic comparison for a heat pump system tha... more This paper presents an experimental energetic and exergetic comparison for a heat pump system that can be run in different modes as air to air and air to water. Components of the heat pump do not change when the running mode changes, except for the condenser. This means that some external and internal effects (like compressor type, pipe lines) that can affect the system performance will be the same for each running mode. The comparison which was made in this study demonstrates which system leads to an efficient conversion and supply of energy and exergy. In the analysis, four balance (mass, energy, entropy and exergy) equations are applied to the system for the two modes. Exergy and energy efficiency values for both systems are given, while exergy destructions in each of the systems are determined and presented. It is seen that the heat pump unit which has the highest COP value is the air to air type (3.45-3.8); second is the air to water type (3.35-3.41). The exergy efficiency of t...
Research paper Synthesis and characterization of 6,8-di-tert-butyl-3-[p-(propynyl)phenoxy]coumari... more Research paper Synthesis and characterization of 6,8-di-tert-butyl-3-[p-(propynyl)phenoxy]coumarin substituted phthalocyanines and investigation of their photophysical and photochemical properties
The first direct search for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the recently discovered Higgs boso... more The first direct search for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the recently discovered Higgs boson (H) is described. The search is performed in the H → μτ e and H → μτ h channels, where τ e and τ h are tau leptons reconstructed in the electronic and hadronic decay channels, respectively. The data sample used in this search was collected in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √ s = 8 TeV with the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb −1. The sensitivity of the search is an order of magnitude better than the existing indirect limits. A slight excess of signal events with a significance of 2.4 standard deviations is observed. The p-value of this excess at M H = 125 GeV is 0.010. The best fit branching fraction is B(H → μτ) = (0.84 +0.39 −0.37)%. A constraint on the branching fraction, B(H → μτ) < 1.51% at 95% confidence level is set. This limit is subsequently used to constrain the μ-τ Yukawa couplings to be less than 3.6 × 10 −3 .
After the victory of the Independence war, Turkish Republic was founded, a great number of reform... more After the victory of the Independence war, Turkish Republic was founded, a great number of reforms were made in political, social, cultural and economic fields under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for both the Turkish nation's taking their place among the modern societies and also creating a national consciousness of the people. Considerable importance was given to education so as to have people adopt the reforms. In this regard, the schools having been inherited from the Ottoman State were modernized and educational programs were renewed. In addition, in 1932 the People's Houses, which could be described as widespread institutions, were constructed in 14 provinces including Samsun. Naturally, in the construction of the People's Houses, the role of some political, economic, social and cultural developments of the period cannot be overlooked. It is possible to see it in the cultural, artistic, economic and educational functions that People's Houses executed. However, it should be noted that People's Houses actually can be considered as the product of the politics of creating a modern and secular society. In addition to several needs of the Turkish society, between 1932 to 1951, it is obvious that they played a major role in transfering the reforms to people as well. Through the People's Houses, it was intended to base Atatürk's principles and reforms on a strong ground, to establish national culture and bridge between Turkish intellectuals and people and in this way, to create a productive society having common concerns and ideals. With the foundation of the People's Houses, some important developments were made in the field of culture and education and several journals and books were published in order to inform and educate people about every subject. People's Houses, which have had an important place in our recent history have attracted the attention of many local and foreign researchers as well. During her visit in Samsun, Lilo Linke also showed interest in People's Houses and narrated significant information related to them. This study is based on Lilo Linke's observations and research during her visit in Samsun in 1935. Using her travelogues, the purpose of the study is to handle and evaluate Samsun Poeple's House and its activities and thus in the context of People's Houses shed some light on the history of Samsun.
Nakhcıvan is an ancient place; the findings of archaeological excavations and research that the s... more Nakhcıvan is an ancient place; the findings of archaeological excavations and research that the settlement dates back to the Paleolitic era. Since ancient times, the strategic importance of Nakhchivan, due to its situation on the trade routes between Iran-Caucasia, the Black Sea-The Caspian Sea and Anatolia, led to many nations fighting for domination in the region. These nations included the Urartians, Meds, Persians, the Kingdom of Seleukos, and the Sassanids. During the reign of Caliphate Osman, such towns as Dvin in Armenia and Tabriz in Iran, and then Nakhchivan, were taken. The Turks, who had started to settle in Azerbaijan during the reign of Abbasis, took the region during the period of Seljuks. During this period, Nakhchivan, which was considerably destroyed during the invasions of the Mongols, remained under the domination of the states of Golden Horde and Ilhans. In the 15th century, Akkoyunlus, Karakoyunlus, and the Safevis also fought for domination in the region. From 1514 onwards, Nakhcıvan slipped in and out of the Ottoman administration. In 1603, during the reign of Selim III, when the Celali events emerged, the Safevis retook Nakhcıvan. At the beginning of the 19th century, Caucasia was the location of the battle for domination between Russia and Iran, and in 1827 Nakcıvan was invaded by Russia following an expansionist policy. As result of their political, social, and economic purposes interests in the east, several western travelers and researchers visited the region. This interest increased, especially during the colonialism of the 19th century. Therefore, many western travelers and researchers visited the Ottoman lands in order to pursue their country's political and economic interests. Two such travelers were the American Board missionaries Eli Smith and H.G.O. Dwight, who came to the region in the first half of the 19th century during their visit to Anatolia, Armenia, and northwest Iran. Using the travelogues they recorded during their visit to Nakhcıvan, this study aims to evaluate the physical and socio-cultural structure of the region at the beginning of the 19th century and contribute to the history of the region.
Kafkasya’nın sahip olduğu jeo-stratejik önem tarih boyunca birçok devletin
bölgede siyasi hâkimiy... more Kafkasya’nın sahip olduğu jeo-stratejik önem tarih boyunca birçok devletin bölgede siyasi hâkimiyet kurmasına sebep olmuştur. Ancak Kuzey Kafkasya, 19 yüzyılda Rus yayılmacılığına karşı verdiği bağımsızlık mücadelesiyle tüm dünyanın dikkatini çekmiştir. Nakşibendi tarikatının bölgede kök salmasıyla Müridizm adı verilen bir hareket oluşmuştur. Haraketin başına geçen liderler (İmamlar), Ruslara karşı savaş ilan etmiş ve uzun yıllar Rusların bölgeyi ele geçirmesinin önünde engel teşkil etmiştir. Bu haraket, Rusların bölgedeki siyasi faaliyetleriyle yakından ilgilenen Batı’da merak uyandırmış ve bu konuda birçok incelemeler yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Müridizm hareketinin son İmamı olan ve Ruslara karşı 25 yıl mücadele yürüten İmam Şamil’in Depping ve Dularier özelinde Fransız yazınına nasıl yansıdığını ele alarak değerlendirmek ve böylece alanyazına katkılar sunmaktır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Fransız Yazını, Rusya, Kafkasya, Müridizm, İmam Şamil
Fırat Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Jan 31, 2019
Kıbrıs, Akdeniz'in üç büyük adasından birisidir. Jeo-stratejik konumu gereği erken dönemlerden be... more Kıbrıs, Akdeniz'in üç büyük adasından birisidir. Jeo-stratejik konumu gereği erken dönemlerden beri, insanlığın ilgisini çekmiş ve önemli bir yerleşim merkezi olmuştur. Ada, her şeyden önce, eski ve büyük bir uygarlık beşiği olan Akdeniz havzasına hâkim bir konumdadır ve bu özel durumu nedeniyle, geçmişten günümüze bu bölgelerde hâkimiyet kurmak isteyen pek çok devletin ilgi odağı olmuştur. Nitekim tarihsel süreç içerisinde Anadolu, Suriye, Kuzey Afrika ve Avrupa'da ortaya çıkan hemen her devlet, Kıbrıs adası üzerinde hâkimiyet tesis etmeye çalışmış; bir ada olarak Kıbrıs, pek çok istilalara ve fetihlere sahne olmuştur. Osmanlılar da, Akdeniz üzerindeki hâkimiyet alanını genişletmek ve garanti altına almak için, 1571'de adayı fethetmişler ve kendi topraklarının bir parçası haline getirmişlerdir. Böylelikle ada, Türk-İslam uygarlığının önemli merkezlerinden birisi haline gelmiştir. Tarih öncesi dönemlerden itibaren çok sayıda seyyahın uğrak yerlerinden birisi olan Kıbrıs, Osmanlı topraklarına gelen kimi batılı seyyahların da dikkatini çekmiştir. Bu seyyahlar, ada hakkında gözlemlerini aktarmışlar, adanın tarihsel ve sosyo-kültürel gelişimini anlamamıza olanak sağlayacak önemli bilgiler sunmuşlardır. Ada hakkında gözlemlerini aktaran önemli seyyahlardan birisi de, 19. yüzyılın ilk yarısında Kıbrıs'ta bulunan İngiliz seyyah J. McDonald Kinneir'dir. İşte bu çalışmanın amacı, onun gezi notlarından yola çıkarak adanın o dönem içinde bulunduğu fiziki, coğrafi, idari, siyasi ve sosyo-kültürel durumuna ışık tutmak ve adanın tarihine kimi katkılar sağlamaktır.
Along with the foundation of the Modern Turkish Republic the radical changes experienced in the s... more Along with the foundation of the Modern Turkish Republic the radical changes experienced in the social structure have drawn the attention of the Western writers and the researchers from past to the present time. It is not groundless; Turkish modernisation takes the basis of westernisation of the Ottoman culturally and politically from the Tanzimat period onwards, her integration into the Western civilization. As a woman traveler, Lilo Linke, who was German, the writer and the journalist, had to escape London from the oppressive ruling of the Nazi Germany and came to Turkey in 1935, starting from İstanbul she visited the Eastern towns and the Black Sea towns on the coast and closely observed the newly-established Republic founded under the leadership of Atatürk and the effects of the reforms realised by the enlighted spirit of the Republic upon the society. The work of Lilo Linke titled as Allah Dethroned: A Journey Through Modern Turkey is somewhat a document that surprisingly expresses the political revolutions and the cultural transformation experienced in modern Turkey from the eye of a Western researcher and the traveler. To her, the Turkish revolution is an important document how an Eastern society, the religiously structured culture has been modernised through a revolutionist staff and how the modern values have been adopted by the society. Namely, to her, the modern Turkey is an example of a transition from the God-based society to the secular based society. From her vivid description and analysis, Samsun, a revolution town, also gets its share. Samsun, where the first step of the Independence war was taken and the foundations for the Republic and the reforms were laid; the political administration, People's Houses, the tobacco company and its port is the most important town that reflects the modern culture and its values in itself. This article is based on the impressions of Lilo Linke in the aforementioned work in 1930's. Through the analysis of these impressions, it is aimed to put forth the institutional structures that make up the heart of the economy of Samsun at the time and the attempts to spread the reforms to the public.
Ayşegül KUŞ Alan, who is a professor at the History department at the Faculty of letters in Er... more Ayşegül KUŞ Alan, who is a professor at the History department at the Faculty of letters in Erciyes University has carried out several studies on the missionary activities that gained a different momentum in the Ottoman lands in the early years of the 19th century owing to some military, political, social and economic changes through which the Ottoman Empire went. Along with a foreword, the abreviations and the introduction and the closing, bibliography, index and the supplements included in the book, the book is mainly made up of four parts. What makes the book valuable and interesting for the readers is that it specifically focuses on the missionary activities ranging from religious, educational services to health and relief services provided by the American Board and its activities within the franework of the Anatolian College in Merzifon. Moreover, while giving a detailed account related to the subject, the writer also uses a wide range of primary sources such as the Ottoman documents, the American archives and the Papers of the American Board of Commisioners for Foreign Missions, which cast a light upon the arrival of the American Board in Merzifon, the activities conducted at Merzifon station, some
Etimolojik olarak Türkçe bir kelime olan bucak “uzak, köşe, uç, yer” gibi anlamlarına gelir. Bu a... more Etimolojik olarak Türkçe bir kelime olan bucak “uzak, köşe, uç, yer” gibi anlamlarına gelir. Bu adlandırma bir noktaya kadar Bucak bölgesinin sahip olduğu coğrafi yapı hakkında da bilgi sahibi olmamızı sağlar. Bucak hem 15. ve 19. yüzyıllar arasında Türk kavimlerinin yerleştiği bir yer olarak hem de Kırım’a giden yollar üzerinde bulunması nedeni ile Türk tarihinde sosyal, kültürel ve jeo-stratejik bakımdan önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Bucak’ın siyasî ve idarî bir bölge olarak ortaya çıkması Osmanlılar döneminde gerçekleşmiştir. II. Bayezid 1484’te, Tuna’nın kuzey kolu üzerinde kurulan ve Boğdan-Lehistan yollarını kontrol eden Kili Kalesi’ni ve Turla nehrinin Karadeniz’e döküldüğü yerde kurulan Akkirman’ı ele geçirmiştir. Ancak fethedilen bu iki kaleyi savunmak ve yolları güven altına almak için, bütün bölgeyi kontrol etmek zorunludur. Bu nedenle, Bucak, idarî, askerî ve ekonomik bir bölge olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Bölgenin sahip olduğu jeo-stratejik ve ekonomik önem, yabancıların da burayı ziyaret etmelerine neden olmuştur. Osmanlı idaresi altında iken bölgeye gelen önemli isimlerden birisi Rusya hizmetinde asker olarak görev yapan Alman asıllı Baron Campenhausen’dir. Seyyahın bölgeye dair izlenimlerinin yer aldığı gezi notları, “Historical Account of Zaparog Cossacks and of Bessarabia, Moldavia, Wallachia and the Crimea” adı ile 1808 yılında İngilizce olarak yayımlanmıştır. Campenhausen’in eserinde Bucak bölgesinde Türklerin yaşadığı Akkirman ve Bender gibi yerlerin fiziki yapısı ile birlikte burada yaşayan Türklerin sosyal ve kültürel yaşamları hakkında da gözlem ve incelemeleri yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Campenhausen’in verdiği bilgilerden yola çıkarak bölgenin Osmanlı idaresi altındaki durumunu, özel olarak da bölgenin önemli merkezleri olan Akkirman ve Bender’in fizikî ve sosyo-kültürel yapısını ele alarak değerlendirmektir. --- The word bucak is etymologically a Turkish word with some meanings such as “distant, corner edge, and place”. To some extent, this appellation provides some information as to the geographical condition the Bucak region possesses. Bucak played a major role in Turkish history socially, culturally and geo-strategically due to the fact being both a place where Turkish tribes settled down between the 15th and 19th centuries and also a location that goes to Crimea. The emergence of Bucak as a political and administrative unit took place during the Ottoman period. In this sense, Bayezid II captured Kili Castle, established himself on the northern tributary of the Tuna River, and controlled the routes to Wallachia and Poland. He also captured Akkerman, situated on the point where the Turla River (Dinyester) empties into the Black Sea. The main reason why the Ottomans demanded Wallachia be captured was to take control of the Black Sea and provide security to the places in the eastern parts of Dobruja and the Balkans. However, controlling all the region was required to defend these two castles and secure the routes. As a result of these factors, Bucak appeared as an administrative, military, and economic region. The geo-strategic and economic importance the region possesses also caused foreigners to visit the region. One important person who came to the region during Ottomans rule was the German traveler, Baron von Campenhausen, who served as a soldier for Russia. Campenhausen’s travelogues regarding his observations in the region were published in English in London in 1808 with the title “Historical Account of Zaparog Cossacks and of Bessarabia, Moldavia, Wallachia and the Crimea”. In addition to the examinations and observations regarding the physical structure of places such as Akkerman, and Bender, he also made some observations related to the social and cultural lives of the Turks residing there. Using the information von Campenhausen provided, this study aims to generally handle and evaluate the condition of the region while under Ottoman reign and more specifically the physical and sociocultural structure of Akkerman, and Bender as the important centers of the region.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 2, 2015
A lower consumption of thermal energy will contribute not only to a reduction in the running cost... more A lower consumption of thermal energy will contribute not only to a reduction in the running costs, but also in the reduction of pollutant emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Cogeneration or CHP (Combined Heat and Power) is the system that produces power and usable heat simultaneously by decreasing the pollutant emissions and increasing the efficiency. Combined production of mechanical or electrical and thermal energy using a simple energy source, such as oil, coal, natural or liquefied gas, biomass or the sun; affords remarkable energy savings and frequently makes it possible to operate with greater efficiency when compared to a system producing heat and power separately. This study aims to bring out the contributions of cogeneration systems to the environment and sustainability by saving the energy and reducing the emissions. In this way we made a comprehensive investigation in the literature by focusing on the environmental aspects of the cogeneration systems. In the light of these studies we reached that, cogeneration systems must be consider in sustainability and their benefits on protecting the ecology must be investigated.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 3, 2015
Greenhouses offer us suitable conditions which can be controlled easily for the growth of the pla... more Greenhouses offer us suitable conditions which can be controlled easily for the growth of the plant and they are made by using a covering material that allows the sun light entering into the system. Covering material can be glass, fiber glass, plastic or another transparent element. This study investigates the solar energy usability rates and solar energy benefitting rates of a semi-spherical (modified arch) type greenhouse system according to different orientations and positions which exists under climatic conditions of Bayburt. In the concept of this study it is tried to determine the best direction and best sizes of a semi-spherical greenhouse to get best solar benefit from the sun. To achieve this aim a modeling study is made by using MATLAB. However, this modeling study is run for some determined shapes and greenhouses it can be used for different shaped greenhouses or buildings. The basic parameters are determined as greenhouse azimuth angle, the rate of size of long edge to short and seasonal solar energy gaining of greenhouse. The optimum azimuth angles of 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 50 m 2 modified arch greenhouse are 90 o , 90 o , 35 o , 35 o , 34 o , 33 o and 22 o while their optimum k values (ratio of length to width) are 10, 10, 10, 10, 6, 4 and 4 respectively. Positioning the buildings in order to get more solar heat energy in winter and less in summer brings out energy and money savings and increases the comfort.
Research paper Synthesis and characterization of 6,8-di-tert-butyl-3-[p-(propynyl)phenoxy]coumari... more Research paper Synthesis and characterization of 6,8-di-tert-butyl-3-[p-(propynyl)phenoxy]coumarin substituted phthalocyanines and investigation of their photophysical and photochemical properties
Exergy for A Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 2, 2018
A lower consumption of thermal energy will contribute not only to a reduction in the running cost... more A lower consumption of thermal energy will contribute not only to a reduction in the running costs, but also in the reduction of pollutant emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Cogeneration or CHP (Combined Heat and Power) is the system that produces power and usable heat simultaneously by decreasing the pollutant emissions and increasing the efficiency. Combined production of mechanical or electrical and thermal energy using a simple energy source, such as oil, coal, natural or liquefied gas, biomass or the sun; affords remarkable energy savings and frequently makes it possible to operate with greater efficiency when compared to a system producing heat and power separately. This study aims to bring out the contributions of cogeneration systems to the environment and sustainability by saving the energy and reducing the emissions. In this way we made a comprehensive investigation in the literature by focusing on the environmental aspects of the cogeneration systems. In the light of these studies we reached that, cogeneration systems must be consider in sustainability and their benefits on protecting the ecology must be investigated.
International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 2013
This paper presents an experimental energetic and exergetic comparison for a heat pump system tha... more This paper presents an experimental energetic and exergetic comparison for a heat pump system that can be run in different modes as air to air and air to water. Components of the heat pump do not change when the running mode changes, except for the condenser. This means that some external and internal effects (like compressor type, pipe lines) that can affect the system performance will be the same for each running mode. The comparison which was made in this study demonstrates which system leads to an efficient conversion and supply of energy and exergy. In the analysis, four balance (mass, energy, entropy and exergy) equations are applied to the system for the two modes. Exergy and energy efficiency values for both systems are given, while exergy destructions in each of the systems are determined and presented. It is seen that the heat pump unit which has the highest COP value is the air to air type (3.45-3.8); second is the air to water type (3.35-3.41). The exergy efficiency of t...
Research paper Synthesis and characterization of 6,8-di-tert-butyl-3-[p-(propynyl)phenoxy]coumari... more Research paper Synthesis and characterization of 6,8-di-tert-butyl-3-[p-(propynyl)phenoxy]coumarin substituted phthalocyanines and investigation of their photophysical and photochemical properties
The first direct search for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the recently discovered Higgs boso... more The first direct search for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the recently discovered Higgs boson (H) is described. The search is performed in the H → μτ e and H → μτ h channels, where τ e and τ h are tau leptons reconstructed in the electronic and hadronic decay channels, respectively. The data sample used in this search was collected in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of √ s = 8 TeV with the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb −1. The sensitivity of the search is an order of magnitude better than the existing indirect limits. A slight excess of signal events with a significance of 2.4 standard deviations is observed. The p-value of this excess at M H = 125 GeV is 0.010. The best fit branching fraction is B(H → μτ) = (0.84 +0.39 −0.37)%. A constraint on the branching fraction, B(H → μτ) < 1.51% at 95% confidence level is set. This limit is subsequently used to constrain the μ-τ Yukawa couplings to be less than 3.6 × 10 −3 .
After the victory of the Independence war, Turkish Republic was founded, a great number of reform... more After the victory of the Independence war, Turkish Republic was founded, a great number of reforms were made in political, social, cultural and economic fields under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk for both the Turkish nation's taking their place among the modern societies and also creating a national consciousness of the people. Considerable importance was given to education so as to have people adopt the reforms. In this regard, the schools having been inherited from the Ottoman State were modernized and educational programs were renewed. In addition, in 1932 the People's Houses, which could be described as widespread institutions, were constructed in 14 provinces including Samsun. Naturally, in the construction of the People's Houses, the role of some political, economic, social and cultural developments of the period cannot be overlooked. It is possible to see it in the cultural, artistic, economic and educational functions that People's Houses executed. However, it should be noted that People's Houses actually can be considered as the product of the politics of creating a modern and secular society. In addition to several needs of the Turkish society, between 1932 to 1951, it is obvious that they played a major role in transfering the reforms to people as well. Through the People's Houses, it was intended to base Atatürk's principles and reforms on a strong ground, to establish national culture and bridge between Turkish intellectuals and people and in this way, to create a productive society having common concerns and ideals. With the foundation of the People's Houses, some important developments were made in the field of culture and education and several journals and books were published in order to inform and educate people about every subject. People's Houses, which have had an important place in our recent history have attracted the attention of many local and foreign researchers as well. During her visit in Samsun, Lilo Linke also showed interest in People's Houses and narrated significant information related to them. This study is based on Lilo Linke's observations and research during her visit in Samsun in 1935. Using her travelogues, the purpose of the study is to handle and evaluate Samsun Poeple's House and its activities and thus in the context of People's Houses shed some light on the history of Samsun.
Nakhcıvan is an ancient place; the findings of archaeological excavations and research that the s... more Nakhcıvan is an ancient place; the findings of archaeological excavations and research that the settlement dates back to the Paleolitic era. Since ancient times, the strategic importance of Nakhchivan, due to its situation on the trade routes between Iran-Caucasia, the Black Sea-The Caspian Sea and Anatolia, led to many nations fighting for domination in the region. These nations included the Urartians, Meds, Persians, the Kingdom of Seleukos, and the Sassanids. During the reign of Caliphate Osman, such towns as Dvin in Armenia and Tabriz in Iran, and then Nakhchivan, were taken. The Turks, who had started to settle in Azerbaijan during the reign of Abbasis, took the region during the period of Seljuks. During this period, Nakhchivan, which was considerably destroyed during the invasions of the Mongols, remained under the domination of the states of Golden Horde and Ilhans. In the 15th century, Akkoyunlus, Karakoyunlus, and the Safevis also fought for domination in the region. From 1514 onwards, Nakhcıvan slipped in and out of the Ottoman administration. In 1603, during the reign of Selim III, when the Celali events emerged, the Safevis retook Nakhcıvan. At the beginning of the 19th century, Caucasia was the location of the battle for domination between Russia and Iran, and in 1827 Nakcıvan was invaded by Russia following an expansionist policy. As result of their political, social, and economic purposes interests in the east, several western travelers and researchers visited the region. This interest increased, especially during the colonialism of the 19th century. Therefore, many western travelers and researchers visited the Ottoman lands in order to pursue their country's political and economic interests. Two such travelers were the American Board missionaries Eli Smith and H.G.O. Dwight, who came to the region in the first half of the 19th century during their visit to Anatolia, Armenia, and northwest Iran. Using the travelogues they recorded during their visit to Nakhcıvan, this study aims to evaluate the physical and socio-cultural structure of the region at the beginning of the 19th century and contribute to the history of the region.
bölgede siyasi hâkimiyet kurmasına sebep olmuştur. Ancak Kuzey Kafkasya,
19 yüzyılda Rus yayılmacılığına karşı verdiği bağımsızlık mücadelesiyle tüm
dünyanın dikkatini çekmiştir. Nakşibendi tarikatının bölgede kök salmasıyla
Müridizm adı verilen bir hareket oluşmuştur. Haraketin başına geçen liderler
(İmamlar), Ruslara karşı savaş ilan etmiş ve uzun yıllar Rusların bölgeyi ele
geçirmesinin önünde engel teşkil etmiştir. Bu haraket, Rusların bölgedeki
siyasi faaliyetleriyle yakından ilgilenen Batı’da merak uyandırmış ve bu konuda
birçok incelemeler yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Müridizm hareketinin son
İmamı olan ve Ruslara karşı 25 yıl mücadele yürüten İmam Şamil’in Depping ve
Dularier özelinde Fransız yazınına nasıl yansıdığını ele alarak değerlendirmek
ve böylece alanyazına katkılar sunmaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Fransız Yazını, Rusya, Kafkasya, Müridizm, İmam Şamil
bölgede siyasi hâkimiyet kurmasına sebep olmuştur. Ancak Kuzey Kafkasya,
19 yüzyılda Rus yayılmacılığına karşı verdiği bağımsızlık mücadelesiyle tüm
dünyanın dikkatini çekmiştir. Nakşibendi tarikatının bölgede kök salmasıyla
Müridizm adı verilen bir hareket oluşmuştur. Haraketin başına geçen liderler
(İmamlar), Ruslara karşı savaş ilan etmiş ve uzun yıllar Rusların bölgeyi ele
geçirmesinin önünde engel teşkil etmiştir. Bu haraket, Rusların bölgedeki
siyasi faaliyetleriyle yakından ilgilenen Batı’da merak uyandırmış ve bu konuda
birçok incelemeler yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Müridizm hareketinin son
İmamı olan ve Ruslara karşı 25 yıl mücadele yürüten İmam Şamil’in Depping ve
Dularier özelinde Fransız yazınına nasıl yansıdığını ele alarak değerlendirmek
ve böylece alanyazına katkılar sunmaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Fransız Yazını, Rusya, Kafkasya, Müridizm, İmam Şamil