Papers by Kazuhiko KONISHI
Molecular Ecology Resources, Oct 8, 2012
Leafminer flies, especially, Liriomyza huidobrensis, Liriomyza sativae and Liriomyza trifolii, ar... more Leafminer flies, especially, Liriomyza huidobrensis, Liriomyza sativae and Liriomyza trifolii, are quarantine species in many countries. Their morphological similarity makes identification difficult. To develop a rapid, reliable, sensitive and simple molecular identification method using multiplex PCR, we newly sequenced the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) genes of Liriomyza bryoniae, Liriomyza chinensis, L. huidobrensis, L. sativae, L. trifolii, Chromatomyia horticola and four parasitoid species. We aligned them with all the COI sequences of the leafminer flies found in the international DNA nucleotide sequence databases (DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank). We then designed species-specific primers to allow us to differentiate between L. bryoniae, L. chinensis, L. huidobrensis, L. sativae, and L. trifolii.
Journal of Hymenoptera Research
The present study reports the oviposition behavior of the ant parasitoid wasp, Ghilaromma orienta... more The present study reports the oviposition behavior of the ant parasitoid wasp, Ghilaromma orientalis, on an undescribed ant species from Lasius fuliginosus species group in Japan, illustrated by clear photographs. Previously, the oviposition behavior in the subfamily Hybrizontinae had been limited to species hovering on an ant trail and attacking larvae carried by worker ants. In contrast, in G. orientalis, whose oviposition behavior had not been reported to date, the wasp hung on the grass growing along the ants’ trail by its hind legs with its head down, and when workers with larvae pass by, directed its abdomen toward the larvae with its hind legs remaining on the grass. Our findings suggest that the subfamily Hybrizontinae employs two host-searching strategies—an active strategy previously known and the ambush-type host-searching strategy employed by G. orientalis. The ambush-type strategy affords G. orientalis the advantage of laying eggs in a narrow environment where wasps can...
The characters that define the subgenus Parabates of the genus Netelia are investigated. The shap... more The characters that define the subgenus Parabates of the genus Netelia are investigated. The shape of the basal apodeme of the aedeagus is considered to be a synapomorphy of this subgenus, suggesting the monophyly of Parabates. A new species, Netelia (Parabates) fusciapicalis n. sp. belonging to the ishiharai group is described from Taiwan, Vietnam and Laos. This is the sixth extant species of the subgenus, the first record of the genus Netelia from Vietnam and Laos, and the first record of the subgenus Parabates from Taiwan.
Subgenus <i>Parabates</i> Förster, 1869 <i>Parabates</i> Förster, 1869 (T... more Subgenus <i>Parabates</i> Förster, 1869 <i>Parabates</i> Förster, 1869 (Type species: <i>Parabatus nigricarpus</i> Thomson, 1888; desig. by Enderlein, 1912) <i>Parabatus</i> Thomson, 1888; emendation for <i>Parabates</i> <i>Opheltoideus</i> Ashmead, 1900 (Type species: <i>Opheltoideus johnsoni</i> Ashmead, 1900; monobasic); synonymized by Viereck (1912: 46). <b>Diagnosis</b>. Small sized species for the genus <i>Netelia</i>, length of fore wing 5.5–9.1 mm. Body yellow, whitish or reddish yellow in ground color. Occipital carina absent; lateral carina of scutellum distinct only on its anterior 1/3; propodeum faintly strigate on median portion, usually without sublateral crest; fore wing with 3rs-m absent or its anterior 1/2 present, 1cu-a antefurcal or slightly postfurcal to M&RS; hind tarsal claw with pectination not extending beyond apex; paramere with or without a spine on d...
<i>Pristaulacus ohishii</i> sp. n. (Figs 1–16) <b>Type material</b>. Holo... more <i>Pristaulacus ohishii</i> sp. n. (Figs 1–16) <b>Type material</b>. Holotype: &amp;female;, " Nara Park, Nara Ci., Nara Pref., JAPAN, 4-vi-1994, Hisashi OHISHI leg.", "H. Oishi Collection, 15. ix. 2001, [01-9]", (OMNH). Paratypes: 1&amp;male;, same data as for holotype except date, 12. vi. 1993, (OMNH); 1&amp;male;, same data as for holotype, (OMNH); 1&amp;male;, same data as for holotype except date, 13. vi. 1994, (OMNH); 1&amp;female;, same locality as for holotype, xii. 2007, S. Fujie, ex. 24. iv. 2008 from dead wood of <i>Litsea coreana</i> H. Léveillé, (OMNH); 1&amp;female;, Hirose-keikoku, Susami Town, Wakayama, Honshu, Japan, 11. i. 2016, S. Fujie, ex. pupal cell of <i>Leptoxenus ibidiiformis</i> Bates, 1877 in lumber of <i>Litsea coreana</i> H. Léveillé, (OMNH); 1&amp;female;, Mirodu, Susami Town, Wakayama, Honshu, Japan, S. Fujie, (EUMJ); 6&amp;male;, Ômasu, Kami-tsushima, Tsushima Island, N34.61 E129.45, 10 m asl, 15. vi. 2015, Y. Komeda, (4&amp;male; in EUMJ, 2&amp;male; in OMNH). &amp;female;. Body length 10.1–11.8 mm (11.8 mm); fore wing length 7.7–9.0 mm (9.0 mm); ovipositor length 6.5–8.2 mm (8.2 mm). Color. Black (Fig. 1); ventral side of scape brownish yellow (Fig. 7); apical 2/3 of mandible brown (Fig. 3); fore and mid legs reddish yellow except coxae; basal and apical portions of hind femur and tibia yellowish brown; hind tarsus whitish yellow; metasoma with ventral half of 1st segment, 2nd segment and ventral half of 3rd segment brownish red; ovipositor brown. Wings (Figs 12 &amp; 13) hyaline and tinged with brown; stigma and veins of fore wing and R+Rs of hind wing brown; M+Cu of hind wing weakly pigmented; r-m, 2M and Cu of hind wing pale brown; distal 2/5 of 1st submarginal cell, basal 1/6 of marginal cell and basal 1/2 of 2nd submarginal cell except along 2-M brown. Setae on body yellowish white; setae on legs white except hind tibia brown. Head (Figs 3–6) polished and punctulate with setae; face, clypeus and gena densely punctate with setae; head in dorsal view, 1.2× as wide as long, wit [...]
FIGURE 2. Apophysius baolocensis sp. nov., holotype female: a. lateral view of head and mesosoma;... more FIGURE 2. Apophysius baolocensis sp. nov., holotype female: a. lateral view of head and mesosoma; b. dorsal view of head and mesoscutum; c. face; d. dorsal view of scutellum; e. dorsal view of propodeum (scale bar for Figs 2a, 2b = 1 mm, for Figs 2c, 2d, 2e = 0.5 mm)
FIGURE 1. a. Apophysius bakeri Cushman, holotype female (source: NMNH); b. Apophysius baolocensis... more FIGURE 1. a. Apophysius bakeri Cushman, holotype female (source: NMNH); b. Apophysius baolocensis sp. nov., holotype female; c. Apophysius constrictus sp. nov., holotype female; d. Apophysius latus sp. nov., holotype female; e. Apophysius takasukai sp. nov., holotype female; f. Apophysius taynguyenensis sp. nov., holotype female
FIGURE 8. Apophysius unicolor, male from Pindong, Taiwan: a. dorsal view of head and mesoscutum; ... more FIGURE 8. Apophysius unicolor, male from Pindong, Taiwan: a. dorsal view of head and mesoscutum; c. lateral view of head and mesosoma; Apophysius rufus, male from Pingtung, Taiwan: b. dorsal view of head and mesoscutum; d. lateral view of head and mesosoma (scale bar = 1 mm)
FIGURE 6. Apophysius takasukai sp. nov., holotype female: a. face; b. dorsal view of mesosoma, c.... more FIGURE 6. Apophysius takasukai sp. nov., holotype female: a. face; b. dorsal view of mesosoma, c. propodeum; d. wings (scale bar for Figs 2a, 2c = 0.5 mm)
FIGURE 5. Apophysius pentaceratops sp. nov., holotype female: a. lateral view; b. face; c. latera... more FIGURE 5. Apophysius pentaceratops sp. nov., holotype female: a. lateral view; b. face; c. lateral view of propodeum
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 1, 2022
The third species of the subgenus Monomacrodon, Netelia (M.) maculata new species is described fr... more The third species of the subgenus Monomacrodon, Netelia (M.) maculata new species is described from the montane areas of Laos and Vietnam. In addition, N. (M.) bicolor is newly recorded from Taiwan and Vietnam. The ovarian eggs of this subgenus are described and figured for the first time. A key to three known species of the subgenus Monomacrodon is presented.
FIGURES 69 – 72. Netelia (Bessobates) nigridorsalis. 69, Female; 71 – 73, male; 69, habitus in la... more FIGURES 69 – 72. Netelia (Bessobates) nigridorsalis. 69, Female; 71 – 73, male; 69, habitus in lateral view; 70, head in dorsal view; 71, head in frontal view; 72, mesosoma in dorsal view.
Zootaxa, Aug 12, 2020
Japanese species of the genus Aulacus Jurine are revised and seven species are recognized. Two ne... more Japanese species of the genus Aulacus Jurine are revised and seven species are recognized. Two new species, A. davidi sp. n. and A. shizukii sp. n. are described. In addition, A. flavigenis Alekseev and A. sinensis He &amp; Chen are newly recorded from the Japanese archipelago. Male genitalia of three species, i.e., A. davidi, A. flavigenis and A. sinensis, are described for the first time. An identification key for Japanese species and DNA barcoding data for A. davidi, A. machaerophorus Kuroda, Kikuchi &amp; Konishi and A. sinensis are also provided.
Zootaxa, Jun 23, 2020
The phygadeuontine genus Apophysius (Ichneumonidae) is reviewed for the first time. Six new speci... more The phygadeuontine genus Apophysius (Ichneumonidae) is reviewed for the first time. Six new species are described, A. baolocensis Pham, Matsumoto &amp; Broad sp. nov., A. constrictus Pham, Matsumoto &amp; Broad sp. nov. and A. taynguyenensis Pham, Matsumoto &amp; Broad sp. nov. from the Central Highlands of Vietnam, A. latus Pham, Matsumoto, Konishi, Sheng &amp; Broad sp. nov. from China and Vietnam, A. takasukai Pham, Konishi &amp; Broad sp. nov. from the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, and A. pentaceratops Broad sp. nov. from Sarawak, Malaysia. A key to the nine known species of the genus Apophysius is included.
昆蟲, Mar 25, 1996
The subgenus Paropheltes of the genus Netelia of Japan is revised. Seven species are recognized. ... more The subgenus Paropheltes of the genus Netelia of Japan is revised. Seven species are recognized. Three new species, N. (P.) fulginosa, N. (P.) brunea and N. (P.) strigosa, are described. N. (P.) savchenkoi TOLKANITZ is transferred from the subgenus Netelia, recorded from Japan for the first time and redescribed. N. (P.) terebrator ( ULBRICHT) is recorded from Japan for the first time and redescribed. N. (P.) caucasica ( KOKUJEV) and N. (P.) tarsata ( BRISCHKE) are redescribed. A key to the Japanese species of Paropheltes is also given.
Entomological Science, Jun 25, 2001
Zootaxa, Feb 3, 2019
Two new species of the genus Pristaulacus, P. ohishii sp. nov. and P. uenoi sp. nov. are describe... more Two new species of the genus Pristaulacus, P. ohishii sp. nov. and P. uenoi sp. nov. are described from Japan. The former species belongs to the comptipennis species group in having the strongly concaved occipital margin, and is peculiar in the species group in having the combination of the interrupted occipital carina and a broadly rounded and shallow occipital medial groove. The latter species resembles P. ryukyuensis in having the occipital carina not interrupted, the anterior margin of mesoscutum in lateral view acute and veins M+Cu, r-m and Cu of hind wing not pigmented, but they can be easily distinguished by the coloration of mesosoma and the dark spots of fore wing.
Entomological Science, Apr 4, 2012
The parasitoid Gronotoma adachiae is reported from Vietnam for the first time. The vegetable leaf... more The parasitoid Gronotoma adachiae is reported from Vietnam for the first time. The vegetable leaf miner Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is a new host record. The G. adachiae specimens collected in Yunnan Province are the second record of this parasitoid from China.
Papers by Kazuhiko KONISHI