Papers by Kornelia Kissfazekas
AR: Arhitektura, Raziskave, 2013
Present essay summarises the history of two Hungarian towns related to centralising institutional... more Present essay summarises the history of two Hungarian towns related to centralising institutional development in the State Socialist Era, both are characteristic, although still unique in many respect.As these buildings of special importance were built typically in central areas, their relationship with the already existing historic centres is an important question. For me one of the main conclusions of the presented two examples is that a basically positive development decision regarding urban structure later can take different directions in the course of "refining" development schemes, and architectural detailing. While development in Kecskemét became fiasco because of its disproportion, neglect of contextual scale, in Szekszárd the presence of the building ensemble is acceptable because of the refined balance of architectural details, and it is reinforcing the urban ideas.
The design of successful public spaces is not merely a simple stylistic problem, but also a refle... more The design of successful public spaces is not merely a simple stylistic problem, but also a reflection on the social circumstances of a certain era, an architectural answer to the demands of society (Shields 1986). By following the continuous change in public spaces, we can observe a particular slice of history. This study is an investigation of the changing roles of two very different types of public spaces common in Hungary: the new urban squares of the '50s and the centres built in the '70s for public institutions. The study accomplishes this primarily by analysing them within their different contexts. The conclusion of this study is that public squares built in the communist period can meet contemporary space use demands in different ways. However these square types’ problems have great differences in scale and nature, during their renewals the deep knowledge of their history is essential. This is the precondition to creation public spaces that are intimately linked to t...
Épités - Épitészettudomány, 2013
The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of the ‘emblematic’ public buildings of the sta... more The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of the ‘emblematic’ public buildings of the state socialist era on the development of urban centres through examples of Hungarian rural towns. As these buildings of special importance were built typically in central areas, their relationship with the already existing historic centres is an important question.This paper aims to focus on three important contextual layers which represent significant dimensions of the urban structure (urban corpus context, urban fabric context, urban design context).This multi-layer context analysis can be considered as a new and efficient method. It can be adapted very well to analyse environmental relationships of various developments, such as housing estates or city centres. | Az államszocialista intézményegyüttesek városi kontextusa. Jelen tanulmány az államszocialista korszak sokfele elterjedt, „emblematikusnak” szánt intézményépületeinek városi hatásait vizsgálja magyar vidéki városok példáit alapul véve. Mivel e kiemelt szerepű épületek jellemzően városközponti helyzetben épültek, elemzésükkor megkerülhetetlen a meglévő történelmi központokkal való viszonyuk, kontextusuk kérdése.A lehetséges kontextus-elemzések közül jelen tanulmány három, a városi kapcsolatok szempontjából legmeghatározóbb réteget (várostest-kontextus, városszövet-kontextus, városépítészeti kontextus) emeli ki.E több-szintű kontextus elemzés, mint módszer új, hatékony eszköznek tekinthető, amely más típusú építések — például a lakótelepek és a városközpontok — környezeti kapcsolatainak elemzésekor is kiválóan alkalmazható
Épités - Épitészettudomány, 2008
A varoskozpont mint a funkcionalis es szellemi tartalmak hordozoja minden tortenelmi korszak szam... more A varoskozpont mint a funkcionalis es szellemi tartalmak hordozoja minden tortenelmi korszak szamara magaba gyűjtotte a fontosabb szerepkoroket. Tenyleges kozpontkent, a kulonboző varosi kapcsolatok terbeli es tarsadalmi erővonalainak magneses fokuszakent műkodott.__
Épités - Épitészettudomány, 2014
Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, 2014
and Economics were organised around the topic of the River Danube. Working on its own subject mat... more and Economics were organised around the topic of the River Danube. Working on its own subject matter, each student study group analysed the situation, relationships and visions for the islands situated in Budapest, later focusing on Népsziget, determining their urban context and possibilities for development. The workshop resulted in several findings related to the subject area. The most significant of these is the realization that, in spite of the special role and position the islands have in Budapest, not only is this uniqueness hard to grasp, but also how difficult it is to put forward as a bold vision for the future. This realization inspired the paper, which, in addition to the summary of the islands unique situation, introduces several international examples, and finally presents the main differences in the approaches of the student's plans.
Cities, 2015
During the state socialist era, a small number of New Towns were also built in Hungary. Few of th... more During the state socialist era, a small number of New Towns were also built in Hungary. Few of these were true 'green-field' projects, as most of them were developed into larger towns from one or more smaller settlements. Nevertheless, we can still call them New Towns, since they were turned into cities of national importance in a short time through a conceptual construction process. They provide many lessons to be learned. The heyday of their construction lasted a few years beginning from the early 50s, the period when Hungary underwent significant changes in political and social values which noticeably left their mark on our built environment. According to the contemporary press, the building of these towns was also a kind of experiment. Today this is well-known. Also, it is clear that these towns should be much more flexible in order to adapt to the many changes of the past 65 years. The following paper analyses the first two Hungarian socialist New Towns to be constructed. It describes the political context, the political and economic reasons behind the construction of industrial New Towns, and their impact on the planning process, structure and architecture of these settlements. Regarding the questions of how a municipality can deal with this kind of historic heritage today and whether it can replace its lost identity with new elements in a very different social political situation, it highlights the role of reinterpretations of central public areas in (mental and physical) urban renewal.
Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, 2008
Papers by Kornelia Kissfazekas