International Conference on Information Technology, Oct 21, 2015
Quality of a university can be seen in the average of how long a collage student take to graduate... more Quality of a university can be seen in the average of how long a collage student take to graduate, how long for graduates to have a job also can be seen in study time in university. Every university study time will variate with different student in the university.Every major responsible for study development of scholars.They also have a task to predict study time length of every college student to decide and anticipate student who skip class that will cause a bad result in major performance. It is important to be done, especially in Informatics and Business Institute Darmajaya to maintain quality and performance of each major. Because of that reason, writer did research with title Implementation of Naïve Bayes Classification Method to Predict Graduation Time of IBI Darmajaya Scholar to understand about average study time of each college student.
Abstrak Proses Pembelajaran yang baik haruslah memuat aspek interaktif, menyenangkan, memotivasi,... more Abstrak Proses Pembelajaran yang baik haruslah memuat aspek interaktif, menyenangkan, memotivasi, dan memberikan ruang yang lebih bagi siswa untuk dapat mengembangkan kreativitas dan kemandirian, sesuai dengan bakat dan minat siswa. Media pembelajaran yang menarik juga sangat diperlukan bagi siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, dikarenakan dalam pembelajaran Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan lebih mengutamakan praktikum dari pada teori. Perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan media yaitu untuk tujuan pembelajaran yang efektif, mudah diperoleh peserta didik serta penggunaan yang tidak kaku. Salah satu perkembangan media pembelajaran yang saat ini masih baru adalah media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality merupakan aplikasi dua dimensi maupun tiga dimensi yang diproyeksikan dalam sebuah lingkungan nyata dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Augmented Reality dapat digunakan dalam hiburan, kedokteran, mekanik, dan media pembelajaran. Augmented Reality dapat dibangun dengan me...
Interest is the personal intention and related to attitude.Individuals who are interested in obje... more Interest is the personal intention and related to attitude.Individuals who are interested in object s have strength and desires to approach or posses the object s . Consumer s’ buying interest can be seen from many aspects . O ne of the aspects is sales. Sales are the important element in marketing divisions of a company to obtain more profits in order to continue the business es . Kelumer Bayau is the company engaged in marketing and selling sofas with 8 - year experience . Kelumer Bayau has a high quality with very competitive prices. The formulation of this research was how Kelumer Bayau predicted or determined the customer s’ buying interest on the sale s of furniture based on recorded data. The prediction was based on the owner s’ decision to determine a number of goods provided by the company and to avoid the a large quantities of goods. Therefore, the objective of this research was predict ing and determining the customer s’ buying interest using Naive Bayes Clasification alg...
The community service activities carried out by community service teams of IIB Darmajaya is part ... more The community service activities carried out by community service teams of IIB Darmajaya is part of the scheme of Entrepreneurship Development Program from Kemenristekdikti grant. The focus of Entrepreneurship Development Program are the implementation of the campus entrepreneurial atmosphere development model through the integration of various functions at the Campus of IIB Darmajaya, starting from strengthening busines and technology incubator, colaboration of various campus internal department, establishing an academic system which supports entrepreneurial learning, introducing information technological based creative economy to students as the foundation for their business and the involvement of entreprenuerial community. The community service methods were carried out are seminars, lectures, training and workshop, consultation to coordination with stakeholder which have important role in determining the success of tenants on developing their business. The results of this communi...
Pengelolaan manajemen penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat mempunyai tugas pokok untuk memberikan... more Pengelolaan manajemen penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat mempunyai tugas pokok untuk memberikan pelayanan teknis dan administrasi pengelolaan penelitian kepada seluruh peneliti di lingkungan Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya. Upaya mendukung layanan dan kinerja LP4M, maka perlu menggunakan sistem informasi manajemen berbasis web yang memudahkan pengguna dan pengelola melakukan perannya masing-masing. Oleh karena itu, penting adanya sebuah system yang merupakan wadah bagi para peneliti untuk mengelola penelitiannya sendiri, dan memudahkan pengelola dalam menunjang kegiatan operasional seperti pendaftaran proposal penelitian, proses penilaian, proses monitoring dan pelaporan.
Quality of a university can be seen in the average of howlong a collage student take to graduate,... more Quality of a university can be seen in the average of howlong a collage student take to graduate, how long forgraduates to have a job also can be seen in study time inuniversity. Every university study time will variate withdifferent student in the university.Every major responsiblefor study development of scholars.They also have a task topredict study time length of every college student to decideand anticipate student who skip class that will cause a badresult in major performance.It is important to be done, especially in Informatics andBusiness Institute Darmajaya to maintain quality andperformance of each major. Because of that reason, writerdid research with title Implementation of Naive BayesClassification Method to Predict Graduation Time ofIBI Darmajaya Scholar to understand about averagestudy time of each college student. Key Words: Naive Bayes Classification, Predict, ScholarGraduation.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Darmajaya, Aug 30, 2019
Sebuah ide kreatif seorang guru sangat diperlukan untuk dapat mengubah situasi pembelajaran menja... more Sebuah ide kreatif seorang guru sangat diperlukan untuk dapat mengubah situasi pembelajaran menjadi menarik dan efektif sekaligus mengajak siswa lebih aktif. Jika saat ini adalah era teknologi digital, ada kemungkinan ide pembelajaran yang di kembangkan adalah lebih banyak berhubungan dengan teknologi digital karena secara mayoritas siswa akan lebih tertarik menghadapi sesuatu yang up to date. Dalam era globalisasi persoalan-persoalan yang muncul dalam pembelajaran salah satunya harus diantisipasi dengan inovasi-inovasi terhadap model pembelajaran atau media pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran secara umum adalah alat bantu proses dalam belajar mengajar. Media pembelajaran dapat dipergunakan untuk merangsang pikiran, perasaan, perhatian dan kemampuan atau keterampilan belajar sehingga dapat mendorong terjadinya proses belajar yang lebih efektif. Penelitian ini akan mengembangkan sebuah media pembelajaran menggunakan teknologi augmented reality. Augmented reality adalah teknologi yang menggabungkan benda maya dua dimensi dan ataupun tiga dimensi ke dalam sebuah lingkungan nyata tiga dimensi lalu memproyeksikan benda-benda maya tersebut dalam real time [1],[2],[3],[4]. Media pembelajaran berbasis augmented reality dapat memvisualisasikan konsep abstrak untuk pemahaman dan struktur suatu model objek memungkinkan augmented reality sebagai media yang lebih efektif sesuai dengan tujuan dari media pembelajaran.
Abstract---Currently there is euphoria among college librarians. The trigger for the situation is... more Abstract---Currently there is euphoria among college librarians. The trigger for the situation is related to the widespread development of digital-based library concepts. According to Oppenheim and Smithson a digital library is an information service where all information sources are available / processed in computers and the functions of acquisition / retrieval, storage, retrieval, access and display using digital technology. The problem in this study is how to build digital library management. This study aims to design digital-based library management. The result of this research that digital library programs have been made from the initial display into digital libraries to the process of borrowing books, but the appearance of digital libraries is still simple. Keywords---Digital Library, Library Management
International Conference on Information Technology, Oct 21, 2015
Quality of a university can be seen in the average of how long a collage student take to graduate... more Quality of a university can be seen in the average of how long a collage student take to graduate, how long for graduates to have a job also can be seen in study time in university. Every university study time will variate with different student in the university.Every major responsible for study development of scholars.They also have a task to predict study time length of every college student to decide and anticipate student who skip class that will cause a bad result in major performance. It is important to be done, especially in Informatics and Business Institute Darmajaya to maintain quality and performance of each major. Because of that reason, writer did research with title Implementation of Naïve Bayes Classification Method to Predict Graduation Time of IBI Darmajaya Scholar to understand about average study time of each college student.
Abstrak Proses Pembelajaran yang baik haruslah memuat aspek interaktif, menyenangkan, memotivasi,... more Abstrak Proses Pembelajaran yang baik haruslah memuat aspek interaktif, menyenangkan, memotivasi, dan memberikan ruang yang lebih bagi siswa untuk dapat mengembangkan kreativitas dan kemandirian, sesuai dengan bakat dan minat siswa. Media pembelajaran yang menarik juga sangat diperlukan bagi siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, dikarenakan dalam pembelajaran Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan lebih mengutamakan praktikum dari pada teori. Perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan media yaitu untuk tujuan pembelajaran yang efektif, mudah diperoleh peserta didik serta penggunaan yang tidak kaku. Salah satu perkembangan media pembelajaran yang saat ini masih baru adalah media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality merupakan aplikasi dua dimensi maupun tiga dimensi yang diproyeksikan dalam sebuah lingkungan nyata dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Augmented Reality dapat digunakan dalam hiburan, kedokteran, mekanik, dan media pembelajaran. Augmented Reality dapat dibangun dengan me...
Interest is the personal intention and related to attitude.Individuals who are interested in obje... more Interest is the personal intention and related to attitude.Individuals who are interested in object s have strength and desires to approach or posses the object s . Consumer s’ buying interest can be seen from many aspects . O ne of the aspects is sales. Sales are the important element in marketing divisions of a company to obtain more profits in order to continue the business es . Kelumer Bayau is the company engaged in marketing and selling sofas with 8 - year experience . Kelumer Bayau has a high quality with very competitive prices. The formulation of this research was how Kelumer Bayau predicted or determined the customer s’ buying interest on the sale s of furniture based on recorded data. The prediction was based on the owner s’ decision to determine a number of goods provided by the company and to avoid the a large quantities of goods. Therefore, the objective of this research was predict ing and determining the customer s’ buying interest using Naive Bayes Clasification alg...
The community service activities carried out by community service teams of IIB Darmajaya is part ... more The community service activities carried out by community service teams of IIB Darmajaya is part of the scheme of Entrepreneurship Development Program from Kemenristekdikti grant. The focus of Entrepreneurship Development Program are the implementation of the campus entrepreneurial atmosphere development model through the integration of various functions at the Campus of IIB Darmajaya, starting from strengthening busines and technology incubator, colaboration of various campus internal department, establishing an academic system which supports entrepreneurial learning, introducing information technological based creative economy to students as the foundation for their business and the involvement of entreprenuerial community. The community service methods were carried out are seminars, lectures, training and workshop, consultation to coordination with stakeholder which have important role in determining the success of tenants on developing their business. The results of this communi...
Pengelolaan manajemen penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat mempunyai tugas pokok untuk memberikan... more Pengelolaan manajemen penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat mempunyai tugas pokok untuk memberikan pelayanan teknis dan administrasi pengelolaan penelitian kepada seluruh peneliti di lingkungan Institut Informatika dan Bisnis Darmajaya. Upaya mendukung layanan dan kinerja LP4M, maka perlu menggunakan sistem informasi manajemen berbasis web yang memudahkan pengguna dan pengelola melakukan perannya masing-masing. Oleh karena itu, penting adanya sebuah system yang merupakan wadah bagi para peneliti untuk mengelola penelitiannya sendiri, dan memudahkan pengelola dalam menunjang kegiatan operasional seperti pendaftaran proposal penelitian, proses penilaian, proses monitoring dan pelaporan.
Quality of a university can be seen in the average of howlong a collage student take to graduate,... more Quality of a university can be seen in the average of howlong a collage student take to graduate, how long forgraduates to have a job also can be seen in study time inuniversity. Every university study time will variate withdifferent student in the university.Every major responsiblefor study development of scholars.They also have a task topredict study time length of every college student to decideand anticipate student who skip class that will cause a badresult in major performance.It is important to be done, especially in Informatics andBusiness Institute Darmajaya to maintain quality andperformance of each major. Because of that reason, writerdid research with title Implementation of Naive BayesClassification Method to Predict Graduation Time ofIBI Darmajaya Scholar to understand about averagestudy time of each college student. Key Words: Naive Bayes Classification, Predict, ScholarGraduation.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Darmajaya, Aug 30, 2019
Sebuah ide kreatif seorang guru sangat diperlukan untuk dapat mengubah situasi pembelajaran menja... more Sebuah ide kreatif seorang guru sangat diperlukan untuk dapat mengubah situasi pembelajaran menjadi menarik dan efektif sekaligus mengajak siswa lebih aktif. Jika saat ini adalah era teknologi digital, ada kemungkinan ide pembelajaran yang di kembangkan adalah lebih banyak berhubungan dengan teknologi digital karena secara mayoritas siswa akan lebih tertarik menghadapi sesuatu yang up to date. Dalam era globalisasi persoalan-persoalan yang muncul dalam pembelajaran salah satunya harus diantisipasi dengan inovasi-inovasi terhadap model pembelajaran atau media pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran secara umum adalah alat bantu proses dalam belajar mengajar. Media pembelajaran dapat dipergunakan untuk merangsang pikiran, perasaan, perhatian dan kemampuan atau keterampilan belajar sehingga dapat mendorong terjadinya proses belajar yang lebih efektif. Penelitian ini akan mengembangkan sebuah media pembelajaran menggunakan teknologi augmented reality. Augmented reality adalah teknologi yang menggabungkan benda maya dua dimensi dan ataupun tiga dimensi ke dalam sebuah lingkungan nyata tiga dimensi lalu memproyeksikan benda-benda maya tersebut dalam real time [1],[2],[3],[4]. Media pembelajaran berbasis augmented reality dapat memvisualisasikan konsep abstrak untuk pemahaman dan struktur suatu model objek memungkinkan augmented reality sebagai media yang lebih efektif sesuai dengan tujuan dari media pembelajaran.
Abstract---Currently there is euphoria among college librarians. The trigger for the situation is... more Abstract---Currently there is euphoria among college librarians. The trigger for the situation is related to the widespread development of digital-based library concepts. According to Oppenheim and Smithson a digital library is an information service where all information sources are available / processed in computers and the functions of acquisition / retrieval, storage, retrieval, access and display using digital technology. The problem in this study is how to build digital library management. This study aims to design digital-based library management. The result of this research that digital library programs have been made from the initial display into digital libraries to the process of borrowing books, but the appearance of digital libraries is still simple. Keywords---Digital Library, Library Management
Papers by Ketut Artaye