Localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) caused by Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis is an endemic d... more Localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) caused by Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis is an endemic disease in Panama. This condition causes ulcerated skin lesions characterized by a mixed Th1/Th2 immune response that is responsible for disease pathology. However, the maintenance of the in situ inflammatory process involves other elements, such as Th17 and inflammasome responses. Although these processes are associated with parasite elimination, their role in the increase in disease pathology cannot be discarded. Thus, the role in Leishmania infection is still unclear. In this sense, the present study aimed at characterizing the Th17 and inflammasome responses in the skin lesions of patients with LCL caused by L. (V.) panamensis to help elucidate the pathogenesis of this disease in Panama. Th17 and inflammasome responses were evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHQ) in 46 skin biopsies from patients with LCL caused by L. (V.) panamensis. The Th17 immune response was assessed using CD3, C...
Revista Médica de Panamá - ISSN 2412-642X, Jan 23, 2018
Resumen En la ultima decada el diagnostico histopatologico se ha vuelto un determinante important... more Resumen En la ultima decada el diagnostico histopatologico se ha vuelto un determinante importante para el tratamiento del cancer de pulmon de celulas no pequenas (CPCNP). Un numero creciente de pacientes se benefician de terapias blancos dirigidas a alteraciones moleculares particulares (Mutaciones, genes de Fusion...etc.), por lo tanto, el diagnostico preciso y las pruebas de laboratorio basadas en biomarcadores predictivos para la determinacion de los pacientes que mas probablemente respondan a las terapias blanco, representan un cambio en el paradigma diagnostico del cancer de pulmon y son ahora un estandar[1]. El diagnostico histopatologico del cancer de pulmon es un proceso de multiples pasos que inicia con el diagnostico morfologico para determinar el tipo histologico (refinado por la inmuno-histoquimica en los casos requeridos), seguido de la caracterizacion molecular del tumor. La creciente complejidad del algoritmo diagnostico representa nuevos retos para los pacientes con cancer de pulmon, dentro de los cuales destaca la disponibilidad de suficiente tejido para realizacion de todas las pruebas moleculares. La mayoria de los CPCNP son diagnosticados en etapas avanzadas de la enfermedad, por lo que las grandes muestras de tumor (reseccion quirurgica) se obtienen solo en unos pocos casos. Por lo tanto, es imperativo que toda adquisicion de tejido tumoral se maximice para lograr realizar las pruebas moleculares requeridas. El rol del equipo multidisciplinario que incluye al neumologo, radiologo, patologo, cirujano toracico y oncologo es esencial para determinar el mejor abordaje de cada paciente[2,3]. [Pathology and Molecular Studies in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (CPCNP): 2nd national consensus of the Panamanian Oncology Society (SPO).] Abstract In the last decade, histopathological diagnosis has become an important determinant for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A growing number of patients benefit from therapies targeting particular molecular alterations (Mutations, Fusion genes... etc.), thus accurate diagnosis and laboratory tests based on predictive biomarkers for the determination of patients who more likely to respond to target therapies, represent a change in the diagnostic paradigm of lung cancer and are now a standard[1]. The histopathological diagnosis of lung cancer is a multi-step process that begins with the morphological diagnosis to determine the histological type (refined by immunohistochemistry in the required cases), followed by the molecular characterization of the tumor. The increasing complexity of the diagnostic algorithm represents new challenges for patients with lung cancer, in which the availability of sufficient tissue for the realization of all molecular tests stands out. Most NSCLC are diagnosed in advanced stages of the disease, so large tumor samples (surgical resection) are obtained only in a few cases. Therefore, it is imperative that any acquisition of tumor tissue is maximized to achieve the required molecular tests. The role of the multidisciplinary team that includes the pulmonologist, radiologist, pathologist, thoracic surgeon and oncologist is essential to determine the best approach for each patient[2,3].
Background: Despite high efficacy in clinical trials for stroke prevention, oral anticoagulant (O... more Background: Despite high efficacy in clinical trials for stroke prevention, oral anticoagulant (OAC) therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) remains vastly underutilized in real world practice. Earlier studies have suggested that important subgroups (elderly, women, blacks) may be especially prone to under treatment. Our objective was to examine the patterns of antithrombotic medication use following an AF-related stroke within a Stroke Clinical Network. The Stroke Clinical Network consists of nine stroke centers located in rural, suburban and urban geographical regions. Methods: The GWTG registry was queried (calendar years 2014-2018) to identify ischemic stroke patients discharged with AF and age, gender, race and discharge antithrombotic medications. We evaluated patterns of medication use across the entire network and also among women, elderly patients (>80 years), and blacks vs. whites. Fisher’s exact test was used to assess statistical differences between subgroup...
Les Processus Markoviens Deterministes par Morceaux (PDMP) ont ete introduits dans la litterature... more Les Processus Markoviens Deterministes par Morceaux (PDMP) ont ete introduits dans la litterature par M.H.A Davis comme une classe generale de modeles stochastiques. Les PDMP forment une famille de processus markoviens qui decrivent une trajectoire deterministe ponctuee par des sauts aleatoires. Dans une premiere partie, les PDMP sont utilises pour calculer des probabilites d'evenements redoutes pour un cas-test de la fiabilite dynamique (le reservoir chauffe) par deux methodes numeriques differentes : la premiere est basee sur la resolution du systeme differentieldecrivant l'evolution physique du reservoir et la seconde utilise le calcul de l'esperancede la fonctionnelle d'un PDMP par un systeme d'equations integro-differentielles.Dans la seconde partie, nous proposons une methode numerique pour approcher lafonction valeur du probleme d'arret optimal pour un PDMP. Notre approche estbasee sur la quantification de la position apres saut et le temps inter-sauts...
Cette these de doctorat porte sur l’optimisation du bioprocede de production d’acide lactique a p... more Cette these de doctorat porte sur l’optimisation du bioprocede de production d’acide lactique a partir de la farine de ble. L'acide lactique s’avere en effet de plus en plus attractif pour la production de PLA (acide poly lactique), un bio polymere, d’autant plus que differentes matieres premieres peu couteuses comme la farine de ble sont desormais utilisees comme sources de carbone pour sa production. Cette these comprend trois parties principales. Une premiere partie propose pour l’optimisation du procede de transformation du ble un schema innovant compose de trois etapes successives : une liquefaction, suivi d’une etape de saccharification et hydrolyse des proteines simultanees (SSPH) et une etape finale de saccharification, hydrolyse des proteines et fermentation simultanees (SSPHF). La deuxieme partie s’interesse a la modelisation de l’etape SSPHF (etape limitante) dans un bioreacteur continu. La determination des parametres du modele ainsi que leur validation sont realisee...
Identificar el aporte de la Gestion Asociada y la metodologia de prospectiva al fortalecimiento d... more Identificar el aporte de la Gestion Asociada y la metodologia de prospectiva al fortalecimiento del proceso de planeacion-gestion participativa de la mesa de participacion del Colegio Dios es Amor que contribuya a la puesta en marcha de un proyecto en el marco del Decreto 236 en el municipio de Soacha.
Background Despite the increasing interest in cardiac autonomic nervous activity, the normal deve... more Background Despite the increasing interest in cardiac autonomic nervous activity, the normal development is not fully understood. The main aim was to determine the maturation of different cardiac sympathetic‐(SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activity parameters in healthy patients aged 0.5 to 20 years. A second aim was to determine potential sex differences. Methods and Results Five studies covering the 0.5‐ to 20‐year age range provided impedance‐ and electrocardiography recordings from which heart rate, different PNS‐parameters (eg, respiratory sinus arrhythmia) and an SNS‐parameter (pre‐ejection period) were collected. Age trends were computed in the mean values across 12 age‐bins and in the age‐specific variances. Age was associated with changes in mean and variance of all parameters. PNS‐activity followed a cubic trend, with an exponential increase from infancy, a plateau phase during middle childhood, followed by a decrease to adolescence. SNS‐activity showed a mo...
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, but there are currently no... more Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, but there are currently no available methods to stimulate growth or regeneration of artery networks in diseased hearts. Studying how arteries are built during embryonic development could illuminate strategies for re-building these vessels in the setting of ischemic heart disease. We previously found, using loss-of-function experiments, that the transcription factorDach1is required for coronary artery development in mouse embryos. Here, we report thatDach1overexpression in endothelial cells (ECs) extended coronary arteries and improved survival and heart function in adult mice following myocardial infarction (MI).Dach1overexpression increased the length and number of arterial end branches, in both heart and retinal vasculature, by causing additional capillary ECs to differentiate into arterial ECs and contribute to growing arteries. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) of ECs undergoingDach1-induced arterial spec...
Highlights d Human atlas of limb skeletal muscle in embryonic, fetal, and adult tissues d Human l... more Highlights d Human atlas of limb skeletal muscle in embryonic, fetal, and adult tissues d Human limb skeletal muscle populations and supportive cells vary across development d PAX7 muscle progenitor and stem cells are not identical across developmental states d hPSC-PAX7 cells align to the embryonic-to-fetal transition in human development
In this paper we develop a novel algorithm to identify an auto-regressive with exogenous signal s... more In this paper we develop a novel algorithm to identify an auto-regressive with exogenous signal system utilizing quantized output data. We use the Expectation-Maximization algorithm to obtain the Maximum Likelihood estimate.
ABSTRACTSkp1 is an adapter that links F-box proteins to cullin-1 in the Skp1/cullin-1/F-box (SCF)... more ABSTRACTSkp1 is an adapter that links F-box proteins to cullin-1 in the Skp1/cullin-1/F-box (SCF) protein family of E3 ubiquitin ligases that targets specific proteins for polyubiquitination and subsequent protein degradation. Skp1 from the amoebozoan Dictyostelium forms a stable homodimer in vitro with a Kd of 2.5 µM as determined by sedimentation velocity studies, yet is monomeric in crystal complexes with F-box proteins. To investigate the molecular basis for the difference, we determined the solution NMR structure of a doubly truncated Skp1 homodimer (Skp1ΔΔ). The solution structure of Skp1ΔΔ dimer reveals a 2-fold symmetry with an interface that buries ∼750 Å2 of predominantly hydrophobic surface. The dimer interface overlaps with subsite-1 of the F-box interaction area, explaining why only the Skp1 monomer binds F-box proteins (FBPs). To confirm the model, Rosetta was used to predict amino acid substitutions that might disrupt the dimer interface, and the F97E substitution was...
General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public port... more General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
Previous studies have reported reduced cortical thickness and surface area and altered gyrificati... more Previous studies have reported reduced cortical thickness and surface area and altered gyrification in frontal and temporal regions in adolescents with conduct disorder (CD). Although there is evidence that the clinical phenotype of CD differs between males and females, no studies have examined whether such sex differences extend to cortical and subcortical structure. Method: As part of a European multisite study (Fem-NAT-CD), structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data were collected from 48 female and 48 male participants with CD and from 104 sex-, age-, and pubertal-statusÀmatched controls (14-18 years of age). Data were analyzed using surface-based morphometry, testing for effects of sex, diagnosis, and sex-by-diagnosis interactions, while controlling for age, IQ, scan site, and total gray matter volume. Results: CD was associated with cortical thinning and higher gyrification in ventromedial prefrontal cortex in both sexes. Males with CD showed lower, and females with CD showed higher, supramarginal gyrus cortical thickness compared with controls. Relative to controls, males with CD showed higher gyrification and surface area in superior frontal gyrus, whereas the opposite pattern was seen in females. There were no effects of diagnosis or sex-by-diagnosis interactions on subcortical volumes. Results are discussed with regard to attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, and substance abuse comorbidity, medication use, handedness, and CD age of onset. Conclusion: We found both similarities and differences between males and females in CD-cortical structure associations. This initial evidence that the pathophysiological basis of CD may be partly sex-specific highlights the need to consider sex in future neuroimaging studies and suggests that males and females may require different treatments.
Results: CD was associated with cortical thinning and increased gyrification in ventromedial pref... more Results: CD was associated with cortical thinning and increased gyrification in ventromedial prefrontal cortex in both males and females. Several sex-by-diagnosis interactions were also observed: Males with CD showed lower, and females with CD showed higher, supramarginal gyrus cortical thickness, relative to their respective control groups. Males with CD showed higher superior frontal gyrus surface area and gyrification relative to male controls, whereas the opposite pattern was seen in females. These results remained significant when controlling for ADHD comorbidity. There were no diagnosis effects or sex-bydiagnosis interactions in subcortical volumes. Conclusions: This study provides the first robust evidence for sex differences in the relationship between CD and brain structure, suggesting the pathophysiological basis of CD may be partly sex-dependent. These results highlight the need to consider males and females separately in future neuroimaging studies and the possibility that males and females may require different treatments.
Somites form during embryonic development and give rise to unique cell and tissue types, such as ... more Somites form during embryonic development and give rise to unique cell and tissue types, such as skeletal muscles and bones and cartilage of the vertebrae. Using somitogenesis-stage human embryos, we performed transcriptomic profiling of human presomitic mesoderm as well as nascent and developed somites. In addition to conserved pathways such as WNT-β-catenin, we also identified BMP and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling as major regulators unique to human somitogenesis. This information enabled us to develop an efficient protocol to derive somite cells in vitro from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). Importantly, the in-vitro-differentiating cells progressively expressed markers of the distinct developmental stages that are known to occur during in vivo somitogenesis. Furthermore, when subjected to lineage-specific differentiation conditions, the hPSC-derived somite cells were multipotent in generating somite derivatives, including skeletal myocytes, osteocytes, and ...
In this article the authors highlight the importance of neuroscience research in characterizing b... more In this article the authors highlight the importance of neuroscience research in characterizing biomarkers associated with antisocial and aggressive behavior. Presenting a focus on the neurology associated with common disruptive behavioral disorders, the authors examine how neurobiological, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological findings can inform interventions as well as how they contribute to a biopsychosocial model of early child disciplinary practices and children's later functioning. In the paired article, "Should Parents' Physical Punishment of Children Be Considered a Source of Toxic Stress That Affects Brain Development?" (this issue, pp.
Jealousy in romantic relationships and its influence is explored in this study. Because of the di... more Jealousy in romantic relationships and its influence is explored in this study. Because of the digital age, new technologies in social media have allowed public access to anyone’s personal page. Due to social media’s advancements, surveillance methods as a retaliation goal have become more widespread. Previous research shows surveillance methods have damaging effects on the relationship and cause relational dissatisfaction. Due to this, we will explore if there is an association between how jealous a person becomes with the goal of equity restoration via retaliation and surveillance behavior. Measures of romantic jealousy, equity restoration, and surveillance were given to a sample of 604 participants. The study’s results reflect that there is a positive correlation between both variables; the more a person works toward the goal of equity restoration, the more likely they will resort to surveillance on their romantic partner. These results suggest that people are likely to express jealousy depending on their equity in the relationship, and this will lead to surveillance and overall dissatisfaction.
2015 19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 2015
This paper deals with the development of a control law for the regulation of the lactic acid conc... more This paper deals with the development of a control law for the regulation of the lactic acid concentration in its biotechnological production process. The studied system consists in a continuous bioreactor using wheat flour as raw material. Three reactions take place at the same time in the bioreactor: the gluten hydrolysis, the maltose saccharification and the glucose fermentation. This paper considers the optimization of the two last reactions. The optimal set point that maximizes the bioprocess productivity is first determined. Then, a state feedback linearizing controller is developed to maintain the lactic acid concentration at this optimal set point. Nevertheless, knowledge of all states variables is required for this kind of control law. Since the sole online measurement is the lactic acid concentration, robust and efficient estimators of the nonmeasured states have to be developed. In this paper, an Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is proposed to estimate the biomass and substrates concentrations in the bioreactor and is then coupled with the feedback linearizing control law. Numerical simulations have been carried out to assess the control law performance.
Applied microbiology and biotechnology, Jan 23, 2015
A kinetic model of the simultaneous saccharification, protein hydrolysis, and fermentation (SSPHF... more A kinetic model of the simultaneous saccharification, protein hydrolysis, and fermentation (SSPHF) process for lactic acid production from wheat flour has been developed. The model describes the bacterial growth, substrate consumption, lactic acid production, and maltose hydrolysis. The model was fitted and validated with data from SSPHF experiments obtained under different dilution rates. The results of the model are in good agreement with the experimental data. Steady state concentrations of biomass, lactic acid, glucose, and maltose as function of the dilution rate were predicted by the model. This steady state analysis is further useful to determine the operating conditions that maximize lactic acid productivity.
Localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) caused by Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis is an endemic d... more Localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) caused by Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis is an endemic disease in Panama. This condition causes ulcerated skin lesions characterized by a mixed Th1/Th2 immune response that is responsible for disease pathology. However, the maintenance of the in situ inflammatory process involves other elements, such as Th17 and inflammasome responses. Although these processes are associated with parasite elimination, their role in the increase in disease pathology cannot be discarded. Thus, the role in Leishmania infection is still unclear. In this sense, the present study aimed at characterizing the Th17 and inflammasome responses in the skin lesions of patients with LCL caused by L. (V.) panamensis to help elucidate the pathogenesis of this disease in Panama. Th17 and inflammasome responses were evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHQ) in 46 skin biopsies from patients with LCL caused by L. (V.) panamensis. The Th17 immune response was assessed using CD3, C...
Revista Médica de Panamá - ISSN 2412-642X, Jan 23, 2018
Resumen En la ultima decada el diagnostico histopatologico se ha vuelto un determinante important... more Resumen En la ultima decada el diagnostico histopatologico se ha vuelto un determinante importante para el tratamiento del cancer de pulmon de celulas no pequenas (CPCNP). Un numero creciente de pacientes se benefician de terapias blancos dirigidas a alteraciones moleculares particulares (Mutaciones, genes de Fusion...etc.), por lo tanto, el diagnostico preciso y las pruebas de laboratorio basadas en biomarcadores predictivos para la determinacion de los pacientes que mas probablemente respondan a las terapias blanco, representan un cambio en el paradigma diagnostico del cancer de pulmon y son ahora un estandar[1]. El diagnostico histopatologico del cancer de pulmon es un proceso de multiples pasos que inicia con el diagnostico morfologico para determinar el tipo histologico (refinado por la inmuno-histoquimica en los casos requeridos), seguido de la caracterizacion molecular del tumor. La creciente complejidad del algoritmo diagnostico representa nuevos retos para los pacientes con cancer de pulmon, dentro de los cuales destaca la disponibilidad de suficiente tejido para realizacion de todas las pruebas moleculares. La mayoria de los CPCNP son diagnosticados en etapas avanzadas de la enfermedad, por lo que las grandes muestras de tumor (reseccion quirurgica) se obtienen solo en unos pocos casos. Por lo tanto, es imperativo que toda adquisicion de tejido tumoral se maximice para lograr realizar las pruebas moleculares requeridas. El rol del equipo multidisciplinario que incluye al neumologo, radiologo, patologo, cirujano toracico y oncologo es esencial para determinar el mejor abordaje de cada paciente[2,3]. [Pathology and Molecular Studies in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (CPCNP): 2nd national consensus of the Panamanian Oncology Society (SPO).] Abstract In the last decade, histopathological diagnosis has become an important determinant for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A growing number of patients benefit from therapies targeting particular molecular alterations (Mutations, Fusion genes... etc.), thus accurate diagnosis and laboratory tests based on predictive biomarkers for the determination of patients who more likely to respond to target therapies, represent a change in the diagnostic paradigm of lung cancer and are now a standard[1]. The histopathological diagnosis of lung cancer is a multi-step process that begins with the morphological diagnosis to determine the histological type (refined by immunohistochemistry in the required cases), followed by the molecular characterization of the tumor. The increasing complexity of the diagnostic algorithm represents new challenges for patients with lung cancer, in which the availability of sufficient tissue for the realization of all molecular tests stands out. Most NSCLC are diagnosed in advanced stages of the disease, so large tumor samples (surgical resection) are obtained only in a few cases. Therefore, it is imperative that any acquisition of tumor tissue is maximized to achieve the required molecular tests. The role of the multidisciplinary team that includes the pulmonologist, radiologist, pathologist, thoracic surgeon and oncologist is essential to determine the best approach for each patient[2,3].
Background: Despite high efficacy in clinical trials for stroke prevention, oral anticoagulant (O... more Background: Despite high efficacy in clinical trials for stroke prevention, oral anticoagulant (OAC) therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) remains vastly underutilized in real world practice. Earlier studies have suggested that important subgroups (elderly, women, blacks) may be especially prone to under treatment. Our objective was to examine the patterns of antithrombotic medication use following an AF-related stroke within a Stroke Clinical Network. The Stroke Clinical Network consists of nine stroke centers located in rural, suburban and urban geographical regions. Methods: The GWTG registry was queried (calendar years 2014-2018) to identify ischemic stroke patients discharged with AF and age, gender, race and discharge antithrombotic medications. We evaluated patterns of medication use across the entire network and also among women, elderly patients (>80 years), and blacks vs. whites. Fisher’s exact test was used to assess statistical differences between subgroup...
Les Processus Markoviens Deterministes par Morceaux (PDMP) ont ete introduits dans la litterature... more Les Processus Markoviens Deterministes par Morceaux (PDMP) ont ete introduits dans la litterature par M.H.A Davis comme une classe generale de modeles stochastiques. Les PDMP forment une famille de processus markoviens qui decrivent une trajectoire deterministe ponctuee par des sauts aleatoires. Dans une premiere partie, les PDMP sont utilises pour calculer des probabilites d'evenements redoutes pour un cas-test de la fiabilite dynamique (le reservoir chauffe) par deux methodes numeriques differentes : la premiere est basee sur la resolution du systeme differentieldecrivant l'evolution physique du reservoir et la seconde utilise le calcul de l'esperancede la fonctionnelle d'un PDMP par un systeme d'equations integro-differentielles.Dans la seconde partie, nous proposons une methode numerique pour approcher lafonction valeur du probleme d'arret optimal pour un PDMP. Notre approche estbasee sur la quantification de la position apres saut et le temps inter-sauts...
Cette these de doctorat porte sur l’optimisation du bioprocede de production d’acide lactique a p... more Cette these de doctorat porte sur l’optimisation du bioprocede de production d’acide lactique a partir de la farine de ble. L'acide lactique s’avere en effet de plus en plus attractif pour la production de PLA (acide poly lactique), un bio polymere, d’autant plus que differentes matieres premieres peu couteuses comme la farine de ble sont desormais utilisees comme sources de carbone pour sa production. Cette these comprend trois parties principales. Une premiere partie propose pour l’optimisation du procede de transformation du ble un schema innovant compose de trois etapes successives : une liquefaction, suivi d’une etape de saccharification et hydrolyse des proteines simultanees (SSPH) et une etape finale de saccharification, hydrolyse des proteines et fermentation simultanees (SSPHF). La deuxieme partie s’interesse a la modelisation de l’etape SSPHF (etape limitante) dans un bioreacteur continu. La determination des parametres du modele ainsi que leur validation sont realisee...
Identificar el aporte de la Gestion Asociada y la metodologia de prospectiva al fortalecimiento d... more Identificar el aporte de la Gestion Asociada y la metodologia de prospectiva al fortalecimiento del proceso de planeacion-gestion participativa de la mesa de participacion del Colegio Dios es Amor que contribuya a la puesta en marcha de un proyecto en el marco del Decreto 236 en el municipio de Soacha.
Background Despite the increasing interest in cardiac autonomic nervous activity, the normal deve... more Background Despite the increasing interest in cardiac autonomic nervous activity, the normal development is not fully understood. The main aim was to determine the maturation of different cardiac sympathetic‐(SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activity parameters in healthy patients aged 0.5 to 20 years. A second aim was to determine potential sex differences. Methods and Results Five studies covering the 0.5‐ to 20‐year age range provided impedance‐ and electrocardiography recordings from which heart rate, different PNS‐parameters (eg, respiratory sinus arrhythmia) and an SNS‐parameter (pre‐ejection period) were collected. Age trends were computed in the mean values across 12 age‐bins and in the age‐specific variances. Age was associated with changes in mean and variance of all parameters. PNS‐activity followed a cubic trend, with an exponential increase from infancy, a plateau phase during middle childhood, followed by a decrease to adolescence. SNS‐activity showed a mo...
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, but there are currently no... more Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, but there are currently no available methods to stimulate growth or regeneration of artery networks in diseased hearts. Studying how arteries are built during embryonic development could illuminate strategies for re-building these vessels in the setting of ischemic heart disease. We previously found, using loss-of-function experiments, that the transcription factorDach1is required for coronary artery development in mouse embryos. Here, we report thatDach1overexpression in endothelial cells (ECs) extended coronary arteries and improved survival and heart function in adult mice following myocardial infarction (MI).Dach1overexpression increased the length and number of arterial end branches, in both heart and retinal vasculature, by causing additional capillary ECs to differentiate into arterial ECs and contribute to growing arteries. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) of ECs undergoingDach1-induced arterial spec...
Highlights d Human atlas of limb skeletal muscle in embryonic, fetal, and adult tissues d Human l... more Highlights d Human atlas of limb skeletal muscle in embryonic, fetal, and adult tissues d Human limb skeletal muscle populations and supportive cells vary across development d PAX7 muscle progenitor and stem cells are not identical across developmental states d hPSC-PAX7 cells align to the embryonic-to-fetal transition in human development
In this paper we develop a novel algorithm to identify an auto-regressive with exogenous signal s... more In this paper we develop a novel algorithm to identify an auto-regressive with exogenous signal system utilizing quantized output data. We use the Expectation-Maximization algorithm to obtain the Maximum Likelihood estimate.
ABSTRACTSkp1 is an adapter that links F-box proteins to cullin-1 in the Skp1/cullin-1/F-box (SCF)... more ABSTRACTSkp1 is an adapter that links F-box proteins to cullin-1 in the Skp1/cullin-1/F-box (SCF) protein family of E3 ubiquitin ligases that targets specific proteins for polyubiquitination and subsequent protein degradation. Skp1 from the amoebozoan Dictyostelium forms a stable homodimer in vitro with a Kd of 2.5 µM as determined by sedimentation velocity studies, yet is monomeric in crystal complexes with F-box proteins. To investigate the molecular basis for the difference, we determined the solution NMR structure of a doubly truncated Skp1 homodimer (Skp1ΔΔ). The solution structure of Skp1ΔΔ dimer reveals a 2-fold symmetry with an interface that buries ∼750 Å2 of predominantly hydrophobic surface. The dimer interface overlaps with subsite-1 of the F-box interaction area, explaining why only the Skp1 monomer binds F-box proteins (FBPs). To confirm the model, Rosetta was used to predict amino acid substitutions that might disrupt the dimer interface, and the F97E substitution was...
General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public port... more General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.
Previous studies have reported reduced cortical thickness and surface area and altered gyrificati... more Previous studies have reported reduced cortical thickness and surface area and altered gyrification in frontal and temporal regions in adolescents with conduct disorder (CD). Although there is evidence that the clinical phenotype of CD differs between males and females, no studies have examined whether such sex differences extend to cortical and subcortical structure. Method: As part of a European multisite study (Fem-NAT-CD), structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data were collected from 48 female and 48 male participants with CD and from 104 sex-, age-, and pubertal-statusÀmatched controls (14-18 years of age). Data were analyzed using surface-based morphometry, testing for effects of sex, diagnosis, and sex-by-diagnosis interactions, while controlling for age, IQ, scan site, and total gray matter volume. Results: CD was associated with cortical thinning and higher gyrification in ventromedial prefrontal cortex in both sexes. Males with CD showed lower, and females with CD showed higher, supramarginal gyrus cortical thickness compared with controls. Relative to controls, males with CD showed higher gyrification and surface area in superior frontal gyrus, whereas the opposite pattern was seen in females. There were no effects of diagnosis or sex-by-diagnosis interactions on subcortical volumes. Results are discussed with regard to attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, and substance abuse comorbidity, medication use, handedness, and CD age of onset. Conclusion: We found both similarities and differences between males and females in CD-cortical structure associations. This initial evidence that the pathophysiological basis of CD may be partly sex-specific highlights the need to consider sex in future neuroimaging studies and suggests that males and females may require different treatments.
Results: CD was associated with cortical thinning and increased gyrification in ventromedial pref... more Results: CD was associated with cortical thinning and increased gyrification in ventromedial prefrontal cortex in both males and females. Several sex-by-diagnosis interactions were also observed: Males with CD showed lower, and females with CD showed higher, supramarginal gyrus cortical thickness, relative to their respective control groups. Males with CD showed higher superior frontal gyrus surface area and gyrification relative to male controls, whereas the opposite pattern was seen in females. These results remained significant when controlling for ADHD comorbidity. There were no diagnosis effects or sex-bydiagnosis interactions in subcortical volumes. Conclusions: This study provides the first robust evidence for sex differences in the relationship between CD and brain structure, suggesting the pathophysiological basis of CD may be partly sex-dependent. These results highlight the need to consider males and females separately in future neuroimaging studies and the possibility that males and females may require different treatments.
Somites form during embryonic development and give rise to unique cell and tissue types, such as ... more Somites form during embryonic development and give rise to unique cell and tissue types, such as skeletal muscles and bones and cartilage of the vertebrae. Using somitogenesis-stage human embryos, we performed transcriptomic profiling of human presomitic mesoderm as well as nascent and developed somites. In addition to conserved pathways such as WNT-β-catenin, we also identified BMP and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling as major regulators unique to human somitogenesis. This information enabled us to develop an efficient protocol to derive somite cells in vitro from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). Importantly, the in-vitro-differentiating cells progressively expressed markers of the distinct developmental stages that are known to occur during in vivo somitogenesis. Furthermore, when subjected to lineage-specific differentiation conditions, the hPSC-derived somite cells were multipotent in generating somite derivatives, including skeletal myocytes, osteocytes, and ...
In this article the authors highlight the importance of neuroscience research in characterizing b... more In this article the authors highlight the importance of neuroscience research in characterizing biomarkers associated with antisocial and aggressive behavior. Presenting a focus on the neurology associated with common disruptive behavioral disorders, the authors examine how neurobiological, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological findings can inform interventions as well as how they contribute to a biopsychosocial model of early child disciplinary practices and children's later functioning. In the paired article, "Should Parents' Physical Punishment of Children Be Considered a Source of Toxic Stress That Affects Brain Development?" (this issue, pp.
Jealousy in romantic relationships and its influence is explored in this study. Because of the di... more Jealousy in romantic relationships and its influence is explored in this study. Because of the digital age, new technologies in social media have allowed public access to anyone’s personal page. Due to social media’s advancements, surveillance methods as a retaliation goal have become more widespread. Previous research shows surveillance methods have damaging effects on the relationship and cause relational dissatisfaction. Due to this, we will explore if there is an association between how jealous a person becomes with the goal of equity restoration via retaliation and surveillance behavior. Measures of romantic jealousy, equity restoration, and surveillance were given to a sample of 604 participants. The study’s results reflect that there is a positive correlation between both variables; the more a person works toward the goal of equity restoration, the more likely they will resort to surveillance on their romantic partner. These results suggest that people are likely to express jealousy depending on their equity in the relationship, and this will lead to surveillance and overall dissatisfaction.
2015 19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 2015
This paper deals with the development of a control law for the regulation of the lactic acid conc... more This paper deals with the development of a control law for the regulation of the lactic acid concentration in its biotechnological production process. The studied system consists in a continuous bioreactor using wheat flour as raw material. Three reactions take place at the same time in the bioreactor: the gluten hydrolysis, the maltose saccharification and the glucose fermentation. This paper considers the optimization of the two last reactions. The optimal set point that maximizes the bioprocess productivity is first determined. Then, a state feedback linearizing controller is developed to maintain the lactic acid concentration at this optimal set point. Nevertheless, knowledge of all states variables is required for this kind of control law. Since the sole online measurement is the lactic acid concentration, robust and efficient estimators of the nonmeasured states have to be developed. In this paper, an Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is proposed to estimate the biomass and substrates concentrations in the bioreactor and is then coupled with the feedback linearizing control law. Numerical simulations have been carried out to assess the control law performance.
Applied microbiology and biotechnology, Jan 23, 2015
A kinetic model of the simultaneous saccharification, protein hydrolysis, and fermentation (SSPHF... more A kinetic model of the simultaneous saccharification, protein hydrolysis, and fermentation (SSPHF) process for lactic acid production from wheat flour has been developed. The model describes the bacterial growth, substrate consumption, lactic acid production, and maltose hydrolysis. The model was fitted and validated with data from SSPHF experiments obtained under different dilution rates. The results of the model are in good agreement with the experimental data. Steady state concentrations of biomass, lactic acid, glucose, and maltose as function of the dilution rate were predicted by the model. This steady state analysis is further useful to determine the operating conditions that maximize lactic acid productivity.