Papers by Justin Gabriel Gomez
Within this measurement, it encapsulates both positive and negative outcomes of placing arguments... more Within this measurement, it encapsulates both positive and negative outcomes of placing arguments at your disposal in resolving conflicts. Furthermore, this paper shall impart past events which changed the course of history and it will as well analyse the mainframe of when we should be revolting into argumentative retort and the best time to surrender oneself on endowing eccentric action to fabricate conflict with beautiful sheer outcome regardless of its cause. Moreover, within the negotiation table, it is never adjacent with a states' national interest and lawfully right within the eyes of the masses to strap oneself into pure silence. With all of these information for ground support and analyses to render judgments to the further enhancement of the base, now come the conclusion that the emblazonry of actions pragmatically outweighs the natural human instinct and confusion of resolving conflict by words and rhetoric always adamantly triumphs the day. II. Introduction In this world where madness circulates the atmosphere, countless deceits overtake rich overgrown empire of relations, the just and right cowers form fear, and overall chaos rigorously exploits weaknesses are all nothing but an illusion to our focal lenses. It is a predominant approach in order for all of these negativity encapsulating our lives to evaporate in a blink, the necessity to resettle oneself into arguments with direct impact of rhetoric. With this notion at raise, the complete opposite remedy for a blistering conflict to heal is to make allies and ultimately enemies to comprehend your position by the execution of intentions and not by the means of a quarrelling debate. Within the underlying momentum of momentary success there will be an implant of Pyrrhic victory at hand. It is not always a logical track to outmanoeuvre conflicting situations with words of thoughts while
The world nowadays is a desolation of where lies emanate from all corners of direction, major jud... more The world nowadays is a desolation of where lies emanate from all corners of direction, major judgement is askew, opposites being the desired tactic, monumental destruction came to rule over us, and sinister crimes are continually transcending into our everyday commotions. From a simple scratching of another’s’ trust to plundering millions of currency from the rightful hands, the concept of Capital Punishment also known as: “Death Penalty” would come to its avail. Capital Punishment is a course of action enacted by the state’s law on its own accord to a person who committed various crimes regardless of the subject’s civil position inside the society.
Papers by Justin Gabriel Gomez