教師の職能の成長は今も昔も変わらず国の重要な課題の1つとなっている。これまで教師の職能成長に重要な役割を果たしてきたものの1つが授業研究であると言えるが、近年は教師の多忙さなどの理由で実施されに... more 教師の職能の成長は今も昔も変わらず国の重要な課題の1つとなっている。これまで教師の職能成長に重要な役割を果たしてきたものの1つが授業研究であると言えるが、近年は教師の多忙さなどの理由で実施されにくくなっているのが現状である。このことから、筆者らは空間的・時間的制約を部分的に解消可能なネットワークを活用したWebベースの授業研究支援「eLESSER」プログラムを開発・実施した。2005年度に実施したこのプログラムには4人の教師が参加した。このうち2人は教師経験15年以上の熟練教師であり、プログラムのプロセスで授業設計、実施、授業についての議論を行った。残りの2人は教師経験10年未満の若手教師で、2人の熟練教師による活動をWeb上で観察した。本稿では、このeLESSERプログラムを通して若手教師が感じた熟練教師との職能差について調査・分析した結果について報告し、若手教師の職能成長を支援するシステム開発への指針を示す
Educational Technology Research and Development, 2019
This paper describes the development of a software program that supports argumentative reading an... more This paper describes the development of a software program that supports argumentative reading and writing, especially for novice students. The software helps readers create a graphic organizer from the text as a knowledge map while they are reading and use their prior knowledge to build their own opinion as new information while they think about writing their essays. Readers using this software can read a text, underline important words or sentences, pick up and dynamically cite the underlined portions of the text onto a knowledge map as quotation nodes, illustrate a knowledge map by linking the nodes, and later write their opinion as an essay while viewing the knowledge map; thus, the software bridges argumentative reading and writing. Sixty-three freshman and sophomore students with no prior argumentative reading and writing education participated in a design case study to evaluate the software in classrooms. Thirty-four students were assigned to a class in which each student developed a knowledge map after underlining and/or highlighting a text with the software, while twenty-nine students were assigned to a class in which they simply wrote their essays after underlining and/or highlighting the text without creating knowledge maps. After receiving an instruction regarding a simplified Toulmin's model followed by instructions for the software usage in argumentative reading and writing along with reading one training text, the students read the target text and developed their essays. The results revealed that students who drew a knowledge map based on the underlining and/or highlighting of the target text developed more argumentative essays than those who did not draw maps. Further analyses revealed that developing knowledge maps fostered an ability to capture the target text's argument, and linking students' ideas to the text's argument directly on the knowledge map helped students develop more constructive essays. Accordingly, we discussed additional necessary scaffolds, such as automatic argument detection and collaborative learning functions, for improving the students' use of appropriate reading and writing strategies.
This paper describes a CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) assessment tool that aims... more This paper describes a CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) assessment tool that aims at visualizing discussions among learners participating on electronic forums using a text -mining technique. The software, named "i-Bee" (Bulletin board EnvisionEr), is able to visually show the co-occurrence relations of topic keywords of e ach learner using Correspondence Analysis. Furthermore, i -Bee can show how actively each learner discusses; how each learner contributes to online discussions; and the frequency the learners use each keyword. In this paper, the authors report the rationale, the basic algorithm, and the implementation of i-Bee.
This study aims to verify the effectiveness of English language material using mobile devices for... more This study aims to verify the effectiveness of English language material using mobile devices for businesspeople in terms of the effect on 1) motivation, 2) overall learning performance, and 3) practical performance in real business situations. We compared the use of materials developed from business English used in a sales department in a real company environment, using two cohorts of learners, one from the sales division and the other employees. The results showed that this material was effective on the enhancement of motivation in both employees. Moreover, the test scores of both cohorts in terms of overall learning performance increased after learning with this material. However, the learners engaged in sales positions recognized the effectiveness toward output activities, such as speaking, in their business more than that of non-sales personnel, as a result of the proximity of the materials to their business.
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - CSCL'09, 2009
The authors developed reading support software "eJournalPlus" designed to assist learners in not ... more The authors developed reading support software "eJournalPlus" designed to assist learners in not only reading texts but also constructing their own opinions from it. Since it is difficult for learners to reach a sufficient level of critical reading skills through reading only by themselves, a collaborative learning function was added to allow learners to share their ideas and facilitate discussion in order to assist learners in considering their own opinion more critically and promoting their critical thinking.
Information and Technology in Education and Learning
The purpose of this study was to develop a Student Leadership Behavior Scale related to leadershi... more The purpose of this study was to develop a Student Leadership Behavior Scale related to leadership education based on experiential learning in university and to examine the reliability and validity of the scale. Leadership education based on experiential learning is conducted based on the theory of experiential learning. A 54-item scale was created utilizing previous research and preliminary survey data. The study involved 156 students (Time 1) and 110 students (Time 2) from University A to conduct leadership education on a large scale in Japan. Factor analysis results revealed that leadership behavior consisted of six factors: taking initiative and modeling the way, challenging the process, sharing goals, managing goals and tasks, task-oriented support, and people-oriented support. Items were carefully selected to create a final scale that consisted of 30 items. As a result of examining the reliability and validity of the developed scale, positive values were obtained overall.
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2013
In the present article, we examined the effects of the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle and on-the-... more In the present article, we examined the effects of the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle and on-the-job-training (OJT) on workplace learning. We defined workplace learning based on the concept of an organizational learning cycle. Using survey data from a Japanese fire and marine insurance company, we found that PDCA, OJT (empowerment), and reflective communication had positive effects on workplace learning. These results suggest that quality management, empowerment and reflective practice may help to significantly improve workplace learning. We also discuss theoretical and managerial implications of this study.
教師の職能の成長は今も昔も変わらず国の重要な課題の1つとなっている。これまで教師の職能成長に重要な役割を果たしてきたものの1つが授業研究であると言えるが、近年は教師の多忙さなどの理由で実施されに... more 教師の職能の成長は今も昔も変わらず国の重要な課題の1つとなっている。これまで教師の職能成長に重要な役割を果たしてきたものの1つが授業研究であると言えるが、近年は教師の多忙さなどの理由で実施されにくくなっているのが現状である。このことから、筆者らは空間的・時間的制約を部分的に解消可能なネットワークを活用したWebベースの授業研究支援「eLESSER」プログラムを開発・実施した。2005年度に実施したこのプログラムには4人の教師が参加した。このうち2人は教師経験15年以上の熟練教師であり、プログラムのプロセスで授業設計、実施、授業についての議論を行った。残りの2人は教師経験10年未満の若手教師で、2人の熟練教師による活動をWeb上で観察した。本稿では、このeLESSERプログラムを通して若手教師が感じた熟練教師との職能差について調査・分析した結果について報告し、若手教師の職能成長を支援するシステム開発への指針を示す
Educational Technology Research and Development, 2019
This paper describes the development of a software program that supports argumentative reading an... more This paper describes the development of a software program that supports argumentative reading and writing, especially for novice students. The software helps readers create a graphic organizer from the text as a knowledge map while they are reading and use their prior knowledge to build their own opinion as new information while they think about writing their essays. Readers using this software can read a text, underline important words or sentences, pick up and dynamically cite the underlined portions of the text onto a knowledge map as quotation nodes, illustrate a knowledge map by linking the nodes, and later write their opinion as an essay while viewing the knowledge map; thus, the software bridges argumentative reading and writing. Sixty-three freshman and sophomore students with no prior argumentative reading and writing education participated in a design case study to evaluate the software in classrooms. Thirty-four students were assigned to a class in which each student developed a knowledge map after underlining and/or highlighting a text with the software, while twenty-nine students were assigned to a class in which they simply wrote their essays after underlining and/or highlighting the text without creating knowledge maps. After receiving an instruction regarding a simplified Toulmin's model followed by instructions for the software usage in argumentative reading and writing along with reading one training text, the students read the target text and developed their essays. The results revealed that students who drew a knowledge map based on the underlining and/or highlighting of the target text developed more argumentative essays than those who did not draw maps. Further analyses revealed that developing knowledge maps fostered an ability to capture the target text's argument, and linking students' ideas to the text's argument directly on the knowledge map helped students develop more constructive essays. Accordingly, we discussed additional necessary scaffolds, such as automatic argument detection and collaborative learning functions, for improving the students' use of appropriate reading and writing strategies.
This paper describes a CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) assessment tool that aims... more This paper describes a CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) assessment tool that aims at visualizing discussions among learners participating on electronic forums using a text -mining technique. The software, named "i-Bee" (Bulletin board EnvisionEr), is able to visually show the co-occurrence relations of topic keywords of e ach learner using Correspondence Analysis. Furthermore, i -Bee can show how actively each learner discusses; how each learner contributes to online discussions; and the frequency the learners use each keyword. In this paper, the authors report the rationale, the basic algorithm, and the implementation of i-Bee.
This study aims to verify the effectiveness of English language material using mobile devices for... more This study aims to verify the effectiveness of English language material using mobile devices for businesspeople in terms of the effect on 1) motivation, 2) overall learning performance, and 3) practical performance in real business situations. We compared the use of materials developed from business English used in a sales department in a real company environment, using two cohorts of learners, one from the sales division and the other employees. The results showed that this material was effective on the enhancement of motivation in both employees. Moreover, the test scores of both cohorts in terms of overall learning performance increased after learning with this material. However, the learners engaged in sales positions recognized the effectiveness toward output activities, such as speaking, in their business more than that of non-sales personnel, as a result of the proximity of the materials to their business.
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported collaborative learning - CSCL'09, 2009
The authors developed reading support software "eJournalPlus" designed to assist learners in not ... more The authors developed reading support software "eJournalPlus" designed to assist learners in not only reading texts but also constructing their own opinions from it. Since it is difficult for learners to reach a sufficient level of critical reading skills through reading only by themselves, a collaborative learning function was added to allow learners to share their ideas and facilitate discussion in order to assist learners in considering their own opinion more critically and promoting their critical thinking.
Information and Technology in Education and Learning
The purpose of this study was to develop a Student Leadership Behavior Scale related to leadershi... more The purpose of this study was to develop a Student Leadership Behavior Scale related to leadership education based on experiential learning in university and to examine the reliability and validity of the scale. Leadership education based on experiential learning is conducted based on the theory of experiential learning. A 54-item scale was created utilizing previous research and preliminary survey data. The study involved 156 students (Time 1) and 110 students (Time 2) from University A to conduct leadership education on a large scale in Japan. Factor analysis results revealed that leadership behavior consisted of six factors: taking initiative and modeling the way, challenging the process, sharing goals, managing goals and tasks, task-oriented support, and people-oriented support. Items were carefully selected to create a final scale that consisted of 30 items. As a result of examining the reliability and validity of the developed scale, positive values were obtained overall.
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2013
In the present article, we examined the effects of the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle and on-the-... more In the present article, we examined the effects of the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle and on-the-job-training (OJT) on workplace learning. We defined workplace learning based on the concept of an organizational learning cycle. Using survey data from a Japanese fire and marine insurance company, we found that PDCA, OJT (empowerment), and reflective communication had positive effects on workplace learning. These results suggest that quality management, empowerment and reflective practice may help to significantly improve workplace learning. We also discuss theoretical and managerial implications of this study.
Papers by Jun Nakahara