... [7] Edward W. Garnish, Epoxide resins as adhesives: past and present, British Polymer Journ... more ... [7] Edward W. Garnish, Epoxide resins as adhesives: past and present, British Polymer Journal , vol. 11, nº 2, p.72-80, 1979. [8] Nélia Alberto, Rogério N. Nogueira, Lídia Carvalho, Ilda Abe, Hypolito Kalinowski, João L. Pinto, Study of dental gypsum using fibre sensors ...
Three different parameterizations of wave nonlinearity from local wave parameters are applied to ... more Three different parameterizations of wave nonlinearity from local wave parameters are applied to field data (freesurface elevation and flow velocities) gathered in different beaches along the Portuguese coast, under diverse wave conditions. The hydrodynamics of the various sites are analyzed, together with the performance of each formulation. The data considered extend the range of the data previously used by the authors of the parameterizations, including longer wave lengths and higher Ursell numbers. A comparison is done, based on skill and agreement index values, to understand the performance and applicability of each parameterization and what could be changed to improve such formulations.
ABSTRACT Duarte, C.M.; Ferreira, J.C., and Fortes, J., 2020. Risk modelling in urban coastal area... more ABSTRACT Duarte, C.M.; Ferreira, J.C., and Fortes, J., 2020. Risk modelling in urban coastal areas to support adaptation to climate change and extreme weather events: Early warning, emergency planning and risk management systems. In: Malvárez, G. and Navas, F. (eds.), Global Coastal Issues of 2020. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 95, pp. 785–789. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. The Portuguese coast is exposed to the Atlantic high-energy storms, endangering populations and coastal infrastructures and causing economic and environmental losses. With climate change and the rise of sea-level, it is expected that these storms became more frequent and violent. For this reason, it is essential to provide the authorities with tools for managing the hazards and risks associated with coastal events. The purpose of the To-SEAlert project is to develop, implement, and validate a set of tools and methodologies based on a WebGIS to monitor, prevent and manage wave overtopping and flooding emergencies caused by coastal events. In this work, XBeach software was used to model the effects of storm induced wave overtopping and sea erosion in a low-lying sandy shore in Costa da Caparica, Portugal. Two experiments were carried out, simulating a storm event in a segment and in a grid area. Results show beach and dune erosion and wave overtopping, similar to recorded effects in past events, and important limitations are discussed. The improvement of these simulations can be essential to input data on the To-SEAlert project model, allowing its objectives accomplishment.
Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017, 2018
This paper studies novel ways to evaluate armour damage in physical models of coastal structures.... more This paper studies novel ways to evaluate armour damage in physical models of coastal structures. High-resolution damage data for reference rubble mound breakwaters obtained under the HYDRALAB+ joint-research project are analysed and discussed. These tests are used to analyse the way to describe damage, the influence of the sequence of testing, and touches on the possible influence of sea level rise. Results of two test programmes were used. Firstly, 3D physical model tests carried out at the University of Porto, in cooperation with Deltares, were used. Here a wide breakwater trunk was used for statistical reasons. Additionally, 2D test results from LNEC were analysed. Tests for a sea level rise scenario resulted in less damage to the seaside slope. In addition, clear differences between "cumulative damage" and "rebuild" test series were noticed. However, significant scatter was also observed in the result of tests carried out under identical conditions. It was also concluded that the damage to the trunk was lower in the tests with short-crested waves. The design values for the damage depth E 2D proposed by Hofland et al. (2011) were partly in line with the experimental results presented. Since the relation between S and the depth of damage E does not hold true for nonstandard cases, it seems better to use a parameter based on the local damage depth when testing such a structure. The reliability of a damage number for a test on the stability of a trunk can be improved by either increasing the relative size (width) of the test section or repeating the test.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 1, 2021
What is a marine geohazard? 2.1 Earthquakes 2.2 Volcanoes 2.3 Tsunamis 2.4 Submarine mass movemen... more What is a marine geohazard? 2.1 Earthquakes 2.2 Volcanoes 2.3 Tsunamis 2.4 Submarine mass movements 2.5 Fluid activity and its manifestations 2.6 Migrating bedforms 2.7 Human induced and technological hazards 2.8 Cascading and/or cumulative events 3 Where do marine geohazards occur in European Seas? 3.1 Plate tectonics in Europe 3.2 Atlantic Ocean 3.3 The Mediterranean Sea 3.3.1 The Western Mediterranean 3.3.2 The Eastern Mediterranean 3.4 The Black Sea 3.5 High-latitude and Epicontinental Seas 4 How do marine geohazards impact society and the Blue Economy? 4.1 Impact on coastal communities, livelihoods and loss of lives 4.1.1 The 1755 Lisbon earthquake and tsunami (Portugal, Gulf of Cadiz, Morocco) 4.1.2 The 1908 Messina earthquake and tsunami (Sicily, Calabria) 4.1.3 The 1999 Eastern Marmara earthquake and tsunami (Turkey) 4.2 Impact on coastal infrastructure 4.3 Impact on offshore infrastructures 4.4 Impact on tourism and fisheries 4.5. Perception and consideration of marine geohazards by society, industry and public authorities 5 How can science transform hazard assessment in Europe? 5.1 Characterizing past geohazard events and assessing their frequency 5.2 Monitoring active processes and understanding their dynamics and mechanisms 5.2.1 Repeated bathymetry surveys 5.2.2 Monitoring seafloor deformation 5.2.3 Drilling the seafloor to understand geohazards at depth 5.2.4 Observing physical parameters governing geohazards 5.2.5 Underwater vehicles 5.3 Recording and recognizing precursors to geohazards 5.4 Defining hazard through numerical and physical modelling 6 Recommendations 6.1 Advancing hazard mitigation for policy making and the Blue Economy 6.2 Science needed to understand processes, triggers and precursors References Glossary List of Abbreviations Annex I: Members of the European Marine Board Working Group on Marine Geohazards Annex II: External Reviewers and additional contributors • Support technological advancement in order to improve the detection capability and availability of sensors. • Create holistic databases of raw data and homogeneous interpretations and make them available to the scientific community to apply advanced techniques in support of marine geohazard studies.
What is a marine geohazard? 2.1 Earthquakes 2.2 Volcanoes 2.3 Tsunamis 2.4 Submarine mass movemen... more What is a marine geohazard? 2.1 Earthquakes 2.2 Volcanoes 2.3 Tsunamis 2.4 Submarine mass movements 2.5 Fluid activity and its manifestations 2.6 Migrating bedforms 2.7 Human induced and technological hazards 2.8 Cascading and/or cumulative events 3 Where do marine geohazards occur in European Seas? 3.1 Plate tectonics in Europe 3.2 Atlantic Ocean 3.3 The Mediterranean Sea 3.3.1 The Western Mediterranean 3.3.2 The Eastern Mediterranean 3.4 The Black Sea 3.5 High-latitude and Epicontinental Seas 4 How do marine geohazards impact society and the Blue Economy? 4.1 Impact on coastal communities, livelihoods and loss of lives 4.1.1 The 1755 Lisbon earthquake and tsunami (Portugal, Gulf of Cadiz, Morocco) 4.1.2 The 1908 Messina earthquake and tsunami (Sicily, Calabria) 4.1.3 The 1999 Eastern Marmara earthquake and tsunami (Turkey) 4.2 Impact on coastal infrastructure 4.3 Impact on offshore infrastructures 4.4 Impact on tourism and fisheries 4.5. Perception and consideration of marine geohazards by society, industry and public authorities 5 How can science transform hazard assessment in Europe? 5.1 Characterizing past geohazard events and assessing their frequency 5.2 Monitoring active processes and understanding their dynamics and mechanisms 5.2.1 Repeated bathymetry surveys 5.2.2 Monitoring seafloor deformation 5.2.3 Drilling the seafloor to understand geohazards at depth 5.2.4 Observing physical parameters governing geohazards 5.2.5 Underwater vehicles 5.3 Recording and recognizing precursors to geohazards 5.4 Defining hazard through numerical and physical modelling 6 Recommendations 6.1 Advancing hazard mitigation for policy making and the Blue Economy 6.2 Science needed to understand processes, triggers and precursors References Glossary List of Abbreviations Annex I: Members of the European Marine Board Working Group on Marine Geohazards Annex II: External Reviewers and additional contributors • Support technological advancement in order to improve the detection capability and availability of sensors. • Create holistic databases of raw data and homogeneous interpretations and make them available to the scientific community to apply advanced techniques in support of marine geohazard studies.
Os riscos associados à inundação e galgamento de estruturas de defesa costeira são uma constante ... more Os riscos associados à inundação e galgamento de estruturas de defesa costeira são uma constante preocupação na costa portuguesa, sendo que situações de emergência provocadas pelo mar são frequentes, pondo em causa a segurança de pessoas, bens e o próprio património natural. Para tal, é importante desenvolver uma metodologia que permita avaliar os riscos associados a inundações e galgamentos na zona costeira, evitando assim a sua degradação e perdas irreversíveis. Nesse sentido, tem sido desenvolvida no LNEC uma metodologia de avaliação de risco associado à ação de ondas em zonas costeiras e portuárias. Esta metodologia foi aplicada à praia de São João da Caparica, na Costa da Caparica, especificamente em dois perfis da praia: um sem estrutura de proteção aderente e outro com uma estrutura deste tipo. A metodologia mostrou ser de fácil aplicação e forneceu informação muito útil para o planeamento e para a gestão integrada e sustentada das zonas costeiras. No entanto, constatou-se qu...
ABSTRACT O comprimento da costa Portuguesa, a severidade das condições do mar, a concentração de ... more ABSTRACT O comprimento da costa Portuguesa, a severidade das condições do mar, a concentração de população e actividades económicas na zona costeira justificam a importância de estudar os riscos provocados pelas ondas, em particular, a inundação devido à acção do mar. Na verdade, situações de emergência causadas por condições de mar adversas são frequentes e colocam em perigo a segurança de pessoas e bens, com os impactos negativos para a economia, sociedade e património natural. Assim, uma metodologia que avalie o risco associado à inundação de áreas costeiras e portuárias é essencial para o bom planeamento e gestão dessas áreas. Neste contexto, uma metodologia para a avaliação do risco de inundações em áreas costeiras e portuárias está a ser implementada no sistema HIDRALERTA, um sistema integrado de gestão costeira e portuária, cujo foco é prevenir situações de emergência e apoiar a sua gestão, bem como para planear as intervenções a longo prazo. O presente artigo descreve a metodologia do sistema aplicado às praias de São João e Mata/Saúde na Costa da Caparica, localizadas no município de Almada. A praia de São João está localizada no extremo norte da Costa da Caparica e tem um comprimento de 1380 m. A praia da Mata e Saúde estão localizadas na extremidade sul da Costa da Caparica apresentando um comprimento de 1145 m. Estas praias têm origem sedimentar e apresentam um pequeno sistema dunar. A caracterização dos regimes das ondas, os cálculos de inundações e a avaliação do risco são apresentados para as duas regiões de estudo, gerando mapas de risco.
In order to forecast both the short and the medium-term evolution of estuarine beaches, as the on... more In order to forecast both the short and the medium-term evolution of estuarine beaches, as the ones that exist in the Tagus Estuary, there is a need to both define the sea wave climate generated by local wind in those confined areas and to understand the mechanism that enables the wave propagation at the estuary up to wave breaking at the beach. In this paper, the SWAN model, [1], is applied to study wind generated waves at an area near Alfeite beach to characterize the wave conditions at the Tagus estuary considering the actual wind and tide conditions as observed on the 3rd of October, 2006. A comparison of SWAN numerical results with the wave elevation measurements collected at the site with resistive wave gauges and also with a pressure transducer, taking into account the influence of the ferries crossing the study area, is made and discussed.
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitali... more A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais, disponíveis em https://digitalis.uc.pt/pt-pt/termos. Conforme exposto nos referidos Termos e Condições de Uso, o descarregamento de títulos de acesso restrito requer uma licença válida de autorização devendo o utilizador aceder ao(s) documento(s) a partir de um endereço de IP da instituição detentora da supramencionada licença. Ao utilizador é apenas permitido o descarregamento para uso pessoal, pelo que o emprego do(s) título(s) descarregado(s) para outro fim, designadamente comercial, carece de autorização do respetivo autor ou editor da obra. Na medida em que todas as obras da UC Digitalis se encontram protegidas pelo Código do Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos e demais legislação aplicável, toda a cópia, parcial ou total, deste documento, nos casos em que é legalmente admitida, deverá conter ou fazer-se acompanhar por este aviso. Aplicação do sistema hidralerta na avaliação do risco associado ao galgamento no porto da Praia da Vitória
This paper describes the study of the impact of energy absorption by wave farms on the nearshore ... more This paper describes the study of the impact of energy absorption by wave farms on the nearshore wave climate and, in special, the influence of the incident wave conditions and the number and position of the wave farms, on the nearshore wave characteristics is studied and discussed. The study was applied to the maritime zone at the West coast off Portugal, namely in front of São Pedro de Moel, where it is foreseen the deployment of offshore wave energy prototypes and farms between the 30 m and 90 m bathymetric lines, with an area of 320 Km 2. In this study the REFDIF model was adapted in order to model the energy extraction by wave farms. Three different sinusoidal incident wave conditions were considered. Five different wave farm configurations, varying the position of the wave farm, its number and the width of the navigation channels at each wave farm were analysed. The results for each configuration in terms of the change of the wave characteristics (wave height and wave direction) at the nearshore are presented, compared and discussed for three representative wave conditions.
... [7] Edward W. Garnish, Epoxide resins as adhesives: past and present, British Polymer Journ... more ... [7] Edward W. Garnish, Epoxide resins as adhesives: past and present, British Polymer Journal , vol. 11, nº 2, p.72-80, 1979. [8] Nélia Alberto, Rogério N. Nogueira, Lídia Carvalho, Ilda Abe, Hypolito Kalinowski, João L. Pinto, Study of dental gypsum using fibre sensors ...
Three different parameterizations of wave nonlinearity from local wave parameters are applied to ... more Three different parameterizations of wave nonlinearity from local wave parameters are applied to field data (freesurface elevation and flow velocities) gathered in different beaches along the Portuguese coast, under diverse wave conditions. The hydrodynamics of the various sites are analyzed, together with the performance of each formulation. The data considered extend the range of the data previously used by the authors of the parameterizations, including longer wave lengths and higher Ursell numbers. A comparison is done, based on skill and agreement index values, to understand the performance and applicability of each parameterization and what could be changed to improve such formulations.
ABSTRACT Duarte, C.M.; Ferreira, J.C., and Fortes, J., 2020. Risk modelling in urban coastal area... more ABSTRACT Duarte, C.M.; Ferreira, J.C., and Fortes, J., 2020. Risk modelling in urban coastal areas to support adaptation to climate change and extreme weather events: Early warning, emergency planning and risk management systems. In: Malvárez, G. and Navas, F. (eds.), Global Coastal Issues of 2020. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 95, pp. 785–789. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. The Portuguese coast is exposed to the Atlantic high-energy storms, endangering populations and coastal infrastructures and causing economic and environmental losses. With climate change and the rise of sea-level, it is expected that these storms became more frequent and violent. For this reason, it is essential to provide the authorities with tools for managing the hazards and risks associated with coastal events. The purpose of the To-SEAlert project is to develop, implement, and validate a set of tools and methodologies based on a WebGIS to monitor, prevent and manage wave overtopping and flooding emergencies caused by coastal events. In this work, XBeach software was used to model the effects of storm induced wave overtopping and sea erosion in a low-lying sandy shore in Costa da Caparica, Portugal. Two experiments were carried out, simulating a storm event in a segment and in a grid area. Results show beach and dune erosion and wave overtopping, similar to recorded effects in past events, and important limitations are discussed. The improvement of these simulations can be essential to input data on the To-SEAlert project model, allowing its objectives accomplishment.
Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2017, 2018
This paper studies novel ways to evaluate armour damage in physical models of coastal structures.... more This paper studies novel ways to evaluate armour damage in physical models of coastal structures. High-resolution damage data for reference rubble mound breakwaters obtained under the HYDRALAB+ joint-research project are analysed and discussed. These tests are used to analyse the way to describe damage, the influence of the sequence of testing, and touches on the possible influence of sea level rise. Results of two test programmes were used. Firstly, 3D physical model tests carried out at the University of Porto, in cooperation with Deltares, were used. Here a wide breakwater trunk was used for statistical reasons. Additionally, 2D test results from LNEC were analysed. Tests for a sea level rise scenario resulted in less damage to the seaside slope. In addition, clear differences between "cumulative damage" and "rebuild" test series were noticed. However, significant scatter was also observed in the result of tests carried out under identical conditions. It was also concluded that the damage to the trunk was lower in the tests with short-crested waves. The design values for the damage depth E 2D proposed by Hofland et al. (2011) were partly in line with the experimental results presented. Since the relation between S and the depth of damage E does not hold true for nonstandard cases, it seems better to use a parameter based on the local damage depth when testing such a structure. The reliability of a damage number for a test on the stability of a trunk can be improved by either increasing the relative size (width) of the test section or repeating the test.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 1, 2021
What is a marine geohazard? 2.1 Earthquakes 2.2 Volcanoes 2.3 Tsunamis 2.4 Submarine mass movemen... more What is a marine geohazard? 2.1 Earthquakes 2.2 Volcanoes 2.3 Tsunamis 2.4 Submarine mass movements 2.5 Fluid activity and its manifestations 2.6 Migrating bedforms 2.7 Human induced and technological hazards 2.8 Cascading and/or cumulative events 3 Where do marine geohazards occur in European Seas? 3.1 Plate tectonics in Europe 3.2 Atlantic Ocean 3.3 The Mediterranean Sea 3.3.1 The Western Mediterranean 3.3.2 The Eastern Mediterranean 3.4 The Black Sea 3.5 High-latitude and Epicontinental Seas 4 How do marine geohazards impact society and the Blue Economy? 4.1 Impact on coastal communities, livelihoods and loss of lives 4.1.1 The 1755 Lisbon earthquake and tsunami (Portugal, Gulf of Cadiz, Morocco) 4.1.2 The 1908 Messina earthquake and tsunami (Sicily, Calabria) 4.1.3 The 1999 Eastern Marmara earthquake and tsunami (Turkey) 4.2 Impact on coastal infrastructure 4.3 Impact on offshore infrastructures 4.4 Impact on tourism and fisheries 4.5. Perception and consideration of marine geohazards by society, industry and public authorities 5 How can science transform hazard assessment in Europe? 5.1 Characterizing past geohazard events and assessing their frequency 5.2 Monitoring active processes and understanding their dynamics and mechanisms 5.2.1 Repeated bathymetry surveys 5.2.2 Monitoring seafloor deformation 5.2.3 Drilling the seafloor to understand geohazards at depth 5.2.4 Observing physical parameters governing geohazards 5.2.5 Underwater vehicles 5.3 Recording and recognizing precursors to geohazards 5.4 Defining hazard through numerical and physical modelling 6 Recommendations 6.1 Advancing hazard mitigation for policy making and the Blue Economy 6.2 Science needed to understand processes, triggers and precursors References Glossary List of Abbreviations Annex I: Members of the European Marine Board Working Group on Marine Geohazards Annex II: External Reviewers and additional contributors • Support technological advancement in order to improve the detection capability and availability of sensors. • Create holistic databases of raw data and homogeneous interpretations and make them available to the scientific community to apply advanced techniques in support of marine geohazard studies.
What is a marine geohazard? 2.1 Earthquakes 2.2 Volcanoes 2.3 Tsunamis 2.4 Submarine mass movemen... more What is a marine geohazard? 2.1 Earthquakes 2.2 Volcanoes 2.3 Tsunamis 2.4 Submarine mass movements 2.5 Fluid activity and its manifestations 2.6 Migrating bedforms 2.7 Human induced and technological hazards 2.8 Cascading and/or cumulative events 3 Where do marine geohazards occur in European Seas? 3.1 Plate tectonics in Europe 3.2 Atlantic Ocean 3.3 The Mediterranean Sea 3.3.1 The Western Mediterranean 3.3.2 The Eastern Mediterranean 3.4 The Black Sea 3.5 High-latitude and Epicontinental Seas 4 How do marine geohazards impact society and the Blue Economy? 4.1 Impact on coastal communities, livelihoods and loss of lives 4.1.1 The 1755 Lisbon earthquake and tsunami (Portugal, Gulf of Cadiz, Morocco) 4.1.2 The 1908 Messina earthquake and tsunami (Sicily, Calabria) 4.1.3 The 1999 Eastern Marmara earthquake and tsunami (Turkey) 4.2 Impact on coastal infrastructure 4.3 Impact on offshore infrastructures 4.4 Impact on tourism and fisheries 4.5. Perception and consideration of marine geohazards by society, industry and public authorities 5 How can science transform hazard assessment in Europe? 5.1 Characterizing past geohazard events and assessing their frequency 5.2 Monitoring active processes and understanding their dynamics and mechanisms 5.2.1 Repeated bathymetry surveys 5.2.2 Monitoring seafloor deformation 5.2.3 Drilling the seafloor to understand geohazards at depth 5.2.4 Observing physical parameters governing geohazards 5.2.5 Underwater vehicles 5.3 Recording and recognizing precursors to geohazards 5.4 Defining hazard through numerical and physical modelling 6 Recommendations 6.1 Advancing hazard mitigation for policy making and the Blue Economy 6.2 Science needed to understand processes, triggers and precursors References Glossary List of Abbreviations Annex I: Members of the European Marine Board Working Group on Marine Geohazards Annex II: External Reviewers and additional contributors • Support technological advancement in order to improve the detection capability and availability of sensors. • Create holistic databases of raw data and homogeneous interpretations and make them available to the scientific community to apply advanced techniques in support of marine geohazard studies.
Os riscos associados à inundação e galgamento de estruturas de defesa costeira são uma constante ... more Os riscos associados à inundação e galgamento de estruturas de defesa costeira são uma constante preocupação na costa portuguesa, sendo que situações de emergência provocadas pelo mar são frequentes, pondo em causa a segurança de pessoas, bens e o próprio património natural. Para tal, é importante desenvolver uma metodologia que permita avaliar os riscos associados a inundações e galgamentos na zona costeira, evitando assim a sua degradação e perdas irreversíveis. Nesse sentido, tem sido desenvolvida no LNEC uma metodologia de avaliação de risco associado à ação de ondas em zonas costeiras e portuárias. Esta metodologia foi aplicada à praia de São João da Caparica, na Costa da Caparica, especificamente em dois perfis da praia: um sem estrutura de proteção aderente e outro com uma estrutura deste tipo. A metodologia mostrou ser de fácil aplicação e forneceu informação muito útil para o planeamento e para a gestão integrada e sustentada das zonas costeiras. No entanto, constatou-se qu...
ABSTRACT O comprimento da costa Portuguesa, a severidade das condições do mar, a concentração de ... more ABSTRACT O comprimento da costa Portuguesa, a severidade das condições do mar, a concentração de população e actividades económicas na zona costeira justificam a importância de estudar os riscos provocados pelas ondas, em particular, a inundação devido à acção do mar. Na verdade, situações de emergência causadas por condições de mar adversas são frequentes e colocam em perigo a segurança de pessoas e bens, com os impactos negativos para a economia, sociedade e património natural. Assim, uma metodologia que avalie o risco associado à inundação de áreas costeiras e portuárias é essencial para o bom planeamento e gestão dessas áreas. Neste contexto, uma metodologia para a avaliação do risco de inundações em áreas costeiras e portuárias está a ser implementada no sistema HIDRALERTA, um sistema integrado de gestão costeira e portuária, cujo foco é prevenir situações de emergência e apoiar a sua gestão, bem como para planear as intervenções a longo prazo. O presente artigo descreve a metodologia do sistema aplicado às praias de São João e Mata/Saúde na Costa da Caparica, localizadas no município de Almada. A praia de São João está localizada no extremo norte da Costa da Caparica e tem um comprimento de 1380 m. A praia da Mata e Saúde estão localizadas na extremidade sul da Costa da Caparica apresentando um comprimento de 1145 m. Estas praias têm origem sedimentar e apresentam um pequeno sistema dunar. A caracterização dos regimes das ondas, os cálculos de inundações e a avaliação do risco são apresentados para as duas regiões de estudo, gerando mapas de risco.
In order to forecast both the short and the medium-term evolution of estuarine beaches, as the on... more In order to forecast both the short and the medium-term evolution of estuarine beaches, as the ones that exist in the Tagus Estuary, there is a need to both define the sea wave climate generated by local wind in those confined areas and to understand the mechanism that enables the wave propagation at the estuary up to wave breaking at the beach. In this paper, the SWAN model, [1], is applied to study wind generated waves at an area near Alfeite beach to characterize the wave conditions at the Tagus estuary considering the actual wind and tide conditions as observed on the 3rd of October, 2006. A comparison of SWAN numerical results with the wave elevation measurements collected at the site with resistive wave gauges and also with a pressure transducer, taking into account the influence of the ferries crossing the study area, is made and discussed.
A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitali... more A navegação consulta e descarregamento dos títulos inseridos nas Bibliotecas Digitais UC Digitalis, UC Pombalina e UC Impactum, pressupõem a aceitação plena e sem reservas dos Termos e Condições de Uso destas Bibliotecas Digitais, disponíveis em https://digitalis.uc.pt/pt-pt/termos. Conforme exposto nos referidos Termos e Condições de Uso, o descarregamento de títulos de acesso restrito requer uma licença válida de autorização devendo o utilizador aceder ao(s) documento(s) a partir de um endereço de IP da instituição detentora da supramencionada licença. Ao utilizador é apenas permitido o descarregamento para uso pessoal, pelo que o emprego do(s) título(s) descarregado(s) para outro fim, designadamente comercial, carece de autorização do respetivo autor ou editor da obra. Na medida em que todas as obras da UC Digitalis se encontram protegidas pelo Código do Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos e demais legislação aplicável, toda a cópia, parcial ou total, deste documento, nos casos em que é legalmente admitida, deverá conter ou fazer-se acompanhar por este aviso. Aplicação do sistema hidralerta na avaliação do risco associado ao galgamento no porto da Praia da Vitória
This paper describes the study of the impact of energy absorption by wave farms on the nearshore ... more This paper describes the study of the impact of energy absorption by wave farms on the nearshore wave climate and, in special, the influence of the incident wave conditions and the number and position of the wave farms, on the nearshore wave characteristics is studied and discussed. The study was applied to the maritime zone at the West coast off Portugal, namely in front of São Pedro de Moel, where it is foreseen the deployment of offshore wave energy prototypes and farms between the 30 m and 90 m bathymetric lines, with an area of 320 Km 2. In this study the REFDIF model was adapted in order to model the energy extraction by wave farms. Three different sinusoidal incident wave conditions were considered. Five different wave farm configurations, varying the position of the wave farm, its number and the width of the navigation channels at each wave farm were analysed. The results for each configuration in terms of the change of the wave characteristics (wave height and wave direction) at the nearshore are presented, compared and discussed for three representative wave conditions.
Papers by Juana Fortes