Papers by Juan Camilo Betancourt Correa
Dirección y Organización
La estrategia empresarial es uno de los temas estrella en el campo de la organización y dirección... more La estrategia empresarial es uno de los temas estrella en el campo de la organización y dirección de empresas. No obstante, las dificultades teóricas para una rigurosa delimitación del concepto y el escaso conocimiento de las posibilidades existentes para su medición, han provocado que el número de trabajos empíricos sobre el tema no alcancen aún la relevancia deseable. El trabajo pretende ofrecer una visión de las alternativas existentes para la medición de la estrategia empresarial y recomendaciones para el correcto uso de las mismas. Se concluye en la necesidad de conocer las diferentes opciones y sus características para una elección adecuada en función de las circunstancias.
EMC - Tratado de Medicina
A.-Atracones recurrentes. Un atracón se caracteriza por: 1.-Ingesta de alimento en un corto perío... more A.-Atracones recurrentes. Un atracón se caracteriza por: 1.-Ingesta de alimento en un corto período de tiempo, en cantidad superior a la que la mayoría de las personas ingerirían.. 2.-Sensación de pérdida de control sobre la ingesta. (Sensación de no poder parar de comer o de no poder controlar el tipo o la cantidad de comida que se ingiere). de comida que se ingiere). B.-Conductas compensatorias inapropiadas, con el fin de no aumentar de peso; provocación de vómitos; uso excesivo de laxantes, diuréticos; ayuno y ejercicio excesivo. C.-Los atracones y las conductas compensatorias inapropiadas, tienen lugar como promedio, al menos dos veces a la semana por un período de 3 meses. D.-La autoevaluación está exageradamente influida por el peso y la imagen corporal.
Con este Informe se cumple un objetivo de la Convocatoria de Apoyo a Centros e Institutos de Inve... more Con este Informe se cumple un objetivo de la Convocatoria de Apoyo a Centros e Institutos de Investigación que lanzó en 2019 la Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones de la Universidad del Valle: contribuir a difundir y proyectar el trabajo investigativo de la Universidad del Valle sobre la ciudad de Cali y la región vallecaucana. El Centro de Investigaciones y Documentación Socioeconómica (CIDSE) de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas de la Universidad del Valle articula a sus diferentes investigadores alrededor del Laboratorio Urbano Regional (LABUR). Es en este contexto que se llevó a cabo el análisis de la coyuntura social y económica de Cali y su entorno regional para 2019. Estamos conscientes de que muchas dimensiones de la realidad social y económica de la ciudad se omiten en este primer intento, pero, sin pedir excusas, presentamos los análisis de algunas dimensiones fundamentales del quehacer económico y social de la ciudad, y le apuntamos en el futuro a la extensión y ...
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 1972
Se evaluó el procedimiento del hemocitómetro (Cámara de Spencer) en la cuenta espermática, utiliz... more Se evaluó el procedimiento del hemocitómetro (Cámara de Spencer) en la cuenta espermática, utilizando para esto 54 muestras de semen de bovino. Los resultados indican que_ con un mínimo de 5 cuadros, es suficiente para realizar la evaluación. Se encontró mayor variabilidad en las muestras de mayor concentración por lo que se sugiere, para estos casos, usar muestras diluidas.
Chemistry – A European Journal, 2018
A polymer‐mediated paramagnetic spin relaxation (PSR) filter is presented for the selective suppr... more A polymer‐mediated paramagnetic spin relaxation (PSR) filter is presented for the selective suppression of signals from polymer‐interacting species in the 1D and 2D NMR spectra of mixtures. The combined use of Gd3+ and a polymer with a high transverse relaxation enhancement (R2p, which gives a measure of the Gd3+‐complexing ability) results in the suppression of signals from any polymer‐interacting component in mixtures, irrespective of their R2p. By using poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) as a model system, we demonstrate selective filtering of the signals of typical low‐R2p species (insensitive to Gd3+), such as molecular/polymeric cations and non‐ionic polymers, which, through PAA recognition (electrostatic/hydrogen‐bonding interactions), become exposed to the paramagnetic effect of Gd3+, while leaving non‐PAA‐interacting species unaffected. Typical suppression conditions involve PAA (approximately equimolar amount with respect to the species to be filtered) accompanied by sub‐mm concentr...
Cuadernos De Economia, Oct 19, 2012
En este trabajo se estima el valor del stock de capital humano para Colombia en el período 2001-2... more En este trabajo se estima el valor del stock de capital humano para Colombia en el período 2001-2009, a partir del enfoque de ingresos vitales. Se identifica una tasa de crecimiento del stock agregado de 3,24%, a la cual los hombres contribuyen en mayor medida, al igual que las personas con nivel educativo superior incompleto, mientras los individuos más jóvenes contribuyen más por grupos de edad. Las tasas de inversión bruta, depreciación y revaluación estimadas en 7,48%, 4,44%, y 0,1%, respectivamente, arrojan una tasa de inversión neta de 3,09%. Finalmente, Palabras clave: capital humano, metodología jorgenson-Fraumeni, flujo de ingresos futuros, stock agregado, índice de Divisia.
EMC - Ginecología-Obstetricia, 2016
La hipertension arterial es una de las complicaciones medicas mas frecuentes y graves que pueden ... more La hipertension arterial es una de las complicaciones medicas mas frecuentes y graves que pueden ocurrir en el transcurso de la gestacion. Su incidencia fluctua entre 7 y 10% y excluido el aborto septico, constituye la primera causa de mortalidad materna en nuestro medio (19,3/100,00 nacidos vivos en el pe-riodo 1990-1996). Es ademas una importante causa de retardo de crecimiento fetal y bajo peso al nacer, de prematurez y de morbimortalidad perinatal1,2.
The HIV/AIDS pandemic is still growing around the world, and the problem is equally serious in Co... more The HIV/AIDS pandemic is still growing around the world, and the problem is equally serious in Colombia. This situation implies that general physicians, as well as all other professionals working with this specific population, should receive an adequate training to be able to diagnose and treat this potentially fatal disease before patients reach the advanced, irreversible stages. Throughout history, the role of teachers has evolved from an authoritarian model to being closer to their alumni; in the latter model students may find an easier identification with their teachers, acquire technical skills, and develop passion for knowledge; this goal is reached through several social, ethical, political and cultural competences that prepare alumni in an integral way.The small group didactics and the problem-based learning are useful tools in different pedagogic scenarios, but there is no precedent of their implementation in HIV/ AIDS teaching. For that reason, at the Medical Faculty, University of Antioquia, in Medellín, Colombia, we have adopted the ward round-based teaching methodology, that motivates alumni to think from a reflective position, preparing them for practicing in a milieu in which team work is the most important goal to reach. However, teachers keep their active role in decision-making.Students must achieve independence to take decisions focused on the search for knowledge and for the wellbeing of patients.La pandemia del VIH/SIDA sigue aumentando en el mundo y el problema no es menor en Colombia; por lo tanto, es urgente que el médico general y los profesionales de todas las disciplinas cuyos esfuerzos terapéuticos se enfocan sobre esta población reciban una adecuada formación para diagnosticar y tratar esta fatal enfermedad antes de que el paciente alcance sus estadios más avanzados en los que ya es irreversible.A lo largo de la historia ha ido cambiando el rol del maestro, pasando del que era autoritario hasta llegar al que es más cercano a sus alumnos, con el cual ellos se identifican y del cual adq [...]
Revista Europea De Direccion Y Economia De La Empresa, 1997
The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, it highlights the relevance of a teaching perspect... more The purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, it highlights the relevance of a teaching perspective on the benefits of employing quantitative indicators to prepare an adequate literature review for theses in engineering graduate programs. Secondly, it contrasts the teaching perspective with the results obtained from an opinion questionnaire from a sample of graduate students enrolled in the course of “research seminar” at Dirección de Investigación y Postgrado, Vicerrectorado “Luis Caballero Mejías” during the period 2009-2011. The empirical results support the benefits of the teaching perspective and suggest the importance of further replications to deepen the validity and utility of this perspective in other contexts.
Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2014
Since renewable energies are gaining significance, the development of efficient devices is vital ... more Since renewable energies are gaining significance, the development of efficient devices is vital to make them competitive against the current used sources of energies. The present paper contains the development of a Heliostat for a Solar Tower Plant, the description of its elements as well as the Finite Element Analysis that was taken into account to design the different mechanisms that form the heliostat. The main innovation in the design is the modularity of the whole device, the simplification of the movement mechanisms and a high resistance under severe wind conditions. According to the Finite Element Method analysis the heliostat is able to withstand a wind speed up to 34 m/s, it accomplishes the modularity desired but still present backlash issues in the azimuth movement. The next step in the design is to reduce this resultant backlash with the modification of the azimuthal mechanism, to employ another transmission method different from gearboxes, and to compensate the inaccuracy within the dynamic control system.
Universum (Talca), 2005
La viña de Quilicura, ubicada en una de las chacras que rodeaban Santiago, tiene su origen en una... more La viña de Quilicura, ubicada en una de las chacras que rodeaban Santiago, tiene su origen en una merced otorgada por el Cabildo a pocos años de iniciada la conquista hispana, dándose posteriormente en ella todas las formas de traspaso de la propiedad: venta, herencia, dote, división, reunificación, donación, pago de deudas, y remate. Puede verse, a través de sus propietarios, que se da lo señalado por la historiografía acerca de la elite chilena: posesión de casas en la traza, chacras en el cordón suburbano y estancias en el ámbito rural. No solo sirvió para los fines económicos de la producción de vino, pequeños arriendos, y la obtención de capitales con la imposición de gravámenes, sino para otros tales como negociaciones matrimoniales, hasta los que, excediendo el plano temporal, ayudaban a salir antes del purgatorio. Esta viña sirve de muestra sobre una unidad de producción con sus formas de trabajarla, gastos y riesgos naturales que debía enfrentar. Palabras clave: Economía colonial latinoamericana-viticultura chilena-hacienda vitivinícola ABSTRACT The Quilicura vineyard, located in a farm (chacra) close to Santiago, was originated in a land grant approved by the town council (cabildo) shortly after the Spanish Conquest. It thereafter underwent every form of property transfer: sale, inheritance, dowry, subdivision, reunification, donation, debt payment and public auction. Its successive proprietors conform to what the historiography has said about Chile's colonial elite: they also owned town houses, farms in the suburban belt and cattle estates in the more rural areas. The vineyard did not only meet economic ends such as the production of wine, small leases and the acquisition of capital through mortgages, but it was also instrumental in negotiating marriages and, surpassing the worldly sphere, obtaining a shorter stay in Purgatory. This vineyard is a fine sample of a colonial economic unit, the ways it was exploited, and the expenditures and natural risks it had to confront.
Physical Review D, 2012
The purpose of this paper is to study quasinormal modes (QNM) of the Bardeen black hole due to sc... more The purpose of this paper is to study quasinormal modes (QNM) of the Bardeen black hole due to scalar perturbations. We have done a thorough analysis of the QNM frequencies by varying the charge q, mass M and the spherical harmonic index l. The unstable null geodesics are used to compute the QNM's in the eikonal limit. Furthermore, massive scalar field modes are also studied by varying the mass of the field. Comparisons are done with the QNM frequencies of the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole.
European Journal of Phycology, 1994
The sequence of events taking place during infection of the algal host Chondrus crispus by the al... more The sequence of events taking place during infection of the algal host Chondrus crispus by the algal endophyte Acrochaete operculata was characterised at the ultrastructural level. Infection required settlement of quadriflagellate zoospores on the outer cell wall of the host. The host outer cell wall did not represent a barrier against penetration by the endophyte, which digested its way through. The extent of further spread of A. operculata in C. crispus was determined by the life-history phase of the host. In sporophytic fronds, colonisation of inner tissues occurred by digestion of the intercellular matrix, and infection spread throughout the frond. In gametophytic thalli, infection remained localised, forming a characteristic papule. In spite of these differences, degenerative changes at the cellular level were similar in the two phases of the host. Damage was caused by compression and by penetration of host cells. Final breakdown of the host resulted from the combined effects of A. operculata and bacteria. Bacteria alone did not cause damage to healthy C. crispus, but they accelerated cell wall degradation in the presence of A. operculata. Thus, A. operculata should be considered a primary pathogen of C. crispus, causing direct cellular damage and facilitating secondary infections.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2010
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 1994
A green mottled coloration, or green patch disease, develops in the red alga lridaea laminarioide... more A green mottled coloration, or green patch disease, develops in the red alga lridaea laminarioides Bory when it is infected by the algal endophyte Endophyton sp. The disease is widespread in host populations along the coast of central and southern Chile (33" l?' S to 40°33' S) and affects both gametophytic and sporophytic fronds. It is characterized by green areas, usually located at the base of the thalli, which become soft in texture in fully developed infections. The softening of the host tissue is caused by cellular destruction resulting from endophyte-mediated compaction of the cells, followed by secondary bacterial infections. Bacteria gain access to the host through openings left in the host thallus during spore release from mature sporangia of Endophyton. Both life-history phases of I. laminarioides were successfully infected by unialgal isolates of Endophyton in laboratory trials. Infection was achieved only by germlings from newly settled spores and the process of penetration was completed within 3 d. Softening of laboratory-infected thalli became evident about 8 wk after penetration and thallus destruction was complete after 3 to 4 mo of culture.
Papers by Juan Camilo Betancourt Correa