Papers by Slavoljub Jovanović
Development of science, techniques and technology in the second half of the 20th century caused t... more Development of science, techniques and technology in the second half of the 20th century caused the crisis of education. In this period, many laws were discovered and innovations introduced in pedagogical theory and educational practice. It is about active forms of teaching, i.e. learning. Observed from a teacher's viewpoint, those forms are the teaching ones, while they are the learning ones from a student's viewpoint, i.e. activities he performs. The programmed teaching method is one of the innovations. It is a system of teaching in which the ground is logically structured in a particular way and students are given smaller parts which they master independently, gradually, step by step with their own tempo, checking the degree of mastering through constant feedback.
When pupils do their homework they are given a possibility to work independently on their assignm... more When pupils do their homework they are given a possibility to work independently on their assignments getting thus more practice and skills. Working on the assignments within their home activities, the pupils have an opportunity to develop different social skills and, what is more important for geography, intellectual processes as well as abilities for an individual work and intellectual independence, critical use of information, solving problems and abilities for carrying out the smaller researches. During the formulation of the homework, one should take care of the homework to be made in a form of problem questions, to be adapted to the age of the pupils, to demand different forms of practical use of knowledge, to treat the current life problems, to be adopted to the individual characteristics of the pupil and to be interesting to the pupils.
Municipal Public Service "Rujevica" is in charge of this problem in Aleksinac. Garbage ... more Municipal Public Service "Rujevica" is in charge of this problem in Aleksinac. Garbage is being collected by three special garbage-trucks that cover most part of the town. It is being taken out from down-town six times per week. One of the crucial problems is illegal dumps. They are located on several places. Burning issues are: unsolved problems of dangerous industrial and medical garbage, lack of garbage recycling process, there is no appropriate dump location for cattle graveyard, there are no enough garbage cans, there is lack of info centers for providing information about environmental quality conditions etc. Aleksinac has un appropriate city dump that has a big impact on changes of environmental quality and accordingly on human lives. Thus, it is necessary to build new dump in the town.
Problems’ teaching is the form of learning which doesn’t produce final products pupils have to ad... more Problems’ teaching is the form of learning which doesn’t produce final products pupils have to adopt; it gives them tasks to be solved using known and fresh information. This form of learning requires large number of pupils’ actions. Primarily, there are perception activities, defining the problem precision in problem detection and finally, taking initiative for solving the problem. It is expected from teachers to create problem situations and to provoke pupils to solve them. There are many of problems’ situations in geography teaching. It comes from essential logical structure of contents of geographical teaching and unlimited options of observations, follow up and perception of geographical phenomena. Resolving problems in geography teaching has chain of didactical advantages. By this way, educational efficiency of the knowledge level can become higher, as well as facts learning efficiency and comprehension of geography terms and patterns.
Environmental education in elementary schools is one of the important issues related to the overa... more Environmental education in elementary schools is one of the important issues related to the overall institutional education. During the last few decades we have witnessed threats to the environment which have made the environmental education of young people a necessity. The process of this education should be continuously examined and improved.. It has been noticed that along with education, it there is a growing need for more effective environmental training. The education system in schools is formed according to guidelines set by legislation, curriculum and educational standards relevant to the level of achievement of students and binding for all participants in the teaching process. An analysis of class 5-8 standardized geography curriculum emphasizes the lacks of environmental education goals, general and operational tasks, curriculum contents and instructions for teaching environmental protection related curriculum. With the aim of improving teaching methods and achieving bette...
Bulletin of the Serbian Geographical Society, 2017
Problem of regional inequality in Serbia is rather noticeable. Regional inequality and polarizati... more Problem of regional inequality in Serbia is rather noticeable. Regional inequality and polarization of Serbia can be observed primarily on the example of the City of Belgrade and the AP Vojvodina, which are according to numerous indicators of development evidently ahead other regions in the country. Negative development trends in Serbia present a major problem that threatens to jeopardize the future of regional and social development of the state itself and the process of European integration too. The paper presents some indicators of regional inequality as well as the importance of taking measures to achieve a higher level of economic development. When we talk about regionalization as a factor of public regulation of economic and regional development in the conditions of transition in Serbia, European integration in Europe and globalization in the world, it is necessary to take into account possibilities, limitations, applicability and specific characteristics of the Serbian economy in order to secure socioeconomic and geographical framework for conducting economic activities.
Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2017
The interdisciplinary teaching-scientific disciplines and all participants in the educational pro... more The interdisciplinary teaching-scientific disciplines and all participants in the educational process, the school becomes an environment in which, in addition to teaching and learning, fosters the harmonious development of personality of students with various aspects. Geography and ethnology ratio is determined by their position in the system of scientific disciplines and tasks that have in education. From ethnology as a science is the selection of content, according to educational and functional tasks of teaching geography in specific socio-historical context. In geography textbooks represented ethnological themes through the study of the origin, beliefs and customs of a nation or community. As such, characteristics of the different analyzed ethnology people, by studying the relations between them, and thus enrich the geography textbooks. Ethnological facilities are very suitable for the teaching process because they enable wide application forms and methods, as well as a wide selection of new information and communication educational technologies. The aim of this paper is based on defining similarities and differences between geography and ethnology, as well as related and in many ways related to science and unbreakable. The aim of the paper points to the scale of the ethnological contents in geography textbooks for Secondary school. The results show that in terms of geography and ethnology, there are some similarities, but also differences when it comes to the interpretation of certain phenomena, processes and principles. Based on the results, proposals are defined which are contributing to a more efficient study of ethnological content with the aim of more obvious, more permanent and more practical adoption of students' knowledge.
Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2017
This research examined the redistribution of teaching staff in the Municipality of Nova Varoš in ... more This research examined the redistribution of teaching staff in the Municipality of Nova Varoš in the last 25 years. The aim of this paper was to determine the number of teachers who were redistributed in the mentioned period and whether this was influenced by the closing of schools and the decrease in the number of schools. The results were obtained on the basis of data analysis from the Annual Work Plans of Schools in the Municipality of Nova Varoš and the Special Collective Agreements for employees in primary and secondary schools. The results of the research indicate that the optimization of the school network, based on the current state and demographic trends, will go towards the unification of small schools.
Zbornik radova - Geografski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2018
Interpreting the extensive and varied bibliography of Jovan Cvijić, largely in foreign languages,... more Interpreting the extensive and varied bibliography of Jovan Cvijić, largely in foreign languages, which apart from the text includes geographic and ethnographic map of the Balkan Peninsula, atlases, notes and drawings, it is concluded that his scientific work was versatile and complex. Cvijić's perception of space, the use of didactic principles, methods and forms of work can be categorized as actual and modern even in the present time. He was the first among the Balkan geographers who simultaneously interpreted natural, historical, sociological, ethnographic and ethno-psychological phenomena and processes. Cvijić pointed to the relationship between the geographic environment and human communities, civilizations and historical events, constantly examining their mutual conditionality. Numerous research trips in almost all regions of the Balkan Peninsula led to his interest in the culture and customs of the people. He noted that in the Balkans, there are different people by origin, religion and mentality. The result of the field research is certainly one of Cvijić's most important work-"Anthropogeographical problems of the Balkan Peninsula". His scientific approach has given an outstanding contribution to methodological development of geography.
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2017
In order to meet the needs of modern society, schools should be continually reviewed its role. In... more In order to meet the needs of modern society, schools should be continually reviewed its role. In contemporary the methodological concepts, interdisciplinary teaching is seen as a necessity in order to increase the quality of teaching and teaching an improved outcome. Analysis Curriculum geography of 5th to 8th graders and items that are correlated with it indicates that there are a number of lessons that provide quality basis for the realization of interdisciplinary teaching and learning. The aim is to determine the program content items geography in primary school that are suitable for an interdisciplinary approach to teaching. Test results indicate the great potential of interdisciplinary connections between teaching content of geography and other subjects in primary school. The paper contained proposals that could contribute to the improvement of the interdisciplinary approach.
Atmosphere, 2018
Considering recent weather events in Serbia (especially the floods in 2014), a need has arisen fo... more Considering recent weather events in Serbia (especially the floods in 2014), a need has arisen for research that would help in identifying extreme weather phenomena. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to determine the thresholds above which intense precipitation can be considered as extreme precipitation events in Serbia. In this study, we determined the frequency of precipitation occurring at an intensity above the threshold of an extreme phenomenon (1961-2015), as well as the frequency of precipitation occurring at or above the absolute daily maximum in the reference period (1961-1990). The study sample included daily rainfall observations from 28 stations from the national meteorological network in Serbia. Applying a decile method, all the stations recording precipitation above the threshold of dangerous phenomena on the same day are classified into the corresponding decile. The threshold value was determined as the average value of the extreme annual precipitation in the analyzed period. The cases that are due to the high prevalence listed in the last decile are considered extreme. The results showed that the critical number of observation points above which an event is considered extreme precipitation event is 6.21, and a warning of the danger could be ensured only in the case of neighboring stations in the network. The threshold of extreme precipitation events for the individual stations ranges up to 130 mm. The obtained results might be used to mitigate the effects of extreme precipitation events in Serbia in the future.
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 2016
We assessed the influence of environmental values on the proenvironmental behavior of youth in Se... more We assessed the influence of environmental values on the proenvironmental behavior of youth in Serbia by assessing the level of their satisfaction with environmental conditions and their sense of personal environmental responsibility. Participants were 168 15-year-old boys and girls who were pupils in their final year at primary schools in Belgrade. We found that 9.5% of the variability in the students' proenvironmental behavior could be explained by individual differences regarding their environmental values, environmental satisfaction, and environmental responsibility. The results obtained from this study should provide curriculum developers, educators, and teachers with a deeper understanding of methods and strategies to use in order to raise environmental awareness and to encourage environmentally responsible behavior among young people in Serbia.
Glasnik srpskog geografskog dru?tva, 2010
Рад представља резултате истраживања у оквиру пројеката 146015 које финансира Министарство науке ... more Рад представља резултате истраживања у оквиру пројеката 146015 које финансира Министарство науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије.
Glasnik srpskog geografskog dru?tva, 2005
Individual learning is the process that pupils use their own activities (intellectual and practic... more Individual learning is the process that pupils use their own activities (intellectual and practical). The school primarily has to develop pupils' skills and habits for individual learning, i.e. to enable them for active learning using their own capacities. This program has to be applied in the earlier stages to produce growth of children's autonomy and independence in coming stages. Individual learning, above all, demands flexibility of thoughts, critic opinion, individual work and intellectual independence creativity, motivation and interest and pupils' participation during the tuitition.
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog dru?tva, 2011
Research results presented in this paper refer to changes in the structure of the agricultural po... more Research results presented in this paper refer to changes in the structure of the agricultural population of the Pcinja District in the period from 1971 to 2002. They point to markedly decrease in the agricultural population, the share of agricultural population in total population, the share of rural population in total population, as well as the share of active agricultural population in total active population. The process of deagrarianization in this area is a constraining factor for the development of agriculture and causes spontaneous abandonment by working-age population who is employing in other sectors. Transfer of agricultural population in non-agricultural activities takes place either by moving into the city centre or by remaining in agricultural households and employing in non-agricultural activities (which causes daily rural-urban migration). The process of depopulation and deruralization caused ageing population to be involved in agriculture in many rural settlements ...
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2012
There are different views on self-regulation in the learning process, how it has to be monitored,... more There are different views on self-regulation in the learning process, how it has to be monitored, controlled, which are the circumstances and external factors that affect independent learning. Dominant are the opinions in which the self-regulation is treated as interaction of processes related to the personality, behavioural and contextual processes. Special attention has been given to motivational strategies and students? desire to focus on goals. By enabling students to make decisions, set their own goals, make a choice, plan and organize activities, the development of self-learning and student autonomy is being encouraged. If students are given the opportunity of independent activities, effect of self-control in the process of learning and self-regulation becomes more pronounced. The paper will explain the factors that influence the process of self-learning that takes place in regular teaching with the help of map as the basic geographic media.
Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment, 2012
Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment 284 waters (4 m 3 /inhabitant/day). And with a shortage o... more Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment 284 waters (4 m 3 /inhabitant/day). And with a shortage of water we have also found out that its quality is very bad, considering both surface and groundwater. In the meantime, the need for water has been growing, used resources have been diminishing, and our awareness of the water has not changed a bit since the eighties of the last century.
Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cviji?, SASA, 2007
Садржај: Супротни демографски токови су резултирали изразитом поларизацијом простора Србије на зо... more Садржај: Супротни демографски токови су резултирали изразитом поларизацијом простора Србије на зоне притисака (урбани центри) и зоне пражњења (сеоска насеља). Применом картографског метода представљен је однос површина и становништва градских и сеоских насеља округа Србије, као показатељ степена њихове концентрације. Конструисањем комбинованог знака представљена је конкретна и тематизована површина уз коришћење одговарајуће врсте ареасемиоразмера. Размерним конструисањем тематске садржине карата постигнута је потпуна метричка усклађеност и међусобна упоредивост свих серија знакова.
Zbornik radova PMF-Geografski institut, …, 2008
... LVI, 2008. Collection of the Papers, vol. LVI, 2008 257 Оригинални научни рад Original scient... more ... LVI, 2008. Collection of the Papers, vol. LVI, 2008 257 Оригинални научни рад Original scientific article Љиљана Живковић Славољуб Јовановић МОДЕЛ ЧАСА АКТИВНОГ УЧЕЊА У НАСТАВИ ГЕОГРАФИЈЕ* ... Литература Антић, С., Шишовић, Д. и Муждека, В. (2005). ...
Inovacije u nastavi, 2016
Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет Оригинални научни рад Тенденције у погледу развоја пр... more Универзитет у Београду, Географски факултет Оригинални научни рад Тенденције у погледу развоја проеколошког понашања ученика 2 Резиме: Имајући у виду чињеницу да ће због интензивирања проблема у вези са животном средином млади бити изложени све већим ризицима у будућности, веома је важно формирати њихову еколошку свест и проеколошко понашање. Циљ овог рада је био да се идентификује ниво проеколошког понашања ученика, као и да се утврди да ли у том погледу постоје разлике између ученика различитог нивоа школовања и пола. Применом петостепене скале проеколошког понашања укупно су испитана двеста педесет два ученика основних и средњих школа из Београда. Резултати истраживања указују да ученици имају неадекватно понашање према окружењу у појединим ситуацијама (поступање са отпадом, штедња воде и енергије у домаћинству, проеколошка потрошња). Показало се да у погледу проеколошког понашања не постоје статистички значајне разлике између ученика различитог нивоа школовања и пола. Добијени резултати могу да укажу на правце деловања формалног образовања у погледу развоја еколошке свести и проеколошких навика младих у Србији.
Papers by Slavoljub Jovanović