Papers by Jovan Mihajlovic
![Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between mean annual temperatures and precipitation sums in Montenegro between 1951-1980 and 1981-2010 periods](
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva
In the second half of the 20th and by the beginning of the 21st century the area of Montenegro wa... more In the second half of the 20th and by the beginning of the 21st century the area of Montenegro was dominated by positive air temperature fluctuations and negative precipitation sums. This paper analyses a 60-year period (1951-2010), with the aim to determine air temperature and precipitation deviation between the two 30-year periods: 1951-1980 and 1981-2010. Calculations of mean, mean maximum and mean minimum temperature have been done, as well as annual values of precipitation sums. All three temperature parameters, particularly maximum values, show that the 1981-2010 period was significantly warmer in relation to previous three decades. Significant changes in mean annual precipitation sums between the two observation periods have been recorded on the coast and, locally, in the western part of the country. The results also showed that there was a significant increase in positive deviations of mean maximum temperature in most parts of Montenegro during the 1981-2010 period in relati...
![Research paper thumbnail of Forest fires in Finland - the influence of atmospheric oscillations](
Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, 2019
In Finland, in the period 1996-2017, 28,434 forest fires were recorded (an average of 1,292.5 per... more In Finland, in the period 1996-2017, 28,434 forest fires were recorded (an average of 1,292.5 per year), and the total burned area was 11,922 ha (an average of 541.9 ha per year). In both cases, a statistically nonsignificant downward trend was recorded. Forest fires in Finland do not represent a particularly significant problem, primarily due to climatic characteristics, well-organized fire protection, and low density of population. The research of climate influence included the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the Arctic Oscillation (AO). The statistically significant values (p ≤ .05) of Pearson correlation coefficient were recorded for the August values of NAO and the surface area of burned forest (−0.44), the June values of NAO and the average surface area of forest burned per fire (−0.51) and the May AO values and the average surface area of forest burned per fire (−0.45). For the June values of NAO and the average surface area of forest burned per fire, the Lomb periodogram shows four significant peaks, and the match is at two, at 2.4 and 3.4 years, which supports the hypothesis of the connection between NAO and forest fires in Finland.
![Research paper thumbnail of Tornadic waterspout event in Split (Croatia) - analysis of meteorological environment](
Zbornik radova Geografskog instituta "Jovan Cvijic", SANU, 2016
The aim of this paper is the waterspout in Split (φ 43.51 °N, λ 16.45 °E, h = 0 m) observed on Ja... more The aim of this paper is the waterspout in Split (φ 43.51 °N, λ 16.45 °E, h = 0 m) observed on January 6, 2016, which swept over the city at 15:40-16:00 CET (14:40-15:00 UTC). There were convective developments in upper-level southwest flow within the cloudiness which followed the low-level cyclone and associated frontal disturbances. There was an intense thermodynamic instability in lower and mid layers of the atmosphere-the passage of the cold front as a main synoptic feature over the warm Adriatic water, pronounced directional and speed wind shear, as well as the presence of jet stream and a pronounced horizontal field of positive divergence above the observed area. The aim of this paper is to investigate synoptic and mesoscale situation, and meteorological conditions which created favourable thermodynamic environment which preceded the waterspout development.
![Research paper thumbnail of Tornado frequency in the USA - meteorological and non-meteorological factors of a downward trend](
Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, 2015
Citing numerical simulations, climate alarmists believe that global warming will lead to more fre... more Citing numerical simulations, climate alarmists believe that global warming will lead to more frequent and more intensive tornadoes. Considering temperature increase data in the contiguous USA, this study has investigated the trend of strong tornadoes in F3+ category in the 1954-2012 period. Statistically significant decrease of tornadoes per year at an average rate of 0.44 has been recorded, that is, 4.4 tornadoes per decade. Tornado increase has been recorded with F0 and F1 categories and the cause of this increase lies in meteorological and non-meteorological factors. By using upper and lower standard deviation values, the stages of tornado activity have been singled out. The 1957-1974 period may be considered as an active stage and the 1978-2009 period as an inactive stage. Upward trend of air temperature increase does not correspond with the downward trend of the number of F3+ tornado category, while the correlation coefficient between these two variables is R = −0.14. This fact does not correspond with the simulation results and output data of various numerical models anticipating an increase in the number and intensity of tornado events in the conditions of surface air temperature growth.
![Research paper thumbnail of Temperature altitude amplification as a footprint of a possible anthropogenic impact on the climate of Australia](
Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, 2015
In the conditions of dominant influence of anthropogenic greenhouse effect and according to simul... more In the conditions of dominant influence of anthropogenic greenhouse effect and according to simulation models, a more intensive temperature increase in upper-air layers of troposphere than in lower-air layers should be expected. In order to check this, the difference between temperature trends in the middle and lower troposphere over the Australian continent has been analyzed. Satellite data UAHMSU for lower troposphere (TLT) and middle troposphere (ТМТ), for the 1979-2014 period have been used in the study. Estimates have been done on seasonal and annual value, and the results obtained indicate that there is a trend of temperature increase, but not altitude amplification over Australia. Reducing the time series for a year from the beginning (1980-2014, 1981-2014…), a comparative analysis between corresponding time series for each season, i.e., each year, showed that from 140 mutual comparisons, altitude amplification does not exist in 130, i.e., in 93% of cases. Moreover, in sub-periods of 1996 (1997-2014, 1998-2014…), we can not even talk about warming in most cases because the trend of temperature is negative.
![Research paper thumbnail of Relationship between the precipitation variability in Montenegro and the Mediterranean oscillation](
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2014
This study investigates the influence of atmospheric circulation in the Mediterranean region on t... more This study investigates the influence of atmospheric circulation in the Mediterranean region on the precipitation in Montenegro. Nine precipitation parameters have been used in the analysis and the relationship has been investigated by the Mediterranean and West Mediterranean Oscillation change index (MO and WeMO). According to a 60 - year observed period (1951-2010), the research results show that nothing characteristic happens with seasonal and annual precipitation sums because the trend is mainly insignificant. However, precipitation extremes are getting more extreme, which corresponds with a general idea of global warming. Negative consequences of daily intensity increase and frequency of precipitation days above fixed and percentile thresholds have been recorded recently in the form of torrents, floods, intensive erosive processes, etc., but it should be pointed out that human factor is partly a cause of such events. The estimate of the influence of teleconnection patterns prim...
Archives of Biological Sciences, 2015
The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using the dendrochronological method ... more The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of using the dendrochronological method in drought prediction in eastern Bosnia. As an indicator of drought, the standardized precipitation index (SPI) was used. In the wider area of Rogatica (eastern Bosnia), 11 core samples from trees were taken. The best connection between the width of tree rings and drought was shown by the sample of a 67-year-old European silver fir (Abies alba) from the mountain Boksanica. Removal of the biological trend (standardization) was performed by the autoregressive-moving-average (ARMA) method. Calculations showed that precipitation, i.e. drought in the summer months, is crucial for radial increment of the sample. The obtained results of our research have been confirmed in examples in the region and further.
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2013
The aim of this study is to point out the basic climate modificators and types in Montenegro. Rar... more The aim of this study is to point out the basic climate modificators and types in Montenegro. Rarely could you find such a small area with more climate types and several subtypes and varieties as it is the case here. In the Part one of the study the most important climate modificators in Montenegro have been discussed, such as: mathematical - geographical position, relief dissection, atmospheric circulation and the Adriatic Sea. Atlantic and Mediterranean aquatories and Eurasian landmass play an important part in climate modification in the area of Montenegro. These vast areas represent the source of atmospheric action centres and air masses.
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2015
The studies show that the changes in intensity and frequency of the extreme weather events have b... more The studies show that the changes in intensity and frequency of the extreme weather events have been registered in many regions of the world. This paper gives an analysis of the change of 12 air temperature parameters, out of which 9 are climate indices. The indices suggested by WMO-CCL/CLIVAR have been used in order to investigate the changes in temperature extremes. The research related to the topic has been carried out by using the data from 23 meteorological stations for the 1951 - 2010 period and calculations have been done on the seasonal level. The results show that the maximum and minimum air temperatures, which have ?warmer values?, are becoming more frequent on the territory of Montenegro which corresponds to the general idea of global warming.
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva, 2013
In this study we have analysed a case of the landspout across Novi Beograd on 24 May 2012. We hav... more In this study we have analysed a case of the landspout across Novi Beograd on 24 May 2012. We have used a synoptic analysis method in the research and the description of the landspout event is based on visual evidence and photographs. According to the available data, it can be concluded that there were favourable conditions for a landspout development since there was a process and an increased amount of instability. The landspout occured within the northeast stream which moved over Belgrade and further toward the southeast and west. Based upon synoptic data analysis, it can?t be said that there was a cold air advection. Surface air was warm enough, but not the air in the upper layers of the atmosphere. The conditions for a landspout development were favourable - high relative air humidity and increased vertical and horizontal air currents.
Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA, 2014
This study shows the case of a tornado on 27 May 2014 in the vicinity of Valjevo. According to it... more This study shows the case of a tornado on 27 May 2014 in the vicinity of Valjevo. According to its characteristics and considering that this is a mesocyclonic severe weather event, accompanied with heavy rain, violent wind, hail and thunderstorm, it belongs to extraordinary dangerous meteorological events. The aim of this study is to determine and examine the cause of tornado occurrence in this area using the methods of synoptic and mesoscale analysis, as well as radar analysis. That could contribute to better understanding of this phenomenon in Serbia as well as to improving the forecast methods and models. Contrary to the previous researches, the capacities of the meteorological radar MRL-5 have been presented in this study.
![Research paper thumbnail of Cost-Effectiveness of Everolimus for Second-Line Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma in Serbia](
Clinical Therapeutics, 2013
Background: New targeted therapeutics for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) enable an increm... more Background: New targeted therapeutics for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) enable an increment in progression-free survival (PFS) ranging from 2 to 6 months. Compared with best supportive care, everolimus demonstrated an additional PFS of 3 months in patients with mRCC whose disease had progressed on sunitinib and/or sorafenib. The only targeted therapy for mRCC currently reimbursed in Serbia is sunitinib. Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the cost-effectiveness and the budget impact of the introduction of everolimus in Serbia in comparison to best supportive care, for mRCC patients refractory to sunitinib. Methods: A Markov model was designed corresponding with Serbian treatment protocols. A health care payer perspective was taken, including direct costs only. Treated and untreated cohorts were followed up over 18 cycles, each cycle lasting 8 weeks, which covered the lifetime horizon of mRCC patients refractory to the first-line treatment. Annual discounted rates of 1.5% for effectiveness and 3% for costs were applied. Transitions between health states were modeled by time-dependent probabilities extracted from published Kaplan-Meier curves of PFS and overall survival (OS). Utility values were obtained from the appraisals of other mRCC treatments. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were done to test the robustness and uncertainty of the base-case estimate. Lastly, the potential impacts of everolimus on the overall health care expenditures on annual and 4-year bases were estimated in the budget-impact analysis. Results: The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for everolimus was estimated at €86,978 per qualityadjusted life-year. Sensitivity analysis identified the hazard multiplier, a statistical approximator of OS gain, as the main driver of everolimus costeffectiveness. Furthermore, probabilistic sensitivity analyses revealed a wide 95% CI around the basecase incremental cost-effectiveness ratio estimate (€32,594-€425,258 per quality-adjusted life-year). Finally, an average annual budgetary impact of everolimus in first 4 years after its potential reimbursement would be around €270,000, contributing to o1% of the total budget in Serbian oncology. Conclusions: Everolimus as a second-line treatment of mRCC is not likely to be a cost-effective option under the present conditions in Serbia, with a relatively limited impact on its budget in oncology. A major constraint on the estimation of the costeffectiveness of everolimus relates to the uncertainty around the everolimus effect on extending OS. However, prior to a final decision on the acceptance/ rejection of everolimus, reassessment of the whole therapeutic group might be needed to construct an economically rational treatment strategy within the mRCC field.
Papers by Jovan Mihajlovic