Papers by Jorge Zuelgaray
Resumen es: Luego de mas de dos decadas de las publicaciones iniciales con radiofrecuencia para e... more Resumen es: Luego de mas de dos decadas de las publicaciones iniciales con radiofrecuencia para el tratamiento de las arritmias cardiacas, nuestro grupo se encuentra...
Heart …, 2005
Heart Rhythm, Volume 2, Issue 5, Pages S315, May 2005, Authors:Rukshen Weerasooriya, MBBS; Conor ... more Heart Rhythm, Volume 2, Issue 5, Pages S315, May 2005, Authors:Rukshen Weerasooriya, MBBS; Conor Murray, MBBS; Jorge Gonzalez-Zuelgaray, MD, PhD; America Perez, MD; Anne Powell, MBBS; Michael Davis, MBBS. ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1995
Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 36 años de edad que consulta por presentar palpitaciones y... more Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 36 años de edad que consulta por presentar palpitaciones y disnea de esfuerzo, diagnosticándose una insuficiencia cardíaca debida a una miocardiopatía no compactada y severo deterioro de la función sistólica ventricular izquierda. Ante la falta de mejoría a pesar del tratamiento médico máximo tolerado, se decide la colocación de un cardiodesfibrilador implantable con resincronizador. Al año de la colocación del dispositivo, la paciente se encuentra asintomática con franca mejoría de los parámetros ecocardiográficos.
Value in Health, 2011
To conduct a cost-utility evaluation of dabigatran etexilate compared with enoxaparin for the pre... more To conduct a cost-utility evaluation of dabigatran etexilate compared with enoxaparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) after total knee replacement (TKR) and total hip replacement (THR) in Colombia. METHODS: An acute phase model, using decision analysis, and a long-term simulation Markov model were developed to compare the clinical outcomes, utilities, and direct medical costs of dabigatran 220 mg once daily and subcutaneous enoxaparin 40 mg once daily for VTE prophylaxis after TKR or THR. Time frame for the acute inpatient-phase was 14 days for TKR and 30 days for THR; adjustments for adverse events and average length of hospital stay were performed. The long-term simulation was performed using 6-months cycle transitions to eight health states for both TKR and THR. Transition probabilities for VTE and bleeding events were derived from Phase III studies comparing the two treatments. The probabilities of long-term events were estimated using data from published longitudinal studies. The payer perspective for a lifetime horizon was used. Sensitivity analyses were performed to assess the model robustness. The annual discount rate was set at 3.0%. RESULTS: During the acute phase, for TKR, patients with dabigatran had lower direct medical costs than enoxaparin (US$1.005,83 vs. US$1.392,25), with 0.1 difference in QALYs (0.9 vs.0.8 respectively). For THR, cost of dabigatran were US$868.73, and US$1,007.55 for enoxaparin; no differences in QALYs were calculated. In the long-term follow-up, for both procedures, the costs associated with dabigatran were US$115,433, compared to US$122,695 for enoxaparin, with differences in QALYs of 7.4 for dabigatran and 6.7 for enoxaparin. Life-term analyses reported a dominance of dabigatran over enoxaparin. Results were robust across sensitivity analyses. CONCLUSIONS: In Colombia, thromboprophylaxis with dabigatran was cost-saving compared with enoxaparin in patients undergoing major joint replacement.
Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 2010
This 11-year-old previously healthy female began having syncopal episodes at rest and during exer... more This 11-year-old previously healthy female began having syncopal episodes at rest and during exertion. Baseline ECG (PR interval = 155, QRS duration = 85, and QTc = 389 ms) and echocardiogram were normal. During 24-hour ambulatory heart rhythm monitoring, there were several episodes of paroxysmal high grade AV block not associated with symptoms ( ). During block, the maximum RR interval was 2.8 seconds, when the P wave rate was stable at 105 bpm. A diagnostic electrophysiologic study was performed under propofol anesthesia. Standard quadripolar electrode catheters having 2-5-2 interelectrode spacing were placed in the high right atrium, right ventricular apex, and His bundle regions. At baseline, a "split His bundle" electrogram (denoted as H-H') was always present during sinus rhythm and atrial pacing, with a constant H'V interval of 35-38 ms. During atrial extrastimulus testing and incremental atrial pacing, the AH and AH' intervals increased similarly with a nearly constant H-H' and without classic criteria for dual AV nodal physiology. What do you think is the mechanism of block?
Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology, 2005
Objective: Despite the progress that has been reached in emergency medical systems and resuscitat... more Objective: Despite the progress that has been reached in emergency medical systems and resuscitation, sudden cardiac death (SCD) continues to be the major cause of the death, and remains a significant public health problem. In this publication we are reporting our Latin American experience in the secondary prevention of SCD, by means of an ongoing registry involving seven Latin American countries and 770 patients.
Papers by Jorge Zuelgaray