Papers by Jorge De Andrés Sánchez
Social Sciences
This paper tests the explanatory capability of the individual, organizational, environmental and ... more This paper tests the explanatory capability of the individual, organizational, environmental and job factors regarding Spanish workers’ perception of isolation and stress owing to working from home (WFH). We used a survey of the Spanish agency Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas on the Spanish population’s perceptions of several aspects of information technologies that was carried out in March 2021. Information overload, work overload and isolation are perceived to be the principal factors involved in WFH. Because WFH could be inhibit professional development, drawbacks in the infrastructure include overload and impediments to career development as the most relevant variables to explain the perception of isolation. Age and balance between family and work also have explanatory power, but less so for isolation and stress. While people with intermediate ages are less sensitive to isolation and stress, having a correct balance between work and personal life is a protective factor aga...
Behavioral Sciences
This paper assesses the influence on people’s perception of the utility of the immunity passport ... more This paper assesses the influence on people’s perception of the utility of the immunity passport (IP) program by sociodemographic factors, infectivity status, and the objective of its use. The material of this paper is a cross-sectional survey of 400 residents in Spain. The relation between utility perception and input variables is fitted with ordinary least squares (OLS) regression and linear quantile regression (LQR). The principal explanatory variable of usefulness perception is being vaccinated, especially when the objective of the IP is regulating mobility. The OLS estimate of the coefficient regression is (cr) = 0.415 (p = 0.001). We also found a positive and significant influence of that factor in all LQRs (cr = 0.652, p = 0.0026 at level (τ) = 0.75; cr = 0.482, p = 0.0047 at τ = 0.5 and cr = 0.201, p = 0.0385 at τ = 0.25). When the objective of the IP is regulating leisure, being vaccinated is relevant only to explain the central measures of usefulness perception. If the IP ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
A so-called COVID-19 passport or Immunity passport (IP) has been proposed to facilitate the mobil... more A so-called COVID-19 passport or Immunity passport (IP) has been proposed to facilitate the mobility of individuals while the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic persists. A COVID-19 passport can play a key role in the control of the pandemic, specifically in areas with a high density of population, and the help of smart city technology could be very useful to successfully implement IPs. This research studies the impact of ethical judgments on user attitudes toward using vaccine passports based on a Multidimensional Ethics Scale (MES) that contains five ethical constructs: moral equity, relativism, egoism, utilitarianism, and contractualism. Regression analysis shows that MES satisfactorily explains attitude (R2 = 87.82%, p < 0.001) and that a positive evaluation in moral equity, egoism and utilitarianism is significant (p < 0.001). The objective of the passport (variable leisure) shows a significant negative moderating effect on moral equity (coefficient = −0.147, p = 0.0302) and a positive ...
Cuadernos de Economía, 2021
El sector asegurador español solo ofrece rentas de supervivencia obtenidas con tablas de mortalid... more El sector asegurador español solo ofrece rentas de supervivencia obtenidas con tablas de mortalidad de la población general. Así, los incentivos fiscales del IRPF para la contratación de rentas complementarias a la pensión pública de jubilación suponen un agravio comparativo para personas con esperanza de vida reducida, pues solo pueden beneficiarse de ellos a precios injustos. En España, como en otros muchos países, no se comercializan las denominadas enhanced annuities (rentas mejoradas), esto es, rentas que, además de considerar los factores de riesgo tradicionales de edad y sexo (en los países en los que este último está permitido), para su tarificación tienen en cuenta, en el momento de la contratación, aspectos relacionados con el estado de salud y estilo de vista de la persona a asegurar. A partir de estas consideraciones, el presente trabajo tiene por objeto determinar la estrategia óptima que, considerando las probabilidades de fallecimiento ajustadas a sus factores de ries...
Technology in Society, 2021
The rise of intelligent technological devices (ITDs)-wearables and insideables-provides the possi... more The rise of intelligent technological devices (ITDs)-wearables and insideables-provides the possibility of enhancing human capabilities and skills. This study contributes to the literature on the impact of ethical judgements on the acceptance of ITDs by using a multidimensional ethical scale (MES) proposed by Shwayer and Sennetti. The novelty of this study resides in using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) instead of correlational methods to explain human behaviour (in this case, attitudes towards ITDs) from an ethical perspective. fsQCA evaluates the influence of ethical variables on the intention to use ITDs (and the non-use of these technologies). Positive ethical evaluations of technology do not always ensure ITD acceptance-unfavourable ethical perceptions may lead to its rejection. We find that for wearables: (1) positive perceptions from a utilitarian perspective are key in explaining their acceptance. Likewise, we identify configurations leading to acceptance where positive judgements on moral equity, egoism and contractualism are needed. Surprisingly, only the relativism dimension participates in configurations that cause acceptance when it is negated; (2) We found that a single unfavourable perception from a contractualism or relativism perspective causes non-use. Likewise, we found that coupling of negative judgements on moral equity, utilitarianism and egoism dimensions also produce resistance to wearables. For insideables, we notice that: (1) an MES has weak explanatory power for the intention to use ITDs but is effective in understanding resistance to use; (2) A negative perception of any ethical dimension leads to resistance towards insideables.
Harvard Deusto Finanzas Y Contabilidad, 2006
Este articulo muestra la repercusion que tiene en la rentabilidad y liquidez de una inversion la ... more Este articulo muestra la repercusion que tiene en la rentabilidad y liquidez de una inversion la eleccion de uno de los tres metodos de amortizacion tradicionalmente aceptados por el IS de nuestro pais, y expone como se puede elegir el metodo optimo, que es aquel en el que los ahorros fiscales asociados se generan de forma mas rapida
Analisis Financiero, 2006
Cuadernos Aragoneses De Economia, 2006
Estrategia Financiera, 2003
Boletin Economico De Ice Informacion Comercial Espanola, 2006
Este trabajo compara la eficiencia de los bonos emitidos a medio y largo plazo por los Estados de... more Este trabajo compara la eficiencia de los bonos emitidos a medio y largo plazo por los Estados de la Union Monetaria Europea durante el periodo 2002-2005. Desde nuestra perspectiva, la eficiencia de una inversion viene dada por la combinacion de su rentabilidad y riesgo. Para realizar este analisis analizamos la evolucion de los indices de Analistas Financieros Internacionales correspondientes a los bonos de deuda publica de los paises analizados, sobre los que aplicamos diversas medidas de performance de carteras
Revista Europea De Direccion Y Economia De La Empresa, 2011
This paper develops life insurance pricing with different representation of its two sources of un... more This paper develops life insurance pricing with different representation of its two sources of uncertainty: stochastic behaviour of mortality of the insured and fuzzy quantification of interest rates within the time horizon. Concretely we analyse endowment contracts, which are present in several financial real-world contexts as residential mortgage loans or retirement plans. We show that modelling the present value of these contracts with fuzzy random variables allows a well-founded quantification of their fair price and the risk resulting from the uncertainty of mortality and discounting rates. To do this, we firstly describe fuzzy random variables and some associated measures (mathematical expectation, variance, distribution function and quantiles) are defined. Subsequently the present value of a endowment contract (pure and mixed) is modelled with fuzzy random variables. Finally we show how the price and risk measures for endowment portfolios can be obtained.
Una de las provisiones de mayor importancia para la estabilidad de las compañías de seguros es la... more Una de las provisiones de mayor importancia para la estabilidad de las compañías de seguros es la de siniestros pendientes de declaración, sobre todo en ramos con un notable diferimiento de muchas de las reclamaciones como el del automóvil o el de responsabilidad civil. Por tanto, no es extraño que la literatura actuarial proponga una gran variedad de metodologías para su cálculo. Por otra parte, dadas las condiciones cambiantes del entorno en que se mueve la actividad aseguradora, no es aconsejable partir de una experiencia excesivamente amplia para el cálculo de dichas provisiones. Por estas razones, entendemos que dada la débil información de partida, la utilización de instrumentos de la lógica borrosa puede ser muy adecuada. Concretamente, en este trabajo proponemos una metodología que se basa en el uso de instrumentos de regresión borrosa y la utilización del esquema propuesto por Benjamin y Eagles (1986) para la determinación de las JBNR.
La estructura temporal de los tipos de interés del mercado de deuda pública es de gran importanci... more La estructura temporal de los tipos de interés del mercado de deuda pública es de gran importancia para la toma de decisiones de política económica ya que contiene las expectativas de los agentes económicos sobre la evolución futura de los tipos de interés a corto plazo, de la inflación o de la actividad económica. Nuestro trabajo analiza la capacidad predictiva de la estructura temporal de tipos de interés sobre el crecimiento económico en España desde enero de 1998 hasta agosto de 2008 comparándose con la que arroja la cotización de las acciones en la Bolsa de Madrid.
The literature on surgical robots (SRs) usually adopts the perspective of healthcare workers. How... more The literature on surgical robots (SRs) usually adopts the perspective of healthcare workers. However, research on potential patients’ perceptions and the publics’ points of view on SRs is scarce. This fact motivates our study, which assesses the factors inducing the SRs acceptance in the opinion of potential patients. We consider three variables, based on the unified theory of acceptance and the use of technology (UTAUT): the performance expectancy (PE), the effort expectancy (EE), and the social influence (SI); pleasure (PL), arousal (AR), and the perceived risk (PR). To deal with empirical data, we used the ordered logistic regression (OLR) and the fuzzy set comparative qualitative analysis (fsQCA). The OLR allowed us to check for a significant positive average influence of the UTAUT variables and PL, on the intention to undergo robotic surgery. However, the PR had a significant negative impact, and AR was not found to be significant. The FsQCA allowed the identification of the p...
Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, 2021
La tecnología Vaporfly (TVF) supuso una disrupción en el fondo en ruta. Entre los problemas ético... more La tecnología Vaporfly (TVF) supuso una disrupción en el fondo en ruta. Entre los problemas éticos que puede provocar cualquier nueva tecnología se encuentran la desnaturalización del deporte, que no sea accesible a todos los competidores y que su uso que entrañe riesgo. A partir de una encuesta de 252 deportistas observamos que la TVF tuvo un juicio ético positivo (p<0,01). Asimismo, el nivel de renta (p<0.01) y practicar triatlón en lugar de atletismo (p<0,05) influyen en el juicio ético. La TVF presenta una percepción más cercana a ser preventiva que generadora de lesiones (p<0,05). El análisis del índice de Haake sobre la evolución de los récords del mundo y de España en diversas distancias de fondo en ruta sugiere que las mejoras de los récords con TVF pueden ser debidos a una lógica evolución del deporte y no a su desnaturalización
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea, May 1, 2021
A life settlement is a financial transaction by which an existing life insurance policy is sold t... more A life settlement is a financial transaction by which an existing life insurance policy is sold to an investor for a greater price than its cash surrender value. In this way, the investor undertakes to pay, if any, the outstanding premiums and has the right to receive the death benefit when the insured dies. This work carries out a descriptive analysis of this type of transaction and a study of its main quantitative aspects. Thus, among other aspects, an overview of the product is offered and its main agents, the nature of the parameters involved in its value and the risks related to it are described (...
Papers by Jorge De Andrés Sánchez