Papers by Jorge Chavez ojeda
Mechanisms of Development, Dec 1, 2018
Acta neuropathologica communications, Feb 4, 2021
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, Mar 20, 2008
Se analizaron retrospectivamente todas las historias clínicas de los pacientes ingresados al Serv... more Se analizaron retrospectivamente todas las historias clínicas de los pacientes ingresados al Servicio de Tera pia Intensiva del Hospital Escuela desde enero de 2006 a diciembre de 2007, con el objetivo de evaluar inciden cia, factores de riesgo, foco infeccioso, fallos orgánicos, esquemas antibióticos y mortalidad relacionados a la sepsis. Ingresaron al estudio 531 pacientes, 156 tuvie ron sepsis, de los cuales 108 pacientes (69,2%) tuvieron sepsis a la admisión y 48 pacientes (30,7%) desarrollaron el cuadro en UTI, con edad promedio de 45 años. Los focos infecciosos más frecuentes fueron pulmón (53,2%), abdomen (48%)y sistema nervioso central (SNC), (12,8%). En 51 pacientes (32,5%) se aislaron gérmenes Gram posi tivos (32,5%), siendo el Staphylococco aureus oxacilino resistente (SAOR) y el neumococo los más frecuentes. Los Gram negativos se aislaron en 48 pacientes (29,3%), siendo los más frecuentes Pseudomona sp y Klebsiella sp. Los esquemas antibióticos empíricos más utilizados fueron vancomicina/ imipenem (27%) y ciprofloxacina/ clindamicina (16%). La antibióticoterapia dirigida más usada fue vancomicina/ imipenem (14,1%) y ceftriaxona/ metronidazol (13,4%). Los factores de riesgo asociados fueron injuria cerebral, edad mayor a 60 años, hipertensión arterial y diabetes. Los fallos orgánicos, fueron en orden de frecuencia: pulmonar, neurológico, cardiovascular, renal, hepático y hematológico. El SOFA (secuential organ failure assessments) promedio fue 6,78, el APACHE II (acute physiology and ch ro n ic h ealth evaluation) prome dio fue 20, con una mortaliuad de 51%.
A growing body of evidence from preclinical and clinical studies has associated alterations of th... more A growing body of evidence from preclinical and clinical studies has associated alterations of the gut microbiota–brain axis with the progression and development of a number of pathological conditions that also affect cognitive functions. Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) can be produced from traumatic and non-traumatic causes. It has been reported that SCIs are commonly associated with anxiety and depression-like symptoms, showing an incidence range between 11 and 30% after the injury. These psychological stress-related symptoms are associated with worse prognoses in SCIs and have been attributed to psychosocial stressors and losses of independence. Nevertheless, emotional and mental modifications after SCI could be related to changes in the volume of specific brain areas associated with information processing and emotions. Additionally, physiological modifications have been recognized as a predisposing factor for mental health depletion, including the development of gut dysbiosis. This ...
Revista de la Facultad de Medicina, 2008
Se analizaron retrospectivamente todas las historias clinicas de los pacientes ingresados al Serv... more Se analizaron retrospectivamente todas las historias clinicas de los pacientes ingresados al Servicio de Terapia Intensiva del Hospital Escuela desde enero de 2006 a diciembre de 2007, con el objetivo de evaluar inciden cia, factores de riesgo, foco infeccioso, fallos organicos, esquemas antibioticos y mortalidad relacionados a la sepsis. Ingresaron al estudio 531 pacientes, 156 tuvieron sepsis, de los cuales 108 pacientes (69,2%) tuvieron sepsis a la admision y 48 pacientes (30,7%) desarrollaron el cuadro en UTI, con edad promedio de 45 anos. Los focos infecciosos mas frecuentes fueron pulmon (53,2%), abdomen (48%)y sistema nervioso central (SNC), (12,8%). En 51 pacientes (32,5%) se aislaron germenes Gram positivos (32,5%), siendo el Staphylococco aureus oxacilino resistente (SAOR) y el neumococo los mas frecuentes. Los Gram negativos se aislaron en 48 pacientes (29,3%), siendo los mas frecuentes Pseudomona sp y Klebsiella sp. Los esquemas antibioticos empiricos mas utilizados ...
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2020
Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, 2019
Mechanisms of development, Jan 25, 2018
The frog neuromuscular junction (NMJ) has been extensively used as a model system to dissect the ... more The frog neuromuscular junction (NMJ) has been extensively used as a model system to dissect the mechanisms involved in synapse formation, maturation, maintenance, regeneration, and function. Early NMJ synaptogenesis relies on a combination of cell-autonomous and interdependent pre/postsynaptic communication processes. Due to their transparency, comparatively easy manipulation, and remarkable regenerative abilities, frog tadpoles constitute an excellent model to study NMJ formation and regeneration. Here, we aimed to contribute new aspects on the characterization of the ontogeny of NMJ formation in Xenopus embryos and to explore the morphological changes occurring at the NMJ after spinal cord injury. Following analyses of X. tropicalis tadpoles during development we found that the early pathfinding of rostral motor axons is likely helped by previously formed postsynaptic specializations, whereas NMJ formation in recently differentiated ventral muscles in caudal segments seems to rel...
Ingenio Magno, Jul 18, 2014
The EMBO journal, Jan 11, 2016
Disturbance of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteostasis is a common feature of amyotrophic lateral... more Disturbance of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteostasis is a common feature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) are ER foldases identified as possible ALS biomarkers, as well as neuroprotective factors. However, no functional studies have addressed their impact on the disease process. Here, we functionally characterized four ALS-linked mutations recently identified in two major PDI genes, PDIA1 and PDIA3/ERp57. Phenotypic screening in zebrafish revealed that the expression of these PDI variants induce motor defects associated with a disruption of motoneuron connectivity. Similarly, the expression of mutant PDIs impaired dendritic outgrowth in motoneuron cell culture models. Cellular and biochemical studies identified distinct molecular defects underlying the pathogenicity of these PDI mutants. Finally, targeting ERp57 in the nervous system led to severe motor dysfunction in mice associated with a loss of neuromuscular synapses. This study ident...
Revista Argentina De Urologia, 1993
Gaceta médica de México
Chemotherapy induces immunosuppression which is associated with a significant increase in the fre... more Chemotherapy induces immunosuppression which is associated with a significant increase in the frequency and severity of infections. Neutropenia is the most important factor in determining susceptibility to bacterial infections. Our aim was to establish the prevalence of bacterial infections and bacterial susceptibility patterns in patients with fever, neutropenia and hematological neoplasias. Cultures were obtained prior empirical antimicrobial treatment. Susceptibility tests to antibiotics were performed for all microorganisms considered pathogens. Descriptive statistics were used for each variable. Differences between proportions were estimated by means of χ2 or Fisher's exact test. We included 85 patients.Primary bacteremia was the most frequent cause of fever (52%). Microorganisms most frequently isolated were:S. epidermidis (54.2%), E. coli (12.5%), S. aureus (8.3%). In susceptibility tests 88.5% of S. epidermidis strains were resistant to oxaciline (MIC > 8 μ/ml); E. co...
This is a study of an extremely good outcrop of 1745 varves in the Villarroya Pliocene Basin (Spa... more This is a study of an extremely good outcrop of 1745 varves in the Villarroya Pliocene Basin (Spain). The thicknesses of the light and dark layers, which were obtained from enlarged photograph negatives, are dealt with separately, and three time series, of light, dark, and the sum of both layers, are performed. Periodicities of about 12, 6-7 and 2-3 years have been obtained. The origin of the recurrent behaviour of the sediments with thesẽ periods could be related to natural phenomena like sunspot cycles, El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Quasi-biennial Oscillation (QBO), as these phenomena are capable of modulating the climate in this frequency band. From our point of view, there could be a close relationship between sedimentation in the Villarroya Basin and these natural phenomena, which is moved through climate. The light layers record the runoff of gastropods, ostracods and charophytes from a seasonal productivity cycle, and are generated during late summer and autumn. It seems clear that the climatic information provided by these cycles corresponds mainly to summer time, which would be translated into a variation of the light layer thickness due to a more or less intense development of the flora and fauna, being thicker in years of higher temperatures and thinner in years of lower temperatures. Considering the results, we would suggest that the sedimentation of these materials in the Pliocene was driven by solar activity or / and ENSO, NAO, and QBO phenomena. Nowadays these phenomena produce rainfall and temperature changes with the cyclicities shown in this study and we think they could have operated in the same way in Pliocene times.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 2013
Vitamin C plays key roles in cell homeostasis, acting as a potent antioxidant as well as a positi... more Vitamin C plays key roles in cell homeostasis, acting as a potent antioxidant as well as a positive modulator of cell differentiation. In skeletal muscle, the vitamin C/sodium co-transporter SVCT2 is preferentially expressed in oxidative slow fibers. Besides, SVCT2 is up-regulated upon the early fusion of primary myoblasts. However, our knowledge of the postnatal expression profile of SVCT2 remains scarce. Here we have analyzed the expression of SVCT2 during postnatal development of the chicken slow anterior and fast posterior latissimus dorsi muscles, ranging from day 7 to adulthood. SVCT2 expression is consistently higher in the slow than in the fast muscle at all stages. After hatching, SVCT2 expression is significantly down-regulated in the anterior latissimus dorsi, which nevertheless maintains a robust slow phenotype. Taking advantage of the C2C12 cell line to recapitulate myogenesis, we confirmed that SVCT2 is expressed in a biphasic fashion, reaching maximal levels upon early myoblasts fusion and decreasing during myotube growth. Together, these findings suggest that the dynamic expression levels of SVCT2 could be relevant for different features of skeletal muscle physiology, such as muscle cell formation, growth and activity.
BMC Infectious Diseases, 2021
Background Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) has changed our lives. The... more Background Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) has changed our lives. The scientific community has been investigating re-purposed treatments to prevent disease progression in coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients. Objective To determine whether ivermectin treatment can prevent hospitalization in individuals with early COVID-19. Design, setting and participants: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted in non-hospitalized individuals with COVID-19 in Corrientes, Argentina. Patients with SARS-CoV-2 positive nasal swabs were contacted within 48 h by telephone to invite them to participate. The trial randomized 501 patients between August 19th 2020 and February 22nd 2021. Intervention Patients were randomized to ivermectin (N = 250) or placebo (N = 251) arms in a staggered dose, according to the patient’s weight, for 2 days. Main outcomes and measures The efficacy of ivermectin to prevent hospitalizations was evaluated as primary outco...
Plan de actividades (establecido en el proyecto para los tres anos de duracion) 1. Revision bibli... more Plan de actividades (establecido en el proyecto para los tres anos de duracion) 1. Revision bibliografica, que comprende varias instancias segun la finalidad de cada una, en diferentes momentos de las distintas fases que se establece en el proyecto: busqueda de referencias bibliograficas relacionadas con los distintos ejes del trabajo (teoria, metodologia, problematica planteada), lectura y ordenamiento bibliografico para su sistematizacion, consulta para la realizacion del analisis y elaboracion de los informes y otros trabajos previstos; discusion e intercambio entre los miembros del equipo. 2. Acopio de material: al que ya disponemos (recopilado en los ultimos anos para el desarrollo de los trabajos anteriores) se sumara el material recabado durante el periodo comprendido por el proyecto (2008-2010), para conformar un archivo de diarios (tanto en soporte papel como digital) y otros materiales relacionados, a los efectos de contar con mas elementos de contrastacion, apreciar la ac...
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2013
Papers by Jorge Chavez ojeda