Papers by Jorge Armando Bonilla Cardenas
Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems, Dec 16, 2015
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 1998
Gonzalez C F, Llamas L G, Bonilla C J A. Tee. Peeu. Mex. Vol 36 Noll998. 73-81. EI objetivo del e... more Gonzalez C F, Llamas L G, Bonilla C J A. Tee. Peeu. Mex. Vol 36 Noll998. 73-81. EI objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el potencial forrajero del nopal como sustituto parcial de alfalfa en vacas leeheras en produccion. Se usaron ocho vacas Holstein de segundo parto asignadas a cuatro tratamientos en un diseiio de cuadro latino repetido. La duracion de la prueba fue de 84 dias, divididos en cuatro periodos de 21 dias de los cuales 14 fueron de adaptacion y siete de toma de datos. Los tratamientos fueron cuatro niveles de nopal en la dieta: 0, 10, 20 y 30% de la materia seea (MS). La informacion se aualizo estadisticamente y se e1udiola presencia de efeetos lineales, cudniticos y cubicos mediante contrastes ortogouales. Conforme se incremento el porcentaje de nopal en la dieta disminuyeronlinealmente (p<0.0l) la produccion de leehe en 24.1,23.3,22.5 y 20.9 kg/dia, el consumo de MS en 22.9, 21.6, 19.9 y 18.3 kg/dia y el cambio de peso en 497, 521, 253 y 142 g/dia, respeetivamenie; en c...
Several factors which may be involved in changes of fermentative characteristics of ensiled mango... more Several factors which may be involved in changes of fermentative characteristics of ensiled mango residues were evaluated. A 2 x 6 x6 factorial arrangement was used to study the influence of harvesting season, June and August, time of conservation, 0, 7, 14, 21, 42 and 84 days, as well as six different types of silage, three prepared with ripe fruits discarded for human consumption, and three made with the industrial residue of mangoes, mainly composed of peels and seeds. All silage contained maize stover (10 and 20%) with the addition or not of sugar cane molasses and urea. There were significant (P<0.05) differences for season x additive, season x days of conservation, additive x days of conservation and season x additive x days of conservation interactions, either in pH of samples or in total acidity and SCFA content. Ammonia concentration was only affected by a significant (P<0.05) season x additive interaction. Overall, silages appeared as stable materials between 14 and ...
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 2012
Methane (CH4) production by ruminants it comes from their natural digestive process but it consti... more Methane (CH4) production by ruminants it comes from their natural digestive process but it constitutes an energy loss and it contributes to greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, therefore more research has been recently focused to reduce ruminal methanogenesis, which is influenced by many factors, some of them are: feed intake, diet composition and digestibility, and previous food processing. Between CH4 mitigation strategies proposed, dietary-nutritional manipulation it seems the most simple, practical and feasible. In countries where GEI emissions inventories has been estimated, methane quantity it is very important, and for example, in New Zeland, it is perceptible and considered urgent the necessity that farmers have access to technologies to decrease methane emissions in a safe and cost-effective manner. In Mexico it has been found significant differences between factors proposed by different entities, suggesting the development of more studies at different climatic conditions. In ...
Papers by Jorge Armando Bonilla Cardenas