The structure of defense spending in Indonesia State Budget consists of three types of spending, ... more The structure of defense spending in Indonesia State Budget consists of three types of spending, which are routine expenditure, goods expenditure, and capital expenditure. It shows the changes in consumption expenditure contribution, direct investment expenditure, and indirect investment from the government. According to The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017, Indonesia presents a low level of security stability among 138 countries. Due to the terrorism threat, Indonesia is ranked 115 (Global Competitive Index or GCI=4,2) for business cost, at the 102nd ranking (GCI=3,9) for the business cost caused by crime and violence, and 108th ranking (GCI=4,1) for organized crime. This study aims to examine the impact of military expenditure on security stability in Indonesia. The analytical method used in this study is explanatory, it aims to explain the causal relationship between variables and hypothesis testing. This study employs the time series data with per semester data series thr...
Over the last few decades, ASEAN is considered as a copycat of the system of the European Union (... more Over the last few decades, ASEAN is considered as a copycat of the system of the European Union (EU). ASEAN is considered weaker, lacks strong support from its members, has less substantive achievements, and is nothing more than competition between ASEAN member countries, where the EU has gone further in its implementation. This assessment has recently been canceled. The EU is currently faced with a list of daunting challenges - the ongoing debt crisis in Greece, increasing criticism by right-wing political groups over the European Union's fundamental agreement on freedom of movement within the EU. The refugee crisis and the growing movement of secession from member states - Britain and Spain are the most prominent examples. Of course, the EU now faces its most significant and most existent challenge, political vortex and divisions with the launch of a referendum in Britain, which resulted in 'Brexit.' This paper tries to analyze how Brexit phenomenon is suspected to occ...
Abstrak - - Batalyon Artileri Pertahanan Udara Sedang 14/PWY merupakan Satuan Bantuan Tempur di b... more Abstrak - - Batalyon Artileri Pertahanan Udara Sedang 14/PWY merupakan Satuan Bantuan Tempur di bawah komando Kodam III/Siliwangi. yang bertugas pokok untuk melaksanakan perlindungan udara secara aktif terhadap obyek vital yang telah ditetapkan yaitu PT Persero Pertamina RU VI Balongan. Satuan ini memiliki alutsista Meriam 57mm S-60 Tanpa Alat Kendali Tangan (T-AKT) yang digunakan dalam melaksanakan tugas pokoknya. Penelitian ini dirancang guna memperoleh pemahaman tentang Kemampuan satuan Arhanud dalam melindungi obyek vital nasional. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilaksanakan untuk: pertama, menganalisa kemampuan satuan Arhanud dalam melindungi obyek vital nasional, kedua menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembangunan kekuatan/ kemampuan satuan Arhanud dalam melindungi obyek vital nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data lebih banyak dilakukan bersamaan dengan pengumpulan data ...
Sejak Tahun 1996, Pemerintah Indonesia mengusulkan kepada International Maritime Organization (IM... more Sejak Tahun 1996, Pemerintah Indonesia mengusulkan kepada International Maritime Organization (IMO) tentang penetapan Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) beserta cabang- cabangnya di perairan Indonesia. Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan dengan wilayah laut yang sangat terbuka dan posisi geostrategis yang memiliki tiga Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) dan lima wilayah choke points. Dibutuhkan dukungan sistem pertahanan dan keamanan laut yang kuat dengan postur yang proporsional sesuai dengan luas wilayah dan ancaman yang dihadapi. Pada tahun 2014, Presiden Joko Widodo telah mencanangkan kebijakan besar untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia (PMD), di tahun 2017 menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 16 Tahun 2017 tentang KKI sebagai panduan Kementerian dan Lembaga dalam melakukan tanggung jawab kegiatan masing-masing. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pemerintah indon...
Abstrak -- Stabilitas ASEAN adalah alasan bertumbuhnya ekonomi di ASEAN. stabilitas tersebut tida... more Abstrak -- Stabilitas ASEAN adalah alasan bertumbuhnya ekonomi di ASEAN. stabilitas tersebut tidak terlepas dari upaya regionalisasi ASEAN yang hingga kini menuju Komunitas Masyarakat ASEAN. Hal yang paling penting adalah konsensus dari ASEAN Way terus menciptakan guidance bagi hubungan yang berlangsung di ASEAN. Rivalitas Amerika Serikat dan Cina dalam upayanya memperebutkan pengaruh di ASEAN telah memberikan beberapa ancaman seperti tidak tercapainya konsensus di tahun 2012, Malaysia yang keluar dari join declaration di Myanmar tahun 2017, dan CoC Laut Cina Selatan yang masih terus digalakkan yang tentunya berhadapan dengan kepentingan para major power khususnya Amerika Serikat dan Cina. Penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan strategi diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam menjaga stabilitas kawasan ASEAN dan strategi diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia tersebut melalui konsep dynamic equilibrium . Penelitian ini akan dikaji melalui teori-teori strategi terutama Terry L Deibel dan kesesuain ko...
Abstrak -- Dalam upaya modernisasi kekuatan militer, Pemerintah melalui kebijakan Minimum Essenti... more Abstrak -- Dalam upaya modernisasi kekuatan militer, Pemerintah melalui kebijakan Minimum Essential Force merumuskan rangkaian kegiatan yang tepat guna dan memiliki nilai srategis untuk jangka panjang yang tersusun dalam rencana strategis. Salah satu diantaranya pengembangan dan produksi bersama rudal C-705. Pengembangan dan produksi bersama rudal C-705 merupakan salah satu dari tujuh alutsista strategis rumusan KKIP yang dinilai memiliki peran signifikan dalam proyeksi jangka panjang guna mengurangi ketergantungan impor alutsista dan sanksi embargo. Hal demikian mendorong pemerintah mengeluarkan UU. No. 16/2012 Tentang Industri Pertahanan yang mana menyertakan IDKLO (Imbal Dagang, Kandungan Lokal, dan Offset) dalam pengadaan alutsista guna memiliki kemampuan penguasaan teknologi dan membangun industri pertahanan dalam negeri yang mandiri. Permasalahan yang ingin diteliti yakni diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam proses upaya alih teknologi rudal C-705 dan dampak diplomasi pertaha...
Abstrak -- Salah satu bagian penting dari kepentingan strategis AS di Asia terletak di kawasan As... more Abstrak -- Salah satu bagian penting dari kepentingan strategis AS di Asia terletak di kawasan Asia Tenggara, yang semakin terancam oleh pengaruh dan dominasi China; sementara cengkeraman Cina di wilayah ini menguat, AS tampaknya melonggarkan cengkeramannya. Setidaknya ada dua isu utama yang berkontribusi terhadap perubahan ini. Yang pertama adalah ketidakpastian dalam persengketaan di Laut Cina Selatan (LCS); tekanan AS pada Tiongkok baik secara diplomatis maupun kehadiran militer hanya menunjukkan dampak terbatas, dan kurang meyakinkan bagi para pemimpin di Asia Tenggara. Dan yang kedua adalah strategi AS yang tidak jelas untuk mengimbangi peningkatan hubungan ekonomi China dengan kawasan ini. Kebijakan AS dalam dua masalah ini akan menentukan masa depan hubungan antara AS dan kawasan Asia Tenggara, dan secara signifikan mempengaruhi strategi rebalancing AS di Asia, makanya, harus ditangani dengan tepat. Studi ini menemukan bahwa AS harus mengadopsi strategi TAMPIL BESAR tetapi DA...
This research is a lesson learned from the resolution of the Timor Leste conflict which is expect... more This research is a lesson learned from the resolution of the Timor Leste conflict which is expected to be applied in efforts to resolve the Papua problem. On 30 August 1999 through a referendum held in East Timor. The 27th province of Indonesia was finally separated from Indonesia and obtained its official status as a member of the United Nations on May 20, 2002. Learning from the settlement approach in the Timor Leste case. So the Indonesian government must have more relevant policy formulations so that the same scenario does not repeat itself in solving the Papua problem. The qualitative method is used in this research, with a case study approach. The conclusion obtained is that the Government of Indonesia is obliged to realize policies that focus on the interests of the Papuan people as well as the Indonesian government's diplomatic efforts which firmly state that the Papua problem is a domestic problem whose intervention is a violation of Indonesian law and sovereignty and t...
International Affairs and Global Strategy, Feb 1, 2020
The emergence of China's economy and military visa -vis US's strategy to regain its hegemony has ... more The emergence of China's economy and military visa -vis US's strategy to regain its hegemony has shifted the global political constellation focus to the Southeast Asia region. The recent circumstance in the South China Sea followed by the intensification of the Indo-Pacific strategy, has not only, forcefully put the Southeast Asia region as a theater of China-US geopolitical rivalry, but also increasingly set the complexity of problems to the region. Responding to this context, on June 23, 2019, ASEAN adopted the ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific as foreign policy guidance for its member-states, including Indonesia as an initiator. The objective of this paper is to discuss Indonesia's strategy beyond the ASEAN Outlook. Theoretical framework of regional security complex and regional governance used in explaining the security architecture and political contestation among Southeast Asian countries, and how it influences their stances in ASEAN's role as regional governance within its political mechanism in downplaying Indo-Pacific Strategy. Strategy theory used to analyze how Indonesia develop its strategy to initiate and promote the Outlook beyond its rational interest. Indonesia's role in the initiation and promotion of the ASEAN Outlook is played within the normative framework to upholding persistent regional stability and collective balancing towards the cogency of the Indo-Pacific strategy. Consequently, this condition impels a necessity for Indonesia to build its defense capability without setting aside the free and active policy.
Abstrak-Dalam mencapai dan mengamankan kepentingan negara, diplomasi selalu menjadi pilihan negar... more Abstrak-Dalam mencapai dan mengamankan kepentingan negara, diplomasi selalu menjadi pilihan negara sebagai cara dominan untuk meraih tujuan tersebut. Dalam pelaksanaannya, negara dapat menggunakan sumber-sumber kekuatan yang dimiliki, antara lain, kekuatan militer, ekonomi, politik, intelijen dan sebagainya. Penggunaan militer sebagai salah satu instrumen dalam diplomasi sudah menjadi hal yang tidak terhindarkan lagi. Semua pihak pasti sepakat bahwa dalam berdiplomasi, negosiasi merupakan inti dari diplomasi, sehingga kemenangan dalam bernegosiasi juga bisa diartikan sebagai kemenangan dalam berdiplomasi. Untuk bisa bernegosiasi dengan baik, kekuatan bargaining position merupakan syarat penting yang harus dimiliki oleh suatu bangsa. Posisi tawar suatu bangsa sangat dipengaruhi oleh national power bangsa dan salah satu komponen yang menonjol dari national power tersebut adalah komponen militer. Hal inilah yang membuat militer sulit untuk dipisahkan dari diplomasi negara. Penelitian ini dirancang guna memperoleh pemahaman tentang diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana peran diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional serta bagaimana mengoptimalkannya dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peran diplomasi pertahanan dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data lebih banyak dilakukan bersamaan dengan pengumpulan data saat peneliti berada di lapangan. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan wilayah Kota Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) peran diplomasi pertahanan dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional belum optimal dan capaiannya masih sebatas pada isu pertahanan semata; 2) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peran diplomasi pertahanan ditinjau dari beberapa dimensi yaitu dimensi kapasitas dan kapabilitas TNI, dimensi Kerjasama antar instansi dan dimensi penyusunan strategi diplomasi. Kata Kunci : Diplomasi pertahanan, strategi diplomasi, kepentingan nasional Absract-In achieving and securing national interests, diplomacy always plays significant role. In its implementation, the state uses all its national means available resources including military, economy, politics, intelligence and any other means available. Using military as an instrument in diplomacy is inevitable. It is general knowledge that negotiation form a core component of diplomacy. Wining in negotiation, therefore, can be likened to wining in diplomacy. In order to gain leverage during negotiations, gaining a better bargaining position is an important requirement and this strongly
In achieving and securing national interests, diplomacy always plays significant role. In its imp... more In achieving and securing national interests, diplomacy always plays significant role. In its implementation, the state uses all of its nationally available resources including military, economy, politics, intelligence and any other resources available. The use of military as an instrument in diplomacy is inevitable. The general consensus is that negotiation forms a core component of diplomacy. Winning in negotiation, therefore, can be likened to winning in diplomacy. In order to gain leverage during negotiations, gaining a better bargaining position is an important requirement and this strongly relies on a nation's power of which one of the key components is the military. In this regard, the military power cannot be separated from state diplomacy. This research is designed to understand the role of Indonesia's defense diplomacy in achieving national interests. The objectives of this research are: First, to analyze the role of Indonesian defense diplomacy in achieving national interests and how to optimize it, and secondly, to analyze the factors that influence this role. This research employs qualitative method. All data is obtained through observation, interviews and literature studies. Data analysis is carried out simultaneously with data collection when the researcher is in the field. The research location is at Jakarta City. We can draw two conclusions from the result of the research: 1) The role of defense diplomacy in achieving national interests has not been optimal and its achievements are still limited to defense issues only; 2) Factors influencing the role of defense diplomacy include the capacity and capability of Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), cooperation between agencies, and formulation of diplomacy strategy.
Over the last few decades, ASEAN is considered as a copycat of the system of the European Union (... more Over the last few decades, ASEAN is considered as a copycat of the system of the European Union (EU). ASEAN is considered weaker, lacks strong support from its members, has less substantive achievements, and is nothing more than competition between ASEAN member countries, where the EU has gone further in its implementation. This assessment has recently been canceled. The EU is currently faced with a list of daunting challenges - the ongoing debt crisis in Greece, increasing criticism by right-wing political groups over the European Union's fundamental agreement on freedom of movement within the EU. The refugee crisis and the growing movement of secession from member states - Britain and Spain are the most prominent examples. Of course, the EU now faces its most significant and most existent challenge, political vortex and divisions with the launch of a referendum in Britain, which resulted in 'Brexit.' This paper tries to analyze how Brexit phenomenon is suspected to occ...
Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity
Women expand their feminist value to protect local societies from conflict impacts which put most... more Women expand their feminist value to protect local societies from conflict impacts which put mostly women and children as victims, in line with the growth of women's capacity in peacekeeping operations. Women perform a significant role as peacekeepers in UN missions for peace and conflict resolutions to create a counterbalance in masculine dominance of UN Peacekeeping Operations based on UNSCR 1325. Women have played an important role as peacekeepers in the UN missions for peace and conflict resolution, to build trust among local communities especially women and children who are vulnerable to sexual harassment and violence. This paper will analyze the strategic role of Indonesia’s female peacekeepers in peace and conflict resolution under UN missions with a qualitative method in the concept of gender equality based on a phenomenological approach. This research finds that Indonesia’s female peacekeepers can provide approaches that can foster the inclusive peace process and become...
The structure of defense spending in Indonesia State Budget consists of three types of spending, ... more The structure of defense spending in Indonesia State Budget consists of three types of spending, which are routine expenditure, goods expenditure, and capital expenditure. It shows the changes in consumption expenditure contribution, direct investment expenditure, and indirect investment from the government. According to The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017, Indonesia presents a low level of security stability among 138 countries. Due to the terrorism threat, Indonesia is ranked 115 (Global Competitive Index or GCI=4,2) for business cost, at the 102nd ranking (GCI=3,9) for the business cost caused by crime and violence, and 108th ranking (GCI=4,1) for organized crime. This study aims to examine the impact of military expenditure on security stability in Indonesia. The analytical method used in this study is explanatory, it aims to explain the causal relationship between variables and hypothesis testing. This study employs the time series data with per semester data series thr...
Over the last few decades, ASEAN is considered as a copycat of the system of the European Union (... more Over the last few decades, ASEAN is considered as a copycat of the system of the European Union (EU). ASEAN is considered weaker, lacks strong support from its members, has less substantive achievements, and is nothing more than competition between ASEAN member countries, where the EU has gone further in its implementation. This assessment has recently been canceled. The EU is currently faced with a list of daunting challenges - the ongoing debt crisis in Greece, increasing criticism by right-wing political groups over the European Union's fundamental agreement on freedom of movement within the EU. The refugee crisis and the growing movement of secession from member states - Britain and Spain are the most prominent examples. Of course, the EU now faces its most significant and most existent challenge, political vortex and divisions with the launch of a referendum in Britain, which resulted in 'Brexit.' This paper tries to analyze how Brexit phenomenon is suspected to occ...
Abstrak - - Batalyon Artileri Pertahanan Udara Sedang 14/PWY merupakan Satuan Bantuan Tempur di b... more Abstrak - - Batalyon Artileri Pertahanan Udara Sedang 14/PWY merupakan Satuan Bantuan Tempur di bawah komando Kodam III/Siliwangi. yang bertugas pokok untuk melaksanakan perlindungan udara secara aktif terhadap obyek vital yang telah ditetapkan yaitu PT Persero Pertamina RU VI Balongan. Satuan ini memiliki alutsista Meriam 57mm S-60 Tanpa Alat Kendali Tangan (T-AKT) yang digunakan dalam melaksanakan tugas pokoknya. Penelitian ini dirancang guna memperoleh pemahaman tentang Kemampuan satuan Arhanud dalam melindungi obyek vital nasional. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilaksanakan untuk: pertama, menganalisa kemampuan satuan Arhanud dalam melindungi obyek vital nasional, kedua menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembangunan kekuatan/ kemampuan satuan Arhanud dalam melindungi obyek vital nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data lebih banyak dilakukan bersamaan dengan pengumpulan data ...
Sejak Tahun 1996, Pemerintah Indonesia mengusulkan kepada International Maritime Organization (IM... more Sejak Tahun 1996, Pemerintah Indonesia mengusulkan kepada International Maritime Organization (IMO) tentang penetapan Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) beserta cabang- cabangnya di perairan Indonesia. Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan dengan wilayah laut yang sangat terbuka dan posisi geostrategis yang memiliki tiga Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) dan lima wilayah choke points. Dibutuhkan dukungan sistem pertahanan dan keamanan laut yang kuat dengan postur yang proporsional sesuai dengan luas wilayah dan ancaman yang dihadapi. Pada tahun 2014, Presiden Joko Widodo telah mencanangkan kebijakan besar untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai Poros Maritim Dunia (PMD), di tahun 2017 menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 16 Tahun 2017 tentang KKI sebagai panduan Kementerian dan Lembaga dalam melakukan tanggung jawab kegiatan masing-masing. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pemerintah indon...
Abstrak -- Stabilitas ASEAN adalah alasan bertumbuhnya ekonomi di ASEAN. stabilitas tersebut tida... more Abstrak -- Stabilitas ASEAN adalah alasan bertumbuhnya ekonomi di ASEAN. stabilitas tersebut tidak terlepas dari upaya regionalisasi ASEAN yang hingga kini menuju Komunitas Masyarakat ASEAN. Hal yang paling penting adalah konsensus dari ASEAN Way terus menciptakan guidance bagi hubungan yang berlangsung di ASEAN. Rivalitas Amerika Serikat dan Cina dalam upayanya memperebutkan pengaruh di ASEAN telah memberikan beberapa ancaman seperti tidak tercapainya konsensus di tahun 2012, Malaysia yang keluar dari join declaration di Myanmar tahun 2017, dan CoC Laut Cina Selatan yang masih terus digalakkan yang tentunya berhadapan dengan kepentingan para major power khususnya Amerika Serikat dan Cina. Penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan strategi diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam menjaga stabilitas kawasan ASEAN dan strategi diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia tersebut melalui konsep dynamic equilibrium . Penelitian ini akan dikaji melalui teori-teori strategi terutama Terry L Deibel dan kesesuain ko...
Abstrak -- Dalam upaya modernisasi kekuatan militer, Pemerintah melalui kebijakan Minimum Essenti... more Abstrak -- Dalam upaya modernisasi kekuatan militer, Pemerintah melalui kebijakan Minimum Essential Force merumuskan rangkaian kegiatan yang tepat guna dan memiliki nilai srategis untuk jangka panjang yang tersusun dalam rencana strategis. Salah satu diantaranya pengembangan dan produksi bersama rudal C-705. Pengembangan dan produksi bersama rudal C-705 merupakan salah satu dari tujuh alutsista strategis rumusan KKIP yang dinilai memiliki peran signifikan dalam proyeksi jangka panjang guna mengurangi ketergantungan impor alutsista dan sanksi embargo. Hal demikian mendorong pemerintah mengeluarkan UU. No. 16/2012 Tentang Industri Pertahanan yang mana menyertakan IDKLO (Imbal Dagang, Kandungan Lokal, dan Offset) dalam pengadaan alutsista guna memiliki kemampuan penguasaan teknologi dan membangun industri pertahanan dalam negeri yang mandiri. Permasalahan yang ingin diteliti yakni diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam proses upaya alih teknologi rudal C-705 dan dampak diplomasi pertaha...
Abstrak -- Salah satu bagian penting dari kepentingan strategis AS di Asia terletak di kawasan As... more Abstrak -- Salah satu bagian penting dari kepentingan strategis AS di Asia terletak di kawasan Asia Tenggara, yang semakin terancam oleh pengaruh dan dominasi China; sementara cengkeraman Cina di wilayah ini menguat, AS tampaknya melonggarkan cengkeramannya. Setidaknya ada dua isu utama yang berkontribusi terhadap perubahan ini. Yang pertama adalah ketidakpastian dalam persengketaan di Laut Cina Selatan (LCS); tekanan AS pada Tiongkok baik secara diplomatis maupun kehadiran militer hanya menunjukkan dampak terbatas, dan kurang meyakinkan bagi para pemimpin di Asia Tenggara. Dan yang kedua adalah strategi AS yang tidak jelas untuk mengimbangi peningkatan hubungan ekonomi China dengan kawasan ini. Kebijakan AS dalam dua masalah ini akan menentukan masa depan hubungan antara AS dan kawasan Asia Tenggara, dan secara signifikan mempengaruhi strategi rebalancing AS di Asia, makanya, harus ditangani dengan tepat. Studi ini menemukan bahwa AS harus mengadopsi strategi TAMPIL BESAR tetapi DA...
This research is a lesson learned from the resolution of the Timor Leste conflict which is expect... more This research is a lesson learned from the resolution of the Timor Leste conflict which is expected to be applied in efforts to resolve the Papua problem. On 30 August 1999 through a referendum held in East Timor. The 27th province of Indonesia was finally separated from Indonesia and obtained its official status as a member of the United Nations on May 20, 2002. Learning from the settlement approach in the Timor Leste case. So the Indonesian government must have more relevant policy formulations so that the same scenario does not repeat itself in solving the Papua problem. The qualitative method is used in this research, with a case study approach. The conclusion obtained is that the Government of Indonesia is obliged to realize policies that focus on the interests of the Papuan people as well as the Indonesian government's diplomatic efforts which firmly state that the Papua problem is a domestic problem whose intervention is a violation of Indonesian law and sovereignty and t...
International Affairs and Global Strategy, Feb 1, 2020
The emergence of China's economy and military visa -vis US's strategy to regain its hegemony has ... more The emergence of China's economy and military visa -vis US's strategy to regain its hegemony has shifted the global political constellation focus to the Southeast Asia region. The recent circumstance in the South China Sea followed by the intensification of the Indo-Pacific strategy, has not only, forcefully put the Southeast Asia region as a theater of China-US geopolitical rivalry, but also increasingly set the complexity of problems to the region. Responding to this context, on June 23, 2019, ASEAN adopted the ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific as foreign policy guidance for its member-states, including Indonesia as an initiator. The objective of this paper is to discuss Indonesia's strategy beyond the ASEAN Outlook. Theoretical framework of regional security complex and regional governance used in explaining the security architecture and political contestation among Southeast Asian countries, and how it influences their stances in ASEAN's role as regional governance within its political mechanism in downplaying Indo-Pacific Strategy. Strategy theory used to analyze how Indonesia develop its strategy to initiate and promote the Outlook beyond its rational interest. Indonesia's role in the initiation and promotion of the ASEAN Outlook is played within the normative framework to upholding persistent regional stability and collective balancing towards the cogency of the Indo-Pacific strategy. Consequently, this condition impels a necessity for Indonesia to build its defense capability without setting aside the free and active policy.
Abstrak-Dalam mencapai dan mengamankan kepentingan negara, diplomasi selalu menjadi pilihan negar... more Abstrak-Dalam mencapai dan mengamankan kepentingan negara, diplomasi selalu menjadi pilihan negara sebagai cara dominan untuk meraih tujuan tersebut. Dalam pelaksanaannya, negara dapat menggunakan sumber-sumber kekuatan yang dimiliki, antara lain, kekuatan militer, ekonomi, politik, intelijen dan sebagainya. Penggunaan militer sebagai salah satu instrumen dalam diplomasi sudah menjadi hal yang tidak terhindarkan lagi. Semua pihak pasti sepakat bahwa dalam berdiplomasi, negosiasi merupakan inti dari diplomasi, sehingga kemenangan dalam bernegosiasi juga bisa diartikan sebagai kemenangan dalam berdiplomasi. Untuk bisa bernegosiasi dengan baik, kekuatan bargaining position merupakan syarat penting yang harus dimiliki oleh suatu bangsa. Posisi tawar suatu bangsa sangat dipengaruhi oleh national power bangsa dan salah satu komponen yang menonjol dari national power tersebut adalah komponen militer. Hal inilah yang membuat militer sulit untuk dipisahkan dari diplomasi negara. Penelitian ini dirancang guna memperoleh pemahaman tentang diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana peran diplomasi pertahanan Indonesia dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional serta bagaimana mengoptimalkannya dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peran diplomasi pertahanan dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data lebih banyak dilakukan bersamaan dengan pengumpulan data saat peneliti berada di lapangan. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan wilayah Kota Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) peran diplomasi pertahanan dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional belum optimal dan capaiannya masih sebatas pada isu pertahanan semata; 2) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peran diplomasi pertahanan ditinjau dari beberapa dimensi yaitu dimensi kapasitas dan kapabilitas TNI, dimensi Kerjasama antar instansi dan dimensi penyusunan strategi diplomasi. Kata Kunci : Diplomasi pertahanan, strategi diplomasi, kepentingan nasional Absract-In achieving and securing national interests, diplomacy always plays significant role. In its implementation, the state uses all its national means available resources including military, economy, politics, intelligence and any other means available. Using military as an instrument in diplomacy is inevitable. It is general knowledge that negotiation form a core component of diplomacy. Wining in negotiation, therefore, can be likened to wining in diplomacy. In order to gain leverage during negotiations, gaining a better bargaining position is an important requirement and this strongly
In achieving and securing national interests, diplomacy always plays significant role. In its imp... more In achieving and securing national interests, diplomacy always plays significant role. In its implementation, the state uses all of its nationally available resources including military, economy, politics, intelligence and any other resources available. The use of military as an instrument in diplomacy is inevitable. The general consensus is that negotiation forms a core component of diplomacy. Winning in negotiation, therefore, can be likened to winning in diplomacy. In order to gain leverage during negotiations, gaining a better bargaining position is an important requirement and this strongly relies on a nation's power of which one of the key components is the military. In this regard, the military power cannot be separated from state diplomacy. This research is designed to understand the role of Indonesia's defense diplomacy in achieving national interests. The objectives of this research are: First, to analyze the role of Indonesian defense diplomacy in achieving national interests and how to optimize it, and secondly, to analyze the factors that influence this role. This research employs qualitative method. All data is obtained through observation, interviews and literature studies. Data analysis is carried out simultaneously with data collection when the researcher is in the field. The research location is at Jakarta City. We can draw two conclusions from the result of the research: 1) The role of defense diplomacy in achieving national interests has not been optimal and its achievements are still limited to defense issues only; 2) Factors influencing the role of defense diplomacy include the capacity and capability of Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), cooperation between agencies, and formulation of diplomacy strategy.
Over the last few decades, ASEAN is considered as a copycat of the system of the European Union (... more Over the last few decades, ASEAN is considered as a copycat of the system of the European Union (EU). ASEAN is considered weaker, lacks strong support from its members, has less substantive achievements, and is nothing more than competition between ASEAN member countries, where the EU has gone further in its implementation. This assessment has recently been canceled. The EU is currently faced with a list of daunting challenges - the ongoing debt crisis in Greece, increasing criticism by right-wing political groups over the European Union's fundamental agreement on freedom of movement within the EU. The refugee crisis and the growing movement of secession from member states - Britain and Spain are the most prominent examples. Of course, the EU now faces its most significant and most existent challenge, political vortex and divisions with the launch of a referendum in Britain, which resulted in 'Brexit.' This paper tries to analyze how Brexit phenomenon is suspected to occ...
Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity
Women expand their feminist value to protect local societies from conflict impacts which put most... more Women expand their feminist value to protect local societies from conflict impacts which put mostly women and children as victims, in line with the growth of women's capacity in peacekeeping operations. Women perform a significant role as peacekeepers in UN missions for peace and conflict resolutions to create a counterbalance in masculine dominance of UN Peacekeeping Operations based on UNSCR 1325. Women have played an important role as peacekeepers in the UN missions for peace and conflict resolution, to build trust among local communities especially women and children who are vulnerable to sexual harassment and violence. This paper will analyze the strategic role of Indonesia’s female peacekeepers in peace and conflict resolution under UN missions with a qualitative method in the concept of gender equality based on a phenomenological approach. This research finds that Indonesia’s female peacekeepers can provide approaches that can foster the inclusive peace process and become...
Papers by Jonni Mahroza