Papers by Jonathan Méndez
Mass Production Processes, 2020
The competitiveness of the national and international market for automobile parts requires that d... more The competitiveness of the national and international market for automobile parts requires that delivery times, quantities and agreed upon quality standards for the ordered product are rigorously adhered to. This means that a company must use and keep up with strategies that allow for improvement while maintaining a high performance-level in its production processes. The company accepts their clients' challenge to increase the production capacity and improve levels of quality and productivity for their M300 wheel hub 1 production line. The first step was to carry out a general analysis of the manufacturing process, identifying each of the activities and operations used to make the product. The critical path along with critical activities was identified and deficiencies were found in the execution of the activities along these critical paths. Next, the causes for low productivity and flaws in the production process were identified. This information was used to implement improvement proposals using "lean manufacturing" techniques with the respective results that were achieved. Conclusions and recommendations for continuous improvements in the manufacturing process are presented.
Tesina (Seminario de titulacion de Diseno de Interiores), Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela... more Tesina (Seminario de titulacion de Diseno de Interiores), Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Ingenieria y Arquitectura, Unidad Tecamachalco, 2016, 1 archivo PDF, (125 paginas).
espanolLas redes sociales abren nuevas oportunidades a las companias turisticas para ser mas tran... more espanolLas redes sociales abren nuevas oportunidades a las companias turisticas para ser mas transparentes, captar mejor a sus potenciales clientes y mejorar su presencia digital. Sin embargo, Instagram tiene unas caracteristicas diferentes y en esta nueva red las corporaciones tienen mucho menos protagonismo y poder que los usuarios individuales. Este trabajo viene a profundizar en esta realidad y como las principales empresas turisticas a nivel global la estan afrontando EnglishSocial platforms open new avenues for tourist corporations, enabling them to be more transparent, to capture the attention of potential customers and to improve their digital presence. But Instagram also presents some differential features and at this new network corporations are less powerful than individual users. This study aims to research in deep this reality and how the main global tourist corporations are facing it
El sector metalmecanico en Santander cada vez crece a nivel logistico, investigacion e innovacion... more El sector metalmecanico en Santander cada vez crece a nivel logistico, investigacion e innovacion y fortalecimiento empresarial en los diferentes procesos que conforman su cadena de valor. A traves de multiples aportes realizados por el Sistema Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia, COLCIENCIAS ha permitido incrementar la productividad al interior del sector metalmecanico, beneficiando a tres (3) empresas lider, en la apropiacion de esquemas de trazabilidad y rastreabilidad a traves de sistemas de informacion, con integracion a tecnologias de identificacion de productos, como el RFID (Radiofrecuency Identification); Permitiendo a su vez que se genere un elemento prospectivo para la aplicacion de las tecnologias de identificacion de productos en otros sectores estrategicos de la economia Santandereana y Colombiana. El sector Metalmecanico exporta el 90% de su produccion, lo cual hace que fluctue su capacidad financiera por la variacion del dolar. Este fue el caso del ano 2008, en el cual ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017
This article provides an application of the total productive maintenance (TPM) philosophy as a sy... more This article provides an application of the total productive maintenance (TPM) philosophy as a systematic means for avoiding losses and increasing productivity in an autoparts machining line. This is achieved by strategically implementing the pillars of TPM on the basis of failure data, then performing a thorough "root cause analysis" thereof (targeted improvement). Preventive maintenance plans and the empowerment of the autonomous maintenance program operator teams become the main pillar in the implementation of this new philosophy as a result. All this is done with the full support of the general management and each area of the organization in order to guarantee the full implementation and sustainability of the program.
ACS Catalysis, 2016
A series of alumina-supported Fe-based catalysts is prepared via a dry impregnation method in the... more A series of alumina-supported Fe-based catalysts is prepared via a dry impregnation method in the presence of a phosphorus source (phosphate salt) and then used for the catalytic dehydrogenation of propane. Specifically, supported catalysts with Fe:P molar ratios of 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 are prepared and their chemical composition, textural properties, and redox properties are characterized with an array of techniques. In the nonoxidative dehydrogenation (PDH) of propane at 600°C and atmospheric pressure, the most active catalyst (Fe:P ratio of 3:1) exhibits 15% propane conversion and >80% C 3 H 6 selectivity. The calculated activity is 9.9 mmol/(h g Fe) (mass basis) or 13 μmol/(h m 2) (surface area basis), with a corresponding TOF of 19 h −1. During the initial stages of reaction under PDH conditions, the precatalyst is reduced and Fe(0) species are generated, eventually giving way to iron carbide species. During this induction period, significant carbon is incorporated into the catalyst and propylene selectivity is low. Only after the iron carbide phase appears do the reactivity and selectivity achieve steady-state conditions with high propylene selectivity and good activity. The addition of the phosphorus source in the precatalyst is found to be important in obtaining a catalyst with superior performance.
Weef 2013 Cartagena, Aug 30, 2013
El modelo de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, debe estar fundamentado e inspirado en valores... more El modelo de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, debe estar fundamentado e inspirado en valores humanistas de diversas fuentes, para los diferentes academicos y estudiantes de la region. Con el proposito de expandir el concepto y la practica en el sistema universitario del area metropolitana de Bucaramanga, iniciativa impulsada por la Universidad Manuela Beltran. Teniendo en cuenta, lo que se estudia, discute y establece acuerdos sobre lo que significa una institucion socialmente responsable y, posteriormente, han aclarado los principios y los valores que inspiran la identidad de una Universidad de estas caracteristicas, es importante que se practique dicho tema de manera, que sea un eje transversal a la formacion de los Ingenieros. “Los tradicionales conceptos de extension social y proyeccion social universitaria han venido evolucionando con el curso de los anos, hasta alcanzar una definicion mas amplia y comprometedora de lo que debe ser el papel de la educacion superior en relacion con la sociedad y el entorno en el cual se desenvuelve. La universidad es una empresa de caracter social y por consiguiente su responsabilidad social es particularmente importante. De alli que los tradicionales conceptos de proyeccion o extension universitaria, generalmente vistos como la obligacion de educar y capacitar estudiantes para que una vez preparados ejerzan su profesion u oficio adecuadamente, es hoy un concepto restringido e insuficiente. La importantisima labor academica que desarrollan las universidades, tiene hoy que complementa RSU con acciones directas de intervencion sobre el medio que las rodea. La responsabilidad social universitaria tiene dos estadios de accion claramente diferenciables: El primero hacia el interior del centro educativo, dirigido fundamentalmente a la formacion en valores humanos, solidaridad, tolerancia y principios de convivencia, para crear conciencia sobre su obligacion individual y colectiva de ayudar a los mas necesitados y mejorar su entorno. En este proceso deben estar directamente vinculados el cuerpo de docentes, los directivos y administradores de la institucion. El segundo hacia el exterior de la institucion, es decir hacia la sociedad en general, liderando procesos que cumplan con el objetivo de lograr una sociedad mas justa, con acceso al conocimiento, la investigacion, la informacion y el trabajo, en un marco de respeto por las diferentes culturas y costumbres y la preservacion de un medio ambiente sano. ” [1] Por tal razon se observo la necesidad de analizar las practicas de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, evaluando todos sus grupos de Interes e identificando sus fortalezas y debilidades. Posterior a ello se plante un modelo que integra los conceptos del Balance Score Card y permite el diseno de un modelo para el desarrollo de la RSU, como herramienta transversal a los proceso de Gestion y Formacion en Ingenieria, que permita el desarrollo Integral de profesionales con espiritu Critico Reflexivo y con sentido social, de forma que sea un profesional con altas competencias especializadas, investigativas y con capacidad de apropiacion social del conocimiento. [1] Ibid. Disponible En: <
Revista Espanola De Investigaciones Quirurgicas, 2003
This study investigated the in vivo effects of a commercial blend of plant extracts (carvacrol, c... more This study investigated the in vivo effects of a commercial blend of plant extracts (carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde and capsaicin) on blood acid-base balance and serum lactate levels in a 148-day feedlot experimentwith 24 double-muscled Belgian Blue bull calves. Animals were allotted randomly to one of two experimental groups: 1) a control group (C, no supplementation; n = 10), and 2) a group receiving dietary supplementation with a combination of plant extracts (PE, 100 mg per kg DM of concentrate; n = 14). All animals received a high-grain ration, typical of diets fed commercially to feedlot cattle in Spain, consisting mainly of barley plus other components in proportions depending on the production phase. Production data (weight, DMI, ADG and feed-to-gain ratio) were recorded, and venous blood pH, pCO2, HCO3(-), Base Excess -BE- and serum L-lactate were determined. Apparently, beneficial effects of supplementation on production parameters were observed in both growing and finishing periods, though statistically significant effects were only observed in the finishing period. As regards blood parameters, no significant effects of supplementation (or the supplementation x time interaction) were observed, except for an effect on blood pH in the growing period, when supplemented animals showed significantly higher values than controls. A beneficial supplementation x time interactive effect was observed on serum L-lactate levels: from the first week of the study until the end, supplemented animals showed significantly lower levels than controls. These in vivo results support the utility of this dietary supplement in feedlot cattle receiving a barley-based high-grain diet.
Revista CUIDARTE, 2011
Introduction: Corporate social responsibility in the health sector is virtually null, but if we s... more Introduction: Corporate social responsibility in the health sector is virtually null, but if we speak specifically of Colombia is even less, through the years this concept has evolved and has been linked to the importance of corporate social responsibility from the actors involved in the development of the Colombian health system. Materials and Methods: Literature Feview. Results: today some EPS's have developed policies and actions aimed at the subject, among which are foundations, incentives, integration processes but these are still not permitted in the user satisfaction, have not focused on promotion, prevention and monitoring of patients and their diagnoses. Discussion and Conclusion: as shown in the review, the concepts of corporate social responsibility has existed from remote times, which were already covered issues important to the economic activity of production units of the time, in the health sector there is virtually no literature that specifically Corporate Social Responsibility but may be associated with different patterns that have been authors on the importance of health as a fundamental element in the development of human capital. It is clear that the different actors of the Social Security System in Health Colombian imperatively requires the implementation of effective RSE practices whose central axis is the patient and not the economic goals of the various actors.
Revista CUIDARTE, 2014
Artículo recibido el 31 de Enero de 2014 y aceptado para su publicación el 09 de Abril de 2014. C... more Artículo recibido el 31 de Enero de 2014 y aceptado para su publicación el 09 de Abril de 2014. Cómo citar este artículo: Morales Méndez JD, Galeano Barrera CJ, Muñoz Ospina JF. Perfil de responsabilidad social empresarial para las entidades promotoras de salud-régimen contributivo de Bucaramanga y su área metropolitana. Rev Cuid. 2014; 5(1): 633-43. que contribuyen a la dimensión social del desarrollo sostenible.
Revista Técnica de …, 2011
Page 1. Rev. Tec. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 30. Edición Especial, 485, 2007 Catalytic reduction of N... more Page 1. Rev. Tec. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 30. Edición Especial, 485, 2007 Catalytic reduction of NO by CO over supported Pd catalysts: effect of the thermal treatments Víctor Ferrer*, Naikary Pulgar, Dora Finol, Jonathan Méndez ...
Ciencia, 2011
Page 1. Propiedades redox de un catalizador de tres vías impregnado con solución de nitrato de pa... more Page 1. Propiedades redox de un catalizador de tres vías impregnado con solución de nitrato de paladio Jonathan E. Méndez M., Dora M. Finol*, Víctor J. Ferrer V., Roger J. Solano C. y Jorge L. Sanchez A. Instituto de Superficies ...
Ciencia, 2011
Page 1. Caracterización química y comportamiento redox del sistema catalítico Pd/Ce0,8Tb0,2Ox/La2... more Page 1. Caracterización química y comportamiento redox del sistema catalítico Pd/Ce0,8Tb0,2Ox/La2O3-Al2O3 Humberto Lozano, Dora Finol*, Víctor Ferrer, Jonathan Méndez, Roger Solano y Jorge Sánchez Instituto de Superficies ...
Papers by Jonathan Méndez