Globalization and mass migration have raised anew the question of the nature and origin of human ... more Globalization and mass migration have raised anew the question of the nature and origin of human rights. There have been a number of works that seek inspiration on this issue from the philosophy of Hegel. Usually, the primary focus of these works has, naturally enough, been the main statement of Hegel's political philosophy, the Philosophy of Right. Scholars go to this work in search of a principle that can ground human rights in such a way that can be meaningfully used in a political and legal context. This body of literature is important in that it draws attention to this aspect of Hegel's thought and shows how it is relevant for a problem of some topicality today. However, this approach, I wish to argue, takes up the issue at a fairly advanced stage in Hegel's thinking and fails to see some much more fundamental elements in his way of understanding the concept of human rights, specifically, that the very idea of human rights presupposes a philosophical anthropology and a theory of history since human rights as a concept did not always exist. These aspects of Hegel's theory have been generally neglected in the secondary literature on the issue of human rights.
Variaciones Borges: revista del Centro de Estudios y Documentación Jorge Luis Borges, 1999
2 The Gold of the Tigers, translated by Alastair Reid, also appears in the Penguin edition of The... more 2 The Gold of the Tigers, translated by Alastair Reid, also appears in the Penguin edition of The Book of Sand, referenced below. 3 These stories appear in the English translation by Norman Thomas di Giovanni. All English quotations and references are to this edition, (in the text as "BS"). References are also given to the standard Spanish edition of Borges' Obras Completas.
European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Mar 2, 2021
In his Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, Hegel argues that the development of the religions... more In his Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, Hegel argues that the development of the religions of the world leads up to Christianity, which is the one true religion. One key element which separates Christianity from the other religions, for Hegel, concerns the issue of alienation. He claims that the previous religions all contain some form of alienation, which can be found in their conceptions of the divine. I wish to examine Hegel's view that Christianity alone overcomes religious alienation. What is it that makes Christianity so special in this regard? This is a particularly important issue given that the question of alienation is so central in the post-Hegelian thinkers such as Feuerbach, Bauer, and Marx, who all insist that, far from overcoming alienation, Christianity is guilty of causing it. I argue that this issue provides new insight into the old criticism of Hegel as a thinker of abstraction.
Estudios Kierkegaardianos revista de filosofía, 2022
ya que creo que comparte con Kierkegaard una visión crítica de la primera. También, al igual que ... more ya que creo que comparte con Kierkegaard una visión crítica de la primera. También, al igual que Kierkegaard, Jean Paul quiere subrayar la importancia subestimada y a menudo descuidada del amor en la cosmovisión moderna.
Estudios Kierkegaardianos revista de filosofía, 2015
Møller's main philosophical treatise, "Thoughts on the Possibility of Proofs of Human Immortality... more Møller's main philosophical treatise, "Thoughts on the Possibility of Proofs of Human Immortality", published in 1837 in the leading journal of Golden Age Denmark, the famous Maanedsskrift for Litteratur, was part of the ongoing debate surrounding Hegel's position on the issue of human immortality. The article, which in a sense joined the left Hegelians in rejecting the presumed theory of immortality in Hegel's system, would be an important source of inspiration for Søren Kierkegaard and his onslaught on Hegelianism.
Estudios Kierkegaardianos revista de filosofía, 2018
parece a primera vista caer dentro de este marco. Este texto aclama abiertamente a Hegel como el ... more parece a primera vista caer dentro de este marco. Este texto aclama abiertamente a Hegel como el líder de la vanguardia de la cultura en una nueva era. Sin embargo, no queda claro que lo que ahí dice esté realmente en armonía con la filosofía de Hegel. Mientras que Heiberg argumenta que la época actual atraviesa por una gran crisis cultural, Hegel es conocido por sus afirmaciones celebratorias sobre la culminación del desarrollo del espíritu en su propio tiempo. La pregunta que se aborda en este artículo es: qué elemento específico del pensamiento de Hegel fue el trasfondo para Heiberg y su teoría de una crisis cultural contemporánea. Se argumenta que la respuesta se encuentra en las páginas finales de las lecciones de Hegel sobre la filosofía de la religión. Esto podría parecerles a algunos estudiosos contradictorio, ya que la religión era solo un interés secundario para Heiberg y desempeña un papel limitado en
Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion played an important role in the development of the... more Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion played an important role in the development of the concept of world religions. Writing at the time of a great wave of interest in non-European cultures in the first half of the 19 th century, Hegel was among the first to realize the reality of religious pluralism. He saw that a philosophy of religion that wanted to favor Christianity must at a minimum have some story to tell about the other religions of the world. Today scholars are rightly skeptical of Hegel's attempt to establish a hierarchy of world religions and to tell a narrative of how the one religion replaces the other in a teleological manner, with some religions occupying a higher stage of development than others. If we reject Hegel's teleology and evolutionary view, is there anything meaningful left that we can work with? While we want to resist the idea that one religion sublates the next in Hegel's sense, historians of religion are keen to suggest the many ways in which religious traditions have developed. In many cases religions seem to have overlapped and borrowed ideas from one another. If one focuses on these points of similarity among the world religions, a new approach to plurality presents itself. In this paper I wish to explore this approach, which has been designated as "Comparative Theology".
De las opiniones expresadas en los trabajos aquí publicados responden exclusivamente los autores.... more De las opiniones expresadas en los trabajos aquí publicados responden exclusivamente los autores. Cualquier reproducción hecha sin el permiso del editor se considerará ilícita. Revista de Filosofía Universidad Iberoamericana No. 138, enero-junio 2015, se terminó de imprimir el mes de agosto de 2015 con un tiraje de 600 ejemplares. El debate filosófico contemporáneo revista de Filosofía (universidad iberoamericana) 138: 9-23, 2015 La actualización democrática de la vida cotidiana. El sujeto ético en la obra de Michel de Certeau 1 Juan Esteban Posada Morales Resumen En el artículo se expone una revisión conceptual sobre la ética, la democracia y el papel del sujeto en los desarrollos teóricos de Michel de Certeau. Su objetivo principal es dar cuenta de la idea que explica el uso diario del proceso cultural por parte de los poderes y las autoridades al condicionar la composición ordinaria del lenguaje. Se concluye que la verificación que hace un individuo, aunque parta de la experiencia o de la filosofía, se va moviendo por los hechos que desmienten aquella "verdad" postulada por estos discursos, "legítimo derecho", brillo que enriquece la retórica democrática. Palabras Clave: ética, democracia, lenguaje, código moral, vida cotidiana.
Enrahonar: an international journal of theoretical and practical reason, Jul 7, 1998
One of the most interesting of the many faces of Kierk e g a a rd is Kierk e g a a rd as Hegelian... more One of the most interesting of the many faces of Kierk e g a a rd is Kierk e g a a rd as Hegelian. The ve ry notion might strike many people as an ox y m o ron. Gi ve n K i e rk e g a a rd's bitter polemics against Hegel and Hegelianism, it might seem a b s u rd to think that Kierk e g a a rd himself had a Hegelian side at all. The thesis that Kierk e g a a rd has nothing in common with Hegel was made famous by Niels T h u l s t rup in his influential work, K i e rk e g a a rds Fo rhold til Hegel og til den spekulative Idealisme indtil 1846, published in 1967 1 with German and English translations following shortly there a f t e r 2. T h u l s t rup puts forth his main thesis thus: «Hegel and Kierk e g a a rd have in the main nothing in common as thinkers, neither as re g a rds object, purpose, or method, nor as re g a rd s what each considered to be indisputable principles.» 3 T h u l s t rup's claim about the radical discontinuity between Hegel and Kierk e g a a rd has been taken up uncritically by a number of scholars of nineteenth century Eu ropean philoso p h y. As a result, many commentators see it as a foregone conclusion that K i e rk e g a a rd rejected eve rything that had even the slightest look of He g e l i a n i s m about it. T h e re are, howe ve r, a number of reasons to believe that T h u l s t ru p ' s v i ew of the matter is oversimplified. When we examine Kierk e g a a rd's work s c a re f u l l y, we can see that his relation to Hegel was in fact considerably more d i f f e rentiated than T h u l s t rup would have us believe .
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibli... more Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at
The present article explores the possible influence of Schleiermacher on Kierkegaard based primar... more The present article explores the possible influence of Schleiermacher on Kierkegaard based primarily on a reading of the famous journal entry AA:13, in which the young Kierkegaard declares “Philosophy and Christianity can never be united.” It is argued that Kierkegaard’s reflections here and later constitute a part of an ongoing critical discussion with a number of Danish thinkers who were likewise interested in the issue of the relation of philosophy to Christianity or knowledge to faith. Schleiermacher’s thought can thus be seen to have passed through a Danish filter, which is the primary context for Kierkegaard’s engagement with it.
that dvds have aided us in understanding the subtleties of this kind of film, by way of their pro... more that dvds have aided us in understanding the subtleties of this kind of film, by way of their provision of extra material and the possibility to stop and to start the projection at will. i generally agree with her idea that art cinema represents “personhood” in an age so dominated by the concerns of economy (late capitalism). the book does add a lot to our knowledge of Bergman. even if many of her critical points have been more or less known by earlier scholars, she delivers her analyses with high theoretical insight, stylistic elegance, and a good deal of scholarly expertise. this is indeed quality film scholarship and should also be thoughtprovoking for scholars interested in the cinema of ingmar Bergman, although i have to admit that the sheer philosophical complexity of many of her arguments will force me to reread the book before addressing her arguments again. Why then would i start this review by juxtaposing this sophisticated piece of scholarship with what has been considered to be the work of a hack Swedish journalist? this is because of the fact that film theory, Haverty Rugg’s field, is not always the same as film history. the film theoretician often refers to what can be perceived by a viewer, ideal or not. the extrafilmic material belongs to what Gérard Genette describes as “paratext, elements that surround and inform the body of a text” (quoted in Haverty Rugg, p. 5), which sometimes are known, but most often are not. in Sweden, however, these many paratextual elements have long since predominated in the general understanding of Bergman, without comparison the most famous Swedish artist of the latter half of the twentieth century. even if these elements are just “biography,” they do constitute Swedish film history, a discourse of which Linda Haverty Rugg’s book is now also a part. erik Hedling Lund University
Møller’s main philosophical treatise, “Thoughts on the Possibility of Proofs of Human Immortality... more Møller’s main philosophical treatise, “Thoughts on the Possibility of Proofs of Human Immortality”, published in 1837 in the leading journal of Golden Age Denmark, the famous Maanedsskrift for Litteratur, was part of the ongoing debate surrounding Hegel’s position on the issue of human immortality. The article, which in a sense joined the left Hegelians in rejecting the presumed theory of immortality in Hegel’s system, would be an important source of inspiration for Søren Kierkegaard and his onslaught on Hegelianism.
Globalization and mass migration have raised anew the question of the nature and origin of human ... more Globalization and mass migration have raised anew the question of the nature and origin of human rights. There have been a number of works that seek inspiration on this issue from the philosophy of Hegel. Usually, the primary focus of these works has, naturally enough, been the main statement of Hegel's political philosophy, the Philosophy of Right. Scholars go to this work in search of a principle that can ground human rights in such a way that can be meaningfully used in a political and legal context. This body of literature is important in that it draws attention to this aspect of Hegel's thought and shows how it is relevant for a problem of some topicality today. However, this approach, I wish to argue, takes up the issue at a fairly advanced stage in Hegel's thinking and fails to see some much more fundamental elements in his way of understanding the concept of human rights, specifically, that the very idea of human rights presupposes a philosophical anthropology and a theory of history since human rights as a concept did not always exist. These aspects of Hegel's theory have been generally neglected in the secondary literature on the issue of human rights.
Variaciones Borges: revista del Centro de Estudios y Documentación Jorge Luis Borges, 1999
2 The Gold of the Tigers, translated by Alastair Reid, also appears in the Penguin edition of The... more 2 The Gold of the Tigers, translated by Alastair Reid, also appears in the Penguin edition of The Book of Sand, referenced below. 3 These stories appear in the English translation by Norman Thomas di Giovanni. All English quotations and references are to this edition, (in the text as "BS"). References are also given to the standard Spanish edition of Borges' Obras Completas.
European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Mar 2, 2021
In his Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, Hegel argues that the development of the religions... more In his Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, Hegel argues that the development of the religions of the world leads up to Christianity, which is the one true religion. One key element which separates Christianity from the other religions, for Hegel, concerns the issue of alienation. He claims that the previous religions all contain some form of alienation, which can be found in their conceptions of the divine. I wish to examine Hegel's view that Christianity alone overcomes religious alienation. What is it that makes Christianity so special in this regard? This is a particularly important issue given that the question of alienation is so central in the post-Hegelian thinkers such as Feuerbach, Bauer, and Marx, who all insist that, far from overcoming alienation, Christianity is guilty of causing it. I argue that this issue provides new insight into the old criticism of Hegel as a thinker of abstraction.
Estudios Kierkegaardianos revista de filosofía, 2022
ya que creo que comparte con Kierkegaard una visión crítica de la primera. También, al igual que ... more ya que creo que comparte con Kierkegaard una visión crítica de la primera. También, al igual que Kierkegaard, Jean Paul quiere subrayar la importancia subestimada y a menudo descuidada del amor en la cosmovisión moderna.
Estudios Kierkegaardianos revista de filosofía, 2015
Møller's main philosophical treatise, "Thoughts on the Possibility of Proofs of Human Immortality... more Møller's main philosophical treatise, "Thoughts on the Possibility of Proofs of Human Immortality", published in 1837 in the leading journal of Golden Age Denmark, the famous Maanedsskrift for Litteratur, was part of the ongoing debate surrounding Hegel's position on the issue of human immortality. The article, which in a sense joined the left Hegelians in rejecting the presumed theory of immortality in Hegel's system, would be an important source of inspiration for Søren Kierkegaard and his onslaught on Hegelianism.
Estudios Kierkegaardianos revista de filosofía, 2018
parece a primera vista caer dentro de este marco. Este texto aclama abiertamente a Hegel como el ... more parece a primera vista caer dentro de este marco. Este texto aclama abiertamente a Hegel como el líder de la vanguardia de la cultura en una nueva era. Sin embargo, no queda claro que lo que ahí dice esté realmente en armonía con la filosofía de Hegel. Mientras que Heiberg argumenta que la época actual atraviesa por una gran crisis cultural, Hegel es conocido por sus afirmaciones celebratorias sobre la culminación del desarrollo del espíritu en su propio tiempo. La pregunta que se aborda en este artículo es: qué elemento específico del pensamiento de Hegel fue el trasfondo para Heiberg y su teoría de una crisis cultural contemporánea. Se argumenta que la respuesta se encuentra en las páginas finales de las lecciones de Hegel sobre la filosofía de la religión. Esto podría parecerles a algunos estudiosos contradictorio, ya que la religión era solo un interés secundario para Heiberg y desempeña un papel limitado en
Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion played an important role in the development of the... more Hegel's Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion played an important role in the development of the concept of world religions. Writing at the time of a great wave of interest in non-European cultures in the first half of the 19 th century, Hegel was among the first to realize the reality of religious pluralism. He saw that a philosophy of religion that wanted to favor Christianity must at a minimum have some story to tell about the other religions of the world. Today scholars are rightly skeptical of Hegel's attempt to establish a hierarchy of world religions and to tell a narrative of how the one religion replaces the other in a teleological manner, with some religions occupying a higher stage of development than others. If we reject Hegel's teleology and evolutionary view, is there anything meaningful left that we can work with? While we want to resist the idea that one religion sublates the next in Hegel's sense, historians of religion are keen to suggest the many ways in which religious traditions have developed. In many cases religions seem to have overlapped and borrowed ideas from one another. If one focuses on these points of similarity among the world religions, a new approach to plurality presents itself. In this paper I wish to explore this approach, which has been designated as "Comparative Theology".
De las opiniones expresadas en los trabajos aquí publicados responden exclusivamente los autores.... more De las opiniones expresadas en los trabajos aquí publicados responden exclusivamente los autores. Cualquier reproducción hecha sin el permiso del editor se considerará ilícita. Revista de Filosofía Universidad Iberoamericana No. 138, enero-junio 2015, se terminó de imprimir el mes de agosto de 2015 con un tiraje de 600 ejemplares. El debate filosófico contemporáneo revista de Filosofía (universidad iberoamericana) 138: 9-23, 2015 La actualización democrática de la vida cotidiana. El sujeto ético en la obra de Michel de Certeau 1 Juan Esteban Posada Morales Resumen En el artículo se expone una revisión conceptual sobre la ética, la democracia y el papel del sujeto en los desarrollos teóricos de Michel de Certeau. Su objetivo principal es dar cuenta de la idea que explica el uso diario del proceso cultural por parte de los poderes y las autoridades al condicionar la composición ordinaria del lenguaje. Se concluye que la verificación que hace un individuo, aunque parta de la experiencia o de la filosofía, se va moviendo por los hechos que desmienten aquella "verdad" postulada por estos discursos, "legítimo derecho", brillo que enriquece la retórica democrática. Palabras Clave: ética, democracia, lenguaje, código moral, vida cotidiana.
Enrahonar: an international journal of theoretical and practical reason, Jul 7, 1998
One of the most interesting of the many faces of Kierk e g a a rd is Kierk e g a a rd as Hegelian... more One of the most interesting of the many faces of Kierk e g a a rd is Kierk e g a a rd as Hegelian. The ve ry notion might strike many people as an ox y m o ron. Gi ve n K i e rk e g a a rd's bitter polemics against Hegel and Hegelianism, it might seem a b s u rd to think that Kierk e g a a rd himself had a Hegelian side at all. The thesis that Kierk e g a a rd has nothing in common with Hegel was made famous by Niels T h u l s t rup in his influential work, K i e rk e g a a rds Fo rhold til Hegel og til den spekulative Idealisme indtil 1846, published in 1967 1 with German and English translations following shortly there a f t e r 2. T h u l s t rup puts forth his main thesis thus: «Hegel and Kierk e g a a rd have in the main nothing in common as thinkers, neither as re g a rds object, purpose, or method, nor as re g a rd s what each considered to be indisputable principles.» 3 T h u l s t rup's claim about the radical discontinuity between Hegel and Kierk e g a a rd has been taken up uncritically by a number of scholars of nineteenth century Eu ropean philoso p h y. As a result, many commentators see it as a foregone conclusion that K i e rk e g a a rd rejected eve rything that had even the slightest look of He g e l i a n i s m about it. T h e re are, howe ve r, a number of reasons to believe that T h u l s t ru p ' s v i ew of the matter is oversimplified. When we examine Kierk e g a a rd's work s c a re f u l l y, we can see that his relation to Hegel was in fact considerably more d i f f e rentiated than T h u l s t rup would have us believe .
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibli... more Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at
The present article explores the possible influence of Schleiermacher on Kierkegaard based primar... more The present article explores the possible influence of Schleiermacher on Kierkegaard based primarily on a reading of the famous journal entry AA:13, in which the young Kierkegaard declares “Philosophy and Christianity can never be united.” It is argued that Kierkegaard’s reflections here and later constitute a part of an ongoing critical discussion with a number of Danish thinkers who were likewise interested in the issue of the relation of philosophy to Christianity or knowledge to faith. Schleiermacher’s thought can thus be seen to have passed through a Danish filter, which is the primary context for Kierkegaard’s engagement with it.
that dvds have aided us in understanding the subtleties of this kind of film, by way of their pro... more that dvds have aided us in understanding the subtleties of this kind of film, by way of their provision of extra material and the possibility to stop and to start the projection at will. i generally agree with her idea that art cinema represents “personhood” in an age so dominated by the concerns of economy (late capitalism). the book does add a lot to our knowledge of Bergman. even if many of her critical points have been more or less known by earlier scholars, she delivers her analyses with high theoretical insight, stylistic elegance, and a good deal of scholarly expertise. this is indeed quality film scholarship and should also be thoughtprovoking for scholars interested in the cinema of ingmar Bergman, although i have to admit that the sheer philosophical complexity of many of her arguments will force me to reread the book before addressing her arguments again. Why then would i start this review by juxtaposing this sophisticated piece of scholarship with what has been considered to be the work of a hack Swedish journalist? this is because of the fact that film theory, Haverty Rugg’s field, is not always the same as film history. the film theoretician often refers to what can be perceived by a viewer, ideal or not. the extrafilmic material belongs to what Gérard Genette describes as “paratext, elements that surround and inform the body of a text” (quoted in Haverty Rugg, p. 5), which sometimes are known, but most often are not. in Sweden, however, these many paratextual elements have long since predominated in the general understanding of Bergman, without comparison the most famous Swedish artist of the latter half of the twentieth century. even if these elements are just “biography,” they do constitute Swedish film history, a discourse of which Linda Haverty Rugg’s book is now also a part. erik Hedling Lund University
Møller’s main philosophical treatise, “Thoughts on the Possibility of Proofs of Human Immortality... more Møller’s main philosophical treatise, “Thoughts on the Possibility of Proofs of Human Immortality”, published in 1837 in the leading journal of Golden Age Denmark, the famous Maanedsskrift for Litteratur, was part of the ongoing debate surrounding Hegel’s position on the issue of human immortality. The article, which in a sense joined the left Hegelians in rejecting the presumed theory of immortality in Hegel’s system, would be an important source of inspiration for Søren Kierkegaard and his onslaught on Hegelianism.
Papers by Jon Stewart