Papers by Jolanta Jaworek
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is common inflammatory dermatosis, typically with chronic and recurrent co... more Atopic dermatitis (AD) is common inflammatory dermatosis, typically with chronic and recurrent course, which significantly reduces the quality of life. Sleep disturbances are considered to be remarkably burdensome ailments in patients with AD, and are routinely included during assessment of disease severity. Therefore, endogenous substances engaged in the control of circadian rhythms might be important in pathogenesis of AD and, possibly, be used as biomarkers of disease severity or even in development of novel therapies. Melatonin (MT), the indoleamine produced by pineal gland (but also by multiple other tissues, including skin), plays a pivotal role in maintaining the sleep/wake homeostasis. Additionally, it possesses strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which might directly link chronic skin inflammation and sleep abnormalities characteristic of AD. The objective of this work is to systematically present and summarize the results of studies (both experimental and ...
Pielęgniarstwo Polskie
Wstęp. Od zarania dziejów ciężarnymi i rodzącymi opiekowały się inne kobiety. Początkowo te mając... more Wstęp. Od zarania dziejów ciężarnymi i rodzącymi opiekowały się inne kobiety. Początkowo te mające doświadczenie i powszechny szacunek w plemieniu, z czasem-wykształcone akuszerki. Do końca XIX w. był to zawód samodzielny z uwagi na postrzeganie ciąży jako procesu fi zjologicznego. W konsekwencji nadmiernej medykalizacji społeczeństwo zaczęło postrzegać ją jako proces wymagający interwencji medycznej. Położne utraciły samodzielność zawodową, natomiast opiekę nad ciężarną i rodzącą przejęli lekarze. Zgodnie z "Rozporządzeniem Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 23 września 2010 r. (…)" położne mają zagwarantowaną możliwość prowadzenia ciąży fi zjologicznej. Cel. Poznanie opinii ciężarnych na temat kompetencji zawodowych położnych, głównie w aspekcie prowadzenia przez nie ciąży fi zjologicznej. Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono wśród ciężarnych hospitalizowanych w jednym ze szpitali krakowskich. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, za narzędzie badawcze posłużył autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Analizie poddano 105 ankiet. Wyniki. Badania wykazały, że aż 61% respondentek nie było świadomych, że położna może prowadzić ciążę fi zjologiczną. Nawet po otrzymaniu tej informacji zaznaczyły one, iż nie zrezygnowałyby z prowadzenia ciąży przez ginekologa na rzecz położnej (67%). Argumentowały to przekonaniem o niewystarczającej wiedzy położnych dotyczącej ciąży, porodu, połogu (41,6%) oraz ich nieodpowiednim przygotowaniem do opieki nad ciężarną (36,1%). Ankietowane, które wiedziały o tej możliwości (39%), czerpały wiedzę głównie z nieprofesjonalnych źródeł informacji. Wnioski. Pomimo istnienia regulacji prawnych w zakresie kompetencji położnych, zwłaszcza w aspekcie prowadzenia ciąży fi zjologicznej, do rozwiązania pozostaje problem niekorzystnego postrzegania tego zawodu przez społeczeństwo i wynikających z tego ograniczeń w samodzielności zawodowej. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: ciąża fi zjologiczna, kompetencje zawodowe położnych, standard opieki położniczej.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics
Glycosylation is a topic of intense current interest in the development of biopharmaceuticals bec... more Glycosylation is a topic of intense current interest in the development of biopharmaceuticals because it is related to drug safety and efficacy. This work describes results of an interlaboratory study on the glycosylation of the Primary Sample (PS) of NISTmAb, a monoclonal antibody reference material. Seventy-six laboratories from industry, university, research, government, and hospital sectors in Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia submitted a total of 103 reports on glycan distributions. The principal objective of this study was to report and compare results for the full range of analytical methods presently used in the glycosylation analysis of mAbs. Therefore, participation was unrestricted, with laboratories choosing their own measurement techniques. Protein glycosylation was determined in various ways, including at the level of intact mAb, protein fragments, glycopeptides, or released glycans, using a wide variety of methods for derivatization, separation, identificatio...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences
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Advances in Medical Sciences
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research
Gastroenterology research and practice, 2018
Background. Endotoxin (LPS), the component of Gram-negative bacteria, is responsible for sepsis a... more Background. Endotoxin (LPS), the component of Gram-negative bacteria, is responsible for sepsis and neonatal mortality, but low concentrations of LPS produced tissue protection in experimental studies. The effects of LPS applied to the suckling rats on the pancreas of adult animals have not been previously explored. We present the impact of neonatal endotoxemia on the pancreatic exocrine function and on the acute pancreatitis which has been investigated in the adult animals. Endotoxemia was induced in suckling rats by intraperitoneal application of LPS from Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhi. In the adult rats, pretreated in the early period of life with LPS, histological manifestations of acute pancreatitis have been reduced. Pancreatic weight and plasma lipase activity were decreased, and SOD concentration was reversed and accompanied by a significant reduction of lipid peroxidation products (MDA + 4 HNE) in the pancreatic tissue. In the pancreatic acini, the significant increases in protein signals for toll-like receptor 4 and for heat shock protein 60 were found. Signal for the CCK1 receptor was reduced and pancreatic secretory responses to caerulein were diminished, whereas basal enzyme secretion was unaffected. These pioneer studies have shown that exposition of suckling rats to endotoxin has an impact on the pancreas in the adult organism.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Ghrelin was shown to exhibit protective and therapeutic effect in the gut. Aim of the study was t... more Ghrelin was shown to exhibit protective and therapeutic effect in the gut. Aim of the study was to investigate the role of sensory nerves (SN) in the protective effect of ghrelin in acute pancreatitis (AP). Studies were performed on male Wistar rats or isolated pancreatic acinar cells. After capsaicin deactivation of sensory nerves (CDSN) or treatment with saline, rats were pretreated intraperitoneally with ghrelin or saline. In those rats, AP was induced by cerulein or pancreases were used for isolation of pancreatic acinar cells. Pancreatic acinar cells were incubated in cerulein-free or cerulein containing solution. In rats with intact SN, pretreatment with ghrelin led to a reversal of the cerulein-induced increase in pancreatic weight, plasma activity of lipase and plasma concentration of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). These effects were associated with an increase in plasma interleukin-4 concentration and reduction in histological signs of pancreatic damage. CDSN tended to increase the severity of AP and abolished the protective effect of ghrelin. Exposure of pancreatic acinar cells to cerulein led to increase in cellular expression of mRNA for TNF-α and cellular synthesis of this cytokine. Pretreatment with ghrelin reduced this alteration, but this effect was only observed in acinar cells obtained from rats with intact SN. Moreover, CDSN inhibited the cerulein-and ghrelin-induced increase in gene expression and synthesis of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in those cells. Ghrelin exhibits the protective effect in cerulein-induced AP on the organ and pancreatic acinar cell level. Sensory nerves ablation abolishes this effect.
International journal of molecular sciences, Jan 2, 2017
Ghrelin (GHRL) is an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). Expe... more Ghrelin (GHRL) is an endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). Experimental studies showed that GHRL protects the stomach and pancreas against acute damage, but the effect of GHRL on pancreatic acinar cells was still undetermined. To investigate the effect of GHRL and caerulein on the functional ghrelin system in pancreatic acinar cells taking into account the role of sensory nerves (SN). Experiments were carried out on isolated pancreatic acinar cells and AR42J cells. Before acinar cells isolation, GHRL was administered intraperitoneally at a dose of 50 µg/kg to rats with intact SN or with capsaicin deactivation of SN (CDSN). After isolation, pancreatic acinar cells were incubated in caerulein-free or caerulein containing solution. AR42J cells were incubated under basal conditions and stimulated with caerulein, GHRL or a combination of the above. Incubation of isolated acinar cells with caerulein inhibited GHS-R and GHRL expression at the level of mRNA...
International journal of molecular sciences, Jan 8, 2017
Melatonin is an indoleamine produced from the amino acid l-tryptophan, whereas metabolites of mel... more Melatonin is an indoleamine produced from the amino acid l-tryptophan, whereas metabolites of melatonin are known as kynuramines. One of the best-known kynuramines is N¹-acetyl-N¹-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine (AFMK). Melatonin has attracted scientific attention as a potent antioxidant and protector of tissue against oxidative stress. l-Tryptophan and kynuramines share common beneficial features with melatonin. Melatonin was originally discovered as a pineal product, has been detected in the gastrointestinal tract, and its receptors have been identified in the pancreas. The role of melatonin in the pancreatic gland is not explained, however several arguments support the opinion that melatonin is probably implicated in the physiology and pathophysiology of the pancreas. (1) Melatonin stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion through the activation of entero-pancreatic reflex and cholecystokinin (CCK) release. l-Tryptophan and AFMK are less effective than melatonin in the stimulation of pan...
International journal of molecular sciences, Jan 24, 2017
Previous studies have shown that ghrelin exhibits a protective and therapeutic effect in the gut.... more Previous studies have shown that ghrelin exhibits a protective and therapeutic effect in the gut. The aim of the present study was to examine whether administration of ghrelin affects the course of acetic acid-induced colitis and to determine what is the role of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in this effect. In sham-operated or hypophysectomized male Wistar rats, colitis was induced by enema with 1 mL of 3% solution of acetic acid. Saline or ghrelin (given at the dose of 8 nmol/kg/dose) was administered intraperitoneally twice a day. Seven days after colitis induction, rats were anesthetized and the severity of the colitis was assessed. Treatment with ghrelin reduced the area of colonic mucosa damage in pituitary-intact rat. This effect was associated with increase in serum levels of GH and IGF-1. Moreover, administration of ghrelin improved blood flow in colonic mucosa and mucosal cell proliferation, as well as reduced mucosal concentration of proinfla...
International journal of molecular sciences, Jan 21, 2017
Intravascular activation of coagulation is observed in acute pancreatitis and is related to the s... more Intravascular activation of coagulation is observed in acute pancreatitis and is related to the severity of this inflammation. The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of acenocoumarol therapy on the course of acute pancreatitis induced in male rats by pancreatic ischemia followed by reperfusion. Acenocoumarol at a dose of 50, 100, or 150 µg/kg/dose was administered intragastrically once a day, starting the first dose 24 h after the initiation of pancreatic reperfusion. Histological examination showed that treatment with acenocoumarol reduces pancreatic edema, necrosis, and hemorrhages in rats with pancreatitis. Moreover, the administration of acenocoumarol decreased pancreatic inflammatory infiltration and vacuolization of pancreatic acinar cells. These findings were accompanied with a reduction in the serum activity of lipase and amylase, concentration of interleukin-1β, and plasma d-Dimer concentration. Moreover, the administration of acenocoumarol improved pancreatic bloo...
Pielęgniarstwo Polskie, 2016
Reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów jest chorobą przewlekłą o podłożu autoimmunologicznym. Nierzadko r... more Reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów jest chorobą przewlekłą o podłożu autoimmunologicznym. Nierzadko reumatoidalnemu zapaleniu stawów towarzyszą inne choroby współistniejące mające także podłoże zapalne. Tymi schorzeniami często są jednostki chorobowe należące do szeroko rozumianego zespołu metabolicznego. Najczęściej spotykanymi schorzeniami, które jednocześnie są uważane już za choroby cywilizacyjne, są cukrzyca i otyłość. U chorych na cukrzycę stwierdza się stan zapalny, którego podstawą jest insulinooporność tkankowa, a także zaburzony metabolizm glukozy. Także znaczenie dla gospodarki węglowodanowej w reumatoidalnym zapaleniu stawów mają stosowane leki. Inną chorobą zapalną towarzyszącą RZS jest otyłość. Wieloletnie badania wykazały, że komórki tkanki tłuszczowej są źródłem mediatorów zapalenia. U otyłych osób, głównie kobiet, zapalenia stawów w przebiegu RZS mają cięższy przebieg. Te dwie choroby-cukrzyca i otyłość-współistniejące z reumatoidalnym zapaleniem stawów znacząco wpływają na stan chorych, na ich jakość życia i rokowania. Celem pracy było wykazanie, na podstawie przeglądu piśmiennictwa, że współistnienie cukrzycy i otyłości wraz z RZS wpływa na pogorszenie przebiegu tej choroby stawów.
Papers by Jolanta Jaworek