Papers by Joice R.T.S.L Rimper
Larva ikan laut umumnya dipelihara dengan metode sama, yaitu dengan menggunakan Brachionus plicat... more Larva ikan laut umumnya dipelihara dengan metode sama, yaitu dengan menggunakan Brachionus plicatilis sp. complex tipe-SS sebagai pakan awal. Tetapi ternyata, rotifer tipe-SS tidak efektif bagi larva berukuran mulut kecil, seperti kerapu. Mengacu pada permasalhan tersebut, telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mendapatkan minute rotifer (berukuran tubuh lebih kecil rotifer tipe-SS) dari perairan alami dan mengkaji pemanfaatannya sebagai pakan alami. Empat minute rotifer yang teridentifikasi sebgai Lecane quadridentata, Coulurella adriatica strain Tumpaan dan Coulurella adriatica strain Makalisung, berhasil diisolasi dari perairan estuari di Propinsi Sulawesi Utara. Panjang tubuh (119±6, 131±12, 97±4 dan 85±3 µm) dan lebar tubuh (101±7, 92±11, 55±2 dan 56±4 µm) masing-masing rotifer lebih kecil dan ramping dibandingkan tipe-SS (panjang: 167±9 µm dan lebar: 122±7 µm). Rotifer-rotifer tersebut berhasil dipropagasi dan mencapai kepadatan (ind./mL) sekitar 346 (dalam 5 ha...
Desa Elusan merupakan penghasil kopra terbesar di Kecamatan Amurang Barat yaitusekitar 120 ton pe... more Desa Elusan merupakan penghasil kopra terbesar di Kecamatan Amurang Barat yaitusekitar 120 ton per bulannya, karena memiliki areal tanaman kelapa yang cukup luas. Namundemikian di Desa Elusan ini terdapat sejumlah anak yang putus sekolah atau tidak dapatmelanjutkan pendidikan pada perguruan tinggi, karena ketiadaan biaya dari orang tua. Hal initelah menyebabkan adanya peningkatan kriminalitas seperti perkelahian dan mabuk-mabukan.Keuangan keluarga merupakan hal yang penting untuk dikelola dengan baik demikesejahteraan keluarga yang bersangkutan. Pada umumnya pemegang kas dalam keluargaadalah para ibu atau isteri. Keterbatasan pengetahuan mereka dalam pengelolaan keuangankeluarga dapat menyebabkan tidak terwujudnya kesejahteraan keluarga sepertiketidakmampuan membiayai pendidikan anak, terbelit hutang dan lainnya. Pengabdianmasyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya pengelolaankeuangan keluarga secara baik kepada para ibu atau isteri. Selain itu juga, tuju...
Current procedure in rearing larvae of marine fish is using SS-type rotifer Brachionus plicatilis... more Current procedure in rearing larvae of marine fish is using SS-type rotifer Brachionus plicatilis sp. complex as first food during early development stage of the larvae. But larvae of some marine tropical fish species including groupers are difficult to consume the SS-type due to larval extremely small mouth size. Present study is aimed to isolate minute rotifer and to investigate its usability as live food for fish larvae. An extremely small body size of rotifer was successfully isolated from a brackish pond located at Tumpaan, North Sulawesi. The rotifer was identified as Colurella adriatica (Rotifera: Ploimida) with body size around 97.10±3.58 and 55.37±2.04 µm in length and width, respectively. The size is 1.7 times smaller and 18 times narrower than the SS-type. A clonal culture of Colurella adriatica was successfully mass propagated based on Nannochloropsis oculata as food source. Population density of Colurella adriatica using such food source reached dens...
Marine Research in Indonesia, 2018
In order to characterize the distribution pattern of rotifers Brachionus spp. in North Sulawesi, ... more In order to characterize the distribution pattern of rotifers Brachionus spp. in North Sulawesi, sample collections have been conducted at four locations, two at east coast and other two at west coast of North Sulawesi peninsula, which are connected to Maluku and Sulawesi Seas, respectively. At each location, a 40 p.m mesh size plankton net with a 0.3 m opening diameter was horizontally towed at three sites to represent coastal water, estuary and brachkiswater pond. Sampling periods were in January and August 2005 to represent west monsoon and east monsoon, respectively. Each sampling was performed twice a day during high and low tide. Some environmental factors were also measured in situ during the sampling. Three species of Brachionus were found during the survey, Brachionus rotundiformis, B. caudatus and B. quadridentatus. Their abundances were significantly different, both between locations and sampling sites. However, among the similar habitat such as between Manembo-nembo and ...
The Studies of Social Sciences, 2019
Wanita GBI Marina Plaza merupakan suatu perkumpulan para isteri dan wanita dewasa yang belum meni... more Wanita GBI Marina Plaza merupakan suatu perkumpulan para isteri dan wanita dewasa yang belum menikah dan mereka ini terdiri dari bermacam-macam profesi. Penghasilan yang tidak menentu, inflasi dan kecenderungan pola hidup yang konsumtif menyebabkan banyak diantara mereka mengalami kesulitan ekonomi dan keuangan. Pelaksanaan program kemitraan masyarakat ini bertujuan : untuk memotivasi para wanita agar mencari sumber-sumber pendapatan tambahan keluarga dengan bekerja atau berwirausaha melalui pemanfaatan keahlian dan hobi yang dimiliki, untuk mendidik peserta agar berperilaku hemat dalam penggunaan keuangan keluarga, dan untuk melatih peserta agar mencatat semua penerimaan dan pengeluaran uang keluarga dalam Buku Kas Harian secara bulanan. Metode pengabdian ini dilakukan dalam bentuk penyuluhan, pelatihan, diskusi dan tanya jawab. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah : 1) Para ibu atau istri peserta penyuluhan ini sangat antusias mengikutinya, terlihat dari aktifny...
The rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis (total body length 240.59±10.24 μm, lorica length 175.28±9.1... more The rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis (total body length 240.59±10.24 μm, lorica length 175.28±9.18 μm, and lorica width 124.28±7.76μm) is commonly used as starter food in the larval rearing of marine fish. But, larvae of some marine tropical fish species required starter food with body size smaller than B. rotundiformis. The present study was aimed to isolate minute rotifers from nature and to assess the possibility of culturing these rotifers. Sampling of rotifers was conducted in an estuary of Mangket (Kema-Minut), using plankton net (mesh size 40 µm). A trial of culturing the rotifers was conducted at salinities of 10, 20 and 30 ppt by using a microalga, Nannochloropsis oculata. A species of rotifer identified as Colurella sp. (family Lepadellidae) was successfully isolated from the sampling location. Body size of Colurella sp. was extremely small (Total length 123.22±5.45 μm, lorica length 95.96±3.81 μm, and lorica width 53.57±3.11 μm), which were smaller than Brachionus rotundi...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan minute rotifer (rotifer berukuran kecil) yang ada di p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan minute rotifer (rotifer berukuran kecil) yang ada di perairan Sulawesi Utara yang memiliki potensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan awal larva ikan laut. Sampling rotifer dilakukan di tujuh lokasi estuari yang berbeda dengan menggunakan plankton net (mata jaring 40 mm). Prosedur identifikasi rotifer didasarkan pada tampakan morfologi. Morfometri dilakukan di bawah mikroskop pembesaran 40-100x yang terhubung dengan sebuah komputer untuk visualisasi dan pengukuran. Tiga spesies minute rotifer berhasil diisolasi dari tiga lokasi estuari berbeda. Colurella sp. diisolasi dari sebuah kolam payau (salinitas 25 ppt) yang dipenuhi sampah rumah tangga di Tumpaan Kabupaten Minahasa. Lecane sp. cf Lecane quadridentata (Lecane) diisolasi dari sebuah tambak payau (salinitas 17 ppt) di Meras Kota Manado dan Lecane sp. cf Lecane papuana di muara sebuah sungai kecil (salinitas <3 ppt) di Tateli Kabupaten Minahasa. Semua minute rotifer yang ditemukan ini ...
Forum Pasca Sarjana, 2008
The research aims to find out the existence and the most dominant rotifera in coastal territorial... more The research aims to find out the existence and the most dominant rotifera in coastal territorial waters and estuaries in North Sulawesi, and their relationship with temperature, salinity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients. The research was conducted in Manembo-nembo, Minanga, Wori, and Tumpaan. Identification of rotifera revealed three species of rotifera from all locations, i.e. Brachionus rotundiformis, Brachionus caudatus, and Brachionus quadridentatus, with abundance value of 1984.4 ind/m 3 ; 26.1 ind/m 3 ; and 212.9 ind/m 3 respectively. Result of analysis indicates that abundance of those three rotifera are significantly different both between locations and sampling sites. The abundance of B. rotundiformis in Manembo-nembo and Minanga is higher compared to those in Wori and Tumpaan. The abundance of B. caudatus is higher in Manembo-nembo and Minanga compared to those in Wori and Tumpaan. The abundance of B. quadridentatus is also different from the other two species, the abundance is sifnificantly different in Minanga compared to those in Manembo-nembo and Tumpaan, but is not significantly different with those from Wori. The highest abundance of B. rotundiformis was found in brackishwater pond and the lowest was in coastal area.
The waters of Bahowo is located in North Sulawesi Province, Tongkeina Village, District of Bunake... more The waters of Bahowo is located in North Sulawesi Province, Tongkeina Village, District of Bunaken, which is one of the mangrove ecotourism destinations with a high density of mangrove ecosystems. Crab sampling activities were carried out by the cruise method with a distance of 500 meters at each observation station. The steps in this research are; collecting specimens, identifying and taking pictures. After that, the transect line is used to determine density and species diversity. then determined 3 different stations with a distance of 150 m each. Each transect station is 10 x 10 meters consisting of 100 quadrants with a distance between 1 meter quadrants. Determination of the quadrant where sampling is done randomly at each station Results of research in the waters of Bahowo, obtained the number of crabs that is 125 individuals. From the results of identification of crabs that have been obtained there are 15 species, namely: Scylla serrate, S. olivacea, S. tranquabarica, S. param...
This study aims to determine the phylogenetic position of rotifer Brachionus sp. sample originate... more This study aims to determine the phylogenetic position of rotifer Brachionus sp. sample originated from Tumpaan coastal water, North Sulawesi in the phylogenetic tree of Brachionus spp. from 27 samples of rotifer selected from 100 samples available in NCBI Genbank. The phylogeny tree was constructed on the basis of COI (Cytochrome Oxidase I) gene sequences using MEGA7 software and the neighbor-joining method. Results show that the phylogeny tree was divided into 2 clades, the group (closely related group) and out-group (distantly related group). It is confirmed that the position of the rotifer originating from Tumpaan Coastal Water is within in group, which has closely related to the B. plicatilis complex BUS06 indicated by a bootstrap value of 80%. The group belongs to SS-type rotifers with an average body size of 149±1.3 μm. This rotifer group has been known as live prey for fish larvae with a mouth-opening size of 150 μm.
Kegiatan Program Kemitraan Mayarakat (PKM) bertujuan untuk menghasilkan masyarakat yang mampu men... more Kegiatan Program Kemitraan Mayarakat (PKM) bertujuan untuk menghasilkan masyarakat yang mampu mengelola sampah rumah tangga dengan baik, masyarakat yang mau menjaga daerah aliran sungai tempat mereka hidup, bersihnya daerah perairan teluk Manado dari sampah rumah tangga (termasuk sampah plastik), pelestarian biota laut khusunya plankton. Kegiatan PKM ini dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Karame lingkungan 1 dan 2, Kec. Singkil, Kota Manado yang memang sangat memiliki masalah terkait dengan sampah. Kelurahan Karame berbatasan langsung dengan daerah aliran sungai Tondano dan lokasinya juga merupakan tempat berkumpulnya air dari Tondano maupun Sawangan. Walaupun hampir selalu mendapat bencana banjir, sampai saat ini masyarakat Kelurahan Karame belum memiliki kesadaran untuk menjaga lingkungan. Sampah rumah tangga seperti sisa-sisa bahan makanan, sisa-sisa plastik pembungkus makanan ataupun limbah perikanan (insang, jeroan ikan) masih saja terlihat di selokan besar yang ada di Kelurahan Karame ...
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 2010
Uji toksisitas tributiltin secara akut telah dicobakan pada kopepoda tropis Apocyclopssp. yang di... more Uji toksisitas tributiltin secara akut telah dicobakan pada kopepoda tropis Apocyclopssp. yang diisolasi dari tambak Manembo-nembo Bitung, Sulawesi Utara. Kopepodadikultur dalam kondisi laboratorium (25-27oC, 30 ppt dan tanpa penerangan) denganpemberian mikroalga Nannochloropsis oculata sebagai pakan. Semua individukopepoda yang digunakan sebagai hewan uji berasal dari sepasang induk jantan danbetina. Kopepoda untuk eksperimen tributiltin (TBT) diberi perlakuan dalam air lautdan selama eksperimen tidak diberi pakan, dan larutan stok TBT-Cl dilarutkandalam aseton. Pengaruh starvasi (tanpa pemberian pakan) dan aseton diamatisebelum uji toksisitas TBT dilakukan. Setiap eksperimen, 10 kopepoda dewasa (5jantan dan 5 betina) dari satu kohort dimasukkan ke dalam cawan petri (diameter 3cm) berisi masing-masing 10 ml air laut. Ternyata perlakuan tanpa pemberian pakantidak mempengaruhi kopepoda selama periode eksperimen. Dalam uji toksisitas TBT,hanya 3 individu yang dapat bertahan sampai akh...
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine 1) the types of substrates on which Septiver attached,... more The purpose of this study was to determine 1) the types of substrates on which Septiver attached, and 2) the number of tropical boxes mussel recruits at different size aggregation. The meter was placed on one side of the mussel aggregation, and it was pulled up to the other side through the middle of the mussel aggregation. There were two different sizes of aggregation, namely small aggregation with a diameter of 5-25 cm, and large aggregation with a diameter > 1 meter. Aggregation samples were carried out by placing a core with a diameter of 10 cm in the center of the small mussel aggregation, then at the edge and the middle position of the large aggregation. All aggregation in the core was removed and inserted into the labeled sample plastic. The sampling was applied 4 times on different mussel aggregations, as replication. The results show that young mussels (recruiters) are attached to algae stems, mussel byssus, and dead hard coral. The number of mussel recruits was square-...
Microalgae are organisms that contain chlorophyll and other pigments so they can carry out photos... more Microalgae are organisms that contain chlorophyll and other pigments so they can carry out photosynthesis. Microalgae are widespread in nature and can be found in any environment exposed to sunlight. Microalgae are micro-sized biota with a diameter of less than 2 µm. The benefits of microalgae for other living things, especially humans, are numerous, including as a source of food and ingredients in the manufacture of medicines. Dunaliella sp. is a group of green algae that contains protein, fat and carbohydrates as a good source of food. Growth rate and density of microalgae Dunaliella sp. and the effect of lead acetate with different concentrations was observed using a microscope, starting from the lag phase, the logarithmic phase, the stationary phase and the declination phase. Dunaliella sp. Experiencing an exponential phase in the observation before treatment, namely on the 9th day and then doing the treatment. Treatment with lead acetate with concentrations of 10 ppm, 50 ppm an...
In the world there are 60 species of seagrass, and 12 types are found in Indonesia. This study ai... more In the world there are 60 species of seagrass, and 12 types are found in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the results of the description of the community structure and the percentage cover of seagrass in the waters of the Marine Fields Station, observations were made at 2 (ST.1 & ST.2) stations using themethod seagrass watch and the results of data analysis of the community structure using the equation formula from Cox, 1967. In the waters of the Marine Fields Station, there are 6 species, namely Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule pinifolia, and Halophile ovalis. The results of the percentage of seagrass cover at ST.1 were 58.85% and ST.2 53.13% and the average value obtained from these 2 stations was 55.99%. Overall, the community structure of ST.1 species Thalassia hemprichii has the highest important value index of 80.66%. And in ST.2 Syringodium isoetifolium which has the highest important value index is 93.27%...
The purpose of this study was to determine the type and diversity of macrobenthos that inhabit th... more The purpose of this study was to determine the type and diversity of macrobenthos that inhabit the aggregation of Septifer bilocularis shellfish in the coastal waters of Tiwoho, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi. Sampling of macrobenthos was carried out using core (PVC), both at the position of small aggregation (AK), middle large aggregation (ABT), and large edge aggregation (ABP). Sampling was carried out 4 times on different aggregations of shellfish. The data has been analyzed using the Diversity Index (H), the dominance index (D), and the Uniformity Index (E). It was identified that there were 25 types of macrobenthos occupying all aggregations of septifer bilocularis shells, which came from 11 classes including Gastropods, Bivalves, Malacostraca, Florideiphyceae, Ulvophyceae Ophiuroidea, Clitelatta, Maxillopoda, Globothalamea, Tubothalamea and Phaeophyceae. Biota diversity index varies from 1.60 – 1.70 which indicates that the biota in each aggregation has moderate divers...
The ascidians are an excellent source of bioactive compounds as natural antioxidants, and they ha... more The ascidians are an excellent source of bioactive compounds as natural antioxidants, and they have particular interest due to their beneficial effects on health. Sample preparations for antioxidant and antibacterial activity evaluation of the ascidians Lissoclinum patella, Didemnum molle and Herdmania momus used methanol as extraction media. In the present study, the antioxidant activity was determined through superoxide dismutase (SOD) assay and the antibacterial activity was tested against pathogenic bacteria Enterococcus faecalis. Results showed that methanol extracts of L. patella, D. molle and H. momus had an antioxidant activity against SOD with IC50 of 300, 82 and 52 ppm, respectively. On the other hand for antibacterial activity, two ascidian extracts (D. molle and H. momus) showed inhibition zones values of 9.2 and 6.9 mm at 10% together with chlorhexidine as positive control, while the ascidian L. patella was inactive. These data indicated that ascidians had potential bio...
Rotifer (Brachionus rotundiformis), sejenis zooplankton asal Sulawesi Utara telah dikaji sebagai ... more Rotifer (Brachionus rotundiformis), sejenis zooplankton asal Sulawesi Utara telah dikaji sebagai produsen senyawa antibioaktif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan metode kultur rotifer dengan pemberian mikroalga lokal pada beberapa salinitas sebagai induksi produksi senyawa bioaktif; mendapatkan ekstrak kasar senyawa bioaktif dari rotifer dengan pelarut metanol; dan mengevaluasi aktivitas antimikroba pada beberapa bakteri pathogen. Dari rotifer hasil kultur ini telah diekstrak senyawa bioaktif, dan senyawa ini telah diuji aktivitasnya pada 3 jenis bakteri pathogen yaitu Bacillus subtilis, Eschherichia coli dan Vibrio cholerae. Sebagai antibiotik pembanding digunakan tetrasiklin dan amoksisilin. Ada 2 strain yang dicobakan, yaitu strain Manembo-nembo yang pernah dideteksi mengandung senyawa sitotoksik, dan strain Minanga yang belum pernah diuji apakah mengandung senyawa bioaktif atau tidak. Masing-masing strain dikultur pada 3 macam salinitas yaitu 4, 20 dan 40 ppt untuk stra...
Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Viabilitas rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis strain tumpaan pada salinit... more Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Viabilitas rotifer Brachionus rotundiformis strain tumpaan pada salinitas berbeda The purpose of the research was to analyze the viability of eggs of Tumpaan-strained rotifer, Brachionus rotundiformis, at different salinities (10 and 20 ppt). Rotifer collection was done in the area of reclamation plan and household wastewater disposal located in the coastal village of Tumpaan 1, South Minahasa Regency. At the time of sample collection, water quality parameters of the sampling site were also measured. After multiplication through clone culture in the salinity of 10 ppt and 20 ppt, the viability of the rotifer was then tested by daily observing the number of live rotifers, the number of eggs carried and the number of youngsters produced. The data were then calculated using the life table method. Results showed that water quality of the rotifer collection site is suitable for the rotifer to live. The rotifers held in 10 ppt salinity had higher survivorship and...
Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Variasi ukuran rotifer Brachionus rotundiformisyang diberi pakan berbed... more Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Variasi ukuran rotifer Brachionus rotundiformisyang diberi pakan berbeda pada salinitas 40 ppt RotiferBrachionus rotundiformisis a group of zooplankton which is used by fish larvae for feeding to initiate their growth. This zooplankton is widely favored by marine fauna larvae because of its small size can fits well with various larval mouth; thus, it is easily preyed by larvae. This study aimed to determine the variation of rotifer B. rotundiformismorphometry if cultured with different feed at 40 ppt. The use of 40 ppt salinity is expected to provide a variable morphometric size because B. rotundiformishas a polymorphism property. Microalgae used as feed for rotifer B. rotundiformiswere Prochloronsp. and Nanochloropsis oculata. Microalgae were cultured with Hirata medium. In the early stages, B. rotundiformiswas cultured at optimum temperature (28 ºC) and salinity 20 ppt, then it was cultured at salinity 40 ppt. Salinity adaptation was done by raising the s...
Papers by Joice R.T.S.L Rimper