The mvestlgatlve work of Burke and colleagues [1,2] ushered m the era of antlblotlc surgical prop... more The mvestlgatlve work of Burke and colleagues [1,2] ushered m the era of antlblotlc surgical prophylaxis m the early 1960s Delivery of parenteral antlblotlcs during a crltlcal preoperative interval has markedly reduced the rates of wound mfectlons after a wide variety of operative procedures [3,4] From these early studies, principally mvolvmg colon operations, the use of perloperatlve parenteral antlblotlcs has evolved to include procedures mvolvmg the blllary and upper gastromtestmal tract, as well as the obstetric and gynecologlc, chest and heart, bone and Joint, and urologic areas [5,6] The length of prophylaxis and the selection of effective agents has received new emphasis with the recent cost contamment legalatlon, although Stone et al [7] showed m 1978 that long courses of antlblotlcs beyond the recovery room were not beneficial Many recent mvestlgatlons have also demonstrated the chmcal efficacy of single-dose preoperative regimens, partlcularly for the newer broad spectrum &lactams [8-131 These advanced spectrum cephalosporms are attractive choices for prophylaxis, thereby covering the maximum number of pathogens that cause surgical wound mfectlons [14,15] The 1983 Nosocomeal Infection Study from the Centers for Disease Control showed the pathogens causing surgical wound mfectlons (6,163 isolates) to be Staphylococcus aureus 19 percent, Escherlchla co11 114 percent, enterococci 114 percent, coagulase-negative sta-From the Departments of General Surgery Pathology, and Internal Mediclne, Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program of the Northwest, Portland, Oregon and Clackamas Oregon Requests for reprIMS should be addressed to Ronald N Jones, MD, The Cllnlcal Microbiology InsMute PO Box 947, Tualatm Oregon 97062 Presented In part at the 14th International Congress of Chemotherapy Kyoto, Japan June 23-28, 1985 Patients and Method5 The mvestlgatlon was a randomized, single-blinded, and comparative evaluation of the prophylactic admmlstratlon of cephalosporm antlblotlcs for the prevention of perloperatlve mfectlons Three regimens were established, each regimen using a representative antlblotlc
The mvestlgatlve work of Burke and colleagues [1,2] ushered m the era of antlblotlc surgical prop... more The mvestlgatlve work of Burke and colleagues [1,2] ushered m the era of antlblotlc surgical prophylaxis m the early 1960s Delivery of parenteral antlblotlcs during a crltlcal preoperative interval has markedly reduced the rates of wound mfectlons after a wide variety of operative procedures [3,4] From these early studies, principally mvolvmg colon operations, the use of perloperatlve parenteral antlblotlcs has evolved to include procedures mvolvmg the blllary and upper gastromtestmal tract, as well as the obstetric and gynecologlc, chest and heart, bone and Joint, and urologic areas [5,6] The length of prophylaxis and the selection of effective agents has received new emphasis with the recent cost contamment legalatlon, although Stone et al [7] showed m 1978 that long courses of antlblotlcs beyond the recovery room were not beneficial Many recent mvestlgatlons have also demonstrated the chmcal efficacy of single-dose preoperative regimens, partlcularly for the newer broad spectrum &lactams [8-131 These advanced spectrum cephalosporms are attractive choices for prophylaxis, thereby covering the maximum number of pathogens that cause surgical wound mfectlons [14,15] The 1983 Nosocomeal Infection Study from the Centers for Disease Control showed the pathogens causing surgical wound mfectlons (6,163 isolates) to be Staphylococcus aureus 19 percent, Escherlchla co11 114 percent, enterococci 114 percent, coagulase-negative sta-From the Departments of General Surgery Pathology, and Internal Mediclne, Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program of the Northwest, Portland, Oregon and Clackamas Oregon Requests for reprIMS should be addressed to Ronald N Jones, MD, The Cllnlcal Microbiology InsMute PO Box 947, Tualatm Oregon 97062 Presented In part at the 14th International Congress of Chemotherapy Kyoto, Japan June 23-28, 1985 Patients and Method5 The mvestlgatlon was a randomized, single-blinded, and comparative evaluation of the prophylactic admmlstratlon of cephalosporm antlblotlcs for the prevention of perloperatlve mfectlons Three regimens were established, each regimen using a representative antlblotlc
Papers by John Bakke