Papers by Joao Batista Gomes Pereira

Blood, 2013
Background Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are disorders characterized by morphological dysplasia... more Background Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are disorders characterized by morphological dysplasia, impaired differentiation and defective cellular functions, resulting in peripheral cytopenias. FMNL1 belongs to a family of formin-related proteins, indispensable for many fundamental actin-dependent processes. Recently, FMNL1 has been described to be upregulated and play a role in the actin cytoskeleton dynamics during monocyte differentiation to macrophages. Aims The aim of this work was to characterize FMNL1 expression in total bone marrow cells of patients with MDS comparing to normal donors. We also analyzed FMNL1 expression in erythrocytic, granulocytic and megakaryocytic differentiation, using cell line models. Finally, we evaluated the impact of inhibition of FMNL1 during megakaryocytic differentiation. Methods A total of 49 patients with a diagnosis of MDS, receiving no treatment, and 18 samples from normal donors were included in the study, which was approved by the National ...

Analise Social, Apr 1, 2008
«Antes o 'diabo' conhecido do que um 'anjo' desconhecido»: as limitações do voto económico na ree... more «Antes o 'diabo' conhecido do que um 'anjo' desconhecido»: as limitações do voto económico na reeleição do partido FRELIMO** A literatura dedicada ao voto económico tem demonstrado que os eleitores responsabilizam o governo pelo estado da economia e que punem, igualmente, os partidos no poder que apresentem um fraco desempenho económico e que não cumpram as promessas eleitorais. Porém, tais estudos não fornecem uma explicação convincente para a repetida reeleição do partido da FRELIMO em Moçambique, o qual, não obstante os elevados níveis de pobreza, desemprego e descontentamento económico, venceu três eleições consecutivas. No presente artigo defendo que a reeleição da FRELIMO deverá ser explicada à luz de factores adicionais: o tipo de transição política, o contexto local, a inexistência de uma compreensão clara da diferença entre avaliações pessoais e económicas; o controlo de recursos, as estratégias de implementação de políticas e o tipo de partido político. Palavras-chave: voto económico; eleições; promessas de campanha eleitoral; partido governante. The literature on economic voting shows that voters hold governments responsible for the state of the economy and punish ruling parties who fail on the economy and do not live up to their electoral promises. These studies do not, however, provide a convincing explanation for the recurring election of FRELIMO in Mozambique, which won three successive elections despite high levels of poverty, unemployment and economic discontent. In this article I argue we should explain the re-election of FRELIMO in the light of additional factors: the type of political transition, the local context, the lack of a clear understanding of the difference between personal and economic assessments; control over resources, strategies for policy implementation and types of political party. t político. ei

Fitness Performance Journal, 2004
Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo verifi car se a natação exerce infl uencia na melhora do e... more Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo verifi car se a natação exerce infl uencia na melhora do equilíbrio dinâmico e estático em crianças de 3 e 4 anos. A população alvo foi composta por 39 crianças de ambos os sexos com idade compreendida entre 3 e 4 anos formando um grupo de crianças praticantes de natação (grupo experimental) e um outro formado por crianças que não praticavam nenhuma atividade física (grupo controle). Só foram consideradas para este estudo as crianças que, tanto no grupo experimental como no grupo controle, apresentaram distúrbios de equilíbrio no pré-teste. Tanto no pré-teste quanto no pós-teste utilizou-se o protocolo de Lefevre (1972). No grupo experimental todas as crianças foram submetidas a pratica de natação por um tempo mínimo de 4 meses, ocorrendo esta duas vezes por semana em aulas com duração de 40 minutos. No faixa etária de 3 anos 47,6% da amostra do grupo experimental não conseguiu realizar o teste de forma satisfatória enquanto que no grupo controle, os valores correspondentes para o mesmo resultado e faixa etária são de 55,55% da amostra. Para a idade de 4 anos, 52,4% da amostra do grupo experimental não conseguiu realizar o teste de forma satisfatória enquanto que para o grupo controle, os valores encontrados para essa faixa etária são de 44,45%. Apos 4 meses de pratica da natação, todos os participantes do grupo experimental foram reavaliados, observando-se diminuição de 70% nos resultados negativos dos participantes, ou seja, houve melhora das alterações apresentadas. Na faixa etária de 3 anos 38% da amostra experimental, apresentou resultados positivos iguais ou superiores a 75%. Já na faixa etária de 4 anos 47,6% da amostra experimental apresentou um resultado positivo igual ou superior a 75%. De acordo como foi evidenciado em nosso estudo, a pratica regular da natação demonstrou ser um fator relevante, no que tange a melhora do equilíbrio em crianças de 3 e 4 anos, em relação a crianças da mesma faixa etária que não praticam natação ou outra atividade física.
Direito Unifacs Debate Virtual, Sep 18, 2012
Este Estudo- Intitulado O Papel Das Agencias Reguladoras Na Garantia Do Direito Fundamental Do Ac... more Este Estudo- Intitulado O Papel Das Agencias Reguladoras Na Garantia Do Direito Fundamental Do Acesso A Saude No Brasil, Inglaterra E Estados Unidos , Perspectiva De Direito Comparado - Desenvolvido Como Relatorio De Mestrado Em Direitos Fundamentais Da Faculdade De Direito Da Universidade De Lisboa, E Elemento Parcial De Avaliacao Das Disciplinas Direito Constitucional I E II E Tem Por Objetivo Final (Problematica) A Analise Do Papel De Estarem Ou Nao Incumbidas As Agencias Reguladoras Da Area De Saude De Atender Ainda Que Indiretamente, A Garantia Do Direito Fundamental De Acesso a Saude Nos Paises Escolhidos A Comparacao.

The telecommunications industry is known for quick changes of offers and strong competition, maki... more The telecommunications industry is known for quick changes of offers and strong competition, making it easy to customers switch from one company to another. So, it´s a market of strong competition where there is a fierce war of prices. Thus, retaining the customers is very important to the companies in the telecommunications industry, in such a way that they retain their customers and don´t lose them to competitors. This report presents the description of the activities developed during the internship that took place in the direction segment of residential consuming, in the area of planning and strategically projects of "PT Comunicações, S.A." which lasted four months, from 21/04/2014 to 28/08/2014. The activities developed were focused on the customer segmentation of residential market based on their value to the company and their migration behavior. The main aims were creating and making available a tool to identify and monitor all customers´ movements, according to their subscription of products and services. To reach these objectives was analyzed data from the customers' bills, through the SQL Server tool. According to the established aims, the internship allowed the intern to develop his skills in the SQL, customer segmentation and CRM areas. As far as results are concerned, our effort was to identify the main movements of customers, classifying them and with that being able to reach conclusions over the connections between the supply and the demand. These results will allow an adjustment in what the company offers so that it can answer to the demand.
Revista Lusofona De Ciencia Das Religioes, Jul 18, 2014
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2011
Page 1. Electronic copy available at: 1 HOW DO CAPITAL BUFFERS R... more Page 1. Electronic copy available at: 1 HOW DO CAPITAL BUFFERS RESPOND TO BASEL? AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF THE BRAZILIAN BANKING SYSTEM ¥ João André CM Pereira and Richard Saito This version: 04/15/2011 ...
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2008
The effect of induced voltages due to electromagnetic pulses is studied with the combination of c... more The effect of induced voltages due to electromagnetic pulses is studied with the combination of commercial electromagnetic simulation software (MEFISTo) and uncertainty modeling. The uncertainty is introduced using the Unscented Transform technique for two random variables: the relative permittivity and conductivity of the soil. These were modeled as independent random variables with uniform distribution. The results were the statistical moments of the induced voltage (expected value and standard deviation) as well as an estimate of the cumulative distribution function.
Advanced Materials Research, 2014
This paper presents a noncontact technique for displacement measurement based on the variation of... more This paper presents a noncontact technique for displacement measurement based on the variation of the pixels positions of a target object in the images captured by CCD or CMOS sensor. A video from a moving structure is made and then it is analyzed frame by frame and the variation of the pixels position of the target object in the structure is calculated for each frame and related with the position of the object in the image. The proposed approach is evaluated to measuring vibrations of a reduced scale model of two-floor building lab structure, which focuses on the advantage of using a unique camera for measurements of structural vibrations. The results obtained are compared to reference model and have shown good agreement.
Science, 1998
Pressures being exerted on the ocean ecosystems through overfishing, pollution, and environmental... more Pressures being exerted on the ocean ecosystems through overfishing, pollution, and environmental and climate change are increasing. Six core principles are proposed to guide governance and use of ocean resources and to promote sustainability. Examples of governance structures that embody these principles are given.
![Research paper thumbnail of Sensitivity of black alder (Alnus glutinosa [L.] Gaertn.) growth to hydrological changes in wetland forests at the rear edge of the species distribution](
Plant Ecology, 2014
ABSTRACT Functional responses of riparian species can be used as surrogates for their vulnerabili... more ABSTRACT Functional responses of riparian species can be used as surrogates for their vulnerability to climate-driven changes. In particular, black alder (Alnus glutinosa [L.] Gaertn.) might be highly susceptible to changes in habitat at the southern limit of its biogeographical distribution in the Mediterranean Basin. In this study, the long-term environmental signal of black alder on a river system in southern Portugal was determined on trees located in different geomorphological position across the floodplain. For all sampled trees, we related radial growth to monthly precipitation, temperature and streamflow. Tree growth responded to some degree to climatic variables, while a marked reduction of tree-ring growth was observed after extreme hydrologic events leading to mechanical damage and uprooting, especially when located near and downstream on the active channel. Similarly, during the first years of life, tree-ring width tended to be narrower near to the active channel, whereas trees at far and less disturbed sites grew faster and, therefore, showed wider rings. Our results confirm the potential of black alder growth as a proxy for hydrologic conditions in a semi-arid basin, and the possibility of using the response of this species to track environmental changes. Given the ecological and economic importance of black alder, and the potential for rapid changes in its distribution, the identification of those areas the most at risk of flood damage, and the adequate management of high priority alder populations will become progressively more important over coming years.

Leukemia Research, 2012
Recent studies have indicated the Musashi2/NUMB pathway as the key regulator of differentiation i... more Recent studies have indicated the Musashi2/NUMB pathway as the key regulator of differentiation in chronic myeloid leukemia; however, a comparison of both gene expressions has not yet been made in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We herein, demonstrate a statistically significant down-modulation of NUMB expression level in high-risk MDS and AML, compared with control individuals. MSI2 expression was significantly reduced in low and high-risk MDS compared with normal control samples. NUMB expression was significantly lower than that of MSI2 in both MDS and AML patient samples, but no differences in the expression levels for either gene were observed in healthy bone marrow cells. Finally, NUMB expression was significantly up-regulated during differentiation of normal and low-risk MDS CD34 + cells through the erythroid lineage. Taken together, results suggest the involvement of NUMB in MDS erythropoiesis; its down-modulation may have a role in MDS progression.
Leukemia Research, 2013
The role of the immune system in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) progression has been widely accep... more The role of the immune system in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) progression has been widely accepted, although mechanisms underlying this immune dysfunction are not clear. CD4 + and CD8 + lymphocyte profiles in the peripheral blood of MDS patients were evaluated and correlated with clinical characteristics, the expression of FOXP3 and the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL10, TGFˇ1 and CTLA4. IL10 expression inversely correlated with the percentage of CD8 + cells and was higher in high-risk MDS. Our findings provide further evidence for the role of T cell-mediated IL10 production in MDS and strengthen the idea of distinct cytokine profiles in low and high-risk MDS.

Journal of Communications, 2012
The increasing demand for broadband access leads operators to upgrade the existing access infrast... more The increasing demand for broadband access leads operators to upgrade the existing access infrastructures (or building new access network). Broadband access networks require higher investments (especially passive infrastructures such as trenches/ducts and base station towers/masts), and before making any decision it is important to analyze all solutions. The selection of the best solution requires understanding the technical possibilities and limitations of the different access technologies, as well as understanding the costs of building and operating the networks. This study analyzes the effect of asymmetric retail and wholesale prices on operators' NPV, profit, consumer surplus, welfare, retail market, wholesale market, and so on. For that, we propose a technoeconomic model complemented by a theoretic-game model. This tool identifies all the essential costs of building (and operating) access networks and performs a detailed analysis and comparison of the different solutions in various scenarios. Communities, operators/service providers, and regulators can use this tool to compare different technological solutions, forecast deployment costs, compare different scenarios, and so on, and help them in making deployment (or regulatory) decisions. The game-theory analyses give a better understanding of the competition and its effect on the business case scenarios' economic results.

IET Signal Processing, 2014
The success of coherent optical code-division multiple-access (OCDMA) systems is strongly depende... more The success of coherent optical code-division multiple-access (OCDMA) systems is strongly dependent on the optical encoder/decoder technology and on the selection of the correct OCDMA codes/sequences. For this reason, in this study, the authors present a method to implement perfect sequences with Super-Structured Fibre Bragg Gratings (SSFBGs). A new SSFBG power reflection model has been found. They have also derived a property that explains why the SSFBGs should use codes derived from m-sequences. Usually, OCDMA researchers try many different codes into SSFBGs in order to select the SSFBG encoders that result in lower error probability. In the authors work, they show that a SSFBG can be considered to be a perfect sequence encoder. For this reason, the codes written into the SSFBGs should be selected based on their new property. This property permits to design and select quickly the correct codes with low power contrast ratios. In addition, a new error probability upper bound, which is a function of the code family and of its power contrast ratio is also presented. With this new bound, it is not necessary to use an optical simulator to estimate the maximum bit error rate of an OCDMA system, if some power contrast ratios of the selected SSFBG code set are known.
IET Signal Processing, 2012
Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia …, 1993
Papers by Joao Batista Gomes Pereira