Upper forested parts of the mountain catchments are characterized by high retention, underground ... more Upper forested parts of the mountain catchments are characterized by high retention, underground run-off and non-concentrated episodic surface run-off and they are mostly shaped during extreme events. One of the goal of the analyses is to determine the direction of the root exposure which enables to distinguish between erosive and tunneling processes coupled with the interflow. While perfor- ming the dendrogeomorphological assessments of spruce roots (Picea abies L. Karst) we are facing some methodical problems. Wedging rings and missing rings are typical artifacts in the root structure. To eliminate the underestimations in the tree-rings counting whole cross-sections of the roots were scanned and measured by using the WinDENDRO and WinCELL software. The same samples were then analyzed microscopic according to the procedure introduced by F. H. Schweingru- ber (1991). Divergences between the results of macro- and microscopic measure- ments indicate the need of the thin-sections of th...
Jerzy Gruszczyński (red. nacz.), Jerzy Kwapisz (z-ca red. nacz.), Anna Krakowiak-Bal (sekretarz),... more Jerzy Gruszczyński (red. nacz.), Jerzy Kwapisz (z-ca red. nacz.), Anna Krakowiak-Bal (sekretarz), Stanisław Węglarczyk (red. angielska) WYDAWCA-EDITOR
Long stretches of Carpathian river channels have been engineered, which has had an impact on thei... more Long stretches of Carpathian river channels have been engineered, which has had an impact on their morphology and functioning. Three different river engineering periods have been identified for Carpathian Mountain rivers – different in terms of the type of work performed and its intensity. The first period covers the third quarter of the 20 century, when a large number of structures (groynes, weirs, debris dams) were built causing significant changes to river channels. The aforesaid structures led to a significant reduction in the amount of alluvia present in river channels, as did large scale gravel removal projects and land use changes in the catchment. The second period (1977–1996) was characterized by a rather small number of river engineering projects. This was the result of a relative lack of major floods during this time period. Channel gradient reduction with use of drop structures was the primary “fix” at the time. It contributed to further reductions in the amount of alluv...
W artykule przedstawiono współczesny stan wiedzy o przyczynach zmian karpackich koryt oraz ich re... more W artykule przedstawiono współczesny stan wiedzy o przyczynach zmian karpackich koryt oraz ich reakcji na róŜne interwencje. Zaprezentowano teŜ kilka nowoczesnych, alternatywnych rozwiązań w kwestii zarządzania górskimi systemami fluwialnymi.
Abstract Missing and wedging rings are common features of tree growth. They occur more frequently... more Abstract Missing and wedging rings are common features of tree growth. They occur more frequently in roots than in stems and were reported for various species and sites. These rather frequent irregularities in roots make dendrochronological analysis and cross-dating of roots more challenging. The goal of this study was to present a compiled method for a quantitative analysis of ring-growth irregularities. The analysis was conducted on ten spruce ( Picea abies L. Karst) roots taken from the Gorce Mountains (Southern Poland). A four-step cross-dating of these root samples was applied. Three to six cross-sections were analysed within each root and cross-dated with a corresponding stem and site chronology. All ring-growth analyses were conducted on micro sections. Finally, the dating method was evaluated using three control indicators. The study revealed that wedging rings occurring in both, cross-sectional and longitudinal profiles were observed in 17.3% of the rings analysed. The application of a combined zig-zag segment tracing and serial sectioning allowed to significantly reduce, compared to previous methods, the amount of undetected missing rings and revealed them as cross-sectional or longitudinal wedging rings. Thanks to the application of control indicators the irregularities occurring in rings of roots were quantified and compared with different environmental factors such as droughts, air pollution, insect outbreaks and geomorphological processes. Significant positive correlation between root age and the number of radial growth irregularities in roots was demonstrated. A detailed investigation of multiple cross-sections per root enabled to trace all types of ring irregularities in the roots and substantially reduced cross-dating subjectivity.
ABSTRACT Abstrakt. Górne, zalesione czêoeci zlewni górskich cechuj¹ siê du¿¹ retencyjnooeci¹, odp... more ABSTRACT Abstrakt. Górne, zalesione czêoeci zlewni górskich cechuj¹ siê du¿¹ retencyjnooeci¹, odp³ywem podziemnym oraz niezorganizowanym i epizodycznym sp³ywem po-wierzchniowym, a ich rozwój jest zwi¹zany g³ównie ze zdarzeniami ekstremalnymi. Jednym z g³ównych celów analiz by³o okreoelenie kierunku ods³aniania korzeni, które pozwala na odró¿nienie procesów erozji powierzchniowej od procesów sufo-zyjnych zwi¹zanych z dzia³alnooeci¹ sp³ywu oeródpokrywowego. Podczas wyko-nywania analiz dendrogeomorfologicznych z zastosowaniem korzeni oewierków (Picea abies L. Karst) natrafia siê na szereg problemów metodycznych. Typowy dla korzeni jest brak niektórych s³ojów lub wystêpowanie przyrostów wyklinowuj¹-cych siê. Prób¹ rozwi¹zania tego problemu by³o skanowanie ca³ych kr¹¿ków oraz manualne okreoelanie liczby i pomiary szerokooeci przyrostów rocznych w programie WinDENDRO i WinCell. Te same próbki korzeni zosta³y poddane obróbce zgodnie z procedur¹ opracowan¹ przez F. H. Schweingrubera (1991). Rozbie¿nooeci wskazuj¹ na koniecznooeae wykonywania preparatów mikroskopowych z ca³ych przekrojów poprzecznych i konstruowania lokalnych krzywych chronologicznych z korzeni. S³owa kluczowe: zlewnie górskie, procesy erozyjne, korzenie drzew, datowanie pomostowe, dendrogeomorfologia Abstract. Upper forested parts of the mountain catchments are characterized by high retention, underground run-off and non-concentrated episodic surface run-off and they are mostly shaped during extreme events. One of the goal of the analyses is to determine the direction of the root exposure which enables to distinguish between erosive and tunneling processes coupled with the interflow. While perfor-ming the dendrogeomorphological assessments of spruce roots (Picea abies L. Karst) we are facing some methodical problems. Wedging rings and missing rings are typical artifacts in the root structure. To eliminate the underestimations in the tree-rings counting whole cross-sections of the roots were scanned and measured by using the WinDENDRO and WinCELL software. The same samples were then analyzed microscopic according to the procedure introduced by F. H. Schweingru-ber (1991). Divergences between the results of macro-and microscopic measure-ments indicate the need of the thin-sections of the whole cross-sections, as well as cross-dating between the root growth series and a site chronology.
Stage correction is currently the most frequently used type of the Carpathian streams training. I... more Stage correction is currently the most frequently used type of the Carpathian streams training. It aims at decreasing the channel slope and limiting the bottom erosion, which over the last years led to a considerable channel deepening. The aim of the paper is the analysis of the stage correction effect on changes of the channel development and its functioning against its evolution during an over a hundred-year period. The investigations were conducted in the lower section of the Mszanka channel, a right tributary of the Raba River, which was wholly trained by means of stage correction. The training was conducted in three parts in the years 1977-2013. Available archival cartographic and photographic records, results of geomorphological research, etc. were used for the analysis. Information about the present functioning of the channel was obtained from geomorphological mappings conducted in 2004 and 2015. In result of training works, formerly braided Mszanka channel became transformed into a single thread and sinuous channel. 25 concrete drop structures and many steps were constructed in the bottom. The riverbanks were reinforced. In result of stage correction application the bedload was caught between the drop structures, whereas the channel below was underloaded with material. Therefore it became deepened. At this point the next stage of training was started and finally the drop structures were constructed until the river mouth. However, it did not stop the erosion process, although slowed it down greatly. At present the riverbed at this point is incised to the bedrock. Downcutting and lateral erosion play the main role in its development. The channel is unstable and the hydraulic struc-Joanna Korpak 1286 tures are being destroyed, particularly during floods. The greatest error of the training was too big shortening, straightening and narrowing of the channel at simultaneous cutting it off from the material supply source.
The article demonstrates the present state of knowledge about the reasons of Carpathian channel c... more The article demonstrates the present state of knowledge about the reasons of Carpathian channel changes and channel response to various interferences. A range of modern alternative solutions in the matter of mountain fluvial system management is also presented.
Potok Krzczonówka jest lewobrzeżnym dopływem Raby. W roku 2014, w okresie od kwietnia do września... more Potok Krzczonówka jest lewobrzeżnym dopływem Raby. W roku 2014, w okresie od kwietnia do września, na potoku tym prowadzone były prace związane z obniżeniem istniejącej zapory przeciwrumowiskowej. Po rozpoczęciu robót, w efekcie gwałtownych opadów, na potoku pojawiły się wysokie przepływy. Spowodowało to gwałtowne przemieszczenie się rumowiska z czaszy zapory na odcinek poniżej remontowanego obiektu. Prezentowana praca ma na celu przedstawienie wpływu powodzi na morfologię koryta potoku, w przypadku uruchomienia transportu dużej ilości rumowiska. Zaprezentowane zostaną obserwacje dotyczące zmian warunków przepływu wody i transportu rumowiska oparte o prowadzony monitoring.
Upper forested parts of the mountain catchments are characterized by high retention, underground ... more Upper forested parts of the mountain catchments are characterized by high retention, underground run-off and non-concentrated episodic surface run-off and they are mostly shaped during extreme events. One of the goal of the analyses is to determine the direction of the root exposure which enables to distinguish between erosive and tunneling processes coupled with the interflow. While perfor- ming the dendrogeomorphological assessments of spruce roots (Picea abies L. Karst) we are facing some methodical problems. Wedging rings and missing rings are typical artifacts in the root structure. To eliminate the underestimations in the tree-rings counting whole cross-sections of the roots were scanned and measured by using the WinDENDRO and WinCELL software. The same samples were then analyzed microscopic according to the procedure introduced by F. H. Schweingru- ber (1991). Divergences between the results of macro- and microscopic measure- ments indicate the need of the thin-sections of th...
Jerzy Gruszczyński (red. nacz.), Jerzy Kwapisz (z-ca red. nacz.), Anna Krakowiak-Bal (sekretarz),... more Jerzy Gruszczyński (red. nacz.), Jerzy Kwapisz (z-ca red. nacz.), Anna Krakowiak-Bal (sekretarz), Stanisław Węglarczyk (red. angielska) WYDAWCA-EDITOR
Long stretches of Carpathian river channels have been engineered, which has had an impact on thei... more Long stretches of Carpathian river channels have been engineered, which has had an impact on their morphology and functioning. Three different river engineering periods have been identified for Carpathian Mountain rivers – different in terms of the type of work performed and its intensity. The first period covers the third quarter of the 20 century, when a large number of structures (groynes, weirs, debris dams) were built causing significant changes to river channels. The aforesaid structures led to a significant reduction in the amount of alluvia present in river channels, as did large scale gravel removal projects and land use changes in the catchment. The second period (1977–1996) was characterized by a rather small number of river engineering projects. This was the result of a relative lack of major floods during this time period. Channel gradient reduction with use of drop structures was the primary “fix” at the time. It contributed to further reductions in the amount of alluv...
W artykule przedstawiono współczesny stan wiedzy o przyczynach zmian karpackich koryt oraz ich re... more W artykule przedstawiono współczesny stan wiedzy o przyczynach zmian karpackich koryt oraz ich reakcji na róŜne interwencje. Zaprezentowano teŜ kilka nowoczesnych, alternatywnych rozwiązań w kwestii zarządzania górskimi systemami fluwialnymi.
Abstract Missing and wedging rings are common features of tree growth. They occur more frequently... more Abstract Missing and wedging rings are common features of tree growth. They occur more frequently in roots than in stems and were reported for various species and sites. These rather frequent irregularities in roots make dendrochronological analysis and cross-dating of roots more challenging. The goal of this study was to present a compiled method for a quantitative analysis of ring-growth irregularities. The analysis was conducted on ten spruce ( Picea abies L. Karst) roots taken from the Gorce Mountains (Southern Poland). A four-step cross-dating of these root samples was applied. Three to six cross-sections were analysed within each root and cross-dated with a corresponding stem and site chronology. All ring-growth analyses were conducted on micro sections. Finally, the dating method was evaluated using three control indicators. The study revealed that wedging rings occurring in both, cross-sectional and longitudinal profiles were observed in 17.3% of the rings analysed. The application of a combined zig-zag segment tracing and serial sectioning allowed to significantly reduce, compared to previous methods, the amount of undetected missing rings and revealed them as cross-sectional or longitudinal wedging rings. Thanks to the application of control indicators the irregularities occurring in rings of roots were quantified and compared with different environmental factors such as droughts, air pollution, insect outbreaks and geomorphological processes. Significant positive correlation between root age and the number of radial growth irregularities in roots was demonstrated. A detailed investigation of multiple cross-sections per root enabled to trace all types of ring irregularities in the roots and substantially reduced cross-dating subjectivity.
ABSTRACT Abstrakt. Górne, zalesione czêoeci zlewni górskich cechuj¹ siê du¿¹ retencyjnooeci¹, odp... more ABSTRACT Abstrakt. Górne, zalesione czêoeci zlewni górskich cechuj¹ siê du¿¹ retencyjnooeci¹, odp³ywem podziemnym oraz niezorganizowanym i epizodycznym sp³ywem po-wierzchniowym, a ich rozwój jest zwi¹zany g³ównie ze zdarzeniami ekstremalnymi. Jednym z g³ównych celów analiz by³o okreoelenie kierunku ods³aniania korzeni, które pozwala na odró¿nienie procesów erozji powierzchniowej od procesów sufo-zyjnych zwi¹zanych z dzia³alnooeci¹ sp³ywu oeródpokrywowego. Podczas wyko-nywania analiz dendrogeomorfologicznych z zastosowaniem korzeni oewierków (Picea abies L. Karst) natrafia siê na szereg problemów metodycznych. Typowy dla korzeni jest brak niektórych s³ojów lub wystêpowanie przyrostów wyklinowuj¹-cych siê. Prób¹ rozwi¹zania tego problemu by³o skanowanie ca³ych kr¹¿ków oraz manualne okreoelanie liczby i pomiary szerokooeci przyrostów rocznych w programie WinDENDRO i WinCell. Te same próbki korzeni zosta³y poddane obróbce zgodnie z procedur¹ opracowan¹ przez F. H. Schweingrubera (1991). Rozbie¿nooeci wskazuj¹ na koniecznooeae wykonywania preparatów mikroskopowych z ca³ych przekrojów poprzecznych i konstruowania lokalnych krzywych chronologicznych z korzeni. S³owa kluczowe: zlewnie górskie, procesy erozyjne, korzenie drzew, datowanie pomostowe, dendrogeomorfologia Abstract. Upper forested parts of the mountain catchments are characterized by high retention, underground run-off and non-concentrated episodic surface run-off and they are mostly shaped during extreme events. One of the goal of the analyses is to determine the direction of the root exposure which enables to distinguish between erosive and tunneling processes coupled with the interflow. While perfor-ming the dendrogeomorphological assessments of spruce roots (Picea abies L. Karst) we are facing some methodical problems. Wedging rings and missing rings are typical artifacts in the root structure. To eliminate the underestimations in the tree-rings counting whole cross-sections of the roots were scanned and measured by using the WinDENDRO and WinCELL software. The same samples were then analyzed microscopic according to the procedure introduced by F. H. Schweingru-ber (1991). Divergences between the results of macro-and microscopic measure-ments indicate the need of the thin-sections of the whole cross-sections, as well as cross-dating between the root growth series and a site chronology.
Stage correction is currently the most frequently used type of the Carpathian streams training. I... more Stage correction is currently the most frequently used type of the Carpathian streams training. It aims at decreasing the channel slope and limiting the bottom erosion, which over the last years led to a considerable channel deepening. The aim of the paper is the analysis of the stage correction effect on changes of the channel development and its functioning against its evolution during an over a hundred-year period. The investigations were conducted in the lower section of the Mszanka channel, a right tributary of the Raba River, which was wholly trained by means of stage correction. The training was conducted in three parts in the years 1977-2013. Available archival cartographic and photographic records, results of geomorphological research, etc. were used for the analysis. Information about the present functioning of the channel was obtained from geomorphological mappings conducted in 2004 and 2015. In result of training works, formerly braided Mszanka channel became transformed into a single thread and sinuous channel. 25 concrete drop structures and many steps were constructed in the bottom. The riverbanks were reinforced. In result of stage correction application the bedload was caught between the drop structures, whereas the channel below was underloaded with material. Therefore it became deepened. At this point the next stage of training was started and finally the drop structures were constructed until the river mouth. However, it did not stop the erosion process, although slowed it down greatly. At present the riverbed at this point is incised to the bedrock. Downcutting and lateral erosion play the main role in its development. The channel is unstable and the hydraulic struc-Joanna Korpak 1286 tures are being destroyed, particularly during floods. The greatest error of the training was too big shortening, straightening and narrowing of the channel at simultaneous cutting it off from the material supply source.
The article demonstrates the present state of knowledge about the reasons of Carpathian channel c... more The article demonstrates the present state of knowledge about the reasons of Carpathian channel changes and channel response to various interferences. A range of modern alternative solutions in the matter of mountain fluvial system management is also presented.
Potok Krzczonówka jest lewobrzeżnym dopływem Raby. W roku 2014, w okresie od kwietnia do września... more Potok Krzczonówka jest lewobrzeżnym dopływem Raby. W roku 2014, w okresie od kwietnia do września, na potoku tym prowadzone były prace związane z obniżeniem istniejącej zapory przeciwrumowiskowej. Po rozpoczęciu robót, w efekcie gwałtownych opadów, na potoku pojawiły się wysokie przepływy. Spowodowało to gwałtowne przemieszczenie się rumowiska z czaszy zapory na odcinek poniżej remontowanego obiektu. Prezentowana praca ma na celu przedstawienie wpływu powodzi na morfologię koryta potoku, w przypadku uruchomienia transportu dużej ilości rumowiska. Zaprezentowane zostaną obserwacje dotyczące zmian warunków przepływu wody i transportu rumowiska oparte o prowadzony monitoring.
Papers by Joanna Korpak