Papers by João Rafael Valentim-Silva
Introduction: Sports scientists have been studying the phenomenon involving different types of ex... more Introduction: Sports scientists have been studying the phenomenon involving different types of exercises and their influence on other activities. Stretching exercises have a negative influence on muscular strength and power output, as do high intensity or long duration cardiovascular training. Nevertheless, several studies have found the opposite to be true Nevertheless, few investigations have studied the opposite. Objective: To determine whether high intensity power exercise influences muscular flexibility in an acute manner. Methods: A sample of forty-three male and female young adults aged between 18 and 28 years, with a mean age of 22.88 + 3.04 years, who have practiced physical activity for at least six months. To determine flexibility, the sit-and-reach test was used. For the high intensity training, a 45º leg press was used. A 10-rep movement was performed at 85% of 1 RM, in both pre-and post-tests. Statistic analysis was conducted using the ANOVA and Scheffer's post-hoc tests, with a level of significance for differences of < 0.05. Results: Comparison of the pre-and post-tests proved to be statistically significant from the baseline from the fourth to the seventh repetitions. Conclusion: Strength exercises at 85% of 1RM seem to significantly increase range of motion in an acute manner, and the growth of this range of motion has a dose-effect response.
Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte, Aug 1, 2016
Introduction: Sports scientists have been studying the phenomenon involving different types of ex... more Introduction: Sports scientists have been studying the phenomenon involving different types of exercises and their influence on other activities. Stretching exercises have a negative influence on muscular strength and power output, as do high intensity or long duration cardiovascular training. Nevertheless, several studies have found the opposite to be true Nevertheless, few investigations have studied the opposite. Objective: To determine whether high intensity power exercise influences muscular flexibility in an acute manner. Methods: A sample of forty-three male and female young adults aged between 18 and 28 years, with a mean age of 22.88 + 3.04 years, who have practiced physical activity for at least six months. To determine flexibility, the sit-and-reach test was used. For the high intensity training, a 45º leg press was used. A 10-rep movement was performed at 85% of 1 RM, in both pre-and post-tests. Statistic analysis was conducted using the ANOVA and Scheffer's post-hoc tests, with a level of significance for differences of < 0.05. Results: Comparison of the pre-and post-tests proved to be statistically significant from the baseline from the fourth to the seventh repetitions. Conclusion: Strength exercises at 85% of 1RM seem to significantly increase range of motion in an acute manner, and the growth of this range of motion has a dose-effect response.
Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte, Aug 1, 2016
Introduction: Sports scientists have been studying the phenomenon involving different types of ex... more Introduction: Sports scientists have been studying the phenomenon involving different types of exercises and their influence on other activities. Stretching exercises have a negative influence on muscular strength and power output, as do high intensity or long duration cardiovascular training. Nevertheless, several studies have found the opposite to be true Nevertheless, few investigations have studied the opposite. Objective: To determine whether high intensity power exercise influences muscular flexibility in an acute manner. Methods: A sample of forty-three male and female young adults aged between 18 and 28 years, with a mean age of 22.88 + 3.04 years, who have practiced physical activity for at least six months. To determine flexibility, the sit-and-reach test was used. For the high intensity training, a 45º leg press was used. A 10-rep movement was performed at 85% of 1 RM, in both pre-and post-tests. Statistic analysis was conducted using the ANOVA and Scheffer's post-hoc tests, with a level of significance for differences of < 0.05. Results: Comparison of the pre-and post-tests proved to be statistically significant from the baseline from the fourth to the seventh repetitions. Conclusion: Strength exercises at 85% of 1RM seem to significantly increase range of motion in an acute manner, and the growth of this range of motion has a dose-effect response.
Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte, Aug 1, 2016
Introdução: É bem descrito na literatura que o exercício físico de diferentes naturezas tem vário... more Introdução: É bem descrito na literatura que o exercício físico de diferentes naturezas tem vários benefícios para a saúde de diferentes populações, no entanto, os programas de ginástica geral vêm recebendo pouca atenção quanto aos possíveis benefícios para a saúde de seus praticantes, especialmente para medidas de desempenho físico e para a capacidade de marcha. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia de um treinamento de ginástica geral sobre o VO2máx e a qualidade da marcha de idosos. Métodos: Selecionou-se um grupo de cento e vinte sujeitos com média de idade de 64,81 ± 2,71 anos, massa corporal de 66,97 ± 4,81 kg e estatura de 164,6 ± 4,81 cm de ambos os sexos. Utilizou-se o teste de 15 minutos de Balke para determinar o VO2máx e o Dynamic Gait Index para verificar a qualidade da marcha. O tratamento estatístico foi realizado por meio do teste de Wilcoxon para amostras relacionadas com significância de 5%. Resultados: Em todos os tratamentos houve diferença de VO2máx e os resultados do Dynamic Gait Index sugerem melhora na qualidade da marcha. Conclusão: Parece que o treinamento de ginástica geral proposto no presente estudo foi eficaz em melhorar o VO2máx e a qualidade de marcha do grupo selecionado.
Here we investigated the acute effects of an exhaustive intermittent exercise session on immunolo... more Here we investigated the acute effects of an exhaustive intermittent exercise session on immunological parameters of the elderly and the subsequent incidence of upper respiratory tract infections and compare with the moderate-intensity. To do so, ixty-three old subjects were divided into three groups HIIT (n=21) submitted at one High-intensity interval training, SCG (n=21) kept in a sedentary state, and MICT (n=21) submitted at moderate intensity walking. Blood were collected at 5 time points, before, immediately after, 2h, 24h, and 48h after the intervention. In result the IL-6 and TNF-α were overexpressed immediately after the IL-10 stood overexpressed and correlated with IL-17, denoting an inflammatory process, and evidencing an immunologic competence without enhancement of the prevalence of upper respiratory infection tract (URTIs). So a modulation in the balance of Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokines and leukocytes, these modifications did not cause the effect characterized as an immunologi...
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
The objective was to verify the effects of intervention with physical and mental exercises (PMED)... more The objective was to verify the effects of intervention with physical and mental exercises (PMED) and noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) on cognition and dementia of frail elderly people with mild cognitive deficits. Sixty elderly people (aged 65–80 years) were divided into three groups, an experimental group (GAE) that received intervention with PMED plus NIBS, a control group for physical exercises (GCA), which received only the PMED, and the third also control non‐invasive brain stimulation group (GCF) that practiced only the NIBS intervention. The three types of intervention lasted 10 weeks, with 60 min per session The GAE received 20 min of NIBS, 5 min for warm‐up, 30 min for physical and mental training and 5 min for a cooling down rest. The other two groups had the same period per section, being that the GCA, in place of the real NIBS, had 20 min of white noise and the GCF, instead of practicing the real plan of physical exercises as did the other groups, experienced 30 min...
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2021
Background: Eating disorders, obesity, and body image has a relationship with health outcomes alo... more Background: Eating disorders, obesity, and body image has a relationship with health outcomes along the life, however the prescription of physical exercise as tool against eating disorders need to be further explored. Objective: To investigate the relationship between eating disorders, obesity, and body image distortion and discuss nonpharmacological interventions based on physical exercise and their clinical implications. Methods: The search conducted in Medline and Scopus databases, in English and Portuguese of the last 10 years involving studies with human approaches, integrative and systematic reviews with free full text resulted in 2049 manuscripts, after the application of all exclusion criteria 1992 articles were excluded, and 57 articles were used in this review. Results: The results suggest that binge eating anorexia and bulimia are the most common disorders with increasing worldwide prevalence. Additionally, it was verified that physical exercise can be considered a non-drug intervention as an adjunct measure in this respecting necessary care. Therefore, although not all people have the whistles to receive exercise as an intervention the prescription of physical exercise, when done by a multidisciplinary team, with slow progression and strictly monitored can be a valuable to the treatment of eating disorders. Conclusions: The physical exercise is a valuable tool against several eat disorders, improve the body image, fight against the obesity due their power of decrease the eat binge. Nonetheless, the increasement of caloric expenditure during and after the session leading to a fat loss and could be a central non-pharmacological invention in this scenario.
Fitness & Performance Journal, 2006
Fit Perf J Rio de Janeiro v. 5 nº4 Mapeamento da atividade cortical da área de broca durante uma ... more Fit Perf J Rio de Janeiro v. 5 nº4 Mapeamento da atividade cortical da área de broca durante uma tarefa de processamento mental da fala em indivíduos mono-hemisfericitos direito
Introducao: A capacidade cardiorrespiratoria e a composicao corporal sao relacionadas como import... more Introducao: A capacidade cardiorrespiratoria e a composicao corporal sao relacionadas como importantes indicadores de performance fisica e saude. Por outro lado, espera-se que pessoas que trabalham com o exercicio como instrumento para a melhoria da saude, tenham uma capacidade fisica e a composicao corporal melhor que a observada na populacao comum. Objetivo: Descrever a caracteristica do condicionamento cardiorrespiratorio e da composicao corporal de discentes em Educacao Fisica de uma instituicao de ensino superior de Rio Branco, no Acre. Metodos: trinta e um universitarios do curso de Educacao Fisica de uma Instituicao de Ensino Superior de Rio Branco no Acre, com idade de 24,5 + 2,35 anos, massa corporal de 73,1 + 19,2 kg, estatura de 1,67 + 0,09 metros, participara do teste Shuttle Run, para a determinacao da capacidade respiratoria e desses, vinte e um passaram por avaliacoes antropometricas de massa corporal, estatura, circunferencia da cintura e do quadril. Em seguida, o In...
Fitness & Performance Journal, 2009
Introducción: El sistema nervioso es el conductor de las funciones del cuerpo humano. Se postula ... more Introducción: El sistema nervioso es el conductor de las funciones del cuerpo humano. Se postula que el lóbulo frontal es responsable por la coordinación general y el bien y este debería ser más activo que las otras áreas de la corteza. Así, este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar si el lóbulo frontal es más activo que el área somatosensorial durante las tareas de coordinación general. Materiales y Métodos: Para la recogida de señales electroencefalográficas, fue utilizado el aparato Braintech 3000 (AESM instrumentos médicos, Brasil). Resultados: Las pruebas de la coordinación mundial, coordinación ojo-mano F3 (1,799±0,225mV), C3 (1,789±0,218mV), F4 (1,815±0,223mV), C4 (1,828±0,227mV), la coordinación ojo-pie que F3 (2,735±0,278mV) C3 (2,702±0,280 mV), F4 (2,821±0,267mV) y C4 (2,763±0,258mV). Ninguno de los resultados mostró diferencias en el ANOVA de un factor con sensibilidad de 0.05 Discusión: Los resultados muestran gran actividad de la corteza frontal, sin embargo existe una igualdad de magnitud de la activación en el área somatosensorial, que sugiere un acoplamiento interregional de información para las tareas de coordinación general.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2021
Background: Eating disorders, obesity, and body image has a relationship with health outcomes alo... more Background: Eating disorders, obesity, and body image has a relationship with health outcomes along the life, however the prescription of physical exercise as tool against eating disorders need to be further explored. Objective: To investigate the relationship between eating disorders, obesity, and body image distortion and discuss nonpharmacological interventions based on physical exercise and their clinical implications. Methods: The search conducted in Medline and Scopus databases, in English and Portuguese of the last 10 years involving studies with human approaches, integrative and systematic reviews with free full text resulted in 2049 manuscripts, after the application of all exclusion criteria 1992 articles were excluded, and 57 articles were used in this review. Results: The results suggest that binge eating anorexia and bulimia are the most common disorders with increasing worldwide prevalence. Additionally, it was verified that physical exercise can be considered a non-dr...
Introduction: Moderate and vigorous physical activity is essential to maintain proper body compos... more Introduction: Moderate and vigorous physical activity is essential to maintain proper body composition, to reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. In addition, it reduces the risk of stroke, hypertension, and depression. Even so, it is an essential determinant of energy expenditure and, therefore, fundamental for energy balance and weight control. Objective: The objective of this epidemiological study is twofold: to quantify and qualify the physical activity of students at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) and to compare the level of physical activity of incoming and graduating students. Methodology: The present study used the National College Health Behavior Survey (NCHRBS) questionnaire adapted and validated for use by Brazilian undergraduate students and addressed only aspects related to physical activity. Of the 18,986 students enrolled on UFMT's 5 campuses, 9,720 students accessed the questionnaire. Of these, 7,379 had their answers valid...
DOR NO ATLETA: aspectos fisiológicos do treinamento Volume 1
Ciência da Saúde na Amazônia Ocidental
Effect of resistance exercise program upon the body composition and cardiovascular aspects in hyp... more Effect of resistance exercise program upon the body composition and cardiovascular aspects in hypertensive elderly Aim: To verify the effects of a resistance exercise program upon the body composition and cardiovascular aspects in elderly. Methodology: Was selected a volunteer group of sixteen subjects that practice body building. Was measured the body mass, height, body circumferences, cutaneous fold, blood pressure. To statistical analysis was used the student t test with p < 0.05. Results: Do not have differences to average of cutaneous fold and waist hip ratio. Had difference in the blood pressure and the cardiac frequency in the rest. Conclusions: The propose resistance training was able for modify the blood pressure and the rest cardiac frequency, but do not change the body composition in the selected group.
Effect of caffeine supplementation on hematological, immunological parameters and physical perfor... more Effect of caffeine supplementation on hematological, immunological parameters and physical performance Therefore was objected to identify the effects of acute supplementation of caffeine with 8 and 16 -1 in hematological and immunological parameters and the
Papers by João Rafael Valentim-Silva