PROPORSI : Jurnal Desain, Multimedia dan Industri Kreatif
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui makna logo Sanggar Reog Singo Barong serta mengetahui repr... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui makna logo Sanggar Reog Singo Barong serta mengetahui representasi dan penguatan identitas pada Sanggar Reog Singo Barong. Penelitian ini berjudul Kajian Semiotika pada logo Sanggar Reog Singo Barong Kabupaten Langkat. Penamaan Sanggar Reog Pasar Gunung diartikan bahwsanya sanggar ini mempunyai kekuatan dan keberanian dalam melestarikan dan memperkenalkan tradisi reog walaupun kesenian Reog ini berada di luar daerah aslinya Ponorogo, bentuk visual yang menjadikan visi dan misi serta jati diri sanggar tergambar dalam sebuah logo. Metode penelitian ini dengan menganalisis penggunaan semiotika dasar tanda Charles Sanders Peirce, penelitian kualitatif, dengan representasi dan teori identitas. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa representasi logo Sanggar Reog Singo Barong melalui standar kompetensi, penyediaan pengetahuan dan tujuan, memiliki pemahaman yang sama dalam mendukung identitas sebagai Sanggar Reog Singo Barong. Identitas yang ditampilkan dari logo i...
Bulletin of the Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Dec 20, 1984
Enquête ethnobotanique sur Matricaria pubescens (DESF.) SCHULTZ (Asteraceae) auprès de la populat... more Enquête ethnobotanique sur Matricaria pubescens (DESF.) SCHULTZ (Asteraceae) auprès de la population des régions sud est d'Algérie Ethnobotanical survey on Matricaria pubescens (DESF.) SCHULTZ (Asteraceae) among the population of the southeastern regions of Algeria
Generation Z looks at job search process in a new, refreshing way. There are multiple factors tha... more Generation Z looks at job search process in a new, refreshing way. There are multiple factors that weigh into choosing the right fit in your first career. Navigating the job search process is already a stressful process and opting to take an emotionally intelligent approach to choose the best fit can help. During this presentation, using emotional intelligence in the job search process will be explored an interactive workshop to learn tactics to navigate interviewing and job acceptance processes. Students will walk away with tangible resources with interviewing strategies and job search chart created by Jesse Downs (LSU Olinde Career Center, Director)
Objetivo: Aislar e identificar los parasitos intestinales de los alumnos del 1° Grado de la I.E. ... more Objetivo: Aislar e identificar los parasitos intestinales de los alumnos del 1° Grado de la I.E. Fe y Alegria – La Era. Las enfermedades parasitarias intestinales tienen una distribucion mundial donde ocupan un lugar preponderante en los paises del tercer mundo. Son causa de enfermedades debilitantes, agudas y cronicas, en ocasiones mortales. Pueden influir a otras enfermedades y contribuyen a la disminucion de la capacidad fisica mental del individuo, comprometido su productividad. Metodologia: En el estudio realizado a los Alumnos, recogimos muestras de heces fecales en la region anal por el metodo de Graham. Las variables estudiadas fueron la presencia de parasitismo, el tipo de parasito y practicas higienicas presentes, no obstante, se recolectaron tres muestras de material fecal por nino la primera al inicio del estudio y las dos siguientes durante los otros dos dias consecutivos. Resultados: el agente parasitario mas prevalente durante el estudio fue Entamoeba Coli seguido por...
Penelitian dengan judul “Analisa Perpindahan Panas pada Alat Pembawa Vaksin (Vaccine Carrier) Be... more Penelitian dengan judul “Analisa Perpindahan Panas pada Alat Pembawa Vaksin (Vaccine Carrier) Berbentuk Kotak dengan Bahan Dasar Komposit Fiberglass Menggunakan 1 Elemen Peltier” bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisa perpindahan panas. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan membedakan antara kotak non casing dan di-casing. in door dan out door serta dengan memvariasikan tegangan input 12.1V, 14.5V, 15.4V, serta 17.3V ini menghasilkan data bahwa penambahan casing komposit fiberglass mampu meningkatkan efisiensi pendinginan sebesar 0.37988%, serta dengan input listrik dengan tegangan 12.1 V dan arus 3.58 ampere dengan kondisi pengambilan data in door menghasilkan kerja yang optimal dengan nilai COP sebesar 0.003794.
La qualite de l'air interieur est une preoccupation majeure de notre societe. Le formaldehyde... more La qualite de l'air interieur est une preoccupation majeure de notre societe. Le formaldehyde (HCHO) est un polluant atmospherique important et present dans divers environnements interieurs comme la maison, le bureau et l'industrie. L'oxydation catalytique complete du formaldehyde est une voie prometteuse pour convertir ce polluant en produits inoffensifs. Les catalyseurs a base d’oxydes de metaux de transition sont decrits comme les plus prometteurs. Parmi ces oxydes, ceux a base d'oxydes de manganese sont peu couteux, non toxiques et peuvent etre efficaces pour convertir le formaldehyde a basse temperature. Ce travail vise a developper des catalyseurs mesoporeux a base d'oxydes de manganese pour l'elimination catalytique a basse temperature du formaldehyde. Des oxydes de manganese mesoporeux contenant des teneurs variables en cerium ont tout d’abord ete obtenus par activation chimique (traitement acide). L'optimisation de la synthese du materiau mesoporeux sous atmosphere controlee a ensuite conduit a l’obtention d’une mesostructure lamellaire d’oxyde de manganese. Le delaminage de cet oxyde, apres calcination, a produit un oxyde de manganese ayant des proprietes texturales tres interessantes et redox grandement ameliorees. Le catalyseur le plus actif a pu oxyder completement HCOH en CO2 et H2O a 110 °C. Finalement, des hydrotalcites a base de Mg, Mn et Al, activees par ultrasons, ont ete synthetisees pour etre employees en tant que precurseurs d’oxydes mixtes de manganese de grandes surfaces specifiques. L'effet de l’apport des ultrasons et de la composition en elements du materiau (Mg/Mn) sur les proprietes structurales, texturales, basiques et catalytiques des oxydes mixtes a plus particulierement ete etudie.
PT. Gunung Madu Plantations is one of the companies operating in the area of farming industry wit... more PT. Gunung Madu Plantations is one of the companies operating in the area of farming industry with the main product of sugar. In order to exist, the company needs to increase the work effectiveness and efficiency in using the farming tools through the planning of maintenance scheduling in order that the machines or units that are going to be used can operate well, and do not experience the damage while used. Intention of this reseach is indentified flaw of electric and mechanic component heavy equipment excavator PC200-6, calculate and analize rapid value electric and mechanic component flaw heavy equipment excavator PC200-6, establish a good time for preventive replacement action, and establish preventive interval timing schedule expectation which is optimazed. The product that get an envelope acquirement electric component performation and mechanic difference, that mirrored from timer mean beetween flaw and down time. As a whole reliability level has decreasing while timer operation period, so that flaw rapid as long as utilizing each compenent has increasing. Interval timer even electric component flaw timer is 9.99 days. While mechanic compnent is 10.18 days. Even down time electric component is 0.885 hours, while mehanic component is 1.98 hours. Timer even preventive ekectric component treatment is 0.86 hours, while mechanic component 1.02 hours. Flaw probabilty for electric component are 1.82 % - 34.92%, while mechanic component are 2.27%-32.58%. absolute value down time component which minimum for electric compnent is 0.8172 hours – 0.1452 hours, while mechanic component is 0.9840 hours – 0.2064 hours. Absolute valuer down time which minimum for electric component is tp = 8 days with down time total 0.1542 hours, while absolute total value of down time which minimum for mechanic component are on tp = 8 days with down time total 0.2064 hours Key words : Preventive maintenance, electric component, mechanic component, Jardine Model
Using linear synthetic peptides corresponding to the Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite (CS) prote... more Using linear synthetic peptides corresponding to the Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite (CS) protein of the common type, we have identified several T and B-cell epitopes recognized by human individuals. Three T-cell epitopes studied (p6) from the amino, (p11) from the central and (p25) from the carboxyl regions, were widely recognized by lymphocytes of immune donors. A series of six peptides, in addition to p11, representing the central repeat domain of the CS(p11-p17) protein were used in ELISA assays to map the B-cell epitopes of this region. P11 was the peptide most frequently recognized by sera containing antibodies to the homologous CS protein as determined by IFAT. The sequences corresponding to peptides p6, p11 and P25 as well as that representing a universal T-cell epitope derived from the tetanus toxin were used to assemble eight different Multiple Antigen Peptides (MAP). The immunogenicity of these MAP was analysed in Aotus monkeys. Groups of two animals were immunized with each MAP and both antibody response, T-lymphocyte proliferation and in vitro gamma-IFN production were evaluated. Two MAPs containing the same B-cell epitope and either a promiscuous CS-protein derived T-cell epitope (p25) or the tetanus toxin epitope (p-tt30) proved to be the most immunogenic and induced high levels of anti-peptide antibodies that recognized the native protein. Except for animals immunized with MAP VII, there was no correlation between antibody levels, lymphocyte proliferation or gamma-IFN production in vitro. The broad recognition of these epitopes by individuals which had been exposed to malaria, the capacity of these MAPs to induce antibodies, recognize the cognate protein, and in vitro gamma-IFN production encourages further analyses of the potential of these proteins as malaria vaccine candidates for human use.
... J. Rawls - Lecciones sobre la historia de la filosofía política Page 7. SJ Taylor y R. Bogdan... more ... J. Rawls - Lecciones sobre la historia de la filosofía política Page 7. SJ Taylor y R. BogdanIntroducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación La búsqueda de significados Thi.s O n. # PAIDÓS Barcelona Buenos Aires México PZSK-2HC-P4XZ Page 8. ...
PROPORSI : Jurnal Desain, Multimedia dan Industri Kreatif
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui makna logo Sanggar Reog Singo Barong serta mengetahui repr... more Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui makna logo Sanggar Reog Singo Barong serta mengetahui representasi dan penguatan identitas pada Sanggar Reog Singo Barong. Penelitian ini berjudul Kajian Semiotika pada logo Sanggar Reog Singo Barong Kabupaten Langkat. Penamaan Sanggar Reog Pasar Gunung diartikan bahwsanya sanggar ini mempunyai kekuatan dan keberanian dalam melestarikan dan memperkenalkan tradisi reog walaupun kesenian Reog ini berada di luar daerah aslinya Ponorogo, bentuk visual yang menjadikan visi dan misi serta jati diri sanggar tergambar dalam sebuah logo. Metode penelitian ini dengan menganalisis penggunaan semiotika dasar tanda Charles Sanders Peirce, penelitian kualitatif, dengan representasi dan teori identitas. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa representasi logo Sanggar Reog Singo Barong melalui standar kompetensi, penyediaan pengetahuan dan tujuan, memiliki pemahaman yang sama dalam mendukung identitas sebagai Sanggar Reog Singo Barong. Identitas yang ditampilkan dari logo i...
Bulletin of the Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Dec 20, 1984
Enquête ethnobotanique sur Matricaria pubescens (DESF.) SCHULTZ (Asteraceae) auprès de la populat... more Enquête ethnobotanique sur Matricaria pubescens (DESF.) SCHULTZ (Asteraceae) auprès de la population des régions sud est d'Algérie Ethnobotanical survey on Matricaria pubescens (DESF.) SCHULTZ (Asteraceae) among the population of the southeastern regions of Algeria
Generation Z looks at job search process in a new, refreshing way. There are multiple factors tha... more Generation Z looks at job search process in a new, refreshing way. There are multiple factors that weigh into choosing the right fit in your first career. Navigating the job search process is already a stressful process and opting to take an emotionally intelligent approach to choose the best fit can help. During this presentation, using emotional intelligence in the job search process will be explored an interactive workshop to learn tactics to navigate interviewing and job acceptance processes. Students will walk away with tangible resources with interviewing strategies and job search chart created by Jesse Downs (LSU Olinde Career Center, Director)
Objetivo: Aislar e identificar los parasitos intestinales de los alumnos del 1° Grado de la I.E. ... more Objetivo: Aislar e identificar los parasitos intestinales de los alumnos del 1° Grado de la I.E. Fe y Alegria – La Era. Las enfermedades parasitarias intestinales tienen una distribucion mundial donde ocupan un lugar preponderante en los paises del tercer mundo. Son causa de enfermedades debilitantes, agudas y cronicas, en ocasiones mortales. Pueden influir a otras enfermedades y contribuyen a la disminucion de la capacidad fisica mental del individuo, comprometido su productividad. Metodologia: En el estudio realizado a los Alumnos, recogimos muestras de heces fecales en la region anal por el metodo de Graham. Las variables estudiadas fueron la presencia de parasitismo, el tipo de parasito y practicas higienicas presentes, no obstante, se recolectaron tres muestras de material fecal por nino la primera al inicio del estudio y las dos siguientes durante los otros dos dias consecutivos. Resultados: el agente parasitario mas prevalente durante el estudio fue Entamoeba Coli seguido por...
Penelitian dengan judul “Analisa Perpindahan Panas pada Alat Pembawa Vaksin (Vaccine Carrier) Be... more Penelitian dengan judul “Analisa Perpindahan Panas pada Alat Pembawa Vaksin (Vaccine Carrier) Berbentuk Kotak dengan Bahan Dasar Komposit Fiberglass Menggunakan 1 Elemen Peltier” bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisa perpindahan panas. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan membedakan antara kotak non casing dan di-casing. in door dan out door serta dengan memvariasikan tegangan input 12.1V, 14.5V, 15.4V, serta 17.3V ini menghasilkan data bahwa penambahan casing komposit fiberglass mampu meningkatkan efisiensi pendinginan sebesar 0.37988%, serta dengan input listrik dengan tegangan 12.1 V dan arus 3.58 ampere dengan kondisi pengambilan data in door menghasilkan kerja yang optimal dengan nilai COP sebesar 0.003794.
La qualite de l'air interieur est une preoccupation majeure de notre societe. Le formaldehyde... more La qualite de l'air interieur est une preoccupation majeure de notre societe. Le formaldehyde (HCHO) est un polluant atmospherique important et present dans divers environnements interieurs comme la maison, le bureau et l'industrie. L'oxydation catalytique complete du formaldehyde est une voie prometteuse pour convertir ce polluant en produits inoffensifs. Les catalyseurs a base d’oxydes de metaux de transition sont decrits comme les plus prometteurs. Parmi ces oxydes, ceux a base d'oxydes de manganese sont peu couteux, non toxiques et peuvent etre efficaces pour convertir le formaldehyde a basse temperature. Ce travail vise a developper des catalyseurs mesoporeux a base d'oxydes de manganese pour l'elimination catalytique a basse temperature du formaldehyde. Des oxydes de manganese mesoporeux contenant des teneurs variables en cerium ont tout d’abord ete obtenus par activation chimique (traitement acide). L'optimisation de la synthese du materiau mesoporeux sous atmosphere controlee a ensuite conduit a l’obtention d’une mesostructure lamellaire d’oxyde de manganese. Le delaminage de cet oxyde, apres calcination, a produit un oxyde de manganese ayant des proprietes texturales tres interessantes et redox grandement ameliorees. Le catalyseur le plus actif a pu oxyder completement HCOH en CO2 et H2O a 110 °C. Finalement, des hydrotalcites a base de Mg, Mn et Al, activees par ultrasons, ont ete synthetisees pour etre employees en tant que precurseurs d’oxydes mixtes de manganese de grandes surfaces specifiques. L'effet de l’apport des ultrasons et de la composition en elements du materiau (Mg/Mn) sur les proprietes structurales, texturales, basiques et catalytiques des oxydes mixtes a plus particulierement ete etudie.
PT. Gunung Madu Plantations is one of the companies operating in the area of farming industry wit... more PT. Gunung Madu Plantations is one of the companies operating in the area of farming industry with the main product of sugar. In order to exist, the company needs to increase the work effectiveness and efficiency in using the farming tools through the planning of maintenance scheduling in order that the machines or units that are going to be used can operate well, and do not experience the damage while used. Intention of this reseach is indentified flaw of electric and mechanic component heavy equipment excavator PC200-6, calculate and analize rapid value electric and mechanic component flaw heavy equipment excavator PC200-6, establish a good time for preventive replacement action, and establish preventive interval timing schedule expectation which is optimazed. The product that get an envelope acquirement electric component performation and mechanic difference, that mirrored from timer mean beetween flaw and down time. As a whole reliability level has decreasing while timer operation period, so that flaw rapid as long as utilizing each compenent has increasing. Interval timer even electric component flaw timer is 9.99 days. While mechanic compnent is 10.18 days. Even down time electric component is 0.885 hours, while mehanic component is 1.98 hours. Timer even preventive ekectric component treatment is 0.86 hours, while mechanic component 1.02 hours. Flaw probabilty for electric component are 1.82 % - 34.92%, while mechanic component are 2.27%-32.58%. absolute value down time component which minimum for electric compnent is 0.8172 hours – 0.1452 hours, while mechanic component is 0.9840 hours – 0.2064 hours. Absolute valuer down time which minimum for electric component is tp = 8 days with down time total 0.1542 hours, while absolute total value of down time which minimum for mechanic component are on tp = 8 days with down time total 0.2064 hours Key words : Preventive maintenance, electric component, mechanic component, Jardine Model
Using linear synthetic peptides corresponding to the Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite (CS) prote... more Using linear synthetic peptides corresponding to the Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite (CS) protein of the common type, we have identified several T and B-cell epitopes recognized by human individuals. Three T-cell epitopes studied (p6) from the amino, (p11) from the central and (p25) from the carboxyl regions, were widely recognized by lymphocytes of immune donors. A series of six peptides, in addition to p11, representing the central repeat domain of the CS(p11-p17) protein were used in ELISA assays to map the B-cell epitopes of this region. P11 was the peptide most frequently recognized by sera containing antibodies to the homologous CS protein as determined by IFAT. The sequences corresponding to peptides p6, p11 and P25 as well as that representing a universal T-cell epitope derived from the tetanus toxin were used to assemble eight different Multiple Antigen Peptides (MAP). The immunogenicity of these MAP was analysed in Aotus monkeys. Groups of two animals were immunized with each MAP and both antibody response, T-lymphocyte proliferation and in vitro gamma-IFN production were evaluated. Two MAPs containing the same B-cell epitope and either a promiscuous CS-protein derived T-cell epitope (p25) or the tetanus toxin epitope (p-tt30) proved to be the most immunogenic and induced high levels of anti-peptide antibodies that recognized the native protein. Except for animals immunized with MAP VII, there was no correlation between antibody levels, lymphocyte proliferation or gamma-IFN production in vitro. The broad recognition of these epitopes by individuals which had been exposed to malaria, the capacity of these MAPs to induce antibodies, recognize the cognate protein, and in vitro gamma-IFN production encourages further analyses of the potential of these proteins as malaria vaccine candidates for human use.
... J. Rawls - Lecciones sobre la historia de la filosofía política Page 7. SJ Taylor y R. Bogdan... more ... J. Rawls - Lecciones sobre la historia de la filosofía política Page 7. SJ Taylor y R. BogdanIntroducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación La búsqueda de significados Thi.s O n. # PAIDÓS Barcelona Buenos Aires México PZSK-2HC-P4XZ Page 8. ...
Papers by Jhon Jhon