Introduction: Oral health is closely related in several ways to the general health of each person... more Introduction: Oral health is closely related in several ways to the general health of each person. Certain habits, attitudes and behaviors related to oral health begin to form very early in the process of primary socialization, so that the family largely participates in their formation. The aim of this paper is to determine the correlation between parents' attitudes to the difficulties in the care of the teeth and the knowledge of the parents of preschool children about the importance of oral health and their socioeconomic status in Jagodina and Pirot. Methods: The research was designed as a cross-sectional study using the method of interviews with parents adapted for epidemiological research on the ground. The technique of surveying and scaling was used. The questionnaire was used as a research instrument, while the data on the oral health of the examined children were obtained by the usual dental examinations, according to the methodology of the World Health Organisation for p...
The first record of scientific medicine in Serbia has been found in the early of 12th century. Fo... more The first record of scientific medicine in Serbia has been found in the early of 12th century. For centuries lifestyle, nutrition, natural environment, armies passing through, cultural heritage, and prejudice have affected healthcare in Serbia. Until 1820, Serbia has not had any educated doctor. Fourteen district physicians from 1839 and Dr. Karlo Beloni, to the last one, Dr. Selimir Đorđević - have spent part of their professional careers in Jagodina. All of them have had influence on raising health culture of Jagodina and its population and helped to overcome easily and quickly all existing diseases and epidemics. The Jagodina Hospital has been working without interruption for 147 years and represents one of the oldest healthcare institutions in Serbia.Prvi zapis o postojanju naučne medicine u Srbiji potiče iz ranog 12. veka. Stolećima je zdravstveno stanje srpskoga naroda bilo pod uticajem faktora kao što su način života, ishrana, prirodno okruženje, vojske koje prolaze, kulturno...
Plague is one of the anthropozoonoses, infectious diseases which is trans- mitted to humans by an... more Plague is one of the anthropozoonoses, infectious diseases which is trans- mitted to humans by animals. The plague has been one of the most dangerous infective deseases, which has killed more than 100 million people during various historical periods. One of the last plague outbreaks in Europe occurred in Serbia in 1836. and 1837. Since the arrival of the first report on plague outbreak in Turkey, approaching to Serbian borders, prince Miloš Obrenović ordered building of quarantines, situated on main border-passings, and, at the same time, forming of sanitary-police cordons in borderline areas. Inspite of all these efforts, plague entered Serbia, carried by infected Turkish soldiers. Desease spread in counties of Niš, Pirot, Jagodina, Ćuprija, Aleksinac and Valjevo. Unlike other places, the whole population of the town of Jagodina was under quarantine regime and totally isolated. Invited by prince Miloš, dr Karlo Nagy, a very skillful quarantine physician from Zemun, arrived in Serbi...
People with disabilities may experience negative relation between their own personal potentials c... more People with disabilities may experience negative relation between their own personal potentials compared to environmental expectations and potentials of healthy peers in terms of functional participation and activity limitations. Therefore, they usually need an individualized dental treatment plan. Dentists have an important role in maintaining and improving oral health in this vulnerable group. Having in mind the United Nation's Declaration on Human Rights, patients with disabilities have human rights to achieve equal health outcomes as their healthy peers. Therefore, all preventive, prophylactic, and therapeutic interventions need to be carefully planned. In addition to precise medical history, the dentist should also have basic psychological knowledge to adjust the approach to patient's needs. Improving the oral health of patients with disabilities involves a primary, secondary, or tertiary level of oral health care, depending on patient's abilities and needs. The tea...
Sažetak: Cilj istraživanja je analiza i isticanje početka razvoja modernog apotekarstva koje je u... more Sažetak: Cilj istraživanja je analiza i isticanje početka razvoja modernog apotekarstva koje je uticalo na razvoj zdravstvene svesti u Jagodini. Materijal i metod: istraživanje je po tipu opisno, korišćene su metode dokumentacione analize, desk analiza sekundarnih podataka i sinteza istorijskih činjenica. Posmatrani istorijski period je od XII veka do savremenog doba. Rezultati: Vlasnik prve apoteke u Srbiji u 19. veku (1813) bio je Anton Delini. Apotekar Đorđe Krstić je 22. avgusta 1852. godine otvorio prvu apoteku u Jagodini. Zaključak: Otvaranje prvih apoteka predstavljao je važan korak u oblasti razvoja zdravstvene kulture u Pomoravskom okrugu. Na taj način je omogućen razvoj farmacije i savremene medicine. Pioniri apotekarstva su ostavili veliki trag na socijalno-ekonomski i kulturološki razvoj sredine u kojoj su živeli i radili. Ključne reči: istorija, razvoj, fizikusi, apotekarstvo Summary: The aim of this study was to analyze and emphasize the importance of contemporary pharmacy which enabled development of modern health care system in Jagodina district in Serbia. Material and method: The research was descriptive, document analysis methods, desk analysis of secondary data and of historical synthesis were used. It covered the historical period from the 12th century till the modern age. The first owner of the pharmacy in Serbia in XIX century was Anton Delini in 1813. The first pharmacy in Jagodina was founded by Mr. Djordje Krstic on August 22nd, 1852 and it was very important for the health care development in Jagodina district. Conclusions: Pioneers in the development of pharmacy in Jagodina had an important impact on the socioeconomic and cultural development of this region.
Oralno zdravlje je višestruko i tesno povezano sa opštim zdravljem svake osobe. Određene navike, ... more Oralno zdravlje je višestruko i tesno povezano sa opštim zdravljem svake osobe. Određene navike, stavovi i ponašanje u vezi sa oralnim zdravljem počinju da se formiraju vrlo rano, u procesu primarne socijalizacije, tako da porodica najvećim delom učestvuje u njihovom formiranju. Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje povezanosti između stavova roditelja o poteškoćama u nezi zuba i znanja roditelja dece predškolskog uzrasta o značaju oralnog zdravlja i njihovog socioekonomskog statusa u Jagodini i Pirotu. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je oblikovano kao studija preseka, metodom intervjua sa roditeljima prilagođene za epidemiološko istraživanje na terenu. Korišćena je tehnika anketiranja i skaliranja. Kao instrument istraživanja korišćen je upitnik, dok su podaci o oralnom zdravlju ispitivane dece dobijeni uobičajenim stomatološkim pregledima, prema metodologiji Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije za predškolsku decu. Rezultati: Najveći koeficijent β iznosi 0.429, što je vrednost za promenljivu životna sredina. Ova promenljiva pojedinačno najviše doprinosi objašnjavanju zavisne varijable. Manji β koeficijent za pol deteta (β=0.286) ukazuje na manji doprinos. Najmanji doprinos daju promenljive mesečni prihodi i tip porodice. Dobijeni su statistički značajni pokazatelji povezanosti stavova roditelja sa obrazovnim i ekonomskim statusom roditelja (obrazovnim statusom majke i ukupnim mesečnim prihodima). Zaključak: Stavovi o zdravlju usta i zuba anketiranih roditelja i njihove dece u direktnom su odnosu s njihovim zdravstvenim navikama, stavovima i ponašanjem: prisutstvo rizika za pojavu oralnih oboljenja kod dece u visokom je procentu očekivan s obzirom na zdravstvene navike, stavove i ponašanje roditelja, kao i na njihov socio-ekonomski status.
Summary The first record of scientific medicine in Serbia has been found in the early of 12th cen... more Summary The first record of scientific medicine in Serbia has been found in the early of 12th century. For centuries lifestyle, nutrition, natural environment, armies passing through, cultural heritage, and prejudice have affected healthcare in Serbia. Until 1820, Serbia has not had any educated doctor. Fourteen district physicians from 1839 and Dr. Karlo Beloni, to the last one, Dr. Selimir Djordjević – have spent part of their professional careers in Jagodina. All of them have had influence on raising health culture of Jagodina and its population and helped to overcome easily and quickly all existing diseases and epidemics. The Jagodina Hospital has been working without interruption for 147 years and represents one of the oldest healthcare institutions in Serbia.
SummaryHistory of dentistry in the Central Serbian District of Jagodina has been influenced by tr... more SummaryHistory of dentistry in the Central Serbian District of Jagodina has been influenced by traditional medicine for centuries. Development of dentistry in the region of Jagodina was slow, the level of oral and general hygiene was low and the sanitary prevention was absent. Trained physicians started to practice medicine and dentistry in the first half of the nineteenth century and they were educated in abroad universities. However, common people used to address to these physicians only when the traditional medicine were unable to help. Until the end of the World War II, common, mostly rural people, with the urgent dental treatment need were usually referred to the barbers, healers or empirics in the nearby villages rather than the dentists. Medications used for the urgent dental treatment were balsams and solutions made of herbs. After the World War II, the dental technicians who finished special courses started to practice dentistry. In 1947 the Regional Dental Office in Jagodi...
Etiology of abnormalities in tooth structure has been subject of numerous studies but still has n... more Etiology of abnormalities in tooth structure has been subject of numerous studies but still has not been fully understood. Heredity is an established etiological factor for many types of structural anomalies of the teeth. Factors that cause changes in enamel structure may be genetic, immunologic and teratogenic or systemic diseases. Genetic changes may include individual genes, micro deletions or chromosomal defects. Systemic diseases can be associated with anomalies of tooth structure and diversity of clinical picture requires a multidisciplinary approach to the therapy. Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) represents a large group of structural abnormalities of the teeth. AI can exist independently or as a part of large number of syndromes and systemic diseases. Knowledge of clinical presentation, etiology, pathogenesis of structural anomalies of the teeth and their association with certain systemic diseases is of great importance to everyday dental practice in terms of prevention, progno...
Introduction: Oral health is closely related in several ways to the general health of each person... more Introduction: Oral health is closely related in several ways to the general health of each person. Certain habits, attitudes and behaviors related to oral health begin to form very early in the process of primary socialization, so that the family largely participates in their formation. The aim of this paper is to determine the correlation between parents' attitudes to the difficulties in the care of the teeth and the knowledge of the parents of preschool children about the importance of oral health and their socioeconomic status in Jagodina and Pirot. Methods: The research was designed as a cross-sectional study using the method of interviews with parents adapted for epidemiological research on the ground. The technique of surveying and scaling was used. The questionnaire was used as a research instrument, while the data on the oral health of the examined children were obtained by the usual dental examinations, according to the methodology of the World Health Organisation for p...
The first record of scientific medicine in Serbia has been found in the early of 12th century. Fo... more The first record of scientific medicine in Serbia has been found in the early of 12th century. For centuries lifestyle, nutrition, natural environment, armies passing through, cultural heritage, and prejudice have affected healthcare in Serbia. Until 1820, Serbia has not had any educated doctor. Fourteen district physicians from 1839 and Dr. Karlo Beloni, to the last one, Dr. Selimir Đorđević - have spent part of their professional careers in Jagodina. All of them have had influence on raising health culture of Jagodina and its population and helped to overcome easily and quickly all existing diseases and epidemics. The Jagodina Hospital has been working without interruption for 147 years and represents one of the oldest healthcare institutions in Serbia.Prvi zapis o postojanju naučne medicine u Srbiji potiče iz ranog 12. veka. Stolećima je zdravstveno stanje srpskoga naroda bilo pod uticajem faktora kao što su način života, ishrana, prirodno okruženje, vojske koje prolaze, kulturno...
Plague is one of the anthropozoonoses, infectious diseases which is trans- mitted to humans by an... more Plague is one of the anthropozoonoses, infectious diseases which is trans- mitted to humans by animals. The plague has been one of the most dangerous infective deseases, which has killed more than 100 million people during various historical periods. One of the last plague outbreaks in Europe occurred in Serbia in 1836. and 1837. Since the arrival of the first report on plague outbreak in Turkey, approaching to Serbian borders, prince Miloš Obrenović ordered building of quarantines, situated on main border-passings, and, at the same time, forming of sanitary-police cordons in borderline areas. Inspite of all these efforts, plague entered Serbia, carried by infected Turkish soldiers. Desease spread in counties of Niš, Pirot, Jagodina, Ćuprija, Aleksinac and Valjevo. Unlike other places, the whole population of the town of Jagodina was under quarantine regime and totally isolated. Invited by prince Miloš, dr Karlo Nagy, a very skillful quarantine physician from Zemun, arrived in Serbi...
People with disabilities may experience negative relation between their own personal potentials c... more People with disabilities may experience negative relation between their own personal potentials compared to environmental expectations and potentials of healthy peers in terms of functional participation and activity limitations. Therefore, they usually need an individualized dental treatment plan. Dentists have an important role in maintaining and improving oral health in this vulnerable group. Having in mind the United Nation's Declaration on Human Rights, patients with disabilities have human rights to achieve equal health outcomes as their healthy peers. Therefore, all preventive, prophylactic, and therapeutic interventions need to be carefully planned. In addition to precise medical history, the dentist should also have basic psychological knowledge to adjust the approach to patient's needs. Improving the oral health of patients with disabilities involves a primary, secondary, or tertiary level of oral health care, depending on patient's abilities and needs. The tea...
Sažetak: Cilj istraživanja je analiza i isticanje početka razvoja modernog apotekarstva koje je u... more Sažetak: Cilj istraživanja je analiza i isticanje početka razvoja modernog apotekarstva koje je uticalo na razvoj zdravstvene svesti u Jagodini. Materijal i metod: istraživanje je po tipu opisno, korišćene su metode dokumentacione analize, desk analiza sekundarnih podataka i sinteza istorijskih činjenica. Posmatrani istorijski period je od XII veka do savremenog doba. Rezultati: Vlasnik prve apoteke u Srbiji u 19. veku (1813) bio je Anton Delini. Apotekar Đorđe Krstić je 22. avgusta 1852. godine otvorio prvu apoteku u Jagodini. Zaključak: Otvaranje prvih apoteka predstavljao je važan korak u oblasti razvoja zdravstvene kulture u Pomoravskom okrugu. Na taj način je omogućen razvoj farmacije i savremene medicine. Pioniri apotekarstva su ostavili veliki trag na socijalno-ekonomski i kulturološki razvoj sredine u kojoj su živeli i radili. Ključne reči: istorija, razvoj, fizikusi, apotekarstvo Summary: The aim of this study was to analyze and emphasize the importance of contemporary pharmacy which enabled development of modern health care system in Jagodina district in Serbia. Material and method: The research was descriptive, document analysis methods, desk analysis of secondary data and of historical synthesis were used. It covered the historical period from the 12th century till the modern age. The first owner of the pharmacy in Serbia in XIX century was Anton Delini in 1813. The first pharmacy in Jagodina was founded by Mr. Djordje Krstic on August 22nd, 1852 and it was very important for the health care development in Jagodina district. Conclusions: Pioneers in the development of pharmacy in Jagodina had an important impact on the socioeconomic and cultural development of this region.
Oralno zdravlje je višestruko i tesno povezano sa opštim zdravljem svake osobe. Određene navike, ... more Oralno zdravlje je višestruko i tesno povezano sa opštim zdravljem svake osobe. Određene navike, stavovi i ponašanje u vezi sa oralnim zdravljem počinju da se formiraju vrlo rano, u procesu primarne socijalizacije, tako da porodica najvećim delom učestvuje u njihovom formiranju. Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje povezanosti između stavova roditelja o poteškoćama u nezi zuba i znanja roditelja dece predškolskog uzrasta o značaju oralnog zdravlja i njihovog socioekonomskog statusa u Jagodini i Pirotu. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je oblikovano kao studija preseka, metodom intervjua sa roditeljima prilagođene za epidemiološko istraživanje na terenu. Korišćena je tehnika anketiranja i skaliranja. Kao instrument istraživanja korišćen je upitnik, dok su podaci o oralnom zdravlju ispitivane dece dobijeni uobičajenim stomatološkim pregledima, prema metodologiji Svetske Zdravstvene Organizacije za predškolsku decu. Rezultati: Najveći koeficijent β iznosi 0.429, što je vrednost za promenljivu životna sredina. Ova promenljiva pojedinačno najviše doprinosi objašnjavanju zavisne varijable. Manji β koeficijent za pol deteta (β=0.286) ukazuje na manji doprinos. Najmanji doprinos daju promenljive mesečni prihodi i tip porodice. Dobijeni su statistički značajni pokazatelji povezanosti stavova roditelja sa obrazovnim i ekonomskim statusom roditelja (obrazovnim statusom majke i ukupnim mesečnim prihodima). Zaključak: Stavovi o zdravlju usta i zuba anketiranih roditelja i njihove dece u direktnom su odnosu s njihovim zdravstvenim navikama, stavovima i ponašanjem: prisutstvo rizika za pojavu oralnih oboljenja kod dece u visokom je procentu očekivan s obzirom na zdravstvene navike, stavove i ponašanje roditelja, kao i na njihov socio-ekonomski status.
Summary The first record of scientific medicine in Serbia has been found in the early of 12th cen... more Summary The first record of scientific medicine in Serbia has been found in the early of 12th century. For centuries lifestyle, nutrition, natural environment, armies passing through, cultural heritage, and prejudice have affected healthcare in Serbia. Until 1820, Serbia has not had any educated doctor. Fourteen district physicians from 1839 and Dr. Karlo Beloni, to the last one, Dr. Selimir Djordjević – have spent part of their professional careers in Jagodina. All of them have had influence on raising health culture of Jagodina and its population and helped to overcome easily and quickly all existing diseases and epidemics. The Jagodina Hospital has been working without interruption for 147 years and represents one of the oldest healthcare institutions in Serbia.
SummaryHistory of dentistry in the Central Serbian District of Jagodina has been influenced by tr... more SummaryHistory of dentistry in the Central Serbian District of Jagodina has been influenced by traditional medicine for centuries. Development of dentistry in the region of Jagodina was slow, the level of oral and general hygiene was low and the sanitary prevention was absent. Trained physicians started to practice medicine and dentistry in the first half of the nineteenth century and they were educated in abroad universities. However, common people used to address to these physicians only when the traditional medicine were unable to help. Until the end of the World War II, common, mostly rural people, with the urgent dental treatment need were usually referred to the barbers, healers or empirics in the nearby villages rather than the dentists. Medications used for the urgent dental treatment were balsams and solutions made of herbs. After the World War II, the dental technicians who finished special courses started to practice dentistry. In 1947 the Regional Dental Office in Jagodi...
Etiology of abnormalities in tooth structure has been subject of numerous studies but still has n... more Etiology of abnormalities in tooth structure has been subject of numerous studies but still has not been fully understood. Heredity is an established etiological factor for many types of structural anomalies of the teeth. Factors that cause changes in enamel structure may be genetic, immunologic and teratogenic or systemic diseases. Genetic changes may include individual genes, micro deletions or chromosomal defects. Systemic diseases can be associated with anomalies of tooth structure and diversity of clinical picture requires a multidisciplinary approach to the therapy. Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) represents a large group of structural abnormalities of the teeth. AI can exist independently or as a part of large number of syndromes and systemic diseases. Knowledge of clinical presentation, etiology, pathogenesis of structural anomalies of the teeth and their association with certain systemic diseases is of great importance to everyday dental practice in terms of prevention, progno...
Papers by Marko Jeremić