En aquest treball s’analitza el tractament del temps i l’espai en les rondalles d’Enric Valor des... more En aquest treball s’analitza el tractament del temps i l’espai en les rondalles d’Enric Valor des de la perspectiva del mode de vida tradicional que reflecteixen les diferents històries. El temps en els relats trasllueix el caràcter cíclic de la concepció cristiana del temps. Alguns personatges tracten de fugir del rigor del temps cronològic. Per això, de vegades els herois anhelen fer extensibles les etapes de la seua vida, deturar-les; o bé ingressen en dimensions temporals on passat i present es comuniquen. L’espai en les rondalles és intensament connotat. En aquest sentit s’aparta d’aquells que ha creat la modernitat (sales d’espera, punts de trobada, instal·lacions públiques, etc.) i que alguns autors han anomenat no-llocs. Estudiem la manera com els personatges viuen en comunió amb la terra, com el clima determina el seu esdevenir vital, la forma com la natura aglutina motius narratius, i la voluntat del nostre autor de reproduir espais viscuts creant una geofantasia pròpia.
When we cannot get a proverb, or a joke, or a ritual, or a poem, we know we are on to something. ... more When we cannot get a proverb, or a joke, or a ritual, or a poem, we know we are on to something. By picking at the document where it is most opaque, we may be able to unravel an alien system of meaning. The thread might even lead into a strange and wonderful worldview. ROBERT DARNTON Method, Method, what do you want from rae? You know that I have eaten of the fruit of the subconscious. JULES LAFORGUE Since 1954 more than 100 million copies of The Lord of the Rings (1954-1955) and about 50 million of The Hobbit (1937) have been sold in some 40 languages. The audience figures for the films, directed by Peter Jackson and based on the story of Frodo, are even more spectacular. The commercialisation of Tolkien's fiction, with related Tshirts, rings, computer games, posters and dolls, is on its way to becoming a business that produces as much as Disney. These faets indicate that the Ring fantasy is a media and 4 The Imagery in J.R.R. Tolkien 's fantasy of Middle-earth form, cultural studies, assisted by comparative and literary genre studies, provide a very flexible and productive field. Tolkien's works will not be treated as independent objects, but will be examined within their cultural context, taking into consideration the weight of each associated notion. In this way, we can establish a bridge between literary theory and material culture. Intellectual work is incomplete unless it returns to the world of political and cultural power and responds to the challenges of history. Unlike other theoretical approaches, cultural studies refuse to define culture by isolating it from other manifestations of social life, and for this reason they include among their theoretical concepts hegemony, ideology, identity and representation, in such a way that they establish a relationship wíth the elements that make up our lives (Grossberg 1992: 6, 14). Ideology is the most important concept in cultural studies, to such an extent that it is difficult to distinguish between this notion and culture as such. We are conscious of this fact and for this reason we have tried to grasp the worldvíew behind the aesthetic resources typical of each literary genre that has inspired our author. In this way, we shall devote specific sections to the analysis of the ideology and reception of gothic and Tolkienian fantasies, to the political model of Middleearth and the feudal society, and to the fairytale as a transmitter of moral valúes. Cultural studies are a discipline whose interests and methods are changing continuously because they are interacting constantly with their social context and because they cannot enjoy their own authority (During 1993: 17). Lawrence Grossberg has condensed attempts to define cultural studies down to a formula indicating that they are "an interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and sometimes counter-disciplinary field that operates in the tensión between its tendencies to embrace both a broad, anthropological and a more narrowly humanistic conception of culture" (Grossberg 1992: 4). Following the content of this definition, we shall study Tolkien's fiction in connection with other forms of cultural production, such as folktale or myth, and also analyse it with regard to the medieval and modern social and historical structures that inspired our author. Similarly, we shall try to understand the social effects of Tolkienian discourse in order to connect them to the social interests that have enabled the dissemination of the Ring stories. In our work on Tolkienian fantasy, we shall not be interested in the process of cultural production, but instead use a text-based approach.
Signa: Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica, 2006
Este trabajo analiza las manifestaciones mágicas en la ficción de Tolkien. Particularmente, trata... more Este trabajo analiza las manifestaciones mágicas en la ficción de Tolkien. Particularmente, tratamos de la capacidad mágica de las fórmulas verbales empleadas, de las creencias supersticiosas tales como el naturismo y el animismo, y la lógica que se esconde detrás del empleo de objetos con propiedades mágicas.
Les histories The stories belonging pertanyents al conte-to the tale type AaTh tipus AaTh 851 son... more Les histories The stories belonging pertanyents al conte-to the tale type AaTh tipus AaTh 851 son 851 exist i n almost all presents a practicament European countries, tots els pai'sos europeus and as a n independent i com a conte tale this type is independent aquest extremely ancient. In tipus és molt antic. En these tales of the aquests relats del cicle Turandot cycle a young de Turandot un jove de man of humble social condició social humil condition presents a formula a una princesa riddle to a princess una endevinalla que la who cannot solve it. As fadrina no sap resoldre. a prize for his Com a premi pel seu cleverness, the young enginy verbal, el jove es man will marry her. casarh amb ella. Els The tales of the contes del cicle de Turandot cycle reflect a Turandot reflecteixen hierarchical struggle una estructura and give form to a jerarquica i vehiculen power conflict. In this un conflicte de poder. way, knowledge D'aquesta manera, el becomes a to01 for coneixement esdevé coming to power. una eina per a accedir al Furthermore, the poder. A més, la victoria victory of the suitor i n del pretendent en el joc the riddle game reveals de I'endevinalla the preeminence of descobreix la practically acquired preeminencia del saber knowledge over that adquirit de manera which is purely practica sobre el theoretical. In purament teoric. D'una addition, the tales altra banda, els contes certify the superiority certifiquen la major of peasant knowledge importancia del saber to that possessed by the camperol respecte al wealthy classes. This que posseeixen les rural knowledge is of classes acomodades. so much worth that it Aquest saber rural és de can provide access to tant valor que pot princely status. donar accés a la condició de príncep.
Interculturalidad Insularidad Globalizacion San Cristobal De La Laguna 2007 Xi Congreso Aes En Tenerife La Laguna 3 5 Noviembre 2004 Vol 1 2007 Isbn 978 84 7756 721 9 Pags 187 200, 2007
Les histories The stories belonging pertanyents al conte-to the tale type AaTh tipus AaTh 851 son... more Les histories The stories belonging pertanyents al conte-to the tale type AaTh tipus AaTh 851 son 851 exist i n almost all presents a practicament European countries, tots els pai'sos europeus and as a n independent i com a conte tale this type is independent aquest extremely ancient. In tipus és molt antic. En these tales of the aquests relats del cicle Turandot cycle a young de Turandot un jove de man of humble social condició social humil condition presents a formula a una princesa riddle to a princess una endevinalla que la who cannot solve it. As fadrina no sap resoldre. a prize for his Com a premi pel seu cleverness, the young enginy verbal, el jove es man will marry her. casarh amb ella. Els The tales of the contes del cicle de Turandot cycle reflect a Turandot reflecteixen hierarchical struggle una estructura and give form to a jerarquica i vehiculen power conflict. In this un conflicte de poder. way, knowledge D'aquesta manera, el becomes a to01 for coneixement esdevé coming to power. una eina per a accedir al Furthermore, the poder. A més, la victoria victory of the suitor i n del pretendent en el joc the riddle game reveals de I'endevinalla the preeminence of descobreix la practically acquired preeminencia del saber knowledge over that adquirit de manera which is purely practica sobre el theoretical. In purament teoric. D'una addition, the tales altra banda, els contes certify the superiority certifiquen la major of peasant knowledge importancia del saber to that possessed by the camperol respecte al wealthy classes. This que posseeixen les rural knowledge is of classes acomodades. so much worth that it Aquest saber rural és de can provide access to tant valor que pot princely status. donar accés a la condició de príncep.
En aquest treball s’analitza el tractament del temps i l’espai en les rondalles d’Enric Valor des... more En aquest treball s’analitza el tractament del temps i l’espai en les rondalles d’Enric Valor des de la perspectiva del mode de vida tradicional que reflecteixen les diferents històries. El temps en els relats trasllueix el caràcter cíclic de la concepció cristiana del temps. Alguns personatges tracten de fugir del rigor del temps cronològic. Per això, de vegades els herois anhelen fer extensibles les etapes de la seua vida, deturar-les; o bé ingressen en dimensions temporals on passat i present es comuniquen. L’espai en les rondalles és intensament connotat. En aquest sentit s’aparta d’aquells que ha creat la modernitat (sales d’espera, punts de trobada, instal·lacions públiques, etc.) i que alguns autors han anomenat no-llocs. Estudiem la manera com els personatges viuen en comunió amb la terra, com el clima determina el seu esdevenir vital, la forma com la natura aglutina motius narratius, i la voluntat del nostre autor de reproduir espais viscuts creant una geofantasia pròpia.
When we cannot get a proverb, or a joke, or a ritual, or a poem, we know we are on to something. ... more When we cannot get a proverb, or a joke, or a ritual, or a poem, we know we are on to something. By picking at the document where it is most opaque, we may be able to unravel an alien system of meaning. The thread might even lead into a strange and wonderful worldview. ROBERT DARNTON Method, Method, what do you want from rae? You know that I have eaten of the fruit of the subconscious. JULES LAFORGUE Since 1954 more than 100 million copies of The Lord of the Rings (1954-1955) and about 50 million of The Hobbit (1937) have been sold in some 40 languages. The audience figures for the films, directed by Peter Jackson and based on the story of Frodo, are even more spectacular. The commercialisation of Tolkien's fiction, with related Tshirts, rings, computer games, posters and dolls, is on its way to becoming a business that produces as much as Disney. These faets indicate that the Ring fantasy is a media and 4 The Imagery in J.R.R. Tolkien 's fantasy of Middle-earth form, cultural studies, assisted by comparative and literary genre studies, provide a very flexible and productive field. Tolkien's works will not be treated as independent objects, but will be examined within their cultural context, taking into consideration the weight of each associated notion. In this way, we can establish a bridge between literary theory and material culture. Intellectual work is incomplete unless it returns to the world of political and cultural power and responds to the challenges of history. Unlike other theoretical approaches, cultural studies refuse to define culture by isolating it from other manifestations of social life, and for this reason they include among their theoretical concepts hegemony, ideology, identity and representation, in such a way that they establish a relationship wíth the elements that make up our lives (Grossberg 1992: 6, 14). Ideology is the most important concept in cultural studies, to such an extent that it is difficult to distinguish between this notion and culture as such. We are conscious of this fact and for this reason we have tried to grasp the worldvíew behind the aesthetic resources typical of each literary genre that has inspired our author. In this way, we shall devote specific sections to the analysis of the ideology and reception of gothic and Tolkienian fantasies, to the political model of Middleearth and the feudal society, and to the fairytale as a transmitter of moral valúes. Cultural studies are a discipline whose interests and methods are changing continuously because they are interacting constantly with their social context and because they cannot enjoy their own authority (During 1993: 17). Lawrence Grossberg has condensed attempts to define cultural studies down to a formula indicating that they are "an interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and sometimes counter-disciplinary field that operates in the tensión between its tendencies to embrace both a broad, anthropological and a more narrowly humanistic conception of culture" (Grossberg 1992: 4). Following the content of this definition, we shall study Tolkien's fiction in connection with other forms of cultural production, such as folktale or myth, and also analyse it with regard to the medieval and modern social and historical structures that inspired our author. Similarly, we shall try to understand the social effects of Tolkienian discourse in order to connect them to the social interests that have enabled the dissemination of the Ring stories. In our work on Tolkienian fantasy, we shall not be interested in the process of cultural production, but instead use a text-based approach.
Signa: Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica, 2006
Este trabajo analiza las manifestaciones mágicas en la ficción de Tolkien. Particularmente, trata... more Este trabajo analiza las manifestaciones mágicas en la ficción de Tolkien. Particularmente, tratamos de la capacidad mágica de las fórmulas verbales empleadas, de las creencias supersticiosas tales como el naturismo y el animismo, y la lógica que se esconde detrás del empleo de objetos con propiedades mágicas.
Les histories The stories belonging pertanyents al conte-to the tale type AaTh tipus AaTh 851 son... more Les histories The stories belonging pertanyents al conte-to the tale type AaTh tipus AaTh 851 son 851 exist i n almost all presents a practicament European countries, tots els pai'sos europeus and as a n independent i com a conte tale this type is independent aquest extremely ancient. In tipus és molt antic. En these tales of the aquests relats del cicle Turandot cycle a young de Turandot un jove de man of humble social condició social humil condition presents a formula a una princesa riddle to a princess una endevinalla que la who cannot solve it. As fadrina no sap resoldre. a prize for his Com a premi pel seu cleverness, the young enginy verbal, el jove es man will marry her. casarh amb ella. Els The tales of the contes del cicle de Turandot cycle reflect a Turandot reflecteixen hierarchical struggle una estructura and give form to a jerarquica i vehiculen power conflict. In this un conflicte de poder. way, knowledge D'aquesta manera, el becomes a to01 for coneixement esdevé coming to power. una eina per a accedir al Furthermore, the poder. A més, la victoria victory of the suitor i n del pretendent en el joc the riddle game reveals de I'endevinalla the preeminence of descobreix la practically acquired preeminencia del saber knowledge over that adquirit de manera which is purely practica sobre el theoretical. In purament teoric. D'una addition, the tales altra banda, els contes certify the superiority certifiquen la major of peasant knowledge importancia del saber to that possessed by the camperol respecte al wealthy classes. This que posseeixen les rural knowledge is of classes acomodades. so much worth that it Aquest saber rural és de can provide access to tant valor que pot princely status. donar accés a la condició de príncep.
Interculturalidad Insularidad Globalizacion San Cristobal De La Laguna 2007 Xi Congreso Aes En Tenerife La Laguna 3 5 Noviembre 2004 Vol 1 2007 Isbn 978 84 7756 721 9 Pags 187 200, 2007
Les histories The stories belonging pertanyents al conte-to the tale type AaTh tipus AaTh 851 son... more Les histories The stories belonging pertanyents al conte-to the tale type AaTh tipus AaTh 851 son 851 exist i n almost all presents a practicament European countries, tots els pai'sos europeus and as a n independent i com a conte tale this type is independent aquest extremely ancient. In tipus és molt antic. En these tales of the aquests relats del cicle Turandot cycle a young de Turandot un jove de man of humble social condició social humil condition presents a formula a una princesa riddle to a princess una endevinalla que la who cannot solve it. As fadrina no sap resoldre. a prize for his Com a premi pel seu cleverness, the young enginy verbal, el jove es man will marry her. casarh amb ella. Els The tales of the contes del cicle de Turandot cycle reflect a Turandot reflecteixen hierarchical struggle una estructura and give form to a jerarquica i vehiculen power conflict. In this un conflicte de poder. way, knowledge D'aquesta manera, el becomes a to01 for coneixement esdevé coming to power. una eina per a accedir al Furthermore, the poder. A més, la victoria victory of the suitor i n del pretendent en el joc the riddle game reveals de I'endevinalla the preeminence of descobreix la practically acquired preeminencia del saber knowledge over that adquirit de manera which is purely practica sobre el theoretical. In purament teoric. D'una addition, the tales altra banda, els contes certify the superiority certifiquen la major of peasant knowledge importancia del saber to that possessed by the camperol respecte al wealthy classes. This que posseeixen les rural knowledge is of classes acomodades. so much worth that it Aquest saber rural és de can provide access to tant valor que pot princely status. donar accés a la condició de príncep.
Papers by Jaume Albero