Papers by Jasenka Kranjčević
Institut za turizam, 2013
Rural 21, Country reports, International Conference on the Future and development of Rural Area, 2000
Architects and their Societies. Cultural Study on the Habsburg-Slavic Area (1861-1938), 2021
The paper explores whether Czech architects, as Slavic architects, contributed to the contemporar... more The paper explores whether Czech architects, as Slavic architects, contributed to the contemporary tourism development on the Croatian Adriatic at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, when the eastern Adriatic coast was part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Designing basic tourism architecture (hotels, villas and bathing places), aside from giving them a shape, requires specialized functional, technical and technological knowledge. To draw a conclusion, tourism architecture designed by Czech architects is explored in the context of tourism expansion and tourism architecture progress, including its influence on the space and the forming of tourist landscape. In any case, built and unbuilt examples of tourism architecture by Czech architects on the Croatian Adriatic at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century contributed to the development of architectural thought on tourism architecture, as well as to the forming of a recognizable tourist landscape.
The theme of this book is the chronical review, from the aspect of spatial planning, of villages ... more The theme of this book is the chronical review, from the aspect of spatial planning, of villages that were established, regulated and recontructed in the territory of Croataia from the mid 19th till mid 20th century. The aim of the book , by giving a revioew of founded, regulated, relocated and reconstructed villages, is to provide insigt into development, and thereby also into the changes in the approach to spatial planning and mode of preparation of spatial plans, including also the respective legislation in force.
U clanku se opisuju tijek i zakljucci međunarodnog simpozija održanog u Muenchenu pod nazivom &qu... more U clanku se opisuju tijek i zakljucci međunarodnog simpozija održanog u Muenchenu pod nazivom "Zemljisna usitnjenost i komasacija u srednjoj i istocnoj Europi - put za održivi razvitak ruralnog prostora u novom tisucljecu". Svrha ovog skupa bila je upoznati strucnjake iz srednje, istocne i jugoistocne Europe s modelom komasacije koji je uspjesno primijenjen u zemljama zapadne i srednje Europe i preporuciti im određene smjernice za uspjesno provođenje komasacije. U zavrsnici simpozija, prihvacena je "Muenchenska izjava o komasaciji kao sredstvu za razvitak ruralnog prostora u državama srednje i istocne Europe i zajednici nezavisnih država" ciji je prijevod također objavljen.
Predmet ove knjige je prikaz planiranih seoskih naselja u Hrvatskoj od sredine 18. do sredine 20.... more Predmet ove knjige je prikaz planiranih seoskih naselja u Hrvatskoj od sredine 18. do sredine 20. stoljeca. Prezentacijom sakupljenih primjera dobiva se uvid u pristup planiranju /reguliranju seoskih naselja u Hrvatskoj ali i u prostorne strukture sela. Kulturna bastina sela dugo je vremena bila zanemarivana jer je bila smatrana „nižim“ rangom a pri tome se misli i na prostorne strukture sela. Stoga je ova knjiga pokusaj ukazivanja na prepoznatljive prostorne strukture sela kao vrijedne bastine koja doprinosi prostornoj raznolikosti ali i prostornom identitetu Hrvatske. Glavni dio knjige podijeljen je na slijedeca poglavlja: Uvod ; Probleme planiranja i tradicija reguliranja sela u Hrvatskoj, reguliranje sela u Hrvatskoj od 18. do sredine 19. stoljeca ; Reguliranje sela od sredine 19. stoljeca do kraja Prvoga svjetskog rata ; Regulacija sela između dva svjetska rata ; Planiranje sela u vrijeme Drugoga svjetskog rata ; Planiranje sela nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata ; Pogovor ; Biografi...
The development of eastern Croatia is based on integration into Central European economic and tra... more The development of eastern Croatia is based on integration into Central European economic and traffic system, cultural co-operation and environmental improvement. Aware of the fact that a space cannont be properly planned on sustainable development principles within administrative boundaries, it is evident that an adequate planning of development requires reviewing of specific areas (such as the Danube basin) and a high - quality data base (as started with the EDP Catalogue).
U prvom dijelu knjige autor pojasnjava (graficki i tekstualno) sto i su, cemu služe i kako su se ... more U prvom dijelu knjige autor pojasnjava (graficki i tekstualno) sto i su, cemu služe i kako su se gradili: cemer, jare, pojate, guvna, kužine, komini, krusne peci, dimnjaci, balature, ukrasi, vrata, ponistre, krovni pokrovi, bunari i pocivala. U drugom dijelu knjige autor prikazuje sacuvane primjere tradicijskog graditeljstva iz brojnih sela drniskog kraja ali najvise iz: Pakovo Selo, Vinovo Gornje, Cvrljevo i Utore. U trecem, zadnjem najkracem ali ne manje zanimljivom dijelu pod nazivom „Novi život stare kamene kuce“ autor prikazuje realizirane primjere kako se stara kuca može obnoviti za potrebe stanovanja ili seoskog turizma.
Geodetski Vestnik, 2008
V državi in deželi obstaja mnogo » ; uradnih dokumentov« ; kot tudi » ; uradne skrbi za podeželsk... more V državi in deželi obstaja mnogo » ; uradnih dokumentov« ; kot tudi » ; uradne skrbi za podeželski prostor« ; , pa kljub temu so nekateri trendi v podeželskem prostoru zaskrbljujoci. Zato v družbi morajo vsi subjekti biti seznanjeni z realnim stanjem in bodocnostjo podeželja, ceprav slika ni najbolj spodbudna. Zaradi negativnega vpliva metropolitanskih oz. mestnih regij na podeželski prostor znotraj vplivnih obmocij, nas lahko upraviceno skrbi ali nas je morda celo strah, kaksna bo prihodnost podeželskega prostora. Urbane regije se naprej vplivajo na podeželski prostor in ga zelo hitro urbanizirajo ter potiskajo v globalni svet trga, znanja in ljudi. Globalizacija vse bolj vpliva na podeželje in ga hitro spreminja, kot omenjeno imajo najvecji vpliv ravno metropolitanske oz. zgostitvene urbane regije, na katerih se gradi bodoci pospeseni gospodarski razvoj v ZR Nemciji oz. v Evropski uniji sploh. Ceprav statisticni podatki kažejo na rast kmetijske proizvodnje, se podeželski prostor p...
Tourism and space have to date been rather well discussed, however very little discussion has tak... more Tourism and space have to date been rather well discussed, however very little discussion has taken place within systematic scientific research such as, for example, within a research on the impact of tourism on space. Even at first glance the overview of the relationship between space and tourism shows that their relationship is very complex, especially if the economic, legal, social, cultural and political impact is taken into account. Tourism takes place in space, and preserved, highly-valuable space is a strategic resource of Croatian tourism. The space designated and used for tourism should be beautiful and attractive, this referring both to man-made and natural spaces. An important component of space and architecture in the tourism offer is the part related to shaping, i.e., the so-called aesthetic component of space. The space used for tourism is utilized on the spot and cannot be transported from another location as raw material. Man can undermine or destroy the value of spa...
Papers by Jasenka Kranjčević
Designing basic tourism architecture (hotels, villas and bathing places), aside from giving them a shape, requires specialized functional, technical and technological knowledge. To draw a conclusion, tourism architecture designed by Czech architects is explored in the context of tourism expansion and tourism architecture progress, including its influence on the space and the forming of tourist landscape.
In any case, built and unbuilt examples of tourism architecture by Czech architects on the Croatian Adriatic at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century contributed to the development of architectural thought on tourism architecture, as well as to the forming of a recognizable tourist landscape.