Papers by Janusz Hołowaty
<u>Footbridge 2014 - Past, Present & Future</u>, London, 16-18 July 2014, 2014
Structural Engineering International, Aug 1, 2013
Welding Technology Review, May 10, 2017
New regulations for selection of an execution class for steel structures were introduced in PN-EN... more New regulations for selection of an execution class for steel structures were introduced in PN-EN 1993-1-1 and additional requirements for welds subjected to fatigue were introduced in PN-EN ISO 5817 in 2014. The form and the range of conducted works on modernisation of Eu- rocodes executed by European Committee for Standardisation are presented. New particular requirements described by the standards were discussed. in polish Jakośc spoin w stalowych mostach w świetle wprowadzonych w 2014 r. zmian w wymogach norm PN-EN 1993-1-1 i PN-EN ISO 5817 W 2014 r. w normie PN-EN 1993-1-1 wprowadzono nowe zalezności przy ustalaniu klas wykonania konstrukcji stalowych, a w normie PN-EN ISO 5817 wprowadzono dodatkowe wymagania dla spoin w stali narazonej na zmeczenie. W artykule przedstawiono forme i zakres prowadzonych prac nad modernizacją Eurokodow przez Europejski Komitet Normalizacyjny. Omowiono poszczegolne nowe wymagania określone przez powyzsze dwie normy.
Inżynieria i Budownictwo, 2016
Inżynieria i Budownictwo, 2013
Archiwum Instytutu Inżynierii Lądowej, 2008
Inżynieria i Budownictwo, 2012
The paper describes typical damage encountered in fifty brick arches of a double-track railway vi... more The paper describes typical damage encountered in fifty brick arches of a double-track railway viaduct. The most critical factors in the process of brick arch deterioration are pointed out. Remedial measures are discussed and methods used to carry out the repair are presented. (A) For the covering abstract see IRRD 869077.
ce/papers, Sep 1, 2022
Over their long service life, steel bridge structures are subjected to functional and material de... more Over their long service life, steel bridge structures are subjected to functional and material degradations. As a result, these bridges require periodical investigation and assessment of their current resistance. This should be done according to the recommendations of the European Convention for Constructional Steelwork (ECCS), in force since 2008. The paper presents the technical condition of 13 steel bridges built between 1873 and 1890 and 17 bridges from the years 1907 to 1983. The age division given above is prescribed by the great changes in technology and materials which appeared at the turn of the 20th century, the development of structural steel and the appearance of modern higher strength steels in bridge constructions. The mechanical properties of the steels and their chemical compositions are given. The steel test results and conclusions may be useful for others investigating historic steel bridges.
Przegląd Spawalnictwa, Jun 20, 2019
Radiological tests were carried out on steel girders of composite bridges located on the Central ... more Radiological tests were carried out on steel girders of composite bridges located on the Central Trunk Railway Line (CMK) in the years 1985-1986 according to the technical program of Transportation Ministry MK-133-06-02-04. The paper presented the test results obtained on seven composite steel-concrete railway structures. The aim of the tests was the identification of welding imperfections (WI) in butt splices of main girders and influence on their condition after the ten-year service. The test results may be useful for the technical assessment of the bridges associated with the adjustment to speed of 300 km/h. The tests confirmed the good quality of welds in bridge structures under consideration.
Report, 2013
The paper presents an initial investigation undertaken when partial disintegration of rail suppor... more The paper presents an initial investigation undertaken when partial disintegration of rail supporting material occurred on a bridge with a total length of over 500 m. Due to traffic problems, the bridge had been designated for public transport and the emergency services only. The traditional tramway track structure was replaced with an embedded rail structure in 2009, which allowed two further lanes for buses and other public transport services to be added. Modified polyurethane resin was used as rail fastening material. Soon after completion, problems with the fastening material integrity appeared, including delamination, deformation and cracking in the polyurethane resins. This paper describes the site investigation and laboratory tests undertaken to assess the basic parameters of the fastening material. The composition of the material was assessed using DMA tests. The fastening material was found to have lost its adhesion and integrity due to design faults and errors in the execution of the works. The investigations were able to explain the causes of the tramway track structure degradation and to give recommendations for repairs.
American Journal of Materials Science, Sep 8, 2015
Advances in concrete technology and the adoption of new materials have required the calibration o... more Advances in concrete technology and the adoption of new materials have required the calibration of a new model for creep of concrete in the fib Model Code 2010. The model covers also a wider range of concrete grades. The main factors affecting the prediction of concrete creep are limited to code-type levels. To describe creep, a well-established concept for basic creep has been developed. In the paper, for the presentation and comparison of creep deformation, creep coefficients and creep function are used as the most common and comprehensive parameters for the time-dependent analysis of concrete structures. The presented creep data are calculated using a standard computer spreadsheet program. The fib MC2010 model for creep introduces improvements in the analysis and assessment of the time-dependent deformation of concrete structures. The complexity of creep prediction is significantly reduced and a range of influencing parameters is excluded from the model for simplicity and easy adoption at the design level. Simple comparison with previously used creep models allows it to be stated that the fib MC2010 generally gives even higher values of final creep deformation than Eurocode 2. The model predicts final creep coefficients for up to 50 years of loading with good approximation, but results of recent practical observations show higher values of creep after 30 to 50 years in service.
Inżynieria i Budownictwo, 2013
Przegląd Spawalnictwa, May 10, 2018
Integracja Polski z Unią Europejską powoduje konieczność zharmonizowania przepisów krajowych z p... more Integracja Polski z Unią Europejską powoduje konieczność zharmonizowania przepisów krajowych z przepisami europejskimi. Wymagania jakościowe złączy spawanych w mostach stalowych wg nowych zaleceń przedstawili autorzy w 11 publikacjach wydanych w latach 2002÷2017. Określone tam wymogi normowe w wielu przypadkach poddano krytycznej ocenie. Próbę rekapitulacji zaleceń konstrukcyjno-projektowych oraz badawczych, dotyczących złączy spawanych w mostach, przedstawionych w tych publikacjach omówiono w artykule.
Report, 2013
His main area of research is the testing and design of bridges.
Report, 2013
The long-term use of steel bridges leads to changes in the mechanical properties of their structu... more The long-term use of steel bridges leads to changes in the mechanical properties of their structural steels. This issue is demonstrated in a study of cast steels from four railway truss bridges built in 1875. The tests for each bridge involved: an analysis of the chemical composition, determination of hardness and toughness, along with yield strength and ultimate strength. These tests made it possible to calculate the degree of degradation and current mechanical properties of the steels.
Papers by Janusz Hołowaty