Papers by Janne Kivivuori
• National homicide data from the three countries have been combined to form the database. In its... more • National homicide data from the three countries have been combined to form the database. In its current state the contents are to a large extent based on existing data in the national databases, which causes a substantial number of unknown values for some variables and variable values.

Policing & Society, Dec 13, 2014
There is a distinct lack of knowledge about how the rise of private security relates to young peo... more There is a distinct lack of knowledge about how the rise of private security relates to young people in adversarial encounters. Prior studies suggest that the policing of young people by police is a common occurrence and social biases exist. However, policing of young people by private security guards has gained much less attention. Drawing on a large-scale youth survey (N = 5826), this article examines the extent and social biases of adversarial contacts between private security guards and youths. The findings showed that 29% of 15-16 year old Finnish youths reported adversarial security guard contact in a year. The open-ended responses indicated that young people were typically suspected of shoplifting, being a nuisance or drinking alcohol. Social biases were examined using the differential selection hypothesis, which suggests that some groups are disproportionately targeted. Multivariate analysis showed that, as expected, delinquency and alcohol use were associated with adversarial contacts. However, when these were controlled, living in a city, living in a non-nuclear family and low educational aspirations increased the likelihood of security guard interventions. The article compares the findings with prior studies of police control of youth. Similar results are that the probability for an individual to be selected is partly defined through his/her social status. However, results diverge concerning the gender effect. Our findings indicated that both boys and girls were equally likely to be targeted. The article places the findings with reference to the persistence of the labelling theoretical effects and discusses the transformations of policing connected to young people.
En raison des differences en matiere de definitions, de sources de donnees et de procedures judic... more En raison des differences en matiere de definitions, de sources de donnees et de procedures judiciaires, comparer les homicides perpetres dans les pays europeens n’est pas une tâche aisee. Face a ces limites, nous avons etabli une base de donnees commune sur les homicides en Europe (EHM). La Finlande, les Pays-Bas et la Suede sont les trois pays fondateurs de cette base de donnees ; toutefois, des actions ont ete menees en vue de mettre en oeuvre cet outil dans d’autres pays d’Europe. Dans ce document, nous presentons cet ensemble de donnees ainsi qu’une recente analyse de l’un des types d’homicides les plus repandus : l’homicide conjugal. Ces resultats montrent que l’EHM, en tant que base de donnees commune, fournit une occasion unique de surveiller de pres, et de maniere detaillee, divers types d’homicides a travers l’Europe.
The title is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.... more The title is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0) CONTENTS SUMMARY .
Nuoruus on elamankaaren "rikollisinta" aikaa-ainakinjos tarkastellaan yleisimpia omaisuusja vakiv... more Nuoruus on elamankaaren "rikollisinta" aikaa-ainakinjos tarkastellaan yleisimpia omaisuusja vakivaltarikollisuuden lajeja. Kuviossa 1 on esitetty vuonna 2001 varkaus-tai pahoinpitelyrikoksesta epailtyjen ikaryhman kokoon suhteutetut maarat. Kuvio perustuu niin sanottuun nettotilastoon,jossa henkilo voi esiintya vain kerran. Jos henkilo on ollut syylliseksi epailtyna useisiin selvitettyihin rikoksiin, han tilastoituu t6rkeimman rikoksensa mukaan.
The title is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.... more The title is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license (CC BY-SA 4.0) CONTENTS SUMMARY .
dessakin säännöllisin väliajoin. Jatkossa olisi tärkeää hyödyntää kriminologiaa yritys-ja työturv... more dessakin säännöllisin väliajoin. Jatkossa olisi tärkeää hyödyntää kriminologiaa yritys-ja työturvallisuuden kehittämisessä myös toimenpiteiden vaikuttavuusarvioinnin saralla. Huomiota kannattaa kohdentaa paitsi nyt tutkituille aloille myös muille sektoreille, esimerkiksi sosiaali-ja terveydenhuoltoon. Joka tapauksessa rikosten yrityksille ja työntekijöille aiheuttamien uhkien ja haittojen tutkimus on luontevinta asettaa kriminologian tieteenalakehykseen. Tämä vaatii pitkäjänteistä yhteistyötä ja kehittämistä.

Nordic Journal of Criminology, 2021
In prior research, intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization has been predominantly studied a... more In prior research, intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization has been predominantly studied as distinct from other forms of violent victimization. As a result, relatively little is known about IPV victimization in relation to other violent victimization and the extent to which same people tend to be both IPV and other violent victims. In this study, the combined data from five sweeps of the Finnish National Crime Victim Survey (N = 25,927) is used to examine violent poly-victimization among IPV victims and to compare social and community correlates of IPV victimization and other violent victimization. The results indicate that IPV victims are significantly more likely to be victims of other violent actions than those who have not been victimized by an intimate partner. Moreover, IPV victimization shares similar correlates with other violent victimization. However, more research is needed on the causal mechanisms behind the associations between IPV and general violence.
Nordic Journal of Criminology, 2020
Thanks also to research assistants Maiju Tanskanen, Minna Mannila, Anna Raeste and Joona Mäkelä a... more Thanks also to research assistants Maiju Tanskanen, Minna Mannila, Anna Raeste and Joona Mäkelä as well as Ian Dobson for language inspection. Professor Petri Karonen and Adjunct Professor Anu Koskivirta have given valuable comments and feedback on earlier versions of this manuscript.
Crime & Delinquency, 2020
In this article, we examine the correlates of fear of violence in the cross-media landscape. The ... more In this article, we examine the correlates of fear of violence in the cross-media landscape. The study draws on the Finnish National Crime Victim Survey ( n = 6,141, respondents aged 15–74 years). First, we examine from what information and media sources respondents receive information on violent crime. We then examine how consumption of different types of media and information sources on violent crime associates with the contemporary experience of fear of street violence, avoidance behavior due to threat of violence, and perceived threat of terrorism to oneself. We also examine whether this association remains when age, gender, education, past victimization, and economic strain are adjusted for.
SpringerBriefs in Criminology, 2018
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

Criminology, 2017
We examined cross‐national variation in the gender differential in offending, which is often refe... more We examined cross‐national variation in the gender differential in offending, which is often referred to as the gender gap in crime. Analyses were directed toward two empirical questions: 1) Is the gender gap narrower in less patriarchal sociocultural settings, and if so, 2) is this outcome a result of higher levels of offending on the part of girls, lower levels of offending on the part of boys, or some combination thereof? To address these questions, we compiled a multilevel, cross‐national data set combining information on self‐reported offending from the second International Self Report Delinquency Survey (ISRD‐2) with normative and structural indicators of societal levels of patriarchy. The results from regression equations showed the gender gap in delinquency to be narrower at reduced national levels of patriarchy. The predicted probabilities calculated from regression coefficients suggested that this narrowing is a result of increased offending among girls and, to some extent...
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 2016
She is currently writing her sociology dissertation on lethal violence focusing on the aspects of... more She is currently writing her sociology dissertation on lethal violence focusing on the aspects of cumulative social marginalization, situational factors of lethal events and life-course trajectories of offenders. Janne Kivivuori is professor of Criminology at the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, University of Helsinki. His research has focused on homicide, delinquency and criminological research methods. He has published in key journals of the field, such as Homicide Studies, European Journal of Criminology, and Crime and Justice -A Review of Research.

Policing and Society, 2014
There is a distinct lack of knowledge about how the rise of private security relates to young peo... more There is a distinct lack of knowledge about how the rise of private security relates to young people in adversarial encounters. Prior studies suggest that the policing of young people by police is a common occurrence and social biases exist. However, policing of young people by private security guards has gained much less attention. Drawing on a large-scale youth survey (N = 5826), this article examines the extent and social biases of adversarial contacts between private security guards and youths. The findings showed that 29% of 15-16 year old Finnish youths reported adversarial security guard contact in a year. The open-ended responses indicated that young people were typically suspected of shoplifting, being a nuisance or drinking alcohol. Social biases were examined using the differential selection hypothesis, which suggests that some groups are disproportionately targeted. Multivariate analysis showed that, as expected, delinquency and alcohol use were associated with adversarial contacts. However, when these were controlled, living in a city, living in a non-nuclear family and low educational aspirations increased the likelihood of security guard interventions. The article compares the findings with prior studies of police control of youth. Similar results are that the probability for an individual to be selected is partly defined through his/her social status. However, results diverge concerning the gender effect. Our findings indicated that both boys and girls were equally likely to be targeted. The article places the findings with reference to the persistence of the labelling theoretical effects and discusses the transformations of policing connected to young people.
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2015
delinquency and victimization were most strongly related to gun carrying, while perceived peer de... more delinquency and victimization were most strongly related to gun carrying, while perceived peer delinquency (antisocial friends) was most strongly related to carrying a knife. Better academic performance was associated with a reduced likelihood of carrying a gun and knife, while feeling secure correlated with a reduced likelihood of gun carrying only. Psychopathic-like features were related to a higher likelihood of weapon carrying, even after adjusting for other risk factors. The findings of the study suggest that adolescents carrying a weapon have a large cluster of problems in their lives, which may vary based on the type of weapon carried. Furthermore, psychopathic-like features strongly relate to a higher risk of carrying a weapon.
Kansainvälisen nuorisorikollisuuskyselyn (ISRD-3) mittaukset Suomessa 2013 Tässä katsauksessa esi... more Kansainvälisen nuorisorikollisuuskyselyn (ISRD-3) mittaukset Suomessa 2013 Tässä katsauksessa esitetään tiiviisti Kansainvälisen nuorisorikollisuuskyselyn (International Self-Report Delinquency Study, ISRD-3) tuloksia Suomessa 2013 tehdyn mittauksen osalta. Suomessa tutkimus toteutettiin Helsingissä ja Turussa. Hankkeen päätavoitteena olevat kansainväliset analyysit toteutuvat myöhemmin. a Oikeuspoliittinen tutkimuslaitos b Lastenpsykiatrian tutkimuskeskus, Turun yliopisto brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at

In 2006, the Finnish Police reported 138 homicides. The crime rate was 2.6 victims per 100,000 po... more In 2006, the Finnish Police reported 138 homicides. The crime rate was 2.6 victims per 100,000 population. • From the 1970s till the end of the 1990s, the homicide rate remained stable (about 3 per 100,000 population), but has decreased during the last five years. • The majority of Finnish homicides occur in the context of drinking quarrels between unemployed, middle-aged male alcoholics. During the period 2002-2006, in 71% of all homicides all persons involved were intoxicated. In 85% of the crimes at least one of the persons involved was intoxicated. • In 2002-2006, 58% of male homicide offenders had prior convictions for violent crime and 37% had been in prison prior to the homicide. • Finnish homicide is regionally patterned: the northern and eastern parts of the country have higher homicide rates than the other regions. During the last decade, the gap has widened. Thus the overall drop in homicide occurrence reflects the decrease of lethal violence in the southern and western regions. • The Finnish homicide rate is one of the highest in the European Union. This is largely explained by the alcohol and drinking group related homicides of the socially marginalized men. The homicide rates of other socio-economic groups are roughly the same as in the other Scandinavian countries. • In 2002, Finland launched a national homicide monitoring system (FHMS) collecting detailed information about all homicides. This research brief is the first English-language report based on the FHMS. For decades, the Finnish homicide rate has been higher than the corresponding rate in other Nordic Countries. Every year, about three Finns per 100,000 are killed by interpersonal violence. It is, therefore, natural that homicide research has remained among the top priorities of Finnish criminology.
Papers by Janne Kivivuori