Papers by Jaime F Cardenas-Garcia

Sign System Studies, 2024
There is the misconception that the concept of information is not applicable to meaning-making in... more There is the misconception that the concept of information is not applicable to meaning-making in living beings. What is more generally believed is that Peircean semiosis provides a more robust framework to explain meaning-making. This involves the production, exchange, and interpretation of signs as the basis for meaning to an organism. Semiosis establishes a continuous and developing occurrence of triadic relations between a representamen (sign), an object (the other), and an interpretant as the organism engages with its umwelt, resulting in the appearance of meaning as a factor in its life. However, it is not clear that Peircean semiosis is the most fundamental process by which meaning-making may be instantiated in nature. Here we show that information defined by Gregory Bateson as 'a difference which makes a difference' can more fundamentally serve as a basis for meaning-making. Both its etymological origins and Bateson's dictum naturalize the concept of information to identify its cybernetic dynamic motivated by constitutive absence, or the ability of an organism to find in its environment what it teleologically deems missing. This implies an ability to interpret its environmental surroundings. Furthermore, detecting a difference is the most fundamental of acts, revealing that information is the basis for meaning-making for an organism, allowing any level of intricacy in its interpretative capabilities. Indeed, Peircean semiosis is shown to be a special case of informatic meaning-making. In short, information provides a firm foundation for meaning-making for living beings.
New Explorations: Studies in Culture and Communication, 2024
Since the mid-twentieth century, we live in the Information Age. An epoch prioritizing the primac... more Since the mid-twentieth century, we live in the Information Age. An epoch prioritizing the primacy of information, on a par with matter and/or energy. This probe questions the primacy of information, explores the origin of syntactic information and discovers the ubiquity of our syntactic touch.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2022
Info-autopoiesis El trabajo de Claude Shannon sobre la Teoría Matemática de la Comunicación que c... more Info-autopoiesis El trabajo de Claude Shannon sobre la Teoría Matemática de la Comunicación que clave para el establecimiento de la Teoría de la Información. Para su argumento, Shannon conceptualiza un sistema de comunicación de naturaleza general que describe los pasos para que ocurra la comunicación. Un aspecto de este sistema de comunicación es que se puede analizar matemáticamente con gran detalle, incluso incorporando predicción probabilística con el fin de reconocer el mensaje enviado originalmente de todos los mensajes posibles que se podrían haber enviado. Este sistema de comunicación solo es capaz de dar cuenta del contenido sintáctico, pero no puede dar cuenta del contenido semántico del mensaje. Aunque en algunos casos los aspectos de ingeniería pueden revelar o implicar contenido semántico. En resumen, el proceso de comunicación puede compararse con el proceso de transmisión de mensajes que incorporan información sintáctica, pero sin el contenido semántico de la información. Lo que nos gustaría examinar críticamente en este artículo son las implicaciones de la naturaleza sintáctica de esta teoría para la conceptualización de la información en todos los ámbitos.
Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference, 2014
ABSTRACT We present a theoretical and experimental frequency-resolved thermal lensing approach ba... more ABSTRACT We present a theoretical and experimental frequency-resolved thermal lensing approach based on the thermoreflectance and Fresnel diffraction theories. The approach is validated by measuring the thermal diffusion coefficients of classical solvent and dyes.
New Explorations: Studies in Culture & Communication: in Press, 2024
Since the mid-twentieth century, we live in the Information Age. An epoch prioritizing the primac... more Since the mid-twentieth century, we live in the Information Age. An epoch prioritizing the primacy of information, on a par with matter and/or energy. This probe questions the primacy of information, explores the origin of syntactic information and discovers the ubiquity of our syntactic touch.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
SAE Technical Paper Series, Feb 1, 1991

Journal of Applied Mechanics, Sep 1, 1997
The use of a small circular hole in elastostatic photoelasticity to determine the stress tensor f... more The use of a small circular hole in elastostatic photoelasticity to determine the stress tensor for any two-dimensional general loading situation is well known. The original application required fringe-order information at four points on the boundary, on opposite sides, along the axes of symmetry or principal stress directions. Later, to obtain greater precision, it was adapted so that fringe information inside the field could be used. This led to the also limited use of fringe-order information from four points at 1.4 and two times the radius of the hole, along the principal axes of symmetry. More recent work has even allowed the use of fringe-order information, at a fixed radius, anywhere along the two principal axes of symmetry. The greatest limitation of all of these approaches is that the majority of the fringe-order information that is available, away. from the axes of symmetry, is not utilized at all. The current work presents a least-squares approach to the hole method that allows the simultaneous use of information anywhere and at any radial distance from the center of the hole inside the stress field. The objectives of this paper are: to apply the use of the least-squares approach to the hole method in photoelasticity; and, to show the consistent and practical application of this least-squares approach to the hole method. The achievement of this last objective permits the use of the values of specimen birefringence at a large number of points, taken from anywhere in the field around the hole.
Information, Aug 21, 2020
The goal of this paper is to represent two approaches to the phenomenon of information, explicati... more The goal of this paper is to represent two approaches to the phenomenon of information, explicating its nature and essence. In this context, Mark Burgin demonstrates how the general theory of information (GTI) describes and elucidates the phenomenon of information by explaining the axiomatic foundations for information studies and presenting the comprising mathematical theory of information. The perspective promoted by Jaime F. Cárdenas-García is based on Gregory Bateson's description of information as "difference which makes a difference" and involves the process of info-autopoiesis as a sensory commensurable, self-referential feedback process.

Biosemiotics, Mar 25, 2018
Gregory Bateson is well known for defining information by stating BIn fact what we mean by inform... more Gregory Bateson is well known for defining information by stating BIn fact what we mean by informationthe elementary unit of informationis a difference which makes a difference…^This conceptual perspective has the merit of simplicity and generality. Simplicity, in addressing the complexity of information. Generality, in seeking applicability to any and every field of human experience. The purpose of this paper is to focus the applicability of this conceptual approach by Bateson and use it to perform a calculation of taking the difference between two grey-level digital images that are shifted one relative to the other. The digital images take the place of the field of view that a human being would have access through her sense of vision at two different spatial/temporal instances. The results show that it is possible to highlight the edges of the objects under scrutiny, as well as to highlight other differences within the object. Bateson's Bdifference that makes a difference^would seem to provide a first step in the elusive meaning making process of humans.
ASTM International eBooks, Mar 4, 2009
The grid method is the oldest and simplest method for strain measurement. It is an experimental t... more The grid method is the oldest and simplest method for strain measurement. It is an experimental technique in which a grid is applied to the surface of a specimen. A grid is defined as one or more lines, dots or other shapes assembled in regular or irregular patterns. A comparison of the deformed grid on the specimen, undergoing a general state of loading, to that of a reference state yields the state of deformation. The emphasis in this paper is on reviewing experimental techniques emphasizing optical, non-contact, non-interfering and automated means of making deformation measurements using the grid method. Thus, the objectives of this paper are: to briefly review the basic principles and applications of the grid method in transparent and opaque solids, to describe the state-of-the-art, and, to point in the direction of its future evolution.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Recent developments, begun by the ascending spiral of the anticipated endless prospects of ChatGP... more Recent developments, begun by the ascending spiral of the anticipated endless prospects of ChatGPT, promote artificial intelligence (AI) as an indispensable tool and commodity whose time has come. Yet the sinister specter of a technology that has hidden and unmanageable attributes that might be harmful to society looms in the background. As well as the likelihood that it will never deliver on the purported promise of artificial general intelligence (AGI). Currently the prospects for the development of AI and AGI are more a matter of opinion than based on a consistent methodological approach. Thus the need to take a step back to develop a general framework from which to evaluate current AI efforts, which also permits the determination of the limits to its future prospects as AGI. To gain insight into the development of a general framework, a key question that needs resolution is, what is the connection between human intelligence and machine intelligence? This is the question that needs a response because humans are at the center of AI creation and realize that without an understanding of how we become what we become, we have no chance of finding a solution. This work proposes infoautopoiesis, the self-referential, recursive and interactive process of self-production of information, as the needed general framework. Infoautopoiesis shows how the key ingredient of information is fundamental to an insightful resolution to this crucial question and allows predictions as to the present and future of AGI.

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Dec 1, 1995
Adiabatic shear bands are localized regions of intense plastic deformation that form when materia... more Adiabatic shear bands are localized regions of intense plastic deformation that form when materials are subjected to high-strain-rate loading and are generally considered to be precursors to fracture. The objectives of this paper were to study adiabatic shear bands generated in commercially pure titanium and pearlitic AIS14140 steel utilizing a controlled-penetration impact setup and to model the dynamic shearband formation process using a Lagrangian finite-element code. Results showed that utilization of the controlled-penetration impact experimental apparatus significantly lowered the required impact velocity for formation of adiabatic shear bands in the materials tested. The length and location of the formed shear bands were controllable and extremely sensitive to the prescribed depth of penetration, allowing for the generation of crack-free shear bands. Microhardness testing of the band material revealed it to be considerably harder than the surrounding material, which possibly indicates rapid quenching of the heated band material. The finite-element simulation results showed that it is possible to realistically model adiabatic shear banding for a range of different materials.

Experimental Techniques, Sep 1, 1993
Measuring whole field strain over two-dimensional fields is important in experimental solid mecha... more Measuring whole field strain over two-dimensional fields is important in experimental solid mechanics, especially if such measurements permit the qualitative representation of data for ease of interpretation. A number of techniques have been developed and are routinely used for this, including moiri, speckle and holographic interferometry. Although some of these methods can provide qualitative images representative of the deformation field, they share the disadvantage of being difficult to analyze quantitatively. This is due to the need for the interpretation of the fringes generated by these techniques, which is time consuming and requires highly skilled practitioners. Additionally, even though some of these experimental techniques provide a whole-field qualitative appraisal of a two-dimensional field, quantitative data are obtained only at discrete points over the areas of interest. It should be noted however, that the advent of microprocessors and video technology has allowed the automation of some interferometric techniques, using phase-shifting-based methods. This development permits the determination of quantitative data at every pixel location on the image. The strain measurement grid technique described here, in its most elementary configuration, allows for the automated collection of discrete quantitative data and their qualitative display for ease of interpretation, with full access to the quantitative data.' This makes for a potentially useful tool in experimental solid mechanics especially now that the technology used for its implementation is becoming inexpensive and is achieving widespread use.
Papers by Jaime F Cardenas-Garcia