Josiah Safara
I am a result based oriented and people focus monitoring and evaluation profession with 10 year career experience working for both local and international non-governmental organizations. An understanding of varied donor approaches to multi-sectorial programming in different thematic areas including Food security and livelihoods, Formal and informal Education, Nutrition, Primary Health Care and Reproductive Health, Shelter, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion, Governance and Economic development with expertise in mainstreaming gender, Advocacy, Protection, Conflict management, Natural Resource Management
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Papers by Josiah Safara
Drafts by Josiah Safara
Dryden (2003), observed that access to education among refugees is largely determined by the setting in which the refugees lives. In this case, refugees living in urban settlement face unique problems of adapting to the new environment they live.
Access to education for refugees is limited and uneven across regions and settings of displacement particularly for girls. Enrolment in primary schools globally is only 76% and drops dramatically to 36% at secondary Landau (2006) emphasizes that identity documents are key in enabling the refugees to access social.
Dryden (2011) emphasizes that language as a means of instruction is very important in urban refugee students ‘access to education. They will therefore need to learn the language of the host country. Problems and difficulties to adjust to national curricula may aggravate the situation, particularly in the case of newly arriving refugees.
In Syria education for refugee county file (2013), reports that Syrian refugees students who may want to enroll in schools are limited because most schools use Arabic as a language of instruction.
In Pakistan, UNHCR has not been allowed to screen or register refugees living outside camps (Women commission, 2008). Krause-Vilmar (2011), highlights that urban refugee are excluded in admission process particularly when there are a limited amount of seats available so that nationals are usually selected over students with refugee status services one of them being education.
In Kenya ,UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, released a report today showing that more than half – 3.7 million – of the 6 million school-age children under its mandate have no school to go to Some 1.75 million refugee children are not in primary school and 1.95 million refugee adolescents are not in secondary school, the report found. Refugees are five times more likely to be out of school than the global average.
Kenya is home to more than 400, 000 refugees whose numbers are on the increase (UNHCR, 2010). The biggest proportions of the refugees reside in the designated camps (Daadab and Kakuma) from where they receive attention from humanitarian actors. The number of refugees settling in urban areas has been on the increase with Nairobi being home to more than 46,000 (UNHCR, 2010). In the city the refugees hope to find opportunities for improved livelihood and alternative educational settings where their children can benefit from improved access to quality education (Karanja, 2010). This makes them a largely invisible population despite their significant need for protection and other help mechanisms.
Simple regression analysis shall be used to analyse data. ANOVA shall be used to analyse the causal effects. Measures of central tendency; mean, mode and median shall also be used for data description. Data will be presented using tables and graphs. The study aims at making a contribution to academics and microfinance industry. It will also set a basis for future research topics on provision of financial services to the poor.
Simple regression analysis shall be used to analyse data. ANOVA shall be used to analyse the causal effects. Measures of central tendency; mean, mode and median shall also be used for data description. Data will be presented using tables and graphs. The study aims at making a contribution to academics and microfinance industry. It will also set a basis for future research topics on provision of financial services to the poor.
The proposed study shall be based on a descriptive qualitative survey design involving administration of 16 focus group discussion and 15 key informant interviews. The study examines the efficacy of the interventions in factors influencing girls drop out at GEP campus, and influence of RefuSHE (formerly Heshima Kenya) Girls empowerment Program. It relies on mixed data collection methods as well as qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Recommendations there off shall be translated into effective programs and policies that support and promote retention at GEP campus.
Dryden (2003), observed that access to education among refugees is largely determined by the setting in which the refugees lives. In this case, refugees living in urban settlement face unique problems of adapting to the new environment they live.
Access to education for refugees is limited and uneven across regions and settings of displacement particularly for girls. Enrolment in primary schools globally is only 76% and drops dramatically to 36% at secondary Landau (2006) emphasizes that identity documents are key in enabling the refugees to access social.
Dryden (2011) emphasizes that language as a means of instruction is very important in urban refugee students ‘access to education. They will therefore need to learn the language of the host country. Problems and difficulties to adjust to national curricula may aggravate the situation, particularly in the case of newly arriving refugees.
In Syria education for refugee county file (2013), reports that Syrian refugees students who may want to enroll in schools are limited because most schools use Arabic as a language of instruction.
In Pakistan, UNHCR has not been allowed to screen or register refugees living outside camps (Women commission, 2008). Krause-Vilmar (2011), highlights that urban refugee are excluded in admission process particularly when there are a limited amount of seats available so that nationals are usually selected over students with refugee status services one of them being education.
In Kenya ,UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, released a report today showing that more than half – 3.7 million – of the 6 million school-age children under its mandate have no school to go to Some 1.75 million refugee children are not in primary school and 1.95 million refugee adolescents are not in secondary school, the report found. Refugees are five times more likely to be out of school than the global average.
Kenya is home to more than 400, 000 refugees whose numbers are on the increase (UNHCR, 2010). The biggest proportions of the refugees reside in the designated camps (Daadab and Kakuma) from where they receive attention from humanitarian actors. The number of refugees settling in urban areas has been on the increase with Nairobi being home to more than 46,000 (UNHCR, 2010). In the city the refugees hope to find opportunities for improved livelihood and alternative educational settings where their children can benefit from improved access to quality education (Karanja, 2010). This makes them a largely invisible population despite their significant need for protection and other help mechanisms.
Simple regression analysis shall be used to analyse data. ANOVA shall be used to analyse the causal effects. Measures of central tendency; mean, mode and median shall also be used for data description. Data will be presented using tables and graphs. The study aims at making a contribution to academics and microfinance industry. It will also set a basis for future research topics on provision of financial services to the poor.
Simple regression analysis shall be used to analyse data. ANOVA shall be used to analyse the causal effects. Measures of central tendency; mean, mode and median shall also be used for data description. Data will be presented using tables and graphs. The study aims at making a contribution to academics and microfinance industry. It will also set a basis for future research topics on provision of financial services to the poor.
The proposed study shall be based on a descriptive qualitative survey design involving administration of 16 focus group discussion and 15 key informant interviews. The study examines the efficacy of the interventions in factors influencing girls drop out at GEP campus, and influence of RefuSHE (formerly Heshima Kenya) Girls empowerment Program. It relies on mixed data collection methods as well as qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Recommendations there off shall be translated into effective programs and policies that support and promote retention at GEP campus.