A robust perception system is crucial for natural human–robot interaction. An essential capabilit... more A robust perception system is crucial for natural human–robot interaction. An essential capability of these systems is to provide a rich representation of the robot’s environment, typically using multiple sensory sources. Moreover, this information allows the robot to react to both external stimuli and user responses. The novel contribution of this paper is the development of a perception architecture, which was based on the bio-inspired concept of endogenous attention being integrated into a real social robot. In this paper, the architecture is defined at a theoretical level to provide insights into the underlying bio-inspired mechanisms and at a practical level to integrate and test the architecture within the complete architecture of a robot. We also defined mechanisms to establish the most salient stimulus for the detection or task in question. Furthermore, the attention-based architecture uses information from the robot’s decision-making system to produce user responses and rob...
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
Adapting to dynamic environments is essential for artificial agents, especially those aiming to c... more Adapting to dynamic environments is essential for artificial agents, especially those aiming to communicate with people interactively. In this context, a social robot that adapts its behaviour to different users and proactively suggests their favourite activities may produce a more successful interaction. In this work, we describe how the autonomous decision-making system embedded in our social robot Mini can produce a personalised interactive communication experience by considering the preferences of the user the robot interacts with. We compared the performance of Top Label as Class and Ranking by Pairwise Comparison, two promising algorithms in the area, to find the one that best predicts the user preferences. Although both algorithms provide robust results in preference prediction, we decided to integrate Ranking by Pairwise Comparison since it provides better estimations. The method proposed in this contribution allows the autonomous decision-making system of the robot to work ...
Revista médica de Chile, 2021
Quantitative electroencephalogram for prediction of delayed ischemia in subarachnoid haemorrhage.... more Quantitative electroencephalogram for prediction of delayed ischemia in subarachnoid haemorrhage. Report of one case Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a devastating disease, with a mortality rate of 35%. Among patients who survive the initial bleeding, the leading cause of morbidity and mortality is delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI). Electroencephalography (EEG) can detect cerebral ischemia in the early stages. We report a 66-year-old female patient who consulted for ictal headache and impaired consciousness. On admission, she was confused, dysarthric, and with meningeal signs. Brain angio-CT showed SAH FISHER IV and an aneurysm of the left posterior cerebral artery. After excluding the aneurysm (by coiling), the patient recovered the altered consciousness. Continuous EEG monitoring was initiated. On the sixth day of follow up, she had a transient headache and apathy. The brain MRI showed low cerebral blood flow in the left frontotemporal area, without ischemic lesions. On the seventh day, she presented expression aphasia and right facial-brachial paresis. Angiography confirmed severe vasospasm in M1 and M2 segments bilaterally. Pharmacological angioplasty with nimodipine was performed, with an excellent radiological response, although not clinical. A second MRI was carried out on the eighth day, which showed a left insular infarction and generalized vasospasm. A second therapeutic angiography was performed; the patient persisted with aphasia and left central facial paresis. The quantitative EEG analysis performed retrospectively showed a generalized reduction in the spectral edge frequency 95 (SEF95; meaning slowing in the EEG signal) at the fourth day of follow up, three days earlier than the clinical and imaging diagnosis of DCI was established.
XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática: Gijón, 6, 7, y 8 de septiembre de 2017, 2020
Todos los derechos reservados. De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la legislación vigente, podrán ... more Todos los derechos reservados. De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la legislación vigente, podrán ser cas�gados con penas de multa y privación de libertad quienes reproduzcan o plagien, en todo o en parte, una obra literaria, ar�s�ca o cien�fica, fijada en cualquier �po y soporte, sin la precep�va autorización. JA2017 Prefacio Prefacio Las Jornadas de Automática se celebran desde hace 40 años en una universidad nacional facilitando el encuentro entre expertos en estaárea en un foro que permite la puesta en común de las nuevas ideas y proyectos en desarrollo. Al mismo tiempo, propician la siempre necesaria colaboración entre investigadores delámbito de la Ingeniería de Control y Automática, así como de campos afines, a la hora de abordar complejos proyectos de investigación multidisciplinares. En esta ocasión, las Jornadas estarán organizadas por la Universidad de Oviedo y se han celebrado del 6 al 8 de septiembre de
XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática: Gijón, 6, 7, y 8 de septiembre de 2017, 2020
XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática: Gijón, 6, 7, y 8 de septiembre de 2017, 2020
Todos los derechos reservados. De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la legislación vigente, podrán ... more Todos los derechos reservados. De conformidad con lo dispuesto en la legislación vigente, podrán ser cas�gados con penas de multa y privación de libertad quienes reproduzcan o plagien, en todo o en parte, una obra literaria, ar�s�ca o cien�fica, fijada en cualquier �po y soporte, sin la precep�va autorización. JA2017 Prefacio Prefacio Las Jornadas de Automática se celebran desde hace 40 años en una universidad nacional facilitando el encuentro entre expertos en estaárea en un foro que permite la puesta en común de las nuevas ideas y proyectos en desarrollo. Al mismo tiempo, propician la siempre necesaria colaboración entre investigadores delámbito de la Ingeniería de Control y Automática, así como de campos afines, a la hora de abordar complejos proyectos de investigación multidisciplinares. En esta ocasión, las Jornadas estarán organizadas por la Universidad de Oviedo y se han celebrado del 6 al 8 de septiembre de
En la interaccion humano-maquina, especialmente en la robotica social, el contacto directo entre ... more En la interaccion humano-maquina, especialmente en la robotica social, el contacto directo entre el humano y el robot, y todo lo que permite al robot reaccionar y obtener informacion de este contacto, tiene una gran relevancia. Entre la informacion que el robot obtiene se encuentra aquella relacionada con la parte del cuerpo del robot que se esta tocando y que gesto se pretende transmitir con dicho toque. A traves de este articulo, se pretenden evaluar, en primer lugar, las actuales tecnologias que envuelven la interaccion tactil aplicada a la robotica. Por otro lado, se busca aportar un enfoque nuevo a la interaccion tactil en la robotica social, presentando aplicaciones y sistemas que emplean el sonido como fuente de informacion principal. Este trabajo propone un sistema de deteccion de gestos tactiles en un robot social empleando tecnologias de adquisicion sonora.
La robotica cada dia es una realidad mas presente en nuestras vidas, cambiando la forma con la qu... more La robotica cada dia es una realidad mas presente en nuestras vidas, cambiando la forma con la que las personas interactuamos con nuestro entorno e incluso entre nosotros. En este articulo se hace una revision historica del campo de la robotica social asi como sus aplicaciones y campos de investigacion. Para ello se muestra la evolucion en cuatro periodos comprendiendo el origen, el estado actual de las investigaciones y el futuro sofisticado hacia el cual se dirige.
Revista médica de Chile, 2021
Subacute encephalopathy associated with relapsing polychondritis. Report of one case Relapsing po... more Subacute encephalopathy associated with relapsing polychondritis. Report of one case Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is a rare multisystemic autoimmune disorder characterized by the inflammation and destruction of cartilages, with preference for auricular, nasal and laryngotracheal cartilages. RP may also affect proteoglycan-rich structures, such as, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and heart. The central nervous system (CNS) is involved in less than 3% of patients. We report a 32-year-old female with RP associated with a progressive subacute encephalopathy characterized by behavioral disturbances, auditory and visual hallucinations. The EEG showed generalized slow activity and a mononuclear pleocytosis with increased protein was found in the cerebrospinal fluid. The brain magnetic resonance imaging showed multiple supra and infratentorial nodular inflammatory lesions. After initiating treatment with corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide, a significant improvement in chondritis and neurological status was observed.
Electronics, 2020
The success of social robotics is directly linked to their ability of interacting with people. Hu... more The success of social robotics is directly linked to their ability of interacting with people. Humans possess verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and, therefore, both are essential for social robots to get a natural human–robot interaction. This work focuses on the first of them since the majority of social robots implement an interaction system endowed with verbal capacities. In order to do this implementation, we must equip social robots with an artificial voice system. In robotics, a Text to Speech (TTS) system is the most common speech synthesizer technique. The performance of a speech synthesizer is mainly evaluated by its similarity to the human voice in relation to its intelligibility and expressiveness. In this paper, we present a comparative study of eight off-the-shelf TTS systems used in social robots. In order to carry out the study, 125 participants evaluated the performance of the following TTS systems: Google, Microsoft, Ivona, Loquendo, Espeak, Pico, AT&T, an...
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), Jan 16, 2018
Nowadays, many robotic applications require robots making their own decisions and adapting to dif... more Nowadays, many robotic applications require robots making their own decisions and adapting to different conditions and users. This work presents a biologically inspired decision making system, based on drives, motivations, wellbeing, and self-learning, that governs the behavior of the robot considering both internal and external circumstances. In this paper we state the biological foundations that drove the design of the system, as well as how it has been implemented in a real robot. Following a homeostatic approach, the ultimate goal of the robot is to keep its wellbeing as high as possible. In order to achieve this goal, our decision making system uses learning mechanisms to assess the best action to execute at any moment. Considering that the proposed system has been implemented in a real social robot, human-robot interaction is of paramount importance and the learned behaviors of the robot are oriented to foster the interactions with the user. The operation of the system is show...
The Lancet. Neurology, Jan 14, 2018
Intracerebral haemorrhage growth is associated with poor clinical outcome and is a therapeutic ta... more Intracerebral haemorrhage growth is associated with poor clinical outcome and is a therapeutic target for improving outcome. We aimed to determine the absolute risk and predictors of intracerebral haemorrhage growth, develop and validate prediction models, and evaluate the added value of CT angiography. In a systematic review of OVID MEDLINE-with additional hand-searching of relevant studies' bibliographies- from Jan 1, 1970, to Dec 31, 2015, we identified observational cohorts and randomised trials with repeat scanning protocols that included at least ten patients with acute intracerebral haemorrhage. We sought individual patient-level data from corresponding authors for patients aged 18 years or older with data available from brain imaging initially done 0·5-24 h and repeated fewer than 6 days after symptom onset, who had baseline intracerebral haemorrhage volume of less than 150 mL, and did not undergo acute treatment that might reduce intracerebral haemorrhage volume. We est...
Studia Aurea Actas Del Iii Congreso De La Aiso Vol 3 1996 Isbn 84 921581 3 1 Pags 447 454, 1996
El propietario anónimo del ejemplar de El Patrañuelo que, posteriormente, fue a parar a manos de ... more El propietario anónimo del ejemplar de El Patrañuelo que, posteriormente, fue a parar a manos de Pedro Salva, anotó las fuentes de una quincena de relatos-de los veintidós que articulan el volumen-y añadió una prudente apostilla: «Ninguna de estas patrañas parece ser original» 1. En efecto, la crítica ha dedicado abundantes páginas a dilucidar las fuentes de la obra cumbre de Joan Timoneda, cuyo estado de la cuestión más pormenorizado se encuentra en el estudio de John J. Reynolds 2 , completado con lo añadido en la segunda edición de la obra que preparé hace unos años 3. En general la crítica ha pormenorizado la variedad de la(s) fuente(s) de cada patraña en las que el tema ofrecido por el mercader de libros valenciano tiene sus raíces más o menos explícitas. He realizado varios asaltos a este conjunto de relatos y en todos ellos he podido constatar que la labor de Timoneda, como mediador literario, es muy simple: utiliza, con mayor o menor literalidad-con mayor casi siempre-, un solo modelo, sintetizando o añadiendo pequeñísimas modificaciones (nombres de personajes y lugares, alguna incrustación leve, etc.); y cuando este modelo ha sido escrito en una lengua no castellana, el editor se vale de la traducción que tuviese más a mano. Tesis que aunque de momento no puedo extender al conjunto de la obra, sin embargo cada vez que tiro del hilo del ovillo se ve confirmada. Hasta el momento creo que es 1
Revista De Estudios Economicos Y Empresariales, 2004
El objetivo fundamental de nuestra investigacion ha sido realizar una edicion critica del tratado... more El objetivo fundamental de nuestra investigacion ha sido realizar una edicion critica del tratado resenado en el titulo de la tesis. El nucleo central de nuestro trabajo lo constituye la transcripcion paleografica del manuscrito original y la identificacion y reconstruccion del aparato legal y doctrinal utilizado por Leon Pinelo en la obra que estudiamos. Se han elaborado unos indices-sistematicos de materias y alfabetico de fuentes y personas- que faciliten al investigador el manejo del tratado Pineliano. Todo lo anterior va precedido de un estudio preliminar donde se efectua un examen codicologico del codice manuscrito original, ademas de un analisis de las fuentes citadas por Antonio de Leon Pinelo en esta obra sobre el gran canciller de las indias y de la presentacion de un estado de la cuestion acerca de la biografia del autor.
Cirugía y cirujanos
Bone loss as a result of arthrodesis, pseudarthrosis, benign tumors and bone defects was treated ... more Bone loss as a result of arthrodesis, pseudarthrosis, benign tumors and bone defects was treated using a xenoimplant (Nukbone). The effectiveness of the material was evaluated through a longitudinal and observational study at the Hospital Regional "General Ignacio Zaragoza" (HRGIZ) ISSSTE. The Mexican xenoimplant is a patent of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Fifty two patients were considered regardless of age or gender. Of these patients, 28 were male and 24 female. Average age of the patients was 47.7 years (9-84 years). Twenty eight patients had arthrodesis, 16 were treated with pseudarthrosis, three patients had benign tumors and five patients presented bone defects, which were implanted with Nukbone at the site and was the correct treatment for the problem. The xenoimplant is fully integrated during a period of 3-18 months, depending on the size of the pathology and the region where it was placed. Fracture healing was evaluated radiographically a...
Insuficiencia …, 2006
There is a very important structure/function relationship of the intact ventricles. Postinfarctio... more There is a very important structure/function relationship of the intact ventricles. Postinfarction left ventricular remodeling is characterized by ventricular dilatation and abnormal geometry leading to systolic and diastolic dysfunction. Association of mitral regurgitation with ...
A través de varios trabajos he ido inventariando los estudios que los críticos españoles, desde u... more A través de varios trabajos he ido inventariando los estudios que los críticos españoles, desde una perspectiva semiótica, han realizado tanto sobre la literatura en general, como el teatro en particular 1. Ahora, elijo un segmento, tan significativo en nuestra trayectoria dramática, el del teatro del Siglo de Oro 2 , para trazar una visión panorámica de las investigaciones que, realizadas con este método de análisis, han incrementado la bibliografía de la dramaturgia de tan insigne periodo. Sigo los mismos criterios que en las entregas anteriores: incluyo en la nómina solamente trabajos de críticos españoles escritos en la lengua de Cervantes, excluyendo-ahora-las referencias a las aportaciones de los hispanistas (no pocas, por cierto); doy al término semiótica un sentido muy amplio, al insertar en su área estudios formalistas y estructuralistas de diferente índole; y soy consciente de que, aunque mi deseo sea trazar un panorama lo más completo posible para ayuda de las investigaciones futuras, se podrían añadir algunas fichas bibliográficas que, simplemente, faltan por mi desconocimiento, o eliminar alguna que otra-poquísimas, creo-, objeto de discusión.
Stroke, 2008
Background and Purpose— Severe cerebral edema is associated with poor outcome in patients with ac... more Background and Purpose— Severe cerebral edema is associated with poor outcome in patients with acute stroke. Experimental studies suggest that astrocytic endothelin-1 (ET-1) has deleterious effects on water homeostasis, cerebral edema, and blood brain barrier (BBB) integrity, which contribute to more severe ischemic brain injury. In this study we analyze the association between high serum levels of ET-1 and the development of severe cerebral edema in patients treated with t-PA. Methods— One hundred thirty-four patients treated with t-PA according SITS-MOST (Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke Monitoring Study) criteria were prospectively studied. Serum levels of ET-1, matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), and cellular fibronectin (c-Fn) were determined by ELISA in serum samples obtained on admission, before t-PA bolus. Severe brain edema was diagnosed if extensive swelling caused any shifting of the structures of the midline was detected on the cranial CT performed at 24 to ...