Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval has become an important research topic in content-based 3D object... more Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval has become an important research topic in content-based 3D object retrieval. The aim of this track is to measure and compare the performance of sketch-based 3D shape retrieval methods based on a large scale hand-drawn sketch query dataset which has 7200 sketches and a generic 3D model target dataset containing 1258 3D models. The sketches and models are divided into 80 distinct classes. In this track, 5 runs have been submitted by 3 groups and their retrieval accuracies were evaluated using 7 commonly used retrieval performance metrics. We hope that this benchmark, its corresponding evaluation code, and the comparative evaluation results will contribute to the progress of this research direction for the 3D model retrieval community.
Derecho PUCP, 2000
No cabe duda que, hasta el momento, el más grande suceso registrado con respecto a la unificación... more No cabe duda que, hasta el momento, el más grande suceso registrado con respecto a la unificación o armonización del derecho lo constituye la disciplina de la compraventa internacional~ , contenida en la Convención de Viena sobre los contratos de compraventa internacional de mercaderías de 1980. Por ser el contrato comercial por excelencia y la columna vertebral de todo el sistema de las relaciones económicas 2 , la compraventa estaba llamada a convertirse en el más importante vehículo del intercambio de mercancías o, si se prefiere, en el motor del desarrollo del comercio internacionaP. Para allanarle el camino, no se

2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2014
This paper introduces S-HELO (Soft-Histogram of Edge Local Orientations), an outperforming method... more This paper introduces S-HELO (Soft-Histogram of Edge Local Orientations), an outperforming method for describing images in the context of sketch based image retrieval (SBIR). This proposal exploits the advantages provided by the HELO descriptor for describing sketches, and improves significantly its performance by using a soft computation of local orientations and taking into account spatial information. We experimentally demonstrate that a soft computation process together with a local estimation of orientations are very suitable for describing sketches in the context of image retrieval. Indeed, our results show that S-HELO significantly outperforms not only HELO but also classical orientation-based descriptors as HOG. We also show that S-HELO performs very close to the optimal when what we want to retrieve are target images. Moreover, our proposal also shows an outstanding performance for similarity search, i.e., retrieving images that belong to the same category of the query sketch.

Colombia Medica, 2012
Objective: To evaluate the hematological, cytogenetic, and molecular responses in Colombian patie... more Objective: To evaluate the hematological, cytogenetic, and molecular responses in Colombian patients with CML chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) treated with imatinib. Methods: Two groups of patients, one with the novo diagnostic and another in state of complete cytogenetic remission were followed for 12 months with quantitative PCR evaluations every three months and with chromosomal analysis every 6 months. Results: The group with the novo diagnosis showed 50% of complete cytogenetic remission at 12 months while the other 50% were considered to have primary resistance. Respect the molecular analysis, 10.5% of the patients reached undetectable BCR-ABL transcripts at 12 months. In the complete cytogenetic remission group, 10.6% lost the state of complete cytogenetic remission at 12 months, 50% reached undetectable BCR-ABL transcripts but 10% showed levels higher than 10%, which in our standardization was equal to no molecular response. Conclusions: Despite having received the convention...

Anuario De La Facultad De Derecho, 2009
En las últimas décadas, la doctrina ha dedicado mucha de su atención al estudio del contrato, y e... more En las últimas décadas, la doctrina ha dedicado mucha de su atención al estudio del contrato, y esto tiene que ver, en buena parte, con los cambios, estructurales y funcionales, que el contrato ha operado para adecuarse a los nuevos tiempos. En ese proceso, el contrato ha mostrado varios formatos, que van desde el contrato negociado, pasando por el estandarizado, de empresa, de consumo, llegando al electrónico y al cibernético. Estos nuevos formatos, indudablemente, han motivado una respuesta positiva de algunos tópicos, como aquel de la interpretación contractual, que ha tenido, sobre la marcha, que retocar las clásicas reglas hermenéuticas y elaborar algunas nuevas para seguir el ritmo de cambio operado por el contrato. Nuestro propósito es, precisamente, analizar el trabajo desarrollado por la mejor doctrina y jurisprudencia extranjera, especialmente italiana y española, con relación al tema de las reglas de interpretación de los contratos en general y de los contratos estandarizados, en particular.
Docentia Et Investigatio, 2001
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1991

Clinical pediatrics, Jan 10, 2015
Lactobacillus reuteri has been studied for its safety and beneficial effects in infants. This stu... more Lactobacillus reuteri has been studied for its safety and beneficial effects in infants. This study assessed growth of infants fed a partially hydrolyzed whey formula with L reuteri. Healthy term infants were randomized to 1 of 2 formulas (partially hydrolyzed whey formula with (PRO) or without (CON) L reuteri from 14 to 112 days of age. Anthropometric measures were assessed at 14, 28, 56, 84, and 112 days of age. Tolerance records were completed 2 days prior to each visit. A total of 122 subjects completed study per protocol (60 PRO, 62 CON). No differences were seen in daily weight gain, length, or head circumference. Overall, between groups, there were no significant differences in formula intake, stool frequency, color, consistency, flatulence, frequency of spit-up/vomiting, mood, sleep, or incidence of adverse events. Infants fed probiotic formula had similar growth to infants fed control formula. Both formulas were well tolerated.

Revista Iberoamericana de Micología, 2013
Palabras clave: Saprochaete capitata Blastoschizomyces capitatus Infección fúngica invasiva Pacie... more Palabras clave: Saprochaete capitata Blastoschizomyces capitatus Infección fúngica invasiva Pacientes neutropénicos r e s u m e n Antecedentes: El aumento significativo de las infecciones fúngicas sistémicas es debido fundamentalmente al incremento de pacientes inmunodeprimidos. La morbimortalidad de estas infecciones es muy alta, lo que unido a los elevados costes de hospitalización que generan las convierten en una entidad de gran trascendencia en nuestra práctica hospitalaria. Saprochaete capitata es un hongo raro que causa infecciones invasivas habitualmente en pacientes inmunocomprometidos y para el que además no existe un consenso en la pauta terapéutica. Caso clínico: Presentamos un caso de infección diseminada por este hongo en una paciente intensamente inmunodeprimida, que fallece como consecuencia de un fallo multiorgánico a pesar de las medidas de soporte vital tomadas y del inicio de antibioterapia de amplio espectro. Conclusiones: Es de vital importancia iniciar el tratamiento antibiótico lo antes posible, así como la realización de cultivos de vigilancia y seguimiento para la búsqueda de hongos en los enfermos neutropénicos.
Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 2001
The allylic palladium complexes (1L, for allyl= η 3-C 3 H 5; 2L, for allyl= η 3-1, 3-Ph 2 C 3 H 3... more The allylic palladium complexes (1L, for allyl= η 3-C 3 H 5; 2L, for allyl= η 3-1, 3-Ph 2 C 3 H 3) with chiral 1, 2-bis (oxazolinyl) benzene and 1, 2-bis (oxazolinyl) ethane ligands L,(R, R)-A,(R, S)-A,(S, S)-B,(R, R)-C, and (S, S)-D, were synthesized and fully characterized, both ...

Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, ICMR'11, 2011
Since 3D models are becoming more popular, the need for effective methods capable of retrieving 3... more Since 3D models are becoming more popular, the need for effective methods capable of retrieving 3D models are becoming crucial. Current methods require an example 3D model as query. However, in many cases, such a query is not easy to get. An alternative is using a hand-draw sketch as query. We present a structure-based local approach (STELA) for retrieving 3D models using a rough sketch as query. It consists of four steps: get an abstract image, detect keyshapes, compute a local descriptor, and match local descriptors. We represent a 3D model by means of suggestive contours. Our proposal includes an additional step aiming at reducing the number of models that will be compared by our local approach. The proposed method is invariant to position, scale, and rotation changes as well. We evaluate our method using the first-tier precision and compare it with a current global approach (HELO). Our results show an increasing in precision for many classes of 3D models.
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, EG 3DOR, 2012
Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval has become an important research topic in content-based 3D object... more Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval has become an important research topic in content-based 3D object retrieval. The aim of this track is to measure and compare the performance of sketch-based 3D shape retrieval methods implemented by different participants over the world. The track is based on a new sketch-based 3D shape benchmark, which contains two types of sketch queries and two versions of target 3D models. In this track, 7 runs have been submitted by 5 groups and their retrieval accuracies were evaluated using 7 commonly used retrieval performance metrics. We hope that the benchmark, its corresponding evaluation code, and the comparative evaluation results of the state-of-the-art sketch-based 3D model retrieval algorithms will contribute to the progress of this research direction for the 3D model retrieval community.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
Abstract. Content-based image retrieval requires a natural image (eg, a photo) as query, but the ... more Abstract. Content-based image retrieval requires a natural image (eg, a photo) as query, but the absence of such a query image is usually the reason for a search. An easy way to express the user query is using a line-based hand-drawing, a sketch, leading to the sketch-based ...

Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2014
Sublingual route has been widely used to deliver small molecules into the bloodstream and to modu... more Sublingual route has been widely used to deliver small molecules into the bloodstream and to modulate the immune response at different sites. It has been shown to effectively induce humoral and cellular responses at systemic and mucosal sites, namely the lungs and urogenital tract. Sublingual vaccination can promote protection against infections at the lower and upper respiratory tract; it can also promote tolerance to allergens and ameliorate asthma symptoms. Modulation of lung's immune response by sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is safer than direct administration of formulations by intranasal route because it does not require delivery of potentially harmful molecules directly into the airways. In contrast to intranasal delivery, side effects involving brain toxicity or facial paralysis are not promoted by SLIT. The immune mechanisms underlying SLIT remain elusive and its use for the treatment of acute lung infections has not yet been explored. Thus, development of appropriate animal models of SLIT is needed to further explore its potential advantages. This work shows how to perform sublingual administration of therapeutic agents in mice to evaluate their ability to protect against acute pneumococcal pneumonia. Technical aspects of mouse handling during sublingual inoculation, precise identification of sublingual mucosa, draining lymph nodes and isolation of tissues, bronchoalveolar lavage and lungs are illustrated. Protocols for single cell suspension preparation for FACS analysis are described in detail. Other downstream applications for the analysis of the immune response are discussed. Technical aspects of the preparation of Streptococcus pneumoniae inoculum and intranasal challenge of mice are also explained. SLIT is a simple technique that allows screening of candidate molecules to modulate lungs' immune response. Parameters affecting the success of SLIT are related to molecular size, susceptibility to degradation and stability of highly concentrated formulations.

Neurobiology of Disease, 2010
Schwann cells are the myelinating glia cells of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). In inflammat... more Schwann cells are the myelinating glia cells of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). In inflammatory neuropathies like the Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) Schwann cells become target of an autoimmune response, but may also modulate local inflammation. Here, we tested the functional relevance of Schwann cell derived MHC expression in an in vitro coculture system. Mouse Schwann cells activated proliferation of ovalbumin specific CD8+ T cells when ovalbumin protein or MHC class I restricted ovalbumin peptide (Ova(257-264) SIINFEKL) was added and after transfection with an ovalbumin coding vector. Schwann cells activated proliferation of ovalbumin specific CD4+ T cells in the presence of MHC class II restricted ovalbumin peptide (Ova(323-339) ISQAVHAAHAEINEAGR). CD4+ T-cell proliferation was not activated by ovalbumin protein or transfection with an ovalbumin coding vector. This indicates that Schwann cells express functionally active MHC class I and II molecules. In this study, however, Schwann cells lacked the ability to process exogenous antigen or cross-present endogenous antigen into the MHC class II presentation pathway. Thus, antigen presentation may be a pathological function of Schwann cells exacerbating nerve damage in inflammatory neuropathies.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2013
Although sketch based image retrieval (SBIR) is still a young research area, there are many appli... more Although sketch based image retrieval (SBIR) is still a young research area, there are many applications capable of exploiting this retrieval paradigm, such as web searching and pattern detection. ...

Molecular and Cellular Probes, 1996
Infants and young children with HIV infection commonly suffer from gastrointestinal manifestation... more Infants and young children with HIV infection commonly suffer from gastrointestinal manifestations of their disease. Many HIV infected children have evidence of persistent diarrhoea, malabsorption, malnutrition or growth failure. The aetiology and pathogenesis of gastrointestinal dysfunction in HIV infected children have not been well defined. We performed immunocytochemical analyses on intestinal tissue from 19 HIV-infected children with gastrointestinal dysfunction or growth failure. None of these 19 children had microbial pathogens identified in faecal samples using standard microbiological methods. Intestinal tissues were obtained from the children by biopsy and were examined for antigens from Pneumocystis carinii, cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) using the avidin-biotin-complex immunohistochemical technique and monoclonal or monospecific antibodies. We detected at least one of these pathogens in samples from eight (42%) of 19 HIV infected children. P. carinii was the most prevalent pathogen, found in five of the eight HIV infected children. All of the children with intestinal pneumocystis infection were receiving prophylaxis directed at the prevention of pulmonary disease with this organism and none of them were undergoing active pulmonary infection. We also identified CMV antigens in intestinal tissues from four children and HSV antigens in intestinal tissues from one child. Two children were infected with more than one pathogen. On the other hand, none of these pathogens were found in the tissues obtained from 10 HIV-uninfected patients who had intestinal tissues obtained for chronic non-infectious diarrheal and inflammatory diseases (P<0•01, Fisher's exact test). Our findings indicate that some children with HIV infection and gastrointestinal dysfunction may be infected with opportunistic pathogens despite negative analyses employing standard microbiological methods. Our study also indicates that HIV infected children can undergo intestinal infection with P. carinii despite the administration of standard immunoprophylactic regimens directed at the prevention of infection with this organism.
The Journal of Pediatrics, 1999

Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 2012
Addition of probiotics to infant formula may positively affect immune function in nonexclusively ... more Addition of probiotics to infant formula may positively affect immune function in nonexclusively breastfed infants. This study aimed to investigate the effect of infant starter formula containing the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies lactis (Bb12) on intestinal immunity and inflammation. Six-week-old healthy, full-term infants (n = 172) were enrolled in a prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial with 2 groups studied in parallel to a breastfed comparison group. Formula-fed (FF) infants were randomized to partially hydrolyzed whey formula (CON) or the same formula containing 10(6) colony-forming units (CFU) Bb12/g (PRO) for 6 weeks. Fecal secretory IgA (sIgA), calprotectin, lactate, and stool pH were assessed at baseline, 2 weeks, and 6 weeks. Anti-poliovirus-specific IgA and anti-rotavirus-specific IgA were assessed at 2 and 6 weeks. Among vaginally delivered FF infants, PRO consumption increased (P &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; .05) fecal sIgA compared to CON. Anti-poliovirus-specific IgA concentration increased (P &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; .05) in all infants consuming PRO, whereas anti-rotavirus-specific IgA tended to increase (P = .056) with PRO consumption in cesarean-delivered infants. Anthropometrics and tolerance did not differ significantly between FF infants. Infants consuming formula with Bb12 produced feces with detectable presence of Bb12 and augmented sIgA concentration. Furthermore, cesarean-delivered infants consuming Bb12 had heightened immune response, as evidenced by increased anti-rotavirus- and anti-poliovirus-specific IgA following immunization. These results demonstrate that negative immune-related effects of not breastfeeding and cesarean delivery can be mitigated by including Bb12 in infant formula, thereby providing infants a safe, dietary, immune-modulating bacterial introduction.

Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2008
Numerous mouse myelin mutants are available to analyze the biology of the peripheral nervous syst... more Numerous mouse myelin mutants are available to analyze the biology of the peripheral nervous system related to health and disease in vivo. However, robust in vitro biochemical characterizations of players in peripheral nerve processes are still not possible due to the limited growth capacities of Schwann cells. In order to generate cell lines from peripheral nerves that are amenable to experimental manipulation, we have isolated Schwann cells from transgenic mice (H-2Kb-tsA58) carrying the temperature sensitive SV40 large T oncogene under the control of the interferon gamma (IFN␥) H-2Kb promoter. These cells are immortalized at 33 • C when the SV40 large T antigen has a stable conformation. At the non-permissive temperature of 37 • C and in the absence of IFN␥, the growth rate of the cultures reduces and typical Schwann cell markers such as p75 NGFR become upregulated. The conditionally immortalized Schwann cells allow genetic manipulation as demonstrated here by the generation of a stable eGFP expressing cell line. They regain their characteristic non-immortalized properties at non-permissive temperature and differentiate to myelin-forming cells when seeded on dorsal root ganglia neurons. The Schwann cell lines derived are valuable tools for in vitro studies involving demyelinating diseases.