Papers by José Molina Ruiz
El trabajo de investigacion titulado "Minimizacion de impactos ambientales en la mineria de ... more El trabajo de investigacion titulado "Minimizacion de impactos ambientales en la mineria de la roca ornamental en la Region de Murcia" de adentra con rigor y objetividad en la problematica asociada al subsector de la mineria de roca ornamental. La distribucion espacial de la industria extractva se ha visto triplemente condicionada por la existencia del recurso minero, por la viabilidad economica, y por la tradicion, ya que desde tiempos remotos estas zonas son el referente de la produccion de calizas y marmoles. La Region de Murcia mantiene una ancestral tradicion minera, que se remonta a la epoca de la Romanizacion y que se mantiene hasta nuestros dias. Tras el cese de la mineria metalica, se asiste al crecimiento sostenido de la produccion de rocas industriales, fundamentalmente caliza marmorea y areniscas, orientada al sector de la construccion. En la Region de Murcia existe gran variedad de materiales a los que podemos denominar genericamente como marmoles, aunque estos materiales presentan importantes diferencias texturales y composicionales. La distribucion geografica de las explotaciones de rocas ornamentales en la Region de Murcia, se distribuyen fundamentalmente en su mitad septentrional, siguiendo la direccion SO-NE, es decir, la direccion de las Cordilleras Beticas. Las explotaciones se centran principalmente en los dominios Subbetico y Prebetico, con la excepcion de la explotacion del Cabezo Gordo (Torre Pacheco) que se situa en el dominio Betico en sentido estricto. En el presente trabajo se disena un modelo metodologico apropiado para abordar objetivamente la valoracion de los impactos provocados por la actividad, recurriendo al analisis de la realidad a diversas escalas de trabajo. Como gran novedad se disena y desarrolla una metodologia especifica para la cuantificacion objetiva del impacto visual (impacto paisajistico) de la actividad minera, sin duda uno de los m
In the Region of Murcia a effort is being made to increase the production of renewable energies i... more In the Region of Murcia a effort is being made to increase the production of renewable energies in fulfi lling of the established objectives of Kyoto for Spain. To the time, the social perception about the same ones worries more and more. In this work, the citizens think before the necessity to promote the use and implantation of renewable energies in several affected populations of the northwest. Suitable locations, the conservation of the natural and landscaping values of the surroundings and the economic necessities of the zone add to a rational use of these energies and a parallel technological development to reach a sustainable development.
The introduction of the concept of sustainability in the energy market involves a development of ... more The introduction of the concept of sustainability in the energy market involves a development of renewable energies, and activating the policies that promote their introduction. The success of these policies takes the form of an increase of renewable energy in the energetic mix, in the reduction of CO 2 emissions and in the enforcement of these obligations internationally. This work analyses the degree of the introduction of renewable energy in a municipality of the region of Murcia (Blanca), assessing the effect of the energy sector laws and estimating the carbon footprint of the consumption of electrical energy.
The aeolian energy is a clean energy and renewable and an Aeolian Park has many more benefi ts th... more The aeolian energy is a clean energy and renewable and an Aeolian Park has many more benefi ts than inconvenient. Suitable places, to reduce environmental impacts, to conserve the natural and landscaping values of the surroundings and the social and economic necessities of the zone it is necessary to add them to a rational use of this energy and to a parallel technological development to reach a sustainable development.
The distribution of trace elements throughout mining areas is an important issue because abandone... more The distribution of trace elements throughout mining areas is an important issue because abandoned tailings can be a major source of environmental pollution. The aim of this study was to identify the trace element content, hydric dispersion ways and its reception areas in selected zones of the abandoned mining district of Sierra Minera Cartagena-La Union. The results obtained allowed to establish points affected by primary, secondary and tertiary contamination, according to their proximity to contamination sources, as a function of its chemical and mineralogical composition. Applied GIS methodology allowed visualisation and confirmation of established conceptual model.
El trabajo de investigacion titulado "Minimizacion de impactos ambientales en la mineria de ... more El trabajo de investigacion titulado "Minimizacion de impactos ambientales en la mineria de la roca ornamental en la Region de Murcia" de adentra con rigor y objetividad en la problematica asociada al subsector de la mineria de roca ornamental. La distribucion espacial de la industria extractva se ha visto triplemente condicionada por la existencia del recurso minero, por la viabilidad economica, y por la tradicion, ya que desde tiempos remotos estas zonas son el referente de la produccion de calizas y marmoles. La Region de Murcia mantiene una ancestral tradicion minera, que se remonta a la epoca de la Romanizacion y que se mantiene hasta nuestros dias. Tras el cese de la mineria metalica, se asiste al crecimiento sostenido de la produccion de rocas industriales, fundamentalmente caliza marmorea y areniscas, orientada al sector de la construccion. En la Region de Murcia existe gran variedad de materiales a los que podemos denominar genericamente como marmoles, aunque esto...
All mining extractive processing shows clear effect on its environment, these actions have severa... more All mining extractive processing shows clear effect on its environment, these actions have several consequences like impacts and potential risks for the environment. Due to the importance of visual impacts on the development of the ornamental rock mining activity, this study establish determinate the most Visual Fragility areas of municipality of Gehegin (Murcia) and supply an important information for Planning Projects.
Un Parque Eolico esta constituido por un conjunto de Aerogeneradores que vierten la energia que p... more Un Parque Eolico esta constituido por un conjunto de Aerogeneradores que vierten la energia que producen a la red electrica. En general, los Parques Eolicos pueden provocar impactos sobre el medio natural, de ahi que haya que buscar emplazamientos donde se garantice la compatibilidad entre la produccion energetica, la conservacion de los valores naturales y paisajisticos del entorno y las necesidades socioeconomicas de la zona.
The territory is a complex, fragile and vulnerable whose tangible and intangible heritage and com... more The territory is a complex, fragile and vulnerable whose tangible and intangible heritage and common natural and cultural, are considered valuable. Changes i...
Renewable Energy, 2011
Wind energy represents one of the most important renewable resources. Wind energy is a clean, ren... more Wind energy represents one of the most important renewable resources. Wind energy is a clean, renewable and its benefits are considered greater than the disadvantages. However, even though wind farms represent environmentally friendly projects, they frequently generate public resistance.
Cuadernos de Turismo, 2015
The Military Batteries of Cabo Tinoso are a heritage legacy located at the coastal mountains of C... more The Military Batteries of Cabo Tinoso are a heritage legacy located at the coastal mountains of Cartagena, a slightly altered landscape that must be evaluated for their characteristics and potential. The present work aims to discover and enhance this military heritage by evaluating and classifying the visual quality of the landscape on which it is situated and whose main aesthetic values are the color and texture contrast within the sea, soil, rock and vegetation, while geomorphology adds power to the views of cliffs. The scenic quality is modified in the first place by the building of the batteries, but it does not replace the visual quality of the landscape that at a greater distance is free from anthropogenic activities. Three programs with their policies aimed at the promotion of tourism, accessibility and protection are proposed to make it a potential resource of tourist and local development that respects the environment and is aware of cultural values.
Wind energy is a clean renewable and its benefits are considered greater than the disadvantages. ... more Wind energy is a clean renewable and its benefits are considered greater than the disadvantages. However, even though wind farms represent environmentally friendly projects, they frequently generate public resistance. Wind turbines are socially controversial because of their visual and acoustic impacts. The aim of this work was to design a methodology for the preliminary evaluation of potential acoustic impact of wind farms. Three steps have been proposed: identification, characterization and assessment of the acoustic impact during the construction, operation and decommissioning phase. Obtained results in the studied area suggested that at a maximum power, at 500 meters of wind turbines, noise level is lower than the reference level established in the legislation. In summary, proposed methodology could help to determine and to evaluate the best location for new wind farm projects. Proposed methodology could help to determine and to evaluate the best location for new wind farm proje...
Quarrying of ornamental stone has adverse effects that are both visual and environmental. This pa... more Quarrying of ornamental stone has adverse effects that are both visual and environmental. This paper aims to develop a methodology for minimising the costs associated with reducing the visual impact of ornamental stone quarrying. This study uses digital topographical maps of the study zone and a GPS and GIS application to calculate the extent of the area affected by quarrying activities for each altitude designated in the work plan and to calculate the extent of the potential visual impact. The results obtained applying the proposed methodology for the selected area suggested that the potential visual impact is minimal for an altitude of 520 metres, this being the optimal point for the observer. When altitude increases, the potential visual impact increases and the optimal point for the observer diminishes until the highest impact altitude (740 m) is readied. The optimal point that the exploitation should reach is that at which the values of the diagram generated by the (%) area of ...
This work, deliberately prepared for the program IDRISI, studies the possibilities of apllication... more This work, deliberately prepared for the program IDRISI, studies the possibilities of apllication of Geographical Information Systems to the actions over the territory from a cartographical point of view. The study area Cehegin is determinated by its litology, relief, biotic and pedology, and it appears as a space definied by differents units and subunits of landscape.
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection
Quarrying of ornamental stone has adverse effects that are both visual and environmental. This pa... more Quarrying of ornamental stone has adverse effects that are both visual and environmental. This paper aims to develop a methodology for minimising the costs associated with reducing the visual impact of ornamental stone quarrying. This study uses digital topographical maps of the study zone and a GPS and GIS application to calculate the extent of the area affected by quarrying activities for each altitude designated in the work plan and to calculate the extent of the potential visual impact. The results obtained applying the proposed methodology for the selected area suggested that the potential visual impact is minimal for an altitude of 520 metres, this being the optimal point for the observer. When altitude increases, the potential visual impact increases and the optimal point for the observer diminishes until the highest impact altitude (740 m) is readied. The optimal point that the exploitation should reach is that at which the values of the diagram generated by the (%) area of potential visual impact and area of exploitation (%) intersect. The methodology allows the optimal altitude to be determined for mining exploitations and helps assess the viability of a given exploitation from an environmental point of view.
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis
A total of 120 sediments from 12 cores of Portman Bay (SE Spain) were studied to assess the degre... more A total of 120 sediments from 12 cores of Portman Bay (SE Spain) were studied to assess the degree of contamination and ecological risk related to potentially toxic elements (PTEs) by combining a geochemical and mineralogical characterisation with the assessment of the bioavailable forms of trace metals (As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn). With this purpose, sediment contamination was assessed by total and water-soluble content, and potential bioavailability by the simultaneously extracted metals and acid-volatile sulphides (SEM-AVS) approach, and by an oral bioaccessibility extraction procedure. The sediments are essentially sandy (>80%). The most important minerals are: iron phases such as siderite, iron oxides and hydroxides and pyrite; clay minerals such as clinochlore, greenalite and
Cuadernos de Turismo, 2015
Las Baterías Militares de Cabo Tiñoso son un legado patrimonial inserto en las sierras litorales ... more Las Baterías Militares de Cabo Tiñoso son un legado patrimonial inserto en las sierras litorales de Cartagena, en un paisaje poco alterado que hay que valorar por sus características y potencialidades. Con el presente trabajo se quiere dar a conocer y revalorizar este patrimonio militar evaluando y clasificando la calidad visual del paisaje sobre el que se asientan, cuyos principales valores estéticos son el contraste cromático y de texturas entre el mar, suelo, roca y vegetación, a los que se suma la geomorfología acantilada que potencia las vistas. La calidad escénica está modificada en primer plano por la construcción de las Baterías, pero no anulan la calidad visual del paisaje que, a mayor distancia, está libre de actuaciones antrópicas. Se proponen tres programas con sus líneas de actuación dirigidos a su promoción turística, accesibilidad y protección, y convertirlo en un recurso potencial de desarrollo turístico y local, respetuoso con el medio ambiente y conocedor de los va...
Papers by José Molina Ruiz