Papers by Joanna Moczydłowska
The successes of modern companies depend to a larger extend on labour forces which enable them to... more The successes of modern companies depend to a larger extend on labour forces which enable them to create the values which are impossible to duplicate by their rivals. The companies take actions which aim is to make the image of the company as an employer more attractive hoping that these actions enable them to retain employees. This article presents the factors of attractiveness of an organization as an employer in theory and also in practice. The opinions of Polish managers on this topic are presented.
Kwartalnik Ekonomistów i Menedżerów, 2018
Przedsiębiorczość ma charakter wielowymiarowy, dlatego poznanie czynników, które kształtują posta... more Przedsiębiorczość ma charakter wielowymiarowy, dlatego poznanie czynników, które kształtują postawy przedsiębiorcze, wymaga zastosowania różnorodnych perspektyw badawczych. Artykuł zawiera próbę systematyzacji wiedzy na temat uwarunkowań przedsiębiorczości. Uwzględniono w nim interdyscyplinarny charakter problemu, przedstawiając istotę i przejawy przedsiębiorczości z perspektywy nauk ekonomicznych oraz psychologii. Wyeksponowano badania nad przedsiębiorczością podejmowane na gruncie teorii kompetencji. Zaprezentowano fragmenty wyników międzynarodowego projektu badawczego GUESSS z 2016 r., diagnozującego skłonność studentów do przedsiębiorczości. Skupiono się głównie na analizie następujących uwarunkowań przedsiębiorczości studentów: wpływ uczelni (oferowanych programów kształcenia przedsiębiorczości) i wpływ domu rodzinnego.
![Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Risk Culture in the Context of a Sustainable Project: A Preliminary Study](
Currently, due to the growing dynamics of changes that take place in the environment of organizat... more Currently, due to the growing dynamics of changes that take place in the environment of organizations, managers have to intensify their efforts to implement ‘solutions’ which will not only increase the efficiency of particular business activities, but will also strengthen the potential of the organization in the area of its sustainable development. One of the elements from a ‘wide set of potential solutions’ is risk culture. In spite of a number of studies dedicated to explaining its essence, dimensions and influence, the phenomenon of risk culture has not yet been fully explored. While the previous research and analyses have tended to focus on defining its role and learning about its effects, especially in the financial sector, this study was directed at explaining risk culture in the specific organizational context of implementing sustainable projects in business. This paper analyzes the manifestations of risk culture in sustainable projects, along with its dimensions and key dete...
![Research paper thumbnail of Psychological Context of Managerial Staff Compensation – Polish Experiences](
The article is meant to become part of the scientific discussion concerning the psychological fou... more The article is meant to become part of the scientific discussion concerning the psychological foundations shaping the compensation system and transparency of managerialstaff's salaries. It is founded on a scientifically proven assumption that in respect to salaries the employees'assessment, including management staff, of their attractiveness is contingent on numerous factors with the most important ones being psychological in character. Through analysis the article aims to identify managerial staff's opinions regarding the psychological aspects of the remuneration system including: integrity, justice, adequacy and transparency. To achieve this goal the author used a questionnaire which was administered to 120 representatives of middle and senior managerial staff working within thecorporate sector functioning in Poland. The present study should be considered to be a pilot study. It was determined that sex was one of the variables which meaningfully influenced the psychological aspects of evaluating a remuneration system. In general, most male managers gauge their salary as satisfying whereas female managers who show satisfaction with their salary constitute less than half of the study sample. Clearly, therefore, women more often than men considered their salary to be unsatisfactory or average. In contrast to their male counterpart'sfemale study participants more often described their salary as fair if it was based on such factors as time needed for job completion and mental strain. Managers taking part in the study, regardless of gender, specified difficulty, the degree of responsibility connected with their job and results achieved by a team which they managed as having the greatest influence on their perception of their salary as fair. Majority of managers expect their salary not be dependent upon the financial success of the company as a whole. Additionally, they express acceptance for differences within salaries of managers working for the same organization and their direct correlation to individual accomplishment. Most managementstaff supportthe idea that salary amounts remain undisclosed but advocate transparency in the way salaries are structured.
Przegląd Organizacji, 2004
Podjęto próbę analizy znaczenia umiejętności negocjacyjnych w procesie nowoczesnego zarządzania o... more Podjęto próbę analizy znaczenia umiejętności negocjacyjnych w procesie nowoczesnego zarządzania organizacjami. Podstawę rozważań stanowią badania ankietowe przeprowadzone wśród 50 kierowników zarządzających małymi i średnimi przedsiębiorstwami w północno-wschodniej Polsce.
![Research paper thumbnail of The Experiences of Polish Managerial Staff](
authors have adopted the disciplined perspective of management sciences. The aim of the research ... more authors have adopted the disciplined perspective of management sciences. The aim of the research presented in the article is cognition of the meaning of authority assigned by Polish managers and identification of activites being done by the managerial staff to shape their professional authority. The realisation of this aim had involved carrying out the questionnaire study among the representatives of the managerial staff. The study sample numbers 60 people, therefore this is a pilot research and the results are treated as a ground for wording the hypothesis for further and developed research. Psychological interpretation of authority of a manager as a person with specified abilities and mental qualifications who commands respect and trust dominates among Polish senior management. They identify the authority more as source of managerial effectiveness than personal power. They strongly combine it with ability to build and support On the one hand the respondents identify the authority ...
Papers by Joanna Moczydłowska