V Sloveniji se energijske analize stavb pretežno izvajajo s pomocjo orodij, ki niso povezljiva s ... more V Sloveniji se energijske analize stavb pretežno izvajajo s pomocjo orodij, ki niso povezljiva s programi za modeliranje stavb. To pomeni, da je treba za isto stavbo izdelati razlicne modele. Ponavljajoce se vnasanje istih podatkov v razlicno programsko opremo pomeni daljsi cas, potreben za izvedbo, vecje stroske, in vecjo verjetnost za napake že pri vhodnih podatkih. Informacijsko modeliranje stavb (BIM) uspesno izpodriva nacrtovanje v dvodimenzionalnih risarskih programih in hkrati omogoca povezljivost razlicnih simulacijskih orodij. Za energijske analize smo v magistrski nalogi zbrali program ArchiCAD z dodatkom Ecodesigner STAR, ki omogoca neposredno pretvorbo informacijskega modela v energijski model stavbe znotraj istega programa. V Sloveniji razvita programska oprema za energijske analize za izracun uporablja kvazi-stacionarno metodo. Program ArchiCAD za izracun uporablja bolj natancno urno metodo, vendar izvaja izracune v skladu s standardi, ki niso veljavni v Sloveniji. Na ...
Building energy analyses in Slovenia are usually performed by tools that do not offer interoperab... more Building energy analyses in Slovenia are usually performed by tools that do not offer interoperability with building information modelling and other modelling software. This means that several geometrical models need to be re-created for the same building. A repetitive input of geometrical and non-geometrical data into different software packages is a time consuming, costly, and error prone process. Building information modelling (BIM) is replacing traditional two-dimensional drafting and BIM offers interoperability with different simulation tools. In this thesis we explore the energy analysis through the use of ArchiCAD with its plugin Ecodesigner STAR. This program offers seamless transformation from building information model to building energy model within the same software. Building energy analysis software, developed in Slovenia uses a quasi-stationary calculation method. ArchiCAD uses a more precise hourly method, but does not consider standards valid in Slovenia. We used sim...
In this graduation thesis we analyzed the influence of area, shape and position of window on illu... more In this graduation thesis we analyzed the influence of area, shape and position of window on illuminance of the office space, by using the DIALux software. Adequate levels of horizontal illuminance must be assured for people to carry out daily office tasks. Daylight has an important influence on psychophysiological human needs. This is why we also need to assure adequate levels of vertical illuminance. In the thesis we checked if these terms are assured by considering minimal requirements of rule books and standards discussing daylight illuminance. We found out that it is difficult to assure addequate levels of illuminance for the chosen office space, especially in its depths. Sufficient illuminance was not reached even by glazing the whole wall surface.
V Sloveniji se energijske analize stavb pretežno izvajajo s pomocjo orodij, ki niso povezljiva s ... more V Sloveniji se energijske analize stavb pretežno izvajajo s pomocjo orodij, ki niso povezljiva s programi za modeliranje stavb. To pomeni, da je treba za isto stavbo izdelati razlicne modele. Ponavljajoce se vnasanje istih podatkov v razlicno programsko opremo pomeni daljsi cas, potreben za izvedbo, vecje stroske, in vecjo verjetnost za napake že pri vhodnih podatkih. Informacijsko modeliranje stavb (BIM) uspesno izpodriva nacrtovanje v dvodimenzionalnih risarskih programih in hkrati omogoca povezljivost razlicnih simulacijskih orodij. Za energijske analize smo v magistrski nalogi zbrali program ArchiCAD z dodatkom Ecodesigner STAR, ki omogoca neposredno pretvorbo informacijskega modela v energijski model stavbe znotraj istega programa. V Sloveniji razvita programska oprema za energijske analize za izracun uporablja kvazi-stacionarno metodo. Program ArchiCAD za izracun uporablja bolj natancno urno metodo, vendar izvaja izracune v skladu s standardi, ki niso veljavni v Sloveniji. Na ...
Building energy analyses in Slovenia are usually performed by tools that do not offer interoperab... more Building energy analyses in Slovenia are usually performed by tools that do not offer interoperability with building information modelling and other modelling software. This means that several geometrical models need to be re-created for the same building. A repetitive input of geometrical and non-geometrical data into different software packages is a time consuming, costly, and error prone process. Building information modelling (BIM) is replacing traditional two-dimensional drafting and BIM offers interoperability with different simulation tools. In this thesis we explore the energy analysis through the use of ArchiCAD with its plugin Ecodesigner STAR. This program offers seamless transformation from building information model to building energy model within the same software. Building energy analysis software, developed in Slovenia uses a quasi-stationary calculation method. ArchiCAD uses a more precise hourly method, but does not consider standards valid in Slovenia. We used sim...
In this graduation thesis we analyzed the influence of area, shape and position of window on illu... more In this graduation thesis we analyzed the influence of area, shape and position of window on illuminance of the office space, by using the DIALux software. Adequate levels of horizontal illuminance must be assured for people to carry out daily office tasks. Daylight has an important influence on psychophysiological human needs. This is why we also need to assure adequate levels of vertical illuminance. In the thesis we checked if these terms are assured by considering minimal requirements of rule books and standards discussing daylight illuminance. We found out that it is difficult to assure addequate levels of illuminance for the chosen office space, especially in its depths. Sufficient illuminance was not reached even by glazing the whole wall surface.
Papers by Jure Lovšin