[full article, abstract in English; abstract in Lithuanian] The aim of the research is to find ou... more [full article, abstract in English; abstract in Lithuanian] The aim of the research is to find out the influence of the Nazi regime on preservation of historical book collections, which were established in Jewish societies, schools, religious organizations and private houses in Latvia until the first Soviet occupation (1940/1941). At the beginning, libraries of Jewish associations and other institutions were expropriated by the Soviet power, which started the elimination of Jewish books and periodicals published in the independent Republic of Latvia. The massive destruction of Jewish literature collections was carried out by Nazi occupation authorities (1941-1944/45), proclaiming Jews and Judaism as their main “enemies”. However, digitized archives of Nazi organizations (mainly documents of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce) shows that a small part of the Latvian Jewish book collections was preserved for research purposes and after the Second World War scattered in different countries. Analysis of archival documents will clarify the Nazi strategy for Latvian Jewish book collections. It will be determined which book values survived the war and what their further fate in the second half of the 1940s was.[straipsnis ir santrauka anglų kalba, santrauka lietuvių kalba] Žydai buvo viena iš aktyviausių etninių grupių nepriklausomoje Latvijos Respublikoje. Jie buvo susibūrę į daugiau nei šimtą draugijų, užsiimančių švietimo, socialinės rūpybos, sporto ir atskirų profesijų interesų gynimo klausimais. Beveik kiekviename didesniame ir mažesniame mieste (net ir keliose parapijose) veikė sinagoga, t. y. žydų maldos namai. Žydų draugijos ir mokyklos buvo sukaupusios literatūros kolekcijas jidiš ir hebrajų kalbomis. Didžiausią biblioteką turėjo Rygos žydų švietimo draugija – jos fonduose 1930 m. buvo sukaupta daugiau nei 13 000 knygų. Masinis žydams priklausiusių knygų kolekcijų perkėlimas prasidėjo pirmaisiais sovietinės okupacijos metais (1940–1941 m.), uždarius visas draugijas ir privačias mokyklas bei nacionalizavus įmones. Teisinė spauda, knygos ir kita naujajam režimui nepriimtina Latvijos Respublikoje išleista literatūra turėjo būti pašalinta iš žydų bibliotekų ir knygynų bei paversta makulatūra. Kai Latvijoje įsigaliojo nacių režimas (1941–1945 m.), visos žydų knygų kolekcijos, įskaitant ir privačias, kaip priešingos nacių pasaulėžiūrai, buvo konfiskuotos, surinktos ir surūšiuotos. Neutralūs spaudiniai, kurių autoriai, leidėjai ar redaktoriai – ne žydai, buvo dosniai dovanojami mokykloms, kareivinėms, ligoninėms, mokslinių tyrimų institutams ir bibliotekoms. Visų darbų, kurių autoriai – žydai, buvo paliekamos tik kelios kopijos – tiek, kiek jų reikėjo nacių institucijoms (daugiausia Žydų klausimo tyrimo institutui Frankfurte prie Maino ir Rosenbergo Rytų bibliotekai) ir tam tikroms kitoms bibliotekoms, įskaitant Žemės biblioteką Rygoje. Perteklinės kopijos buvo likviduojamos, o bendras nacių planas buvo išrauti su šaknimis žydų literatūrą išviso okupuoto rytinio regiono. Pasibaigus Antrajam pasauliniam karui, toliau buvo dalijamos nacių užgrobtos ir kitur perkeltos žydų kolekcijos. Sovietų kariuomenės taryba didžiąją Rosenbergo Rytų bibliotekos dalį perkėlė į Minską ir perdavė ją didžiausioms Baltarusijos mokslinėms bibliotekoms. Kadangi visa žydų bendruomenė Latvijoje buvo išnaikinta Holokausto metu, pagal susitarimo memorandumą, kurį pasirašė JAV karinė vyriausybė okupuotai Vokietijai, Žydų turto restitucijos ir Žydų kultūros atkūrimo organizacijos, literatūra, priklausanti Žydų klausimo tyrimo instituto bibliotekai, buvo išdalyta įvairioms bibliotekoms, universitetams, religinėms organizacijoms Izraelyje, JAV ir kitose šalyse. Nors visos šios knygos turėjo būti pažymėtos „Žydų kultūros atkūrimo“ ekslibrisu, daugelis bibliotekų šio reikalavimo nesilaikė. Dėl šios priežasties sudėtinga nustatyti šių knygų nuosavybę. Antrasis pasaulinis karas ir okupaciniai režimai visiškai pakeitė Latvijos bibliotekų tinklą ir struktūrą. Dėl bibliotekų perkėlimo, cenzūros ir niokojančių karo veiksmų buvo prarasta daug istorinių kolekcijų, įskaitant ir Latvijos žydų sukauptas kolekcijas
In the article, the role of the Commission of Book History in the establishment and sustainable d... more In the article, the role of the Commission of Book History in the establishment and sustainable devel-opment of the Latvian book science is considered. The minutes of meetings and other materials of the Commission (they have been preserved in the National Library of Latvia) give evidence about the estab-lishment of the Commission in 1965, its tasks, chairmen and most active participants, its principles and trends of work, initiated academic activities, discussed research works and upcoming publications, as well as about the abolishment of the Commission in 1990. The article gives information on particular decisions of the Commission, which had a significant impact on the further research of Latvian book history.
In the Soviet Latvia (1940–1941, 1944–1990), as in other Communist-occupied countries, alongside ... more In the Soviet Latvia (1940–1941, 1944–1990), as in other Communist-occupied countries, alongside with officially allowed media circulated alternative sources of information – forbidden and secret publications, works of cultural and intellectual movements sharply criticized or concealed by the Soviet power, etc. This paper considers storage and use of books and periodicals, published in the independent Republic of Latvia (1918–1940) and forbidden during the Soviet period. Legally this literature was accessible only at three major research libraries of the Latvian SSR to researchers and specialists with special permissions. Other professional and social groups could reach it illegally – at secret storage places of different libraries, black book markets as well as home libraries. Along with publications in the press, the archive of the central censorship body (the Main Literature Board of the Latvian SSR) and library documents, interviews with librarians and historians are used in t...
Pētījumā analizēta nacionālsociālistiskās partijas ideoloģiskajam vadītājam Alfrēdam Rozenbergam ... more Pētījumā analizēta nacionālsociālistiskās partijas ideoloģiskajam vadītājam Alfrēdam Rozenbergam padotā Rozenberga štāba (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, ERR) darbība Latvijā nacistiskās okupācijas laikā 1941.−1944. gadā. 1940. gada jūlijā Parīzē dibinātās organizācijas mērķis bija apzināt un pārņemt nacistu politisko un ideoloģisko “pretinieku” (ebreju, komunistu, brīvmūrnieku, vācu politisko emigrantu u.c.) bibliotēkas, arhīvus, mākslas priekšmetus nacistu pētnieciskajam, izglītojošajam darbam, kā arī propagandai. Faktiski ERR funkcijas bija plašākas: tas noteica, reģistrēja kartotēkās arī citas svarīgas kultūras vērtības nacistu okupētajās teritorijās un organizēja to pār-vietošanu uz Vāciju. Turklāt tas vadīja nacisma ideoloģijai nevēlamās literatūras, kā arī mākslas darbu izņemšanu no apgrozības un iznīcināšanu. Izmantojot divas lielākās Rozenberga štāba dokumentu kolekcijas, kas glabājas Ukrainas valsts augstāko varas iestāžu un valdības arhīvā un Vācijas Federālajā arhīvā...
The purpose of the present article is to determine changes in book publication and reading habits... more The purpose of the present article is to determine changes in book publication and reading habits in Latvia from the end of the 1980s onwards – a period characterized by the gradual shrinkage of the dictate of state authorities and political censorship, Latvia regaining independence in 1990 and the first years of the independent republic (up to 1995) involving the transition from the centrally planned economy to the free market economy, when the publishing houses which were established in Soviet times made attempts to pursue new development paths, whereas the newly-established ones tried to put down their roots in the publishing business.
THE COMMISSION OF BOOK HISTORY (1966−1990) AS THE LATVIAN BOOK SCIENCE PROMOTER JANA DREIMANE Abs... more THE COMMISSION OF BOOK HISTORY (1966−1990) AS THE LATVIAN BOOK SCIENCE PROMOTER JANA DREIMANE Abstract In the article, the role of the Commission of Book History in the establishment and sustainable development of the Latvian book science is considered. The minutes of meetings and other materials of the Commission (they have been preserved in the National Library of Latvia) give evidence about the establishment of the Commission in 1965, its tasks, chairmen and most active participants, its principles and trends of work, initiated academic activities, discussed research works and upcoming publications, as well as about the abolishment of the Commission in 1990. The article gives information on particular decisions of the Commission, which had a significant impact on the further research of Latvian book history. Key words: Latvian book science, history of Latvian book, Latvian book publishing, National Library of Latvia, Academic Library of the University of Latvia
51 Jana Dreimane Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka [email protected] ... Sevišķi smagi 1946.gada 2... more 51 Jana Dreimane Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka [email protected] ... Sevišķi smagi 1946.gada 28.maija lēmums skāra bibliogrāfus, jo no visiem atlaistajiem trīs bija galvenie bibliogrāfi (Valda Cildermane, Zenta Šakare, Georgs Feders), kā arī vecākā bibliogrāfe Emīlija ...
The article is dedicated to one of the “blank pages” in the historiography of Latvian libraries −... more The article is dedicated to one of the “blank pages” in the historiography of Latvian libraries − the beginnings of children’s departments in public libraries and independent children’s libraries, from the idea, its implementation and the first twenty years of operation in the independent Republic of Latvia (1918−1940). As there are no academic or popular publications on this topic, the so-called historical method is used in the research, which allows the reconstruction of the emergence and development of Children’s departments in public libraries and children’s libraries in the context of the library sector’s development in Europe and the United States. The main base of the research: press articles and books of the respective period, as well as documents in the National Archives of Latvia on the children’s departments of Rīga public libraries. The study shows that the ideological justification for free children’s libraries in Latvia was the same as in Russia and Sweden: the public’...
Authors’ editions in the Latvian book publishing appear in the first half of the 19th century. Se... more Authors’ editions in the Latvian book publishing appear in the first half of the 19th century. Self-publishing flourished particularly during the Republic of Latvia (1918–1940). Unfortunately, in the years of the Soviet occupation (1940–1941; 1944–1990) it was forbidden. The tradition could continue only in exile, chosen by many Latvians at the end of World War II. Authors’ self-publishing activity in Latvia began anew after regaining national independence in 1990. So far, the topics related to authors’ editions have not been systematically studied in Latvia. This research is aimed to evaluate the strategies for self-publishing and distribution of works by Eduards Freimanis. He was the first exile writer who published his own works in Latvia after the renewal of independence. The paper describes not only the most important challenges, but also the attitude of contemporaries, colleagues and relatives towards the activities of the writer.
In the USSR-reoccupied Latvia (1944−1990), almost all the Latvian literature, published abroad af... more In the USSR-reoccupied Latvia (1944−1990), almost all the Latvian literature, published abroad after World War II, was forbidden to the general public. There were only two incomplete and restricted collections of emigration literature, available to prominent scientists and highest Soviet officials. As the Soviet censorship weakened in the late 1980s, libraries could begin start a systematic acquisition of exile books and some periodicals. The donation of the whole library of the Uppsala Latvian society to the State Library of Latvia (now the National Library of Latvia) in 1989, before the renewal of Latvia’s independence, started the flow of emigration books, documents, and artefacts to the memory institutions of Latvia, where the most important cultural heritage from the Latvian exile has found its home. Using the documents of the Uppsala Latvian Society kept at the National Archives of Latvia, the National Library of Latvia, and the Academic Library of the University of Latvia, th...
The National Library of Latvia14 K. Barona Street, Riga LV-1423, LatviaE-mail: Jana.Dreimane@lnb.... more The National Library of Latvia14 K. Barona Street, Riga LV-1423, LatviaE-mail: [email protected]Šeštojo dešimtmečio pabaigoje Latvijoje, kaip ir kitose sovietinėse respublikose bei Europoje, vyravo tendencija atskirti knygos mokslą ir jo unikalųtyrimų objektą – knygą – nuo visų kitų humanitarinių mokslų. Kuriant ir plėtojant Latvijos knygų mokslą svarbus vaidmuo teko Latvijos SSR valstybinei Bibliotekai (šiuo metu – Latvijos nacionalinė biblioteka, toliau ją vadinsime Valstybine biblioteka) bei LSSR mokslų akademijos fundamentinei bibliotekai (šiuo metu – Latvijos universiteto akademinė biblioteka, toliau ją vadinsime Fundamentine biblioteka); jose buvo atliekami vertingi ir išsamūs Latvijos knygos istorijos tyrimai. Ketvirtį amžiaus trukusi santykinai atvira ir stabili akademinėms diskusijoms aplinka leido įsteigti Knygos istorijos komisiją.1965 metų gruodžio 14 dieną keturi šios tyrimų srities entuziastai (Aleksejs Apīnis, Konstantīns Karulis, Kārlis Egle ir Eiženija Peile) pas...
The aim of the research is to find out the influence of the Nazi regime on preservation of histor... more The aim of the research is to find out the influence of the Nazi regime on preservation of historical book collections, which were established in Jewish societies, schools, religious organizations and private houses in Latvia until the first Soviet occupation (1940/1941). At the beginning, libraries of Jewish associations and other institutions were expropriated by the Soviet power, which started the elimination of Jewish books and periodicals published in the independent Republic of Latvia. The massive destruction of Jewish literature collections was carried out by Nazi occupation authorities (1941-1944/45), proclaiming Jews and Judaism as their main "enemies". However, digitized archives of Nazi organizations (mainly documents of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce) shows that a small part of the Latvian Jewish book collections was preserved for research purposes and after the Second World War scattered in different countries. Analysis of archival documents will clarify the Nazi strategy for Latvian Jewish book collections. It will be determined which book values survived the war and what their further fate in the second half of the 1940s was.
Tarybų Latvijoje (1940–1941, 1944–1990), kaip ir kitose komunistų okupuotose šalyse, kartu su ofi... more Tarybų Latvijoje (1940–1941, 1944–1990), kaip ir kitose komunistų okupuotose šalyse, kartu su oficialiai leidžiama žiniasklaida buvo platinami alternatyvūs informacijos šaltiniai, tokie kaip draudžiami ir slapti leidiniai, kultūros ir intelektinio judėjimo atstovų darbai, kuriuos Sovietų valdžia aštriai kritikavo arba slėpė nuo visuomenės. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami literatūros, išleistos nepriklausomos Latvijos Respublikos laikotarpiu (1918–1940) ir uždraustos sovietmečiu, laikymo ir skaitymo aspektai. Nepaisant pirmuoju okupacijos dešimtmečiu (1944–1954) vykdyto nepriklausomos Latvijos literatūros kūrinių bibliocido (literatūros kūrinių išėmimas iš apyvartos, jų naikinimas dideliais kiekiais, tik riboto kiekvieno uždrausto leidinio egzempliorių skaičiaus laikymas didžiausiose mokslinėse bibliotekose), laikui bėgant prieiga prie šio laikotarpio spausdintinių darbų tapo lengvesnė. XX amžiaus 8–9-ajame dešimtmetyje mokslininkams ir kvalifikuotiems specialistams buvo leidžiama gana lai...
The purpose of the present article is to determine changes in book publication and reading habits... more The purpose of the present article is to determine changes in book publication and reading habits in Latvia from the end of the 1980s onwards-a period characterized by the gradual shrinkage of the dictate of state authorities and political censorship, Latvia regaining independence in 1990 and the first years of the independent republic (up to 1995) involving the transition from the centrally planned economy to the free market economy, when the publishing houses which were established in Soviet times made attempts to pursue new development paths, whereas the newly-established ones tried to put down their roots in the publishing business.
This paper presents the most important changes in the library system of Latvia in the late 1980s,... more This paper presents the most important changes in the library system of Latvia in the late 1980s, when, as a result of a nonviolent struggle, Latvia regained full independence from the Soviet Union in 1990. Particular attention is paid to contributions by private foundations in the United States-the George Soros, Andrew W. Mellon, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations-to fulfill the main goal of library work: namely, helping to create a democratic society in which everyone has the opportunity to express their views and be able to freely access information. During the Soviet period, libraries were mainly agents of the dominant power; they were often forced to ignore the needs of Latvian society or even to work against them. The activities of libraries were strictly regulated and controlled. Latvian independence has allowed the libraries to end political censorship and strict control, and to independently determine their future directions and work methods. Political changes occurred so rapidly that the immediate normalization of professional work after fifty years of occupation was not possible. However, US private foundations supported strategically important areas of library work: automation and access to the internet, the creation of the State Unified Library Information System (SULIS), and the professional development of library staff. The US foundations, through requirements for the cofinancing of large-scale projects, also motivated state and municipalities in Latvia to increase their investment in libraries. The interest expressed in libraries by these foundations emphasized that Latvian libraries were vital. Consequently, targeted investments shortly after independence ensured the timely inclusion of the basic elements of the national library system-the National Library of Latvia and public, school, tained representations of history that did not comply with communist ideology. However, as these works reflected the actual situation in the USSR, they had to be kept in a special collection (specfonds, speciālās glabāšanas nodaļas), which was, in effect, a library within a library, with its own carefully selected and politically vetted staff, stock registers, catalogs, and reading rooms. These special collections were closed to other library employees and were located in the three largest research libraries
it was forbidden. The tradition could continue only in exile, chosen by many Latvians at the end ... more it was forbidden. The tradition could continue only in exile, chosen by many Latvians at the end of World War II. Authors' self-publishing activity in Latvia began anew after regaining national independence in 1990. So far, the topics related to authors' editions have not been systematically studied in Latvia. This research is aimed to evaluate the strategies for self-publishing and distribution of works by Eduards Freimanis. He was the first exile writer who published his own works in Latvia after the renewal of independence. The paper describes not only the most important challenges, but also the attitude of contemporaries, colleagues and relatives towards the activities of the writer.
[full article, abstract in English; abstract in Lithuanian] The aim of the research is to find ou... more [full article, abstract in English; abstract in Lithuanian] The aim of the research is to find out the influence of the Nazi regime on preservation of historical book collections, which were established in Jewish societies, schools, religious organizations and private houses in Latvia until the first Soviet occupation (1940/1941). At the beginning, libraries of Jewish associations and other institutions were expropriated by the Soviet power, which started the elimination of Jewish books and periodicals published in the independent Republic of Latvia. The massive destruction of Jewish literature collections was carried out by Nazi occupation authorities (1941-1944/45), proclaiming Jews and Judaism as their main “enemies”. However, digitized archives of Nazi organizations (mainly documents of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce) shows that a small part of the Latvian Jewish book collections was preserved for research purposes and after the Second World War scattered in different countries. Analysis of archival documents will clarify the Nazi strategy for Latvian Jewish book collections. It will be determined which book values survived the war and what their further fate in the second half of the 1940s was.[straipsnis ir santrauka anglų kalba, santrauka lietuvių kalba] Žydai buvo viena iš aktyviausių etninių grupių nepriklausomoje Latvijos Respublikoje. Jie buvo susibūrę į daugiau nei šimtą draugijų, užsiimančių švietimo, socialinės rūpybos, sporto ir atskirų profesijų interesų gynimo klausimais. Beveik kiekviename didesniame ir mažesniame mieste (net ir keliose parapijose) veikė sinagoga, t. y. žydų maldos namai. Žydų draugijos ir mokyklos buvo sukaupusios literatūros kolekcijas jidiš ir hebrajų kalbomis. Didžiausią biblioteką turėjo Rygos žydų švietimo draugija – jos fonduose 1930 m. buvo sukaupta daugiau nei 13 000 knygų. Masinis žydams priklausiusių knygų kolekcijų perkėlimas prasidėjo pirmaisiais sovietinės okupacijos metais (1940–1941 m.), uždarius visas draugijas ir privačias mokyklas bei nacionalizavus įmones. Teisinė spauda, knygos ir kita naujajam režimui nepriimtina Latvijos Respublikoje išleista literatūra turėjo būti pašalinta iš žydų bibliotekų ir knygynų bei paversta makulatūra. Kai Latvijoje įsigaliojo nacių režimas (1941–1945 m.), visos žydų knygų kolekcijos, įskaitant ir privačias, kaip priešingos nacių pasaulėžiūrai, buvo konfiskuotos, surinktos ir surūšiuotos. Neutralūs spaudiniai, kurių autoriai, leidėjai ar redaktoriai – ne žydai, buvo dosniai dovanojami mokykloms, kareivinėms, ligoninėms, mokslinių tyrimų institutams ir bibliotekoms. Visų darbų, kurių autoriai – žydai, buvo paliekamos tik kelios kopijos – tiek, kiek jų reikėjo nacių institucijoms (daugiausia Žydų klausimo tyrimo institutui Frankfurte prie Maino ir Rosenbergo Rytų bibliotekai) ir tam tikroms kitoms bibliotekoms, įskaitant Žemės biblioteką Rygoje. Perteklinės kopijos buvo likviduojamos, o bendras nacių planas buvo išrauti su šaknimis žydų literatūrą išviso okupuoto rytinio regiono. Pasibaigus Antrajam pasauliniam karui, toliau buvo dalijamos nacių užgrobtos ir kitur perkeltos žydų kolekcijos. Sovietų kariuomenės taryba didžiąją Rosenbergo Rytų bibliotekos dalį perkėlė į Minską ir perdavė ją didžiausioms Baltarusijos mokslinėms bibliotekoms. Kadangi visa žydų bendruomenė Latvijoje buvo išnaikinta Holokausto metu, pagal susitarimo memorandumą, kurį pasirašė JAV karinė vyriausybė okupuotai Vokietijai, Žydų turto restitucijos ir Žydų kultūros atkūrimo organizacijos, literatūra, priklausanti Žydų klausimo tyrimo instituto bibliotekai, buvo išdalyta įvairioms bibliotekoms, universitetams, religinėms organizacijoms Izraelyje, JAV ir kitose šalyse. Nors visos šios knygos turėjo būti pažymėtos „Žydų kultūros atkūrimo“ ekslibrisu, daugelis bibliotekų šio reikalavimo nesilaikė. Dėl šios priežasties sudėtinga nustatyti šių knygų nuosavybę. Antrasis pasaulinis karas ir okupaciniai režimai visiškai pakeitė Latvijos bibliotekų tinklą ir struktūrą. Dėl bibliotekų perkėlimo, cenzūros ir niokojančių karo veiksmų buvo prarasta daug istorinių kolekcijų, įskaitant ir Latvijos žydų sukauptas kolekcijas
In the article, the role of the Commission of Book History in the establishment and sustainable d... more In the article, the role of the Commission of Book History in the establishment and sustainable devel-opment of the Latvian book science is considered. The minutes of meetings and other materials of the Commission (they have been preserved in the National Library of Latvia) give evidence about the estab-lishment of the Commission in 1965, its tasks, chairmen and most active participants, its principles and trends of work, initiated academic activities, discussed research works and upcoming publications, as well as about the abolishment of the Commission in 1990. The article gives information on particular decisions of the Commission, which had a significant impact on the further research of Latvian book history.
In the Soviet Latvia (1940–1941, 1944–1990), as in other Communist-occupied countries, alongside ... more In the Soviet Latvia (1940–1941, 1944–1990), as in other Communist-occupied countries, alongside with officially allowed media circulated alternative sources of information – forbidden and secret publications, works of cultural and intellectual movements sharply criticized or concealed by the Soviet power, etc. This paper considers storage and use of books and periodicals, published in the independent Republic of Latvia (1918–1940) and forbidden during the Soviet period. Legally this literature was accessible only at three major research libraries of the Latvian SSR to researchers and specialists with special permissions. Other professional and social groups could reach it illegally – at secret storage places of different libraries, black book markets as well as home libraries. Along with publications in the press, the archive of the central censorship body (the Main Literature Board of the Latvian SSR) and library documents, interviews with librarians and historians are used in t...
Pētījumā analizēta nacionālsociālistiskās partijas ideoloģiskajam vadītājam Alfrēdam Rozenbergam ... more Pētījumā analizēta nacionālsociālistiskās partijas ideoloģiskajam vadītājam Alfrēdam Rozenbergam padotā Rozenberga štāba (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, ERR) darbība Latvijā nacistiskās okupācijas laikā 1941.−1944. gadā. 1940. gada jūlijā Parīzē dibinātās organizācijas mērķis bija apzināt un pārņemt nacistu politisko un ideoloģisko “pretinieku” (ebreju, komunistu, brīvmūrnieku, vācu politisko emigrantu u.c.) bibliotēkas, arhīvus, mākslas priekšmetus nacistu pētnieciskajam, izglītojošajam darbam, kā arī propagandai. Faktiski ERR funkcijas bija plašākas: tas noteica, reģistrēja kartotēkās arī citas svarīgas kultūras vērtības nacistu okupētajās teritorijās un organizēja to pār-vietošanu uz Vāciju. Turklāt tas vadīja nacisma ideoloģijai nevēlamās literatūras, kā arī mākslas darbu izņemšanu no apgrozības un iznīcināšanu. Izmantojot divas lielākās Rozenberga štāba dokumentu kolekcijas, kas glabājas Ukrainas valsts augstāko varas iestāžu un valdības arhīvā un Vācijas Federālajā arhīvā...
The purpose of the present article is to determine changes in book publication and reading habits... more The purpose of the present article is to determine changes in book publication and reading habits in Latvia from the end of the 1980s onwards – a period characterized by the gradual shrinkage of the dictate of state authorities and political censorship, Latvia regaining independence in 1990 and the first years of the independent republic (up to 1995) involving the transition from the centrally planned economy to the free market economy, when the publishing houses which were established in Soviet times made attempts to pursue new development paths, whereas the newly-established ones tried to put down their roots in the publishing business.
THE COMMISSION OF BOOK HISTORY (1966−1990) AS THE LATVIAN BOOK SCIENCE PROMOTER JANA DREIMANE Abs... more THE COMMISSION OF BOOK HISTORY (1966−1990) AS THE LATVIAN BOOK SCIENCE PROMOTER JANA DREIMANE Abstract In the article, the role of the Commission of Book History in the establishment and sustainable development of the Latvian book science is considered. The minutes of meetings and other materials of the Commission (they have been preserved in the National Library of Latvia) give evidence about the establishment of the Commission in 1965, its tasks, chairmen and most active participants, its principles and trends of work, initiated academic activities, discussed research works and upcoming publications, as well as about the abolishment of the Commission in 1990. The article gives information on particular decisions of the Commission, which had a significant impact on the further research of Latvian book history. Key words: Latvian book science, history of Latvian book, Latvian book publishing, National Library of Latvia, Academic Library of the University of Latvia
51 Jana Dreimane Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka [email protected] ... Sevišķi smagi 1946.gada 2... more 51 Jana Dreimane Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka [email protected] ... Sevišķi smagi 1946.gada 28.maija lēmums skāra bibliogrāfus, jo no visiem atlaistajiem trīs bija galvenie bibliogrāfi (Valda Cildermane, Zenta Šakare, Georgs Feders), kā arī vecākā bibliogrāfe Emīlija ...
The article is dedicated to one of the “blank pages” in the historiography of Latvian libraries −... more The article is dedicated to one of the “blank pages” in the historiography of Latvian libraries − the beginnings of children’s departments in public libraries and independent children’s libraries, from the idea, its implementation and the first twenty years of operation in the independent Republic of Latvia (1918−1940). As there are no academic or popular publications on this topic, the so-called historical method is used in the research, which allows the reconstruction of the emergence and development of Children’s departments in public libraries and children’s libraries in the context of the library sector’s development in Europe and the United States. The main base of the research: press articles and books of the respective period, as well as documents in the National Archives of Latvia on the children’s departments of Rīga public libraries. The study shows that the ideological justification for free children’s libraries in Latvia was the same as in Russia and Sweden: the public’...
Authors’ editions in the Latvian book publishing appear in the first half of the 19th century. Se... more Authors’ editions in the Latvian book publishing appear in the first half of the 19th century. Self-publishing flourished particularly during the Republic of Latvia (1918–1940). Unfortunately, in the years of the Soviet occupation (1940–1941; 1944–1990) it was forbidden. The tradition could continue only in exile, chosen by many Latvians at the end of World War II. Authors’ self-publishing activity in Latvia began anew after regaining national independence in 1990. So far, the topics related to authors’ editions have not been systematically studied in Latvia. This research is aimed to evaluate the strategies for self-publishing and distribution of works by Eduards Freimanis. He was the first exile writer who published his own works in Latvia after the renewal of independence. The paper describes not only the most important challenges, but also the attitude of contemporaries, colleagues and relatives towards the activities of the writer.
In the USSR-reoccupied Latvia (1944−1990), almost all the Latvian literature, published abroad af... more In the USSR-reoccupied Latvia (1944−1990), almost all the Latvian literature, published abroad after World War II, was forbidden to the general public. There were only two incomplete and restricted collections of emigration literature, available to prominent scientists and highest Soviet officials. As the Soviet censorship weakened in the late 1980s, libraries could begin start a systematic acquisition of exile books and some periodicals. The donation of the whole library of the Uppsala Latvian society to the State Library of Latvia (now the National Library of Latvia) in 1989, before the renewal of Latvia’s independence, started the flow of emigration books, documents, and artefacts to the memory institutions of Latvia, where the most important cultural heritage from the Latvian exile has found its home. Using the documents of the Uppsala Latvian Society kept at the National Archives of Latvia, the National Library of Latvia, and the Academic Library of the University of Latvia, th...
The National Library of Latvia14 K. Barona Street, Riga LV-1423, LatviaE-mail: Jana.Dreimane@lnb.... more The National Library of Latvia14 K. Barona Street, Riga LV-1423, LatviaE-mail: [email protected]Šeštojo dešimtmečio pabaigoje Latvijoje, kaip ir kitose sovietinėse respublikose bei Europoje, vyravo tendencija atskirti knygos mokslą ir jo unikalųtyrimų objektą – knygą – nuo visų kitų humanitarinių mokslų. Kuriant ir plėtojant Latvijos knygų mokslą svarbus vaidmuo teko Latvijos SSR valstybinei Bibliotekai (šiuo metu – Latvijos nacionalinė biblioteka, toliau ją vadinsime Valstybine biblioteka) bei LSSR mokslų akademijos fundamentinei bibliotekai (šiuo metu – Latvijos universiteto akademinė biblioteka, toliau ją vadinsime Fundamentine biblioteka); jose buvo atliekami vertingi ir išsamūs Latvijos knygos istorijos tyrimai. Ketvirtį amžiaus trukusi santykinai atvira ir stabili akademinėms diskusijoms aplinka leido įsteigti Knygos istorijos komisiją.1965 metų gruodžio 14 dieną keturi šios tyrimų srities entuziastai (Aleksejs Apīnis, Konstantīns Karulis, Kārlis Egle ir Eiženija Peile) pas...
The aim of the research is to find out the influence of the Nazi regime on preservation of histor... more The aim of the research is to find out the influence of the Nazi regime on preservation of historical book collections, which were established in Jewish societies, schools, religious organizations and private houses in Latvia until the first Soviet occupation (1940/1941). At the beginning, libraries of Jewish associations and other institutions were expropriated by the Soviet power, which started the elimination of Jewish books and periodicals published in the independent Republic of Latvia. The massive destruction of Jewish literature collections was carried out by Nazi occupation authorities (1941-1944/45), proclaiming Jews and Judaism as their main "enemies". However, digitized archives of Nazi organizations (mainly documents of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce) shows that a small part of the Latvian Jewish book collections was preserved for research purposes and after the Second World War scattered in different countries. Analysis of archival documents will clarify the Nazi strategy for Latvian Jewish book collections. It will be determined which book values survived the war and what their further fate in the second half of the 1940s was.
Tarybų Latvijoje (1940–1941, 1944–1990), kaip ir kitose komunistų okupuotose šalyse, kartu su ofi... more Tarybų Latvijoje (1940–1941, 1944–1990), kaip ir kitose komunistų okupuotose šalyse, kartu su oficialiai leidžiama žiniasklaida buvo platinami alternatyvūs informacijos šaltiniai, tokie kaip draudžiami ir slapti leidiniai, kultūros ir intelektinio judėjimo atstovų darbai, kuriuos Sovietų valdžia aštriai kritikavo arba slėpė nuo visuomenės. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami literatūros, išleistos nepriklausomos Latvijos Respublikos laikotarpiu (1918–1940) ir uždraustos sovietmečiu, laikymo ir skaitymo aspektai. Nepaisant pirmuoju okupacijos dešimtmečiu (1944–1954) vykdyto nepriklausomos Latvijos literatūros kūrinių bibliocido (literatūros kūrinių išėmimas iš apyvartos, jų naikinimas dideliais kiekiais, tik riboto kiekvieno uždrausto leidinio egzempliorių skaičiaus laikymas didžiausiose mokslinėse bibliotekose), laikui bėgant prieiga prie šio laikotarpio spausdintinių darbų tapo lengvesnė. XX amžiaus 8–9-ajame dešimtmetyje mokslininkams ir kvalifikuotiems specialistams buvo leidžiama gana lai...
The purpose of the present article is to determine changes in book publication and reading habits... more The purpose of the present article is to determine changes in book publication and reading habits in Latvia from the end of the 1980s onwards-a period characterized by the gradual shrinkage of the dictate of state authorities and political censorship, Latvia regaining independence in 1990 and the first years of the independent republic (up to 1995) involving the transition from the centrally planned economy to the free market economy, when the publishing houses which were established in Soviet times made attempts to pursue new development paths, whereas the newly-established ones tried to put down their roots in the publishing business.
This paper presents the most important changes in the library system of Latvia in the late 1980s,... more This paper presents the most important changes in the library system of Latvia in the late 1980s, when, as a result of a nonviolent struggle, Latvia regained full independence from the Soviet Union in 1990. Particular attention is paid to contributions by private foundations in the United States-the George Soros, Andrew W. Mellon, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations-to fulfill the main goal of library work: namely, helping to create a democratic society in which everyone has the opportunity to express their views and be able to freely access information. During the Soviet period, libraries were mainly agents of the dominant power; they were often forced to ignore the needs of Latvian society or even to work against them. The activities of libraries were strictly regulated and controlled. Latvian independence has allowed the libraries to end political censorship and strict control, and to independently determine their future directions and work methods. Political changes occurred so rapidly that the immediate normalization of professional work after fifty years of occupation was not possible. However, US private foundations supported strategically important areas of library work: automation and access to the internet, the creation of the State Unified Library Information System (SULIS), and the professional development of library staff. The US foundations, through requirements for the cofinancing of large-scale projects, also motivated state and municipalities in Latvia to increase their investment in libraries. The interest expressed in libraries by these foundations emphasized that Latvian libraries were vital. Consequently, targeted investments shortly after independence ensured the timely inclusion of the basic elements of the national library system-the National Library of Latvia and public, school, tained representations of history that did not comply with communist ideology. However, as these works reflected the actual situation in the USSR, they had to be kept in a special collection (specfonds, speciālās glabāšanas nodaļas), which was, in effect, a library within a library, with its own carefully selected and politically vetted staff, stock registers, catalogs, and reading rooms. These special collections were closed to other library employees and were located in the three largest research libraries
it was forbidden. The tradition could continue only in exile, chosen by many Latvians at the end ... more it was forbidden. The tradition could continue only in exile, chosen by many Latvians at the end of World War II. Authors' self-publishing activity in Latvia began anew after regaining national independence in 1990. So far, the topics related to authors' editions have not been systematically studied in Latvia. This research is aimed to evaluate the strategies for self-publishing and distribution of works by Eduards Freimanis. He was the first exile writer who published his own works in Latvia after the renewal of independence. The paper describes not only the most important challenges, but also the attitude of contemporaries, colleagues and relatives towards the activities of the writer.
Papers by Jana Dreimane