International journal of medical sciences, Oct 15, 2014
A sample of 200 undergraduate students in the age range of 18-23 yrs of five colleges of Parbhani... more A sample of 200 undergraduate students in the age range of 18-23 yrs of five colleges of Parbhani town of Marathwada region, Maharashtra State were studied. The data pertaining to the study were collected by personally interviewing the sample students based on open ended interview schedule and by administering on them the Battery of Academic Stress Scale (BASS) and SocioEconomic Status Scale. Irrespective of gender, 90 per cent of the students rated to have high level of academic stress followed by average level of it. Socioeconomic status of both the male and female students and inter-personal relations maintained by female students with peers, teachers and neighbors were found to have significant negative correlation with their academic stress. Types of family of the male students and the parenting practices adopted for the students also recorded to have significant negative correlation with their academic stress. Academic frustration was significantly higher in male students as compared to their female counterparts. Therefore, it becomes the prime responsibility of the parents, teachers and institutional authorities to come up with the appropriate strategic action to reduce stress of the students and also enable them to manage academic stress at ease without affecting their development and mental health. How to cite this paper : Bangale, Jaya and Patnam, Vishala (2014). Academic stress experienced by the undergraduate students and its influencing factors.
Two hundred rural teenage girls (15-17 yrs) who had attained menarche 2-4 yrs back were selected ... more Two hundred rural teenage girls (15-17 yrs) who had attained menarche 2-4 yrs back were selected at random from the purposely chosen 8 villages of Omerga taluka of Osmanabad district (MS). The data were collected by personally interviewing the sample girls. The age at menarche of these girls was between 13yrs and 14 yrs. Significantly a higher percentage of the middle income group (MIG) girls were guided by their families about menstrual management as compared to their counter part girls in the low income group(LIG). Irrespective of the economic status, considerably a low percentage of the rural girls were recorded to have special support with regard to diet, relaxation in doing household chores and affectionate/social treatment. The findings advocate that there is a great need to educate rural girls about pubertal changes and how to cope up with them prior to attaining menarche in order to have comfortable and healthy life.
International journal of medical sciences, Oct 15, 2014
Two hundred undergraduate students between the age group of 18-23 yrs were selected from randomly... more Two hundred undergraduate students between the age group of 18-23 yrs were selected from randomly chosen five colleges of Parbhani town of Marathwada region, Maharashtra State between the age group of 18-23 yrs by simple random sampling method with an intention to have the youth of diverse background in the sample. The data pertaining to the study were collected by personally interviewing the sample undergraduate students based on open ended interview schedule and by administering on them Mental Health Inventory, Self-Esteem Inventory and SocioEconomic Status Scale. No significant differences were recorded with respect to the mental health status of the students based on their socioeconomic status and gender. With respect to the various dimensions of mental health of the sample students and its magnitude based on their SES, significantly a higher percentage of the male students in low SES families assessed to have good group oriented attitude than their counterparts female students, while it was vice-versa with regard to the poor environmental mastery. On the other hand, in middle SES group, significantly a higher percentage of the female students were assessed to have good integration of personality, fair positive self-evaluation and group oriented attitude than their counterparts male students. However, significantly a higher percentage of the male students were recorded to have good group oriented attitude and fair autonomy as compared to the female students. Hence, there is a great need to provide strong and positive supportive social network of family, peers, lecturers and neighbourers to youth for helping them to have good mental health in addition to training them on relaxation strategies and techniques for combating with stress to empower them so as to lead a quality life.
... TAJ VERMA, PB KHADI, JS BARUAH, K. MAYURI, J. BANGALE, A. MANOCHA, MS BADIGER AND KV ASHALATH... more ... TAJ VERMA, PB KHADI, JS BARUAH, K. MAYURI, J. BANGALE, A. MANOCHA, MS BADIGER AND KV ASHALATHA ... Marathawada Agricultural University (Parbhani), Choudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (Hisar) and Assam Agricultural University (Jorhat ...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
One hundred and fifty rural children (76 female and 74 Male) in the age range of 9 – 12 yrs were ... more One hundred and fifty rural children (76 female and 74 Male) in the age range of 9 – 12 yrs were chosen at random from 5 villages of Parbhani District (MS) for studying involvement of rural children in recreational play activities and their views about it. The data related to the study were collected by personally interviewing of rural children based on structured and open ended interview schedule. It is obvious from the results that irrespective of gender higher percentage (54-86%) of rural children were observed to be involved in various outdoor play such as Lagori (86.66%) followed by Hide and Seek (85.33%),Chain game (84.00%), Running (83.33%), Kho-kho (80.66%), Chor Shipai (75.33%), Rassi khech (74.00%), Langadi (62), Kabbadi (68.66%), Blind fold (54.00%) for recreation purpose. Further it was observed that sample rural children sometimes used to play indoor play such as Stone games/ Sagargote (60.65%), Five corners (57.89%), Chimani udali bhoor (54.61%) and Bhatukali (47.72%) ...
Two hundred undergraduate youth (female 110 and male 90) between the age group of 18- 23 yrs were... more Two hundred undergraduate youth (female 110 and male 90) between the age group of 18- 23 yrs were selected from randomly chosen five colleges of Parbhani town of Marathwada region, Maharashtra state. The data were collected by personally interviewing the sample with open ended interview schedule and by administering on them Bisht Battery of Stress Scales (BBSS) and Socio-economic status scale. Irrespective of gender, more than half of the sample youth experienced high levels of academic, institutional, vocational, financial and achievement stress. On the whole, the female youth were found to have experienced more stress as compared to their counterparts male youth. Significant negative correlations were recorded between youth's socio- economic status of the family, types of parenting practices adopted for them, specialization in degree programme, academic achievement, types of family, kind of interpersonal relations with family, disciplinary styles adopted by the parents and int...
Two hundred urban teenage girls (15-17yrs) who had attained menarche two years back were selected... more Two hundred urban teenage girls (15-17yrs) who had attained menarche two years back were selected at random from purposely chosen 1 high school and 4 colleges of Parbhani city, of Maharashtra. The data were collected by personally interviewing the sample girls. The age at menarche of these girls was between 12 yrs. and 13 yrs. Significantly a higher percentage of the middle socioeconomic status group (MSES) girls were aware about menarche before its onset and ABOUT menstrual management as compared to their counterpart girls in low socioeconomic status group (LSES). Irrespective of the socioeconomic status, considerably a lower percentage of the LSES group of urban teenage girls were recorded to have special support particularly with regard to their nutrition, relaxation in doing household chores and affectionate social treatment. The findings of the study advocate that there is a great need to empower girls regarding pubertal changes and how to cope up with them prior to attaining menarche in order to have comfortable and healthy reproductive life. School based sex education programmes are also need to be conducted to provide scientific information about reproductive health care as adolescent girls of today are tomorrow's healthy women, mother, future of the society and great resource of the nation.
A sample of 200 undergraduate students in the age range of 18-23 yrs of five colleges of Parbhani... more A sample of 200 undergraduate students in the age range of 18-23 yrs of five colleges of Parbhani town of Marathwada region, Maharashtra State were studied. The data pertaining to the study were collected by personally interviewing the sample students based on open ended interview schedule and by administering on them the Battery of Academic Stress Scale (BASS) and SocioEconomic Status Scale. Irrespective of gender, 90 per cent of the students rated to have high level of academic stress followed by average level of it. Socioeconomic status of both the male and female students and inter-personal relations maintained by female students with peers, teachers and neighbors were found to have significant negative correlation with their academic stress. Types of family of the male students and the parenting practices adopted for the students also recorded to have significant negative correlation with their academic stress. Academic frustration was significantly higher in male students as compared to their female counterparts. Therefore, it becomes the prime responsibility of the parents, teachers and institutional authorities to come up with the appropriate strategic action to reduce stress of the students and also enable them to manage academic stress at ease without affecting their development and mental health. How to cite this paper : Bangale, Jaya and Patnam, Vishala (2014). Academic stress experienced by the undergraduate students and its influencing factors.
Two hundred rural teenage girls (15-17 yrs) who had attained menarche 2-4 yrs back were selected ... more Two hundred rural teenage girls (15-17 yrs) who had attained menarche 2-4 yrs back were selected at random from the purposely chosen 8 villages of Omerga taluka of Osmanabad district (MS). The data were collected by personally interviewing the sample girls. The age at menarche of these girls was between 13yrs and 14 yrs. Significantly a higher percentage of the middle income group (MIG) girls were guided by their families about menstrual management as compared to their counter part girls in the low income group(LIG). Irrespective of the economic status, considerably a low percentage of the rural girls were recorded to have special support with regard to diet, relaxation in doing household chores and affectionate/social treatment. The findings advocate that there is a great need to educate rural girls about pubertal changes and how to cope up with them prior to attaining menarche in order to have comfortable and healthy life.
Two hundred undergraduate students between the age group of 18-23 yrs were selected from randomly... more Two hundred undergraduate students between the age group of 18-23 yrs were selected from randomly chosen five colleges of Parbhani town of Marathwada region, Maharashtra State between the age group of 18-23 yrs by simple random sampling method with an intention to have the youth of diverse background in the sample. The data pertaining to the study were collected by personally interviewing the sample undergraduate students based on open ended interview schedule and by administering on them Mental Health Inventory, Self-Esteem Inventory and SocioEconomic Status Scale. No significant differences were recorded with respect to the mental health status of the students based on their socioeconomic status and gender. With respect to the various dimensions of mental health of the sample students and its magnitude based on their SES, significantly a higher percentage of the male students in low SES families assessed to have good group oriented attitude than their counterparts female students, while it was vice-versa with regard to the poor environmental mastery. On the other hand, in middle SES group, significantly a higher percentage of the female students were assessed to have good integration of personality, fair positive self-evaluation and group oriented attitude than their counterparts male students. However, significantly a higher percentage of the male students were recorded to have good group oriented attitude and fair autonomy as compared to the female students. Hence, there is a great need to provide strong and positive supportive social network of family, peers, lecturers and neighbourers to youth for helping them to have good mental health in addition to training them on relaxation strategies and techniques for combating with stress to empower them so as to lead a quality life.
International journal of medical sciences, Oct 15, 2014
A sample of 200 undergraduate students in the age range of 18-23 yrs of five colleges of Parbhani... more A sample of 200 undergraduate students in the age range of 18-23 yrs of five colleges of Parbhani town of Marathwada region, Maharashtra State were studied. The data pertaining to the study were collected by personally interviewing the sample students based on open ended interview schedule and by administering on them the Battery of Academic Stress Scale (BASS) and SocioEconomic Status Scale. Irrespective of gender, 90 per cent of the students rated to have high level of academic stress followed by average level of it. Socioeconomic status of both the male and female students and inter-personal relations maintained by female students with peers, teachers and neighbors were found to have significant negative correlation with their academic stress. Types of family of the male students and the parenting practices adopted for the students also recorded to have significant negative correlation with their academic stress. Academic frustration was significantly higher in male students as compared to their female counterparts. Therefore, it becomes the prime responsibility of the parents, teachers and institutional authorities to come up with the appropriate strategic action to reduce stress of the students and also enable them to manage academic stress at ease without affecting their development and mental health. How to cite this paper : Bangale, Jaya and Patnam, Vishala (2014). Academic stress experienced by the undergraduate students and its influencing factors.
Two hundred rural teenage girls (15-17 yrs) who had attained menarche 2-4 yrs back were selected ... more Two hundred rural teenage girls (15-17 yrs) who had attained menarche 2-4 yrs back were selected at random from the purposely chosen 8 villages of Omerga taluka of Osmanabad district (MS). The data were collected by personally interviewing the sample girls. The age at menarche of these girls was between 13yrs and 14 yrs. Significantly a higher percentage of the middle income group (MIG) girls were guided by their families about menstrual management as compared to their counter part girls in the low income group(LIG). Irrespective of the economic status, considerably a low percentage of the rural girls were recorded to have special support with regard to diet, relaxation in doing household chores and affectionate/social treatment. The findings advocate that there is a great need to educate rural girls about pubertal changes and how to cope up with them prior to attaining menarche in order to have comfortable and healthy life.
International journal of medical sciences, Oct 15, 2014
Two hundred undergraduate students between the age group of 18-23 yrs were selected from randomly... more Two hundred undergraduate students between the age group of 18-23 yrs were selected from randomly chosen five colleges of Parbhani town of Marathwada region, Maharashtra State between the age group of 18-23 yrs by simple random sampling method with an intention to have the youth of diverse background in the sample. The data pertaining to the study were collected by personally interviewing the sample undergraduate students based on open ended interview schedule and by administering on them Mental Health Inventory, Self-Esteem Inventory and SocioEconomic Status Scale. No significant differences were recorded with respect to the mental health status of the students based on their socioeconomic status and gender. With respect to the various dimensions of mental health of the sample students and its magnitude based on their SES, significantly a higher percentage of the male students in low SES families assessed to have good group oriented attitude than their counterparts female students, while it was vice-versa with regard to the poor environmental mastery. On the other hand, in middle SES group, significantly a higher percentage of the female students were assessed to have good integration of personality, fair positive self-evaluation and group oriented attitude than their counterparts male students. However, significantly a higher percentage of the male students were recorded to have good group oriented attitude and fair autonomy as compared to the female students. Hence, there is a great need to provide strong and positive supportive social network of family, peers, lecturers and neighbourers to youth for helping them to have good mental health in addition to training them on relaxation strategies and techniques for combating with stress to empower them so as to lead a quality life.
... TAJ VERMA, PB KHADI, JS BARUAH, K. MAYURI, J. BANGALE, A. MANOCHA, MS BADIGER AND KV ASHALATH... more ... TAJ VERMA, PB KHADI, JS BARUAH, K. MAYURI, J. BANGALE, A. MANOCHA, MS BADIGER AND KV ASHALATHA ... Marathawada Agricultural University (Parbhani), Choudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (Hisar) and Assam Agricultural University (Jorhat ...
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
One hundred and fifty rural children (76 female and 74 Male) in the age range of 9 – 12 yrs were ... more One hundred and fifty rural children (76 female and 74 Male) in the age range of 9 – 12 yrs were chosen at random from 5 villages of Parbhani District (MS) for studying involvement of rural children in recreational play activities and their views about it. The data related to the study were collected by personally interviewing of rural children based on structured and open ended interview schedule. It is obvious from the results that irrespective of gender higher percentage (54-86%) of rural children were observed to be involved in various outdoor play such as Lagori (86.66%) followed by Hide and Seek (85.33%),Chain game (84.00%), Running (83.33%), Kho-kho (80.66%), Chor Shipai (75.33%), Rassi khech (74.00%), Langadi (62), Kabbadi (68.66%), Blind fold (54.00%) for recreation purpose. Further it was observed that sample rural children sometimes used to play indoor play such as Stone games/ Sagargote (60.65%), Five corners (57.89%), Chimani udali bhoor (54.61%) and Bhatukali (47.72%) ...
Two hundred undergraduate youth (female 110 and male 90) between the age group of 18- 23 yrs were... more Two hundred undergraduate youth (female 110 and male 90) between the age group of 18- 23 yrs were selected from randomly chosen five colleges of Parbhani town of Marathwada region, Maharashtra state. The data were collected by personally interviewing the sample with open ended interview schedule and by administering on them Bisht Battery of Stress Scales (BBSS) and Socio-economic status scale. Irrespective of gender, more than half of the sample youth experienced high levels of academic, institutional, vocational, financial and achievement stress. On the whole, the female youth were found to have experienced more stress as compared to their counterparts male youth. Significant negative correlations were recorded between youth's socio- economic status of the family, types of parenting practices adopted for them, specialization in degree programme, academic achievement, types of family, kind of interpersonal relations with family, disciplinary styles adopted by the parents and int...
Two hundred urban teenage girls (15-17yrs) who had attained menarche two years back were selected... more Two hundred urban teenage girls (15-17yrs) who had attained menarche two years back were selected at random from purposely chosen 1 high school and 4 colleges of Parbhani city, of Maharashtra. The data were collected by personally interviewing the sample girls. The age at menarche of these girls was between 12 yrs. and 13 yrs. Significantly a higher percentage of the middle socioeconomic status group (MSES) girls were aware about menarche before its onset and ABOUT menstrual management as compared to their counterpart girls in low socioeconomic status group (LSES). Irrespective of the socioeconomic status, considerably a lower percentage of the LSES group of urban teenage girls were recorded to have special support particularly with regard to their nutrition, relaxation in doing household chores and affectionate social treatment. The findings of the study advocate that there is a great need to empower girls regarding pubertal changes and how to cope up with them prior to attaining menarche in order to have comfortable and healthy reproductive life. School based sex education programmes are also need to be conducted to provide scientific information about reproductive health care as adolescent girls of today are tomorrow's healthy women, mother, future of the society and great resource of the nation.
A sample of 200 undergraduate students in the age range of 18-23 yrs of five colleges of Parbhani... more A sample of 200 undergraduate students in the age range of 18-23 yrs of five colleges of Parbhani town of Marathwada region, Maharashtra State were studied. The data pertaining to the study were collected by personally interviewing the sample students based on open ended interview schedule and by administering on them the Battery of Academic Stress Scale (BASS) and SocioEconomic Status Scale. Irrespective of gender, 90 per cent of the students rated to have high level of academic stress followed by average level of it. Socioeconomic status of both the male and female students and inter-personal relations maintained by female students with peers, teachers and neighbors were found to have significant negative correlation with their academic stress. Types of family of the male students and the parenting practices adopted for the students also recorded to have significant negative correlation with their academic stress. Academic frustration was significantly higher in male students as compared to their female counterparts. Therefore, it becomes the prime responsibility of the parents, teachers and institutional authorities to come up with the appropriate strategic action to reduce stress of the students and also enable them to manage academic stress at ease without affecting their development and mental health. How to cite this paper : Bangale, Jaya and Patnam, Vishala (2014). Academic stress experienced by the undergraduate students and its influencing factors.
Two hundred rural teenage girls (15-17 yrs) who had attained menarche 2-4 yrs back were selected ... more Two hundred rural teenage girls (15-17 yrs) who had attained menarche 2-4 yrs back were selected at random from the purposely chosen 8 villages of Omerga taluka of Osmanabad district (MS). The data were collected by personally interviewing the sample girls. The age at menarche of these girls was between 13yrs and 14 yrs. Significantly a higher percentage of the middle income group (MIG) girls were guided by their families about menstrual management as compared to their counter part girls in the low income group(LIG). Irrespective of the economic status, considerably a low percentage of the rural girls were recorded to have special support with regard to diet, relaxation in doing household chores and affectionate/social treatment. The findings advocate that there is a great need to educate rural girls about pubertal changes and how to cope up with them prior to attaining menarche in order to have comfortable and healthy life.
Two hundred undergraduate students between the age group of 18-23 yrs were selected from randomly... more Two hundred undergraduate students between the age group of 18-23 yrs were selected from randomly chosen five colleges of Parbhani town of Marathwada region, Maharashtra State between the age group of 18-23 yrs by simple random sampling method with an intention to have the youth of diverse background in the sample. The data pertaining to the study were collected by personally interviewing the sample undergraduate students based on open ended interview schedule and by administering on them Mental Health Inventory, Self-Esteem Inventory and SocioEconomic Status Scale. No significant differences were recorded with respect to the mental health status of the students based on their socioeconomic status and gender. With respect to the various dimensions of mental health of the sample students and its magnitude based on their SES, significantly a higher percentage of the male students in low SES families assessed to have good group oriented attitude than their counterparts female students, while it was vice-versa with regard to the poor environmental mastery. On the other hand, in middle SES group, significantly a higher percentage of the female students were assessed to have good integration of personality, fair positive self-evaluation and group oriented attitude than their counterparts male students. However, significantly a higher percentage of the male students were recorded to have good group oriented attitude and fair autonomy as compared to the female students. Hence, there is a great need to provide strong and positive supportive social network of family, peers, lecturers and neighbourers to youth for helping them to have good mental health in addition to training them on relaxation strategies and techniques for combating with stress to empower them so as to lead a quality life.
Papers by Jaya Bangale