The aim of the article was to discuss scientist Marxist philosophy in Poland as one of the variet... more The aim of the article was to discuss scientist Marxist philosophy in Poland as one of the varieties of the broad trend of revisionism in Marxism. Its main goals and assumptions can be read as a modernization of dialectical materialism in the spirit of critical realism and critical rationalism. The achievements of Scientist Marxism were compared with the perspective of Humanist Marxism, considered in Poland to be the main version of Marxist revisionism, and also with assumptions of Poznań Methodological School, which is considered as local version of Analytical Marxism.
Authors: Krupecka I. Title: Crisis of Reference, or on Hermann Hesse's 'The Glass Bead ... more Authors: Krupecka I. Title: Crisis of Reference, or on Hermann Hesse's 'The Glass Bead Game'. Source: Przeglad Filozoficzno-Literacki ...
Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy listu Pico della Mirandoli O języku filozofów, skierowanego do Herm... more Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy listu Pico della Mirandoli O języku filozofów, skierowanego do Hermolausa Barbara. W pierwszej części tekstu zaprezentowano kontekst sporu, czyli znamienne dla epoki napięcie między filozofią a retoryką, oraz krytykę filozofii scholastycznej z perspektywy humanistów. Uwyraźnienie stanowiska Barbara pozwala uchwycić sedno sporu z Pikiem, mianowicie:jakiej prawdy – prawdy o czym – powinniśmy poszukiwać? Do analizy stanowiska Pika posłużyły wypreparowane z jego tekstu opozycje: wnętrze/zewnętrze, prawda/pozór, rozum/zmysły i popędy, filozofia/retoryka-sofistyka, człowiek rozumny/człowiek pospolity. Pozwala to uchwycić myśl Pika jako z założenia paradoksalną: okazuje się, że retoryka zarazem zakrywa istotę rzeczy i ją odkrywa. Jest jednocześnie przeszkodą i nieodzownym narzędziem poznania i wyrażania myśli. Dzieje się tak ze względu na nieuchronną historyczność ludzkiej myśli.
Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali, 2012
Abstract: The quixotic symbol and the question of the truth in its ideological and political func... more Abstract: The quixotic symbol and the question of the truth in its ideological and political function in "Defensa de la Hispanidad" of Ramiro de Maeztu - The main purpose of my essay is to present the concept of the truth, as expressed by Ramiro de Maeztu in his "Defensa de la Hispanidad", in the light of the quixotic symbol. I argue that if taken as a part of an ideological project of the Hispanidad, a spiritual empire, Don Quixote functions as a pharmakon, especially when related to the classical concept of the truth. There is, therefore, an immanent contradiction, inscribed into the Maeztu's ideological attitude: the ideal, embodied in the Spanish nation, is constituted by the quixotic will and faith, that are strictly subjective but the condition of its universality is the objective truth. This contradiction between two truth's concepts appears to be the ideological foundation of the Hispanidad.
TO SEE BEYOND THE HORIZON. BLAISE PASCAL AND THE QUESTION OF PERSPECTIVE The main purpose of this... more TO SEE BEYOND THE HORIZON. BLAISE PASCAL AND THE QUESTION OF PERSPECTIVE The main purpose of this paper is to present some aspects of Blaise Pascal’s thought, especially his skeptic theory of human natural cognition, as related to his comments on the question of perspective and his technique of permanent changing the points of view. I argue that Pascal’s practice as well as his theoretical considerations on the art of perspective and geometrical optics demonstrate not only some kind of skepticism but a possible starting point to get to the metaphysical, invisible order from the visible world (irrespective of the grace of God). The fundamental condition of such metaphysical discovery is the situation of the lack of sense, of the impossibility to find any definitive answer to any of the questions that our reasoning has to cope with. Pascal finds the paradigmatic example of this “reading the world” in which any visible or intelligible meaning is available in the figural interpretation ...
In this text, I would like to consider Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game in the perspective of ... more In this text, I would like to consider Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game in the perspective of crisis of reference. First, I would try to mark some basic oppositions that organize the novel (individualism-collectivism, concrete-abstraction, history-ahistorical), in which the Kastalian structure establishes itself and overpasses it’s principles at once. Second, I will present the Kastalian history as the realization of bricolage , which in the protagonist’s opinion is a kind of degenerated thought liberating itself from the concept of truth and disrupting the connection of signifiant and signifie . As a response there appears an attempt to find the lost meaning in the relation to the individual experience.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio I – Philosophia-Sociologia, Jun 10, 2019
¿Enactivismo y solidaridad? Algunas reflexiones en torno a la interculturalidad como liberación E... more ¿Enactivismo y solidaridad? Algunas reflexiones en torno a la interculturalidad como liberación Enaktywizm i solidarność? Kilka słów o międzykulturowości jako wyzwoleniu 2 La imagen del "hombre salvaje" medieval tenía su complemento en la visión del ser humano "cristiano" y ciudadano y se reflejaba en un castigo más terrible: ex-comunica, exclusión de la comunidad. Véase p. ej. B.
Iwona Krupecka On Constructing the History of National Philosophy. The Spanish Example Abstract T... more Iwona Krupecka On Constructing the History of National Philosophy. The Spanish Example Abstract The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the image of the history of Spanish philosophy as the national philosophy with its specific characteristics in the contemporary historiography. I focus on the moment of crystallization of the view in which the Spanish philosophy appeared as linked to such national features as practical, literary, and antisystemic attitude, or the tendency to discredit well known oppositions. It was at the turn of the 20th century, when from the ideological and not purely philosophical perspective some intellectuals raised the “problem of Spain”, reformulated by the Generation of 98 in their self-definition as the representatives of Spain itself. Every historiographic repetition of this image is actually the repetition of the dialectics of center and peripheries, whereas its reconstruction and genealogy let us understand the history of philosophy as determined b...
In this text, I try to amplify the perspective of intercultural philosophy with some consideratio... more In this text, I try to amplify the perspective of intercultural philosophy with some considerations from the field of enactivism. I assume that the enactivist point of view gives some new possibilities of establishing the principle of solidarity. I focus on the advantages of conceiving the human being as living autopoietic system: to live in and through interactions, to be the same and different at the same time, to transgress the difference between human and non-human living creatures. I also consider the possibility of invalidating the naturalistic fallacy.
The aim of the article was to discuss scientist Marxist philosophy in Poland as one of the variet... more The aim of the article was to discuss scientist Marxist philosophy in Poland as one of the varieties of the broad trend of revisionism in Marxism. Its main goals and assumptions can be read as a modernization of dialectical materialism in the spirit of critical realism and critical rationalism. The achievements of Scientist Marxism were compared with the perspective of Humanist Marxism, considered in Poland to be the main version of Marxist revisionism, and also with assumptions of Poznań Methodological School, which is considered as local version of Analytical Marxism.
Authors: Krupecka I. Title: Crisis of Reference, or on Hermann Hesse's 'The Glass Bead ... more Authors: Krupecka I. Title: Crisis of Reference, or on Hermann Hesse's 'The Glass Bead Game'. Source: Przeglad Filozoficzno-Literacki ...
Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy listu Pico della Mirandoli O języku filozofów, skierowanego do Herm... more Artykuł stanowi próbę analizy listu Pico della Mirandoli O języku filozofów, skierowanego do Hermolausa Barbara. W pierwszej części tekstu zaprezentowano kontekst sporu, czyli znamienne dla epoki napięcie między filozofią a retoryką, oraz krytykę filozofii scholastycznej z perspektywy humanistów. Uwyraźnienie stanowiska Barbara pozwala uchwycić sedno sporu z Pikiem, mianowicie:jakiej prawdy – prawdy o czym – powinniśmy poszukiwać? Do analizy stanowiska Pika posłużyły wypreparowane z jego tekstu opozycje: wnętrze/zewnętrze, prawda/pozór, rozum/zmysły i popędy, filozofia/retoryka-sofistyka, człowiek rozumny/człowiek pospolity. Pozwala to uchwycić myśl Pika jako z założenia paradoksalną: okazuje się, że retoryka zarazem zakrywa istotę rzeczy i ją odkrywa. Jest jednocześnie przeszkodą i nieodzownym narzędziem poznania i wyrażania myśli. Dzieje się tak ze względu na nieuchronną historyczność ludzkiej myśli.
Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali, 2012
Abstract: The quixotic symbol and the question of the truth in its ideological and political func... more Abstract: The quixotic symbol and the question of the truth in its ideological and political function in "Defensa de la Hispanidad" of Ramiro de Maeztu - The main purpose of my essay is to present the concept of the truth, as expressed by Ramiro de Maeztu in his "Defensa de la Hispanidad", in the light of the quixotic symbol. I argue that if taken as a part of an ideological project of the Hispanidad, a spiritual empire, Don Quixote functions as a pharmakon, especially when related to the classical concept of the truth. There is, therefore, an immanent contradiction, inscribed into the Maeztu's ideological attitude: the ideal, embodied in the Spanish nation, is constituted by the quixotic will and faith, that are strictly subjective but the condition of its universality is the objective truth. This contradiction between two truth's concepts appears to be the ideological foundation of the Hispanidad.
TO SEE BEYOND THE HORIZON. BLAISE PASCAL AND THE QUESTION OF PERSPECTIVE The main purpose of this... more TO SEE BEYOND THE HORIZON. BLAISE PASCAL AND THE QUESTION OF PERSPECTIVE The main purpose of this paper is to present some aspects of Blaise Pascal’s thought, especially his skeptic theory of human natural cognition, as related to his comments on the question of perspective and his technique of permanent changing the points of view. I argue that Pascal’s practice as well as his theoretical considerations on the art of perspective and geometrical optics demonstrate not only some kind of skepticism but a possible starting point to get to the metaphysical, invisible order from the visible world (irrespective of the grace of God). The fundamental condition of such metaphysical discovery is the situation of the lack of sense, of the impossibility to find any definitive answer to any of the questions that our reasoning has to cope with. Pascal finds the paradigmatic example of this “reading the world” in which any visible or intelligible meaning is available in the figural interpretation ...
In this text, I would like to consider Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game in the perspective of ... more In this text, I would like to consider Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game in the perspective of crisis of reference. First, I would try to mark some basic oppositions that organize the novel (individualism-collectivism, concrete-abstraction, history-ahistorical), in which the Kastalian structure establishes itself and overpasses it’s principles at once. Second, I will present the Kastalian history as the realization of bricolage , which in the protagonist’s opinion is a kind of degenerated thought liberating itself from the concept of truth and disrupting the connection of signifiant and signifie . As a response there appears an attempt to find the lost meaning in the relation to the individual experience.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio I – Philosophia-Sociologia, Jun 10, 2019
¿Enactivismo y solidaridad? Algunas reflexiones en torno a la interculturalidad como liberación E... more ¿Enactivismo y solidaridad? Algunas reflexiones en torno a la interculturalidad como liberación Enaktywizm i solidarność? Kilka słów o międzykulturowości jako wyzwoleniu 2 La imagen del "hombre salvaje" medieval tenía su complemento en la visión del ser humano "cristiano" y ciudadano y se reflejaba en un castigo más terrible: ex-comunica, exclusión de la comunidad. Véase p. ej. B.
Iwona Krupecka On Constructing the History of National Philosophy. The Spanish Example Abstract T... more Iwona Krupecka On Constructing the History of National Philosophy. The Spanish Example Abstract The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the image of the history of Spanish philosophy as the national philosophy with its specific characteristics in the contemporary historiography. I focus on the moment of crystallization of the view in which the Spanish philosophy appeared as linked to such national features as practical, literary, and antisystemic attitude, or the tendency to discredit well known oppositions. It was at the turn of the 20th century, when from the ideological and not purely philosophical perspective some intellectuals raised the “problem of Spain”, reformulated by the Generation of 98 in their self-definition as the representatives of Spain itself. Every historiographic repetition of this image is actually the repetition of the dialectics of center and peripheries, whereas its reconstruction and genealogy let us understand the history of philosophy as determined b...
In this text, I try to amplify the perspective of intercultural philosophy with some consideratio... more In this text, I try to amplify the perspective of intercultural philosophy with some considerations from the field of enactivism. I assume that the enactivist point of view gives some new possibilities of establishing the principle of solidarity. I focus on the advantages of conceiving the human being as living autopoietic system: to live in and through interactions, to be the same and different at the same time, to transgress the difference between human and non-human living creatures. I also consider the possibility of invalidating the naturalistic fallacy.
Papers by Iwona Krupecka