Papers by Iwona Bryczkowska
Physiological Research, Mar 22, 2019
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exposure to 30 daily whole body cryostimulat... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exposure to 30 daily whole body cryostimulation (WBC) on lipid metabolic parameters and serum HSP-70 concentration. The study involved 45 volunteers, homogeneous in terms of diet and daily physical activity. Blood samples were collected before and after the 10 th , the 20 th , and the 30 th session and one month after the intervention. Total cholesterol, HDL, TG concentrations and Apolipoprotein A-I, ApoB and HSP-70 protein levels were determined in serum. Additionally, the LI (Lipid Index) and the LDL level were calculated. During exposure, positive changes in the lipid profile that included a decrease in the TCh, initiated after the 20 th WBC session with a simultaneous decrease in TG and LDL levels, and an increase in the HDL concentration were observed. These changes were accompanied by a downward trend in the ApoB concentration and a decrease in the ApoB:ApoA-I ratio after 30 sessions. The nature of these changes persisted for a month after the exposure. The obtained results indicate metabolic benefits that result from prolonged exposure to cryogenic temperatures, confirming the postulate of using WBC in the regulation of lipid metabolism and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
<p>*statistically significant difference at p≤0.05;</p><p>**statistically signi... more <p>*statistically significant difference at p≤0.05;</p><p>**statistically significant difference at p≤0.01;</p><p>***statistically significant difference at p≤0.001; HB extracellular = plasma hemoglobin; HAP –haptoglobin.</p
<p>*statistically significant difference at p≤0.05;</p><p>**statistically signi... more <p>*statistically significant difference at p≤0.05;</p><p>**statistically significant difference at p≤0.01; RBC – red blood cells; HB – hemoglobin; HCT- hematocrit; MCV - mean corpuscular volume; MCH - mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC - mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; RDW - red blood cell distribution width; WBC – white blood cells; LYM - lymphocytes; MON – monocytes; GRA – granulocytes; PLT – thrombocytes.</p
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the relationship between serum adiponectin and... more Abstract: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the relationship between serum adiponectin and leptin concentrations and body composition, hematological indices and lipid profile parameters in adults. The study involved 95 volunteers (BMI from 23.3 to 53 kg/m2). Anthropometric parameters were measured: body weight and height, waist and hip circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, body fat mass (BMF), subcutaneous and visceral fat mass (SFM, VFM), lean body mass (LBM), skeletal muscle mass (SMM). In serum we determined adiponectin and leptin concentrations, extracellular hemoglobin, total bilirubin, as well as lipid metabolism (TCh, HDL-Ch, LDL-Ch, TG). Mean adipokine levels were significantly higher in women (p ≤ 0.01), adiponectin significantly negatively correlated
Copyright © 2015 Anna Lubkowska et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creat... more Copyright © 2015 Anna Lubkowska et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of six-month-long physical exercise programme with a two-time exposure to whole-body cryostimulation (WBC) in 20 sessions on antioxidant enzyme activities, lipid profile, and body composition changes in obese people (30 adult subjects; BMI = 30.39 ± 4.31 kg/m2). Blood samples were taken before the programme, one month following the exercise programme, before and after the first WBC treatment, six months following the exercise programme, after the second WBC treatment, and finally one month after the intervention. Six months of moderate aerobic activity combined with WBC did not change body mass or fat and lean body mass percentages, or circulating adiponectin, leptin, and resistin con...
Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2015
Radecka Aleksandra, Karakiewicz Anna, Bryczkowska Iwona, Lubkowska Anna. Analiza skladu ciala w k... more Radecka Aleksandra, Karakiewicz Anna, Bryczkowska Iwona, Lubkowska Anna. Analiza skladu ciala w kontekście stanu funkcjonalnego mieszkancow Domow Pomocy Spolecznej = Body composition analysis in the context of the functional state of the inhabitants of Social Welfare Homes. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(7):343-352 . ISSN 2391-8306. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.20152 http :// ojs . ukw . edu . pl / index . php / johs / article / view /2015%3 B 5%287%29%3 A343 -3 52 Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011–2014 Deklaracja. Specyfika i zawartośc merytoryczna czasopisma nie ulega zmianie. Zgodnie z informacją MNiSW z dnia 2 czerwca 2014 r., ze w roku 2014 nie bedzie przeprowadzana ocena czasopism naukowych; czasopismo o zmienionym tytule otrzymuje tyle samo punktow co na wykazie czasopism naukowych z dnia 31 grudn...
Physiological Research, 2019
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exposure to 30 daily whole body cryostimulat... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exposure to 30 daily whole body cryostimulation (WBC) on lipid metabolic parameters and serum HSP-70 concentration. The study involved 45 volunteers, homogeneous in terms of diet and daily physical activity. Blood samples were collected before and after the 10th, the 20th, and the 30th session and one month after the intervention. Total cholesterol, HDL, TG concentrations and Apolipoprotein A-I, ApoB and HSP-70 protein levels were determined in serum. Additionally, the LI (Lipid Index) and the LDL level were calculated. During exposure, positive changes in the lipid profile that included a decrease in the TCh, initiated after the 20th WBC session with a simultaneous decrease in TG and LDL levels, and an increase in the HDL concentration were observed. These changes were accompanied by a downward trend in the ApoB concentration and a decrease in the ApoB:ApoA-I ratio after 30 sessions. The nature of these changes persisted for a mo...
Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 2013
The aim of our research was to examine whether winter-swimming for fi ve consecutive months resul... more The aim of our research was to examine whether winter-swimming for fi ve consecutive months results in adaptational changes improving tolerance to stress induced by exposure to cryogenic temperatures during whole-body cryostimulation (WBC). The research involved 15 healthy men, with normal bodyweight, who had never been subjected to either WBC or cold water immersion. During the experiment, the participants were twice subjected to WBC (3 min/ Ϫ 130 ° C), namely before the winter-swimming season and after the season. Blood was taken seven times: In the morning before each cryostimulation, 30 min after each cryostimulation and the next morning. Additionally, control blood was collected in the middle of the winter season, in February. Our analysis concerned changes in hematological parameters as well as in reduced glutathione and oxidized glutathione, total oxidant status, total antioxidant status and in components of the antioxidant system: Superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione S-transferase and 8-Isoprostanes as a sensitive indicator of oxidative stress. We found signifi cant changes in hemoglobin concentration, the number of red blood cells, the hematocrit index and mean corpuscular volume of red blood cell and the percentage of monocytes and granulocytes after the winter swimming season. The response to cryogenic temperatures was milder after fi ve months of winter-swimming. The obtained results may indicate positive adaptive changes in the antioxidant system of healthy winter-swimmers. These changes seem to increase the readiness of the human body to stress factors.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Sep 14, 2015
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the relationship between serum adiponectin and leptin co... more The purpose of the study was to evaluate the relationship between serum adiponectin and leptin concentrations and body composition, hematological indices and lipid profile parameters in adults. The study involved 95 volunteers (BMI from 23.3 to 53 kg/m 2). Anthropometric parameters were measured: body weight and height, waist and hip circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, body fat mass (BMF), subcutaneous and visceral fat mass (SFM, VFM), lean body mass (LBM), skeletal muscle mass (SMM). In serum we determined adiponectin and leptin concentrations, extracellular hemoglobin, total bilirubin, as well as lipid metabolism (TCh, HDL-Ch, LDL-Ch, TG). Mean adipokine levels were significantly higher in women (p ≤ 0.01), adiponectin significantly negatively correlated with body height and weight, systolic blood pressure and absolute LBM and SMM values.
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Background. Multiple sclerosis (Ms), the most common cause of non-traumatic disability in adults,... more Background. Multiple sclerosis (Ms), the most common cause of non-traumatic disability in adults, is a chronic, complex neurological disease with a variable clinical course and several pathophysiological mechanisms. whole-body cryotherapy (wbc), due to its analgesic effects, is an increasingly popular form of rehabilitation for neurological patients, especially for those with Ms. Objectives. The following study attempted to evaluate the effect of 30 daily whole-body cryotherapy treatments (3 minutes at-130°c) on basic blood biochemical parameters and main antioxidant enzyme activity in the erythrocytes of Ms patients. Material and methods. Total protein, albumin, glucose and uric acid levels and lipid profile indicators: total cholesterol (Tch), HDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations, were determined with the enzymatic colorimetric method. The activity of erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes: soD1/cuzn-soD (superoxide dismutase), cAT (catalase), GPx (glutathione peroxidase), R-GssG (glutathione reductase), GsT (glutathione transferase), was assessed using kinetic methods before and after 30 daily wbc treatment in 30 patients. Results. Following a series of 30 wbc treatments, no significant changes in total protein, albumin, uric acid and glucose concentrations, total cholesterol and HDL-and LDL-fraction cholesterol levels and triacylglycerol concentration, as well as a significant increase in soD1 activity coupled with a trend for increased GsT activity, were observed in the group of patients. Conclusions. The results confirm the possibility of modulating the effect of this form of rehabilitation on the systemic antioxidant potential in multiple sclerosis patients.
Pomeranian Journal of Life Sciences
ABSTRAKTWstęp: Terapeutyczne fale ciśnieniowe są często stosowane w leczeniu różnych schorzeń ukł... more ABSTRAKTWstęp: Terapeutyczne fale ciśnieniowe są często stosowane w leczeniu różnych schorzeń układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego, niemniej jednak efekt biologiczny ich odziaływania wciąż nie został w pełni poznany. W przedstawionych badaniach oceniono wpływ fal dźwiękowych o różnej sile bodźca stosowanych w terapii falą ultradźwiękową (ultrasound therapy – UST) i pozaustrojową radialną falą uderzeniową (radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy – rESWT) na wysycenie tlenem tkanki mięśniowej i temperaturę powierzchniową w kontekście potencjalnego efektu troficznego przy użyciu spektroskopii bliskiej podczerwieni (near-infrared spectroscopy).Materiały i metody: Badaniem objęto 41 zdrowych ochotników, w tym 27 poddanych UST i 14 rESWT, w wieku 22–48 lat. Pomiar saturacji tkankowej i temperatury powierzchni obszaru mięśnia podgrzebieniowego wykonano 4-krotnie: bezpośrednio przed (T0) i po (T1) oraz 15 (T2) i 30 min po aplikacji bodźca (T3). Saturacje mięśni zmierzono na 2 głębokościach: 20 mm...
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine
The aim of this study was verification whether an 8-week-long swimming exercise training would in... more The aim of this study was verification whether an 8-week-long swimming exercise training would induce adaptive changes in body weight in rats and whether possible changes would depend on aquatic environment temperature and animal sex. The exercisetrained groups swam 4 minutes a day, five days a week during eight week of housing. Exercise was performed by swimming in glass tanks containing tap water maintained according to group at 5 ±2°C (cold group) and 36 ±2°C (thermal neutral group). Before and after each week of the experiment, rats were weighed. When comparing the nature of changes in the body weight of rats exposed to swimming exercise training in cold water, attention should be paid to their dependence on sex. There were statistically significant changes in the nature of changes in body weight between male rats and female rats of the cold group (5°C) as early as experimental week 2 until the end of the experiment (p < 0.001). Interestingly, the females exposed to swimming exercise training at 5°C were the only group in which an increase in body weight occurred during experimental week 8 in relation to baseline values.
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2015
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of six-month-long physical exercise programme w... more The aim of this study was to determine the effect of six-month-long physical exercise programme with a two-time exposure to whole-body cryostimulation (WBC) in 20 sessions on antioxidant enzyme activities, lipid profile, and body composition changes in obese people (30 adult subjects; BMI = 30.39 ± 4.31 kg/m2). Blood samples were taken before the programme, one month following the exercise programme, before and after the first WBC treatment, six months following the exercise programme, after the second WBC treatment, and finally one month after the intervention. Six months of moderate aerobic activity combined with WBC did not change body mass or fat and lean body mass percentages, or circulating adiponectin, leptin, and resistin concentrations. In response to intervention a significant decrease in the level of low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides was observed, with a slight increase in high-density lipoprotein concentration. The nature of changes in the activity of respective ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
The aim of this study was to verify whether eight-week-long swimming exercise training would eval... more The aim of this study was to verify whether eight-week-long swimming exercise training would evaluate the level of selected indicators of the pro-oxidant/antioxidant status in response to cold water in comparison with swimming under thermoneutral conditions in sedentary male and female elderly rats. The exercise-trained groups swam four min/day and five days a week during eight weeks of housing. Exercise was performed by swimming in glass tanks containing tap water maintained according to group at 5 °C and 36 °C. At the end of treatment (48 h after the last session), all rats were anaesthetized. The level of chosen biomarkers of oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme activity was determined in the red blood cells and plasma. The results of study show that female rats seem to be better adapted to changing thermal conditions of the environment, developing not only morphological, but also antioxidant, defense mechanisms, mainly in the form of increased erythrocyte superoxide dismutase...
Papers by Iwona Bryczkowska