PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) is a company engaged in the field of natural gas transmission... more PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) is a company engaged in the field of natural gas transmission and distribution in Indonesia. One of the sales offices is in Semarang, Central Java. Administrative activities in a service company like PGN really need to be considered. One such activity is the management and distribution of archives. Archives are very useful for companies in various activities. The purpose of this research is to provide convenience in the management and distribution of archives at PGN area Semarang. This study designed a dynamic archive distribution application using software Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 with rapid application development (RAD) research methods. The results of this study provide efficiency in managing archives such as input, retrieval, and distribution of archives at PGN area Semarang.
Pesantren sebagai centre of socio religy dan ekonomi merupakan media di masyarakat yang mampu mem... more Pesantren sebagai centre of socio religy dan ekonomi merupakan media di masyarakat yang mampu memberikan contoh induksi pendidikan di masyarakat, baik dalam bidang religi maupun keekonomian, dalam usahanya sendiri membentuk kemandirian ekonomi[11]. Peran strategis ponpes dalam kajian model dalam kapasitas sebagai objek pengabdian akan menjadi percontohan demplot untuk mengajarkan masyarakat di lingkar Rawa Pening mengenai implementasi teknologi tepat guna bidang pendidikan dan produksi. Program kajian sosial-ekonomi dalam program pengabdian akan memiliki arah: a) terbentuknya pendekatan pendidikan yang berakar pada pengkayaan sains dan teknologi internet sebagai dasar kualitas pemahaman pendidikan ponpes dan lingkungan masyarakat di sekitarnya yang saat ini masih awam teknologi; b) pemanfaatan enceng gondok sebagai pupuk organik yang memiliki pasar agribisnis yang masih terbuka luas; penciptaan alternatif pakan ternak baru bagi penduduk lingkar rawa pening dengan bahan utama serat e...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Dan Teknologi Fakultas Teknik, 2014
Pengembangan batik cap perlu didorong untuk bersaing dengan batik printing dari luar negeri agar ... more Pengembangan batik cap perlu didorong untuk bersaing dengan batik printing dari luar negeri agar menjamin penghidupan para pengrajin cating batik cap dan pembatik serta pelestarian warisan budaya dan seni batik yang telah diakui dunia. Upaya strategis yang perlu dilakukan adalah inovasi teknik pembuatan canting batik cap dan alternatif bahan utama pembuatan canting batik cap. Bahan alternatif pembuatan canting batik cap telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahawa bahan acrylic, kayu (jati), dan baja.dapat direkomendasikan sebagai bahan alternatif pembuatan canting batik cap dengan cara pembuatan menggunakan mesin CNC milling.
National creative industry roadmap has several crucial aspects of the key, one of which is the de... more National creative industry roadmap has several crucial aspects of the key, one of which is the development of character capabilities businessmen (Iwan Hermawan et al, 2014), so the study of existing research to provide a description of the characteristics of behavior, thought patterns, and lifestyles of enterpreneur the current creative in order to build a strategic business performance is to be done. Direction of this research is to define empirically the factors forming the entrepreneurial capabilities of creative industries and its impact on business performance. The sample in this study is the entrepreneurial creative industries cluster in clusters of art and creative technology in three cities in Indonesia, including Denpasar, Jogjakarta and Surakarta. The results of factor analysis to define the presence of three factors-forming capabilities of the national entrepreneurial creative industries, including: (1) factor of internal management-risk management, (2) factor independence and antiplagiarism design, and (3) the unique design and the ideas of renewable on products. ANOVA F test refute the existence of significant influence on the performance capabilities of entrepreneurial efforts of national creative industries, which the factor of internal management-risk management is the dominant factor contributing influence in shaping the creative industry business performance. Some other fact of descriptive research are national entrepreneurs have understood the concept, the idea, and the knowledge as the main driver to have a acceleration aspect of national creative economy, entrepreneurs also understand the importance of self-reliance and anti-plagiarism design, but on the other hand the majority of them have dominant of the external of locus of control.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Early Childhood Education. Semarang Early Childhood Research and Education Talks (SECRET 2018), 2018
This research discusses about the building factors of digital literacy competentses for parents. ... more This research discusses about the building factors of digital literacy competentses for parents. The sample of this research were 45 correspondences, using a random sampling method. This research shows the forming factors of digital literacy on parents by using multivariate approach in the form of factor analysis on parents which resulted in the scientific fact that there were three forming factors of digital literacy on parents. The first factor consists of interaction with gadgets (0.615 loading factor), downloading applications in the gadgets (0.67 loading factor), using Internet Explorer to find information (0.611 loading factor), using social media as a discussion platform (0.704 loading factor), using all of the applications (0.578 loading factor), using a Personal Hotspot (0.639 loading factor). Those first six factors will be called the capability of using gadgets and internet factors. The second factor consists of assistance in using gadgets (0.861 loading factor) which will be called the time availability to assist in accessing information. The third factor consists of digital literacy factors (-0.574 loading factor) and choosing educative websites for children (0.772 loading factor) which will be called the selection of quality literacy contents. Based on the result of the Paired Sample T-Test with the significance level of 0.000, there is a significant difference between before and after Parenting Program was executed, which was 11.8368.
Entrepreneurship in online business is related to the rapidly growing number of internet literac... more Entrepreneurship in online business is related to the rapidly growing number of internet literacy in Indonesia. Currently, 160 million people access the internet, making Indonesia an economical cake that creates a potential market. It encourages market competition and innovation in the red zone. Competition triggers business actors, including entrepreneurs, to rethink the strategies applied to win market competition relevant to the current phenomenon. The research question is related to how online business entrepreneurs take advantage of innovation to survive the business turbulence, such as developing technology, changing regulations, market tastes, and the need for social distancing in a pandemic situation. Innovative Entrepreneurship (IE), initially inspired by Schumpeter and Lumpkin Dess, is now further transformed by the evolution of generations from generation X to generation Y (millennial generation). Millennials have different characters and lifestyles, so that in terms of ...
The application of technology will have a direct strategic impact on the organization. Informatio... more The application of technology will have a direct strategic impact on the organization. Information technology in the context of infrastructure refers to applications used to create, process, store, and disseminate knowledge to organizations. The capability of information technology will encourage the effectiveness of organizations in creating a competitive advantage. The research direction is to uncover the influence of Information Technology Capability (ITC) on Readiness to Change (RTC) of organizations mediated by the existence of the role of Leadership and Human Capital Effectiveness (HCE). These two big concepts are offered to bridge the research gap. The research sample was 166 design-based fashion manufacture industry in Central Java at the organizational level, consist of 49 males and 117 females respectively. Testing through the Structural Equation Model shows that Information Technology Capability (ITC) has an indirect influence on Readiness to Change (RTC) through Human Ca...
Innovation is an important element for creating new opportunities in a car industry business. Eac... more Innovation is an important element for creating new opportunities in a car industry business. Each year, vehicle manufacturers issue the latest types of vehicle models. The development of the number of cars in Indonesia is not in line with the sales of Datsun cars at Indomobil's Puri Anjasmoro Semarang branch. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of product innovation, lifestyle, and brand image on Datsun car purchasing decisions either simultaneously or partially. This research is a quantitative study using a questionnaire approach and literature study with a sample size of 71 respondents. The model used is multiple linear regression analysis Y = -1.129 + 0.105 X1 + 0.424 X2 + 0.510 X3. With the results of the F test, the sig value is 0.000 which shows that simultaneously the variable product innovation, lifestyle and brand image have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. The result of the determination coefficient (R2) is 76.3%, which means that the ...
Many residents of Siwatu Village of Batang Regency employ their land to produce catfish. This fis... more Many residents of Siwatu Village of Batang Regency employ their land to produce catfish. This fish is chosen because it can be harvested in a relatively short time with simple maintenance. However, being a catfish farmer is not as easy as imagined. Many obstacles have to be overcome, such as, lack of availability of seeds, the high cost of catfish feed, the lack of capital and the dominant role of loan sharks in the catfish trade in Siwatu. The paper objectives are to describe strategic steps in assisting catfish famers to survive in the industrial competition through innovation and entrepreneurship training. Solutions offered in the form of institutional strengthening, feed production innovation, increased value-added product, entrepreneurship training for the fish farmers and connecting to advisory agency.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, 2011
This research objectives are first, to determine the influence of potential fiscal (local revenue... more This research objectives are first, to determine the influence of potential fiscal (local revenue, general allocation fund, sharing fund, and other official local revenues) to local economic growth. Second, to study potential fiscal impact and local economic growth to its society welfare. The study took all population as it samples (116 cities in Java), ie: local budget realization of all cities in Java from 2007-2009 and uses panel data. Lisrel 8.54 is employed to analyze to form Structural Equation Modeling. The result shows that first, local revenues and sharing fund have positive influence to economic growth, while general allocation fund and other local revenues influence negatively to economic growth. Second, local revenues, general allocation fund and sharing fund have positive impact on local society welfare, while the other local revenues have no significant impact on it.
Purpose-While information technology (IT) has an important role in organizational development now... more Purpose-While information technology (IT) has an important role in organizational development nowadays, in many previous studies, it was not found to have a signifi cant direct eff ect on performance, thus producing a gap. The novelty of this study lies in building a conceptual model aimed at explaining the inconclusive gap research. Information technology in its capacity as infrastructure has the role of providing knowledge induction support to organizations, thus providing another dynamic concept, one of which is learning. In many previous studies, researchers completed the inconclusiveness gap of this research by using an approach derived from the organizational learning (OL) theory. However, this leaves a new inconclusiveness because the gap cannot be resolved just by ordinary organizational learning Sažetak Svrha-Informacijska tehnologija (IT) danas zauzima važnu ulogu u organizacijskom razvoju, ali u mnogim prethodnim istraživanjima nije pokazala značajniji izravan utjecaj na učinkovitost. Time je stvoren istraživački jaz. Novost ovog istraživanja jest izgradnja konceptualnog modela koji može objasniti prazninu u istraživanju. Informacijska tehnologija u svojstvu infrastrukture ima ulogu potpore poticanju znanja u organizacijama kroz dinamični koncept, od kojih je jedan učenje. U mnogim prijašnjim studijama istraživači su popunili prazninu koristeći pristup izveden iz teorije organizacijskog učenja (OL), no još uvijek postoje nedorečenosti jer se ovaj jaz ne može riješiti samo uobičajenim organizacijskim učenjem, već se odnosi na koncept kohezivnog nesvjesnog učenja. Kohezivni
The creative economy paradigm emphasizes the importance of ideas and intellectual property as an ... more The creative economy paradigm emphasizes the importance of ideas and intellectual property as an entrepreneurial prerequisite for being able to survive in fierce global competition. Today, an entrepreneur is required to create products with unique differences in power over competitors to stay alive in the industry. Organizational external and internal resources such as Information Technology (IT) and local culture are strategic asset sources that have an important role in building business performance. This study departs from the gap of research that is still inconclusive about the effect of IT on Organizational Performance (OP). The research direction offers novelty concepts from the perspective of resourcebased entrepreneurship theory. This paper offers the concept of Inimitable-based Innovative Entrepreneurship (IBIE),which in its ontology IBIE is the application of innovation distribution of product attributes sourced from the local nuances of design so that it becomes an iconic...
PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) is a company engaged in the field of natural gas transmission... more PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) is a company engaged in the field of natural gas transmission and distribution in Indonesia. One of the sales offices is in Semarang, Central Java. Administrative activities in a service company like PGN really need to be considered. One such activity is the management and distribution of archives. Archives are very useful for companies in various activities. The purpose of this research is to provide convenience in the management and distribution of archives at PGN area Semarang. This study designed a dynamic archive distribution application using software Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9.0 with rapid application development (RAD) research methods. The results of this study provide efficiency in managing archives such as input, retrieval, and distribution of archives at PGN area Semarang.
Pesantren sebagai centre of socio religy dan ekonomi merupakan media di masyarakat yang mampu mem... more Pesantren sebagai centre of socio religy dan ekonomi merupakan media di masyarakat yang mampu memberikan contoh induksi pendidikan di masyarakat, baik dalam bidang religi maupun keekonomian, dalam usahanya sendiri membentuk kemandirian ekonomi[11]. Peran strategis ponpes dalam kajian model dalam kapasitas sebagai objek pengabdian akan menjadi percontohan demplot untuk mengajarkan masyarakat di lingkar Rawa Pening mengenai implementasi teknologi tepat guna bidang pendidikan dan produksi. Program kajian sosial-ekonomi dalam program pengabdian akan memiliki arah: a) terbentuknya pendekatan pendidikan yang berakar pada pengkayaan sains dan teknologi internet sebagai dasar kualitas pemahaman pendidikan ponpes dan lingkungan masyarakat di sekitarnya yang saat ini masih awam teknologi; b) pemanfaatan enceng gondok sebagai pupuk organik yang memiliki pasar agribisnis yang masih terbuka luas; penciptaan alternatif pakan ternak baru bagi penduduk lingkar rawa pening dengan bahan utama serat e...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Dan Teknologi Fakultas Teknik, 2014
Pengembangan batik cap perlu didorong untuk bersaing dengan batik printing dari luar negeri agar ... more Pengembangan batik cap perlu didorong untuk bersaing dengan batik printing dari luar negeri agar menjamin penghidupan para pengrajin cating batik cap dan pembatik serta pelestarian warisan budaya dan seni batik yang telah diakui dunia. Upaya strategis yang perlu dilakukan adalah inovasi teknik pembuatan canting batik cap dan alternatif bahan utama pembuatan canting batik cap. Bahan alternatif pembuatan canting batik cap telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahawa bahan acrylic, kayu (jati), dan baja.dapat direkomendasikan sebagai bahan alternatif pembuatan canting batik cap dengan cara pembuatan menggunakan mesin CNC milling.
National creative industry roadmap has several crucial aspects of the key, one of which is the de... more National creative industry roadmap has several crucial aspects of the key, one of which is the development of character capabilities businessmen (Iwan Hermawan et al, 2014), so the study of existing research to provide a description of the characteristics of behavior, thought patterns, and lifestyles of enterpreneur the current creative in order to build a strategic business performance is to be done. Direction of this research is to define empirically the factors forming the entrepreneurial capabilities of creative industries and its impact on business performance. The sample in this study is the entrepreneurial creative industries cluster in clusters of art and creative technology in three cities in Indonesia, including Denpasar, Jogjakarta and Surakarta. The results of factor analysis to define the presence of three factors-forming capabilities of the national entrepreneurial creative industries, including: (1) factor of internal management-risk management, (2) factor independence and antiplagiarism design, and (3) the unique design and the ideas of renewable on products. ANOVA F test refute the existence of significant influence on the performance capabilities of entrepreneurial efforts of national creative industries, which the factor of internal management-risk management is the dominant factor contributing influence in shaping the creative industry business performance. Some other fact of descriptive research are national entrepreneurs have understood the concept, the idea, and the knowledge as the main driver to have a acceleration aspect of national creative economy, entrepreneurs also understand the importance of self-reliance and anti-plagiarism design, but on the other hand the majority of them have dominant of the external of locus of control.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Early Childhood Education. Semarang Early Childhood Research and Education Talks (SECRET 2018), 2018
This research discusses about the building factors of digital literacy competentses for parents. ... more This research discusses about the building factors of digital literacy competentses for parents. The sample of this research were 45 correspondences, using a random sampling method. This research shows the forming factors of digital literacy on parents by using multivariate approach in the form of factor analysis on parents which resulted in the scientific fact that there were three forming factors of digital literacy on parents. The first factor consists of interaction with gadgets (0.615 loading factor), downloading applications in the gadgets (0.67 loading factor), using Internet Explorer to find information (0.611 loading factor), using social media as a discussion platform (0.704 loading factor), using all of the applications (0.578 loading factor), using a Personal Hotspot (0.639 loading factor). Those first six factors will be called the capability of using gadgets and internet factors. The second factor consists of assistance in using gadgets (0.861 loading factor) which will be called the time availability to assist in accessing information. The third factor consists of digital literacy factors (-0.574 loading factor) and choosing educative websites for children (0.772 loading factor) which will be called the selection of quality literacy contents. Based on the result of the Paired Sample T-Test with the significance level of 0.000, there is a significant difference between before and after Parenting Program was executed, which was 11.8368.
Entrepreneurship in online business is related to the rapidly growing number of internet literac... more Entrepreneurship in online business is related to the rapidly growing number of internet literacy in Indonesia. Currently, 160 million people access the internet, making Indonesia an economical cake that creates a potential market. It encourages market competition and innovation in the red zone. Competition triggers business actors, including entrepreneurs, to rethink the strategies applied to win market competition relevant to the current phenomenon. The research question is related to how online business entrepreneurs take advantage of innovation to survive the business turbulence, such as developing technology, changing regulations, market tastes, and the need for social distancing in a pandemic situation. Innovative Entrepreneurship (IE), initially inspired by Schumpeter and Lumpkin Dess, is now further transformed by the evolution of generations from generation X to generation Y (millennial generation). Millennials have different characters and lifestyles, so that in terms of ...
The application of technology will have a direct strategic impact on the organization. Informatio... more The application of technology will have a direct strategic impact on the organization. Information technology in the context of infrastructure refers to applications used to create, process, store, and disseminate knowledge to organizations. The capability of information technology will encourage the effectiveness of organizations in creating a competitive advantage. The research direction is to uncover the influence of Information Technology Capability (ITC) on Readiness to Change (RTC) of organizations mediated by the existence of the role of Leadership and Human Capital Effectiveness (HCE). These two big concepts are offered to bridge the research gap. The research sample was 166 design-based fashion manufacture industry in Central Java at the organizational level, consist of 49 males and 117 females respectively. Testing through the Structural Equation Model shows that Information Technology Capability (ITC) has an indirect influence on Readiness to Change (RTC) through Human Ca...
Innovation is an important element for creating new opportunities in a car industry business. Eac... more Innovation is an important element for creating new opportunities in a car industry business. Each year, vehicle manufacturers issue the latest types of vehicle models. The development of the number of cars in Indonesia is not in line with the sales of Datsun cars at Indomobil's Puri Anjasmoro Semarang branch. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of product innovation, lifestyle, and brand image on Datsun car purchasing decisions either simultaneously or partially. This research is a quantitative study using a questionnaire approach and literature study with a sample size of 71 respondents. The model used is multiple linear regression analysis Y = -1.129 + 0.105 X1 + 0.424 X2 + 0.510 X3. With the results of the F test, the sig value is 0.000 which shows that simultaneously the variable product innovation, lifestyle and brand image have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. The result of the determination coefficient (R2) is 76.3%, which means that the ...
Many residents of Siwatu Village of Batang Regency employ their land to produce catfish. This fis... more Many residents of Siwatu Village of Batang Regency employ their land to produce catfish. This fish is chosen because it can be harvested in a relatively short time with simple maintenance. However, being a catfish farmer is not as easy as imagined. Many obstacles have to be overcome, such as, lack of availability of seeds, the high cost of catfish feed, the lack of capital and the dominant role of loan sharks in the catfish trade in Siwatu. The paper objectives are to describe strategic steps in assisting catfish famers to survive in the industrial competition through innovation and entrepreneurship training. Solutions offered in the form of institutional strengthening, feed production innovation, increased value-added product, entrepreneurship training for the fish farmers and connecting to advisory agency.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, 2011
This research objectives are first, to determine the influence of potential fiscal (local revenue... more This research objectives are first, to determine the influence of potential fiscal (local revenue, general allocation fund, sharing fund, and other official local revenues) to local economic growth. Second, to study potential fiscal impact and local economic growth to its society welfare. The study took all population as it samples (116 cities in Java), ie: local budget realization of all cities in Java from 2007-2009 and uses panel data. Lisrel 8.54 is employed to analyze to form Structural Equation Modeling. The result shows that first, local revenues and sharing fund have positive influence to economic growth, while general allocation fund and other local revenues influence negatively to economic growth. Second, local revenues, general allocation fund and sharing fund have positive impact on local society welfare, while the other local revenues have no significant impact on it.
Purpose-While information technology (IT) has an important role in organizational development now... more Purpose-While information technology (IT) has an important role in organizational development nowadays, in many previous studies, it was not found to have a signifi cant direct eff ect on performance, thus producing a gap. The novelty of this study lies in building a conceptual model aimed at explaining the inconclusive gap research. Information technology in its capacity as infrastructure has the role of providing knowledge induction support to organizations, thus providing another dynamic concept, one of which is learning. In many previous studies, researchers completed the inconclusiveness gap of this research by using an approach derived from the organizational learning (OL) theory. However, this leaves a new inconclusiveness because the gap cannot be resolved just by ordinary organizational learning Sažetak Svrha-Informacijska tehnologija (IT) danas zauzima važnu ulogu u organizacijskom razvoju, ali u mnogim prethodnim istraživanjima nije pokazala značajniji izravan utjecaj na učinkovitost. Time je stvoren istraživački jaz. Novost ovog istraživanja jest izgradnja konceptualnog modela koji može objasniti prazninu u istraživanju. Informacijska tehnologija u svojstvu infrastrukture ima ulogu potpore poticanju znanja u organizacijama kroz dinamični koncept, od kojih je jedan učenje. U mnogim prijašnjim studijama istraživači su popunili prazninu koristeći pristup izveden iz teorije organizacijskog učenja (OL), no još uvijek postoje nedorečenosti jer se ovaj jaz ne može riješiti samo uobičajenim organizacijskim učenjem, već se odnosi na koncept kohezivnog nesvjesnog učenja. Kohezivni
The creative economy paradigm emphasizes the importance of ideas and intellectual property as an ... more The creative economy paradigm emphasizes the importance of ideas and intellectual property as an entrepreneurial prerequisite for being able to survive in fierce global competition. Today, an entrepreneur is required to create products with unique differences in power over competitors to stay alive in the industry. Organizational external and internal resources such as Information Technology (IT) and local culture are strategic asset sources that have an important role in building business performance. This study departs from the gap of research that is still inconclusive about the effect of IT on Organizational Performance (OP). The research direction offers novelty concepts from the perspective of resourcebased entrepreneurship theory. This paper offers the concept of Inimitable-based Innovative Entrepreneurship (IBIE),which in its ontology IBIE is the application of innovation distribution of product attributes sourced from the local nuances of design so that it becomes an iconic...
Papers by Iwan Hermawan