The territories of Bila Tserkva district, located in the northeastern part of the right-bank Fore... more The territories of Bila Tserkva district, located in the northeastern part of the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, have been studied. This area is dominated by chernozems that are typically low-humus. In vegetable crops grown in Yosypivka and Tarasivka of Bila Tserkva district, which was exposed to radioactive contamination and is located in the southern part of Kyiv region, Central Forest-Steppe Ukraine, contamination of 137 Cs and 90 Sr were determined. The content of 137Cs and 90Sr in soils was studied, and the density of pollution of privately-owned vegetable plots in these villages was calculated. The transition coefficients of 137Cs and 90Sr radionuclides from the soil of typical chernozem into plants, in particular cucumbers, potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, tomatoes, and white cabbage, have been calculated and established, which makes it possible to calculate the transfer coefficients to vegetable crops to be grown in radioactively contaminated areas of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Reducing 137Cs and 90Sr radionuclides from soil to vegetable crops is one of the leading agricultural production tasks on lands contaminated with radionuclides. These studies make it possible to elucidate the current state of migration of these radionuclides in the "soil-plant" link of agroecosystems of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine for further forecasting.
Для виконання встановленої мети було здійснено відбір зразків продукції рослинництва та ґрунту на... more Для виконання встановленої мети було здійснено відбір зразків продукції рослинництва та ґрунту на приватних ділянках жителів сіл Йосипівка та Тарасівка. Досліджувані території Білоцерківського району розташовані у північно-східній частині правобережного Лісостепу України і представлені переважно чорноземами типовими малогумусними на лесах в межах межирічних рівнин. Встановлено забруднення 137 Cs і 90 Sr овочевої продукції, яка була вирощена на присадибних ділянках жителів сіл Йосипівка та Тарасівка Білоцерківського району, що зазнали радіоактивного забруднення та знаходяться у південній частині Київської області, Центрального Лісостепу України. З'ясовано вміст 137 Cs і 90 Sr у ґрунтах та встановлена щільність забруднення присадибних ділянок даних сіл. Обчислено та встановлено коефіцієнти переходу надходження радіонуклідів 137 Cs та 90 Sr із ґрунту чорнозему типового в рослини, зокрема огірки, картоплю, цибулю ріпчасту, буряк столовий, моркву, помідори, капусту білокачанну, що дає можливість на основі розрахованих коефіцієнтів переходу 137 Cs і 90 Sr спрогнозувати забруднення даними радіонуклідами продукції рослинництва, яка буде вирощуватися на радіоактивно забруднених територіях Центрального Лісостепу України. Зменшення переходу радіонуклідів 137 Cs і 90 Sr із ґрунту в продукцію рослинництваодне з основних завдань ведення сільськогосподарського виробництва на забруднених радіонуклідами землях. Дослідження дають змогу більш детально вияснити сучасний стан міграції даних радіонуклідів у ланці "грунтрослина" в агроекосистемах Центрального Лісостепу України з подальшим прогнозуванням. Ключові слова: радіонукліди 137 Cs і 90 Sr, щільність забруднення, коефіцієнти переходу.
Because of the Chernobyl catastrophe, almost all the territory of Polissya and a significant part... more Because of the Chernobyl catastrophe, almost all the territory of Polissya and a significant part of the Forest-Steppe south of Kyiv suffered radioactive contamination. More than three decades have passed since the Chernobyl accident, but despite the time since the disaster, the problem of radioactive contamination is still very relevant. In radioactive contaminated agro landscapes, plant fodder becomes a source of 137Cs and 90Sr in the body of cows. In the organism of an animal, radionuclides of cesium mainly accumulate in muscle tissue, and strontium in bone and excreted with milk, urine and feces. Milk plays an important role in human nutrition, which necessitates constant monitoring of the radio ecological situation, estimates of the accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr, and the determination of the laws governing the transition of these radionuclides into products. The aim of the research was to evaluate the supply of 137Cs and 90Sr with feed in the body of dairy cows and the accumul...
Regardless of the time after the Chernobyl disaster, the problem of radioactive contamination is ... more Regardless of the time after the Chernobyl disaster, the problem of radioactive contamination is very urgent. At present, 6.7 million hectares of our country remain contaminated, of which 1.2 million hectares of land are contaminated with 137Cs with a density of 42 to 589 kBq/m2 (1–15 Ci/km2). There are 2,161 settlements in the radioactively contaminated territories, where there are about 3 million inhabitants. For the inhabitants of rural areas of these settlements, the main part of food products belongs to the products obtained from the land, so the definition of plant contamination by artificial radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr on the lands affected by radioactive contamination. The Chernobyl accident is relevant, since the internal dose of radiation is formed due to consumed products, grown in private plots. Reducing the transition of radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr from soil to crop production is one of the main tasks of agricultural production on contaminated radionuclide lands. The ...
Because of the Chernobyl catastrophe, almost all the territory of Polissya and a significant part... more Because of the Chernobyl catastrophe, almost all the territory of Polissya and a significant part of the Forest-Steppe south of Kyiv suffered radioactive contamination. More than three decades have passed since the Chernobyl accident, but despite the time since the disaster, the problem of radioactive contamination is still very relevant. In radioactive contaminated agro landscapes, plant fodder becomes a source of 137Cs and 90Sr in the body of cows. In the organism of an animal, radionuclides of cesium mainly accumulate in muscle tissue, and strontium in bone and excreted with milk, urine and feces. Milk plays an important role in human nutrition, which necessitates constant monitoring of the radio ecological situation, estimates of the accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr, and the determination of the laws governing the transition of these radionuclides into products. The aim of the research was to evaluate the supply of 137Cs and 90Sr with feed in the body of dairy cows and the accumul...
The radioecological condition of soils in agricultural lands and household plots, with estimated ... more The radioecological condition of soils in agricultural lands and household plots, with estimated accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr in crop and livestock products have been established. We defined the transition ratios of 137Cs and 90Sr in potatoes and other vegetables grown in household plots by rural dwellers of the Central Forest-Steppe. The role of cattle’s dung in the migration of 137Cs and 90Sr in radio-contaminated agricultural landscapes and its impact on the level of soil contamination was determined. We suggested that the cattle’s dung obtained from radio-contaminated territories facilitates the migration and redistribution of radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr in agricultural landscapes and could be considered as a source of soil secondary pollution.
The territories of Bila Tserkva district, located in the northeastern part of the right-bank Fore... more The territories of Bila Tserkva district, located in the northeastern part of the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, have been studied. This area is dominated by chernozems that are typically low-humus. In vegetable crops grown in Yosypivka and Tarasivka of Bila Tserkva district, which was exposed to radioactive contamination and is located in the southern part of Kyiv region, Central Forest-Steppe Ukraine, contamination of 137 Cs and 90 Sr were determined. The content of 137Cs and 90Sr in soils was studied, and the density of pollution of privately-owned vegetable plots in these villages was calculated. The transition coefficients of 137Cs and 90Sr radionuclides from the soil of typical chernozem into plants, in particular cucumbers, potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, tomatoes, and white cabbage, have been calculated and established, which makes it possible to calculate the transfer coefficients to vegetable crops to be grown in radioactively contaminated areas of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Reducing 137Cs and 90Sr radionuclides from soil to vegetable crops is one of the leading agricultural production tasks on lands contaminated with radionuclides. These studies make it possible to elucidate the current state of migration of these radionuclides in the "soil-plant" link of agroecosystems of the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine for further forecasting.
Для виконання встановленої мети було здійснено відбір зразків продукції рослинництва та ґрунту на... more Для виконання встановленої мети було здійснено відбір зразків продукції рослинництва та ґрунту на приватних ділянках жителів сіл Йосипівка та Тарасівка. Досліджувані території Білоцерківського району розташовані у північно-східній частині правобережного Лісостепу України і представлені переважно чорноземами типовими малогумусними на лесах в межах межирічних рівнин. Встановлено забруднення 137 Cs і 90 Sr овочевої продукції, яка була вирощена на присадибних ділянках жителів сіл Йосипівка та Тарасівка Білоцерківського району, що зазнали радіоактивного забруднення та знаходяться у південній частині Київської області, Центрального Лісостепу України. З'ясовано вміст 137 Cs і 90 Sr у ґрунтах та встановлена щільність забруднення присадибних ділянок даних сіл. Обчислено та встановлено коефіцієнти переходу надходження радіонуклідів 137 Cs та 90 Sr із ґрунту чорнозему типового в рослини, зокрема огірки, картоплю, цибулю ріпчасту, буряк столовий, моркву, помідори, капусту білокачанну, що дає можливість на основі розрахованих коефіцієнтів переходу 137 Cs і 90 Sr спрогнозувати забруднення даними радіонуклідами продукції рослинництва, яка буде вирощуватися на радіоактивно забруднених територіях Центрального Лісостепу України. Зменшення переходу радіонуклідів 137 Cs і 90 Sr із ґрунту в продукцію рослинництваодне з основних завдань ведення сільськогосподарського виробництва на забруднених радіонуклідами землях. Дослідження дають змогу більш детально вияснити сучасний стан міграції даних радіонуклідів у ланці "грунтрослина" в агроекосистемах Центрального Лісостепу України з подальшим прогнозуванням. Ключові слова: радіонукліди 137 Cs і 90 Sr, щільність забруднення, коефіцієнти переходу.
Because of the Chernobyl catastrophe, almost all the territory of Polissya and a significant part... more Because of the Chernobyl catastrophe, almost all the territory of Polissya and a significant part of the Forest-Steppe south of Kyiv suffered radioactive contamination. More than three decades have passed since the Chernobyl accident, but despite the time since the disaster, the problem of radioactive contamination is still very relevant. In radioactive contaminated agro landscapes, plant fodder becomes a source of 137Cs and 90Sr in the body of cows. In the organism of an animal, radionuclides of cesium mainly accumulate in muscle tissue, and strontium in bone and excreted with milk, urine and feces. Milk plays an important role in human nutrition, which necessitates constant monitoring of the radio ecological situation, estimates of the accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr, and the determination of the laws governing the transition of these radionuclides into products. The aim of the research was to evaluate the supply of 137Cs and 90Sr with feed in the body of dairy cows and the accumul...
Regardless of the time after the Chernobyl disaster, the problem of radioactive contamination is ... more Regardless of the time after the Chernobyl disaster, the problem of radioactive contamination is very urgent. At present, 6.7 million hectares of our country remain contaminated, of which 1.2 million hectares of land are contaminated with 137Cs with a density of 42 to 589 kBq/m2 (1–15 Ci/km2). There are 2,161 settlements in the radioactively contaminated territories, where there are about 3 million inhabitants. For the inhabitants of rural areas of these settlements, the main part of food products belongs to the products obtained from the land, so the definition of plant contamination by artificial radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr on the lands affected by radioactive contamination. The Chernobyl accident is relevant, since the internal dose of radiation is formed due to consumed products, grown in private plots. Reducing the transition of radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr from soil to crop production is one of the main tasks of agricultural production on contaminated radionuclide lands. The ...
Because of the Chernobyl catastrophe, almost all the territory of Polissya and a significant part... more Because of the Chernobyl catastrophe, almost all the territory of Polissya and a significant part of the Forest-Steppe south of Kyiv suffered radioactive contamination. More than three decades have passed since the Chernobyl accident, but despite the time since the disaster, the problem of radioactive contamination is still very relevant. In radioactive contaminated agro landscapes, plant fodder becomes a source of 137Cs and 90Sr in the body of cows. In the organism of an animal, radionuclides of cesium mainly accumulate in muscle tissue, and strontium in bone and excreted with milk, urine and feces. Milk plays an important role in human nutrition, which necessitates constant monitoring of the radio ecological situation, estimates of the accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr, and the determination of the laws governing the transition of these radionuclides into products. The aim of the research was to evaluate the supply of 137Cs and 90Sr with feed in the body of dairy cows and the accumul...
The radioecological condition of soils in agricultural lands and household plots, with estimated ... more The radioecological condition of soils in agricultural lands and household plots, with estimated accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr in crop and livestock products have been established. We defined the transition ratios of 137Cs and 90Sr in potatoes and other vegetables grown in household plots by rural dwellers of the Central Forest-Steppe. The role of cattle’s dung in the migration of 137Cs and 90Sr in radio-contaminated agricultural landscapes and its impact on the level of soil contamination was determined. We suggested that the cattle’s dung obtained from radio-contaminated territories facilitates the migration and redistribution of radionuclides 137Cs and 90Sr in agricultural landscapes and could be considered as a source of soil secondary pollution.
Papers by Ivan Pertsovyi