O presente artigo trata da preparação que devem ter os professores na República de Angola, provín... more O presente artigo trata da preparação que devem ter os professores na República de Angola, província de Luanda, para brindar atenção integral nos alunos do ensino médio, para contribuir na formação integral dos mesmos. Para isso, é necessário fazer uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os autores que vêm falando acerca da preparação dos professores para brindar a atenção que estes merecem, quer a nível nacional como internacional. Com este artigo o autor, pretende garantir que os professores possuam uma ideia básica sobre a atenção integral que deve ser dada aos seus alunos, tendo em conta o meio que lhe rodeia, que é a família, a escola e a comunidade. Neste artigo faz-se uma abordagem acerca da atenção integral, assessoria psicopedagógica e a preparação dos professores deste nível.
REFCalE: Revista Electrónica Formación y Calidad Educativa. ISSN 1390-9010, Sep 14, 2021
creativa y reflexiva esos textos. Con ello, se eleva la calidad en la enseñanza de la comprensión... more creativa y reflexiva esos textos. Con ello, se eleva la calidad en la enseñanza de la comprensión de textos en la enseñanza secundaria. PALABRAS CLAVES: modelación de tareas de aprendizaje, lectura y comprensión, conversación literaria, axiología.
Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, 2020
Leer es una actividad de suma creación, que pone en sintonía al lector con la cultura, con un mun... more Leer es una actividad de suma creación, que pone en sintonía al lector con la cultura, con un mundo interior que enaltece y regocija. Leer transfigura y nos hace evolucionar; leer nos hace crecer. Podemos enseñar a descifrar códigos, pero, lo más importante es construir e incrementar la cultura y la significación textual para que el lector modelo pueda aplicar el saber a sus oportunidades como ser social. Es por ello que la lectura con enfoque ecocrítico defiende la idea de un sentido textual que eduque la mirada del lector, y además, lo sensibiliza.
Fundamento: La interdisciplinariedad responde a la necesidad de superar la unilateralidad y el pe... more Fundamento: La interdisciplinariedad responde a la necesidad de superar la unilateralidad y el peligro de dispersion de los conocimientos aportados. La convergencia entre las disciplinas condiciona el tratamiento del objeto como un todo y permite un conocimiento sistemico, en el que las partes interactuan, tal como existen en la realidad objetiva. Objetivo : Proponer procedimientos metodologicos dirigidos a la preparacion del docente para el establecimiento de las relaciones interdisciplinarias en la formacion inicial de los estudiantes de la carrera Licenciatura en Educacion Primaria. Metodologia: Se utilizaron metodos teoricos, empiricos y estadisticos, los que permitieron la recogida y el procesamiento de la informacion durante la investigacion. La muestra seleccionada estuvo compuesta por 19 docentes de la carrera Licenciatura en Educacion Primaria. Resultados : Se aportaron procedimientos metodologicos que favorecieron la apropiacion consciente y creadora de los docentes para e...
In these lines, the author raises a reflection on the formation of readers, and supports the idea... more In these lines, the author raises a reflection on the formation of readers, and supports the idea that to train readers, is to form citizens rather than cults, yes free citizens, because that is the reading culture, knowing how to grow. Reading, as a mediating axis between the knowledge that emanates from it, and the culture it reflects, is a situation of pragmatism; reading serves primarily to overcome the doctrine of disenchantment, and to be less passive. Reading understands and writing is transcending, especially when you aspire to enter the world of knowledge and not just information. In this work it is concluded that educating to train readers depends a lot on the degree of willingness of the teacher and on that charm of the student to constantly overcome. In this article some conditions are exposed to understand from the didactic point of view the value of forming competent readers and writers from the language and literature class. The importance of the work is that from the...
Tlatemoani: Revista Académica de Investigación, 2018
Education demands of goals, students and teachers capable of transforming the processes, insepara... more Education demands of goals, students and teachers capable of transforming the processes, inseparable in any system of teaching. In this sense, when it is expressed that an educational system, requires transformations, it is not only a question of changing, but also of effecting actions that improve, processes of interaction, and promotes continuous reflection, which is dialectically demanded in the plans of socio-educational and intellective resizing. With the reason of improving the process of understanding the scientific text of students, from an adequate operability in learning, develops an interdisciplinary teaching-learning strategy, where the disciplines are integrated, and generate multiple learning. Consequently, communication must be observed as a responsive and heuristic catalyst, from the planning, execution and control of demands and actions to be developed. Taking into account all of the above, the objective of this article is: to design an interdisciplinary teaching-le...
Las praderas de pastos marinos son uno de los ecosistemas acuaticos con los mayores almacenes de ... more Las praderas de pastos marinos son uno de los ecosistemas acuaticos con los mayores almacenes de carbono, particularmente en sus estructuras subterraneas, por lo que el conocimiento de su distribucion espacial en Mexico es una tarea importante, dado lo escaso de trabajos publicados con relacion a este topico. En este trabajo se compilo una base de datos del analisis de 69 estudios realizados en las diferentes regiones del pais, con datos de los almacenes de carbono en los diferentes tipos de praderas de pastos marinos. Se analizaron datos de las regiones Pacifico Norte, Golfo de Mexico y Peninsula de Yucatan. Se presentan y discuten los datos obtenidos, asi como las conclusiones y recomendaciones relacionadas con este tipo de analisis.
González and Fernández (2011) revealed that the Alto Guadalentín Basin, located in southern Spain... more González and Fernández (2011) revealed that the Alto Guadalentín Basin, located in southern Spain, is affected by the highest subsidence rates measured in Europe (about 10 cm/yr) as a direct consequence of long-term aquifer exploitation. They used ERS and ENVISAT radar data spanning the 1992 – 2007 period. They identify a delayed transient nonlinear compaction of the Alto Guadalentín aquifer due to the 1990–1995 drought period. González et al. (2012) evaluated the relationship between crust unloading due to groundwater overexploitation and stress change on regional active tectonic faults in the same in relation with the May 2008 Lorca earthquake. Bonì et al. (2014) extended these previous studies using advanced DInSAR techniques and ALOS PALSAR (2007–2010) and COSMO-SkyMed (2011–2012) radar images for the time period 1992–2012. Additionally, the satellite measurements provide locally comparable results with measurements acquired by two permanent GNSS stations located in the study ar...
Tlatemoani: Revista Académica de Investigación, 2019
espanolLa familia es el eje fundamental para la organizacion del sistema de valores, la manera de... more espanolLa familia es el eje fundamental para la organizacion del sistema de valores, la manera de pensar y de comportarse; influye en la eleccion vocacional de los hijos, estimula y posibilita aprendizajes y vivencias proporcionando modelos de identificacion en conjunto con la labor del maestro, el cual necesita de herramientas para trabajar de la mejor forma posible en esta ardua tarea. Por la importancia de este es que se plantea como objetivo: Proponer una estrategia pedagogica dirigida a la preparacion de la familia respecto al cumplimiento de su intencion orientadora hacia la profesion pedagogica en el escolar primario. Se ofrecen los fundamentos teoricos y metodologicos y se describe el proceso de construccion del resultado cientifico con una metodologia predominantemente cualitativa, empleando la Investigacion-Accion-Participativa, transitando por cuatro ciclos de intervencion en una unidad de estudio integrada por 25 familias de 6. grado de una escuela primariade la provinci...
Teachers to foster a reflective and critical attitude towards the environmental text based on did... more Teachers to foster a reflective and critical attitude towards the environmental text based on didactic materials and strategies that contribute to the literary criticism dedicated to the study, to the representation of the environment in the readings, as representations of the imaginary that they must understand and modify from their praxis, should promote the correct use of creative activity, which serves as a potential solution for the development of eco-criticism in the development of communication skills through reading and understanding of texts, from the design and development of procedures (phases) to achieve a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the text. Thus, students’ critical-creative attitude is stimulated, based on their creativity and autonomy. It is specified that these procedures (phases) contribute to the management of a process of comprehension of the most relevant and conscious text by the students of the Tenth grade.
Resumen: el turismo es un importante sector estrategico para el crecimiento economico de Quintana... more Resumen: el turismo es un importante sector estrategico para el crecimiento economico de Quintana Roo, ya que el 75% de su poblacion esta involucrada directa o indirectamente con la actividad. Asimismo, en Cozumel, la vida economica se desarrolla alrededor del turismo de cruceros y buceo por la calidad de sus recursos naturales submarinos. Sin embargo, la dependencia economica hacia un sector de la economia, provoca alteraciones en la estructura socioeconomica de las localidades, al verse afectadas por alguna contingencia de tipo ambiental o sanitaria; ejemplo de ello es el brote del virus de la influenza AH1N1 que afecto sensiblemente al sector turistico. En este sentido, el turismo y la salud son dos conceptos estrechamente relacionados, dado que ambos inciden directamente en la economia de los paises y son parte de la politica social (Chavez, 1994). En la zona del Caribe existe la amenaza de contraer dengue, enfermedad transmitida por el mosquito Aedes aegypti (vector); esta afec...
Land subsidence associated with overexploitation of aquifers is a hazard that commonly affects la... more Land subsidence associated with overexploitation of aquifers is a hazard that commonly affects large areas worldwide. The Lorca area, located in southeast Spain, has undergone one of the highest subsidence rates in Europe as a direct consequence of long-term aquifer exploitation. Previous studies carried out on the region assumed that the ground deformation retrieved from satellite radar interferometry corresponds only to vertical displacement. Here we report, for the first time, the two- and three-dimensional displacement field over the study area using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data from Sentinel-1A images and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations. By modeling this displacement, we provide new insights on the spatial and temporal evolution of the subsidence processes and on the main governing mechanisms. Additionally, we also demonstrate the importance of knowing both the vertical and horizontal components of the displacement to properly characterize similar ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2011
Each year thousands of ha of forest land are affected by forest fires in Southern European countr... more Each year thousands of ha of forest land are affected by forest fires in Southern European countries such as Spain. Burned area maps are a valuable instrument for designing prevention and recovery policies. Remote sensing has increasingly become the most widely used tool for this purpose on regional and global scales, where a large variety of techniques and data has been applied. This paper proposes a semiautomatic method for burned area mapping on a regional scale in Mediterranean areas (the Iberian Peninsula has been used as a study case). A Multi-layer Perceptron Network (MLPN) has been designed and applied to MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 500m SIN Grid multitemporal composite monthly images. The compositing criterion was based on maximum surface temperature. The research covered a six year period (2001-2006) from June to September, when most of the forest fires occur. The resulting burned area maps have been validated using official fire perimeters and compared with MODIS Collection 5 Burned Area Product (MCD45A1). The MLPN shown as an effective method, with a commission error of 29.1%, in the classification of the burned areas, while the omission error was of 14.9%. The results were compared with the MCD45A1 product, which had a slightly higher commission error (30.2%) and a considerably higher omission error (26.2%), indicating a high underestimation of the burned area.
The socio-economic factors are of key importance during all phases of wildfire management that in... more The socio-economic factors are of key importance during all phases of wildfire management that include prevention, suppression and restoration. However, modeling these factors, at the proper spatial and temporal scale to understand fire regimes is still challenging. This study analyses socio-economic drivers of wildfire occurrence in central Spain. This site represents a good example of how human activities play a key role over wildfires in the European Mediterranean basin. Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and machine learning Maximum Entropy models (Maxent) predicted wildfire occurrence in the 1980s and also in the 2000s to identify changes between each period in the socio-economic drivers affecting wildfire occurrence. GLM base their estimation on wildfire presence-absence observations whereas Maxent on wildfire presence-only. According to indicators like sensitivity or commission error Maxent outperformed GLM in both periods. It achieved a sensitivity of 38.9% and a commission err...
O presente artigo trata da preparação que devem ter os professores na República de Angola, provín... more O presente artigo trata da preparação que devem ter os professores na República de Angola, província de Luanda, para brindar atenção integral nos alunos do ensino médio, para contribuir na formação integral dos mesmos. Para isso, é necessário fazer uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os autores que vêm falando acerca da preparação dos professores para brindar a atenção que estes merecem, quer a nível nacional como internacional. Com este artigo o autor, pretende garantir que os professores possuam uma ideia básica sobre a atenção integral que deve ser dada aos seus alunos, tendo em conta o meio que lhe rodeia, que é a família, a escola e a comunidade. Neste artigo faz-se uma abordagem acerca da atenção integral, assessoria psicopedagógica e a preparação dos professores deste nível.
REFCalE: Revista Electrónica Formación y Calidad Educativa. ISSN 1390-9010, Sep 14, 2021
creativa y reflexiva esos textos. Con ello, se eleva la calidad en la enseñanza de la comprensión... more creativa y reflexiva esos textos. Con ello, se eleva la calidad en la enseñanza de la comprensión de textos en la enseñanza secundaria. PALABRAS CLAVES: modelación de tareas de aprendizaje, lectura y comprensión, conversación literaria, axiología.
Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, 2020
Leer es una actividad de suma creación, que pone en sintonía al lector con la cultura, con un mun... more Leer es una actividad de suma creación, que pone en sintonía al lector con la cultura, con un mundo interior que enaltece y regocija. Leer transfigura y nos hace evolucionar; leer nos hace crecer. Podemos enseñar a descifrar códigos, pero, lo más importante es construir e incrementar la cultura y la significación textual para que el lector modelo pueda aplicar el saber a sus oportunidades como ser social. Es por ello que la lectura con enfoque ecocrítico defiende la idea de un sentido textual que eduque la mirada del lector, y además, lo sensibiliza.
Fundamento: La interdisciplinariedad responde a la necesidad de superar la unilateralidad y el pe... more Fundamento: La interdisciplinariedad responde a la necesidad de superar la unilateralidad y el peligro de dispersion de los conocimientos aportados. La convergencia entre las disciplinas condiciona el tratamiento del objeto como un todo y permite un conocimiento sistemico, en el que las partes interactuan, tal como existen en la realidad objetiva. Objetivo : Proponer procedimientos metodologicos dirigidos a la preparacion del docente para el establecimiento de las relaciones interdisciplinarias en la formacion inicial de los estudiantes de la carrera Licenciatura en Educacion Primaria. Metodologia: Se utilizaron metodos teoricos, empiricos y estadisticos, los que permitieron la recogida y el procesamiento de la informacion durante la investigacion. La muestra seleccionada estuvo compuesta por 19 docentes de la carrera Licenciatura en Educacion Primaria. Resultados : Se aportaron procedimientos metodologicos que favorecieron la apropiacion consciente y creadora de los docentes para e...
In these lines, the author raises a reflection on the formation of readers, and supports the idea... more In these lines, the author raises a reflection on the formation of readers, and supports the idea that to train readers, is to form citizens rather than cults, yes free citizens, because that is the reading culture, knowing how to grow. Reading, as a mediating axis between the knowledge that emanates from it, and the culture it reflects, is a situation of pragmatism; reading serves primarily to overcome the doctrine of disenchantment, and to be less passive. Reading understands and writing is transcending, especially when you aspire to enter the world of knowledge and not just information. In this work it is concluded that educating to train readers depends a lot on the degree of willingness of the teacher and on that charm of the student to constantly overcome. In this article some conditions are exposed to understand from the didactic point of view the value of forming competent readers and writers from the language and literature class. The importance of the work is that from the...
Tlatemoani: Revista Académica de Investigación, 2018
Education demands of goals, students and teachers capable of transforming the processes, insepara... more Education demands of goals, students and teachers capable of transforming the processes, inseparable in any system of teaching. In this sense, when it is expressed that an educational system, requires transformations, it is not only a question of changing, but also of effecting actions that improve, processes of interaction, and promotes continuous reflection, which is dialectically demanded in the plans of socio-educational and intellective resizing. With the reason of improving the process of understanding the scientific text of students, from an adequate operability in learning, develops an interdisciplinary teaching-learning strategy, where the disciplines are integrated, and generate multiple learning. Consequently, communication must be observed as a responsive and heuristic catalyst, from the planning, execution and control of demands and actions to be developed. Taking into account all of the above, the objective of this article is: to design an interdisciplinary teaching-le...
Las praderas de pastos marinos son uno de los ecosistemas acuaticos con los mayores almacenes de ... more Las praderas de pastos marinos son uno de los ecosistemas acuaticos con los mayores almacenes de carbono, particularmente en sus estructuras subterraneas, por lo que el conocimiento de su distribucion espacial en Mexico es una tarea importante, dado lo escaso de trabajos publicados con relacion a este topico. En este trabajo se compilo una base de datos del analisis de 69 estudios realizados en las diferentes regiones del pais, con datos de los almacenes de carbono en los diferentes tipos de praderas de pastos marinos. Se analizaron datos de las regiones Pacifico Norte, Golfo de Mexico y Peninsula de Yucatan. Se presentan y discuten los datos obtenidos, asi como las conclusiones y recomendaciones relacionadas con este tipo de analisis.
González and Fernández (2011) revealed that the Alto Guadalentín Basin, located in southern Spain... more González and Fernández (2011) revealed that the Alto Guadalentín Basin, located in southern Spain, is affected by the highest subsidence rates measured in Europe (about 10 cm/yr) as a direct consequence of long-term aquifer exploitation. They used ERS and ENVISAT radar data spanning the 1992 – 2007 period. They identify a delayed transient nonlinear compaction of the Alto Guadalentín aquifer due to the 1990–1995 drought period. González et al. (2012) evaluated the relationship between crust unloading due to groundwater overexploitation and stress change on regional active tectonic faults in the same in relation with the May 2008 Lorca earthquake. Bonì et al. (2014) extended these previous studies using advanced DInSAR techniques and ALOS PALSAR (2007–2010) and COSMO-SkyMed (2011–2012) radar images for the time period 1992–2012. Additionally, the satellite measurements provide locally comparable results with measurements acquired by two permanent GNSS stations located in the study ar...
Tlatemoani: Revista Académica de Investigación, 2019
espanolLa familia es el eje fundamental para la organizacion del sistema de valores, la manera de... more espanolLa familia es el eje fundamental para la organizacion del sistema de valores, la manera de pensar y de comportarse; influye en la eleccion vocacional de los hijos, estimula y posibilita aprendizajes y vivencias proporcionando modelos de identificacion en conjunto con la labor del maestro, el cual necesita de herramientas para trabajar de la mejor forma posible en esta ardua tarea. Por la importancia de este es que se plantea como objetivo: Proponer una estrategia pedagogica dirigida a la preparacion de la familia respecto al cumplimiento de su intencion orientadora hacia la profesion pedagogica en el escolar primario. Se ofrecen los fundamentos teoricos y metodologicos y se describe el proceso de construccion del resultado cientifico con una metodologia predominantemente cualitativa, empleando la Investigacion-Accion-Participativa, transitando por cuatro ciclos de intervencion en una unidad de estudio integrada por 25 familias de 6. grado de una escuela primariade la provinci...
Teachers to foster a reflective and critical attitude towards the environmental text based on did... more Teachers to foster a reflective and critical attitude towards the environmental text based on didactic materials and strategies that contribute to the literary criticism dedicated to the study, to the representation of the environment in the readings, as representations of the imaginary that they must understand and modify from their praxis, should promote the correct use of creative activity, which serves as a potential solution for the development of eco-criticism in the development of communication skills through reading and understanding of texts, from the design and development of procedures (phases) to achieve a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the text. Thus, students’ critical-creative attitude is stimulated, based on their creativity and autonomy. It is specified that these procedures (phases) contribute to the management of a process of comprehension of the most relevant and conscious text by the students of the Tenth grade.
Resumen: el turismo es un importante sector estrategico para el crecimiento economico de Quintana... more Resumen: el turismo es un importante sector estrategico para el crecimiento economico de Quintana Roo, ya que el 75% de su poblacion esta involucrada directa o indirectamente con la actividad. Asimismo, en Cozumel, la vida economica se desarrolla alrededor del turismo de cruceros y buceo por la calidad de sus recursos naturales submarinos. Sin embargo, la dependencia economica hacia un sector de la economia, provoca alteraciones en la estructura socioeconomica de las localidades, al verse afectadas por alguna contingencia de tipo ambiental o sanitaria; ejemplo de ello es el brote del virus de la influenza AH1N1 que afecto sensiblemente al sector turistico. En este sentido, el turismo y la salud son dos conceptos estrechamente relacionados, dado que ambos inciden directamente en la economia de los paises y son parte de la politica social (Chavez, 1994). En la zona del Caribe existe la amenaza de contraer dengue, enfermedad transmitida por el mosquito Aedes aegypti (vector); esta afec...
Land subsidence associated with overexploitation of aquifers is a hazard that commonly affects la... more Land subsidence associated with overexploitation of aquifers is a hazard that commonly affects large areas worldwide. The Lorca area, located in southeast Spain, has undergone one of the highest subsidence rates in Europe as a direct consequence of long-term aquifer exploitation. Previous studies carried out on the region assumed that the ground deformation retrieved from satellite radar interferometry corresponds only to vertical displacement. Here we report, for the first time, the two- and three-dimensional displacement field over the study area using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data from Sentinel-1A images and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations. By modeling this displacement, we provide new insights on the spatial and temporal evolution of the subsidence processes and on the main governing mechanisms. Additionally, we also demonstrate the importance of knowing both the vertical and horizontal components of the displacement to properly characterize similar ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2011
Each year thousands of ha of forest land are affected by forest fires in Southern European countr... more Each year thousands of ha of forest land are affected by forest fires in Southern European countries such as Spain. Burned area maps are a valuable instrument for designing prevention and recovery policies. Remote sensing has increasingly become the most widely used tool for this purpose on regional and global scales, where a large variety of techniques and data has been applied. This paper proposes a semiautomatic method for burned area mapping on a regional scale in Mediterranean areas (the Iberian Peninsula has been used as a study case). A Multi-layer Perceptron Network (MLPN) has been designed and applied to MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 500m SIN Grid multitemporal composite monthly images. The compositing criterion was based on maximum surface temperature. The research covered a six year period (2001-2006) from June to September, when most of the forest fires occur. The resulting burned area maps have been validated using official fire perimeters and compared with MODIS Collection 5 Burned Area Product (MCD45A1). The MLPN shown as an effective method, with a commission error of 29.1%, in the classification of the burned areas, while the omission error was of 14.9%. The results were compared with the MCD45A1 product, which had a slightly higher commission error (30.2%) and a considerably higher omission error (26.2%), indicating a high underestimation of the burned area.
The socio-economic factors are of key importance during all phases of wildfire management that in... more The socio-economic factors are of key importance during all phases of wildfire management that include prevention, suppression and restoration. However, modeling these factors, at the proper spatial and temporal scale to understand fire regimes is still challenging. This study analyses socio-economic drivers of wildfire occurrence in central Spain. This site represents a good example of how human activities play a key role over wildfires in the European Mediterranean basin. Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and machine learning Maximum Entropy models (Maxent) predicted wildfire occurrence in the 1980s and also in the 2000s to identify changes between each period in the socio-economic drivers affecting wildfire occurrence. GLM base their estimation on wildfire presence-absence observations whereas Maxent on wildfire presence-only. According to indicators like sensitivity or commission error Maxent outperformed GLM in both periods. It achieved a sensitivity of 38.9% and a commission err...
Papers by Israel Gomez