Papers by Iskandar Zulkarnain
Electrocoagulation is the process of clumping and deposition of fine particles that dissolve in w... more Electrocoagulation is the process of clumping and deposition of fine particles that dissolve in water without chemicals used. This process is the best alternative for removing turbidity in processing raw water because the treated water leaves no residue of sufat and chloride. Several studies have been conducted related to the use of the best electrodes, distance and number of electrodes and contact time. The objective of this research to design a solar power electrocoagulation device with a continuous system to be applied in the raw water treatment process on a laboratory scale by observing turbidity, TSS and pH. Keywords: electrocoagulation, raw water, turbidity.
![Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Alat Pemurni Air Laut Tenaga Surya Dengan Kolektor Panas Cermin Cekung](
Jukung (Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan), 2018
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: merancang alat pemurni air laut berdasarkan teori pemanasan, p... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: merancang alat pemurni air laut berdasarkan teori pemanasan, penguapan dan kondensasi menggunakan energi sinar matahari. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan dengan mengamati data parameter berdasarkan 3 kombinasi perlakuan, yaitu; a) penggunaan kotak evaporasi yang memurnikan air setinggi 1 cm; b) penggunaan kotak evaporasi dan cermin cekung yang memurnikan air setinggi 1 cm; c) penggunaan kotak evaporasi, cermin cekung, dan kondensor yang memurnikan air setinggi 1 cm; Pengamatan selama 10 jam pemanasan di bawah matahari mulai pukul 07.00-17.00 WIB, memberi hasil bahwa ketiga kombinasi tersebut mampu memurnikan air laut menjadi air tawar. Kombinasi terbaik adalah kombinasi B, yang menghasilkan volume air tawar sebanyak 1.718 ml. Pengamatan lain yaitu nilai TDS menunjukkan bahwa penurunan nilai TSD air baku (air laut) dari 27.000 ppm menjadi 3 ppm hingga 5 ppm, sedangkan suhu air yang dihasilkan dari proses pemurnian menunjukkan nilai-nilai berkisar antar...
![Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Kinerja Saluran Primer Pada Jaringan Irigasi Bendung Argoguruh Wilayah Adipuro Tegineneng Lampung Tengah](
The primary channel of Argoguruh located in Central Lampung regency. Argoguruh weir has two pri... more The primary channel of Argoguruh located in Central Lampung regency. Argoguruh weir has two primary channels which is named by Kanal One and Kanal Two. The decreasing performance and damage occurs with increasing age of the building. The purpose of study is to determine the performance of the primary channel Kanal One on Argoguruh weir irrigation network. Total length of the Cannal One on this study is about 9 km, which is measured from intake to distribution box on channel segmen KH2. The method of research is conducted by direct observation in the field with determine the velocity, the dimensions of the existing primary channel and sedimentation volume. The secondary data like as the channel dimensions, discharge plans, schemes of irrigation networks, rainfall data, and climatology were collected to support for hydrologic analyst. The rainfall data and climatological data are used to calculate the water needed for irrigation , than the value of the water needed is used t...
![Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Dimensi Box Culvert pada Saluran Drainase Jalan Arteri Soekarno Hatta (Studi Kasus: Ruas Untung Surapati- Hajimena)](
Flow system engineering using box culvert had done in arterial road Soekarno Hatta section Untung... more Flow system engineering using box culvert had done in arterial road Soekarno Hatta section Untung Surapati-Hajimena, precisely on the Way Kandis river channel. As population growth, on the box culvert’s upstream, had frequently been flooding when it rains with high intensity. It could predict that run off discharge was increased as an impact increasing runoff coefficient due to the growth of the built area in its upstream. It indicated that the box culvert dimension is not suitable to serve runoff discharge. Therefore the evaluation is needed to assess whether the dimension of box culvert was still capable of serving the flowing runoff discharge. The existing box culvert dimension could not serve the runoff discharge in 10, 20, and 25 year return periods are 10.13 m3/s, 11.07 m3/s, dan 11,37 m3/s.It was recommended to use precast concrete (n = 0.03)and 0.015 in slope.The evaluation shown that to serve runoff discharge in 10, 20, and 25 year return period, minimum needed box culver...
![Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Kolam Stabilisasi Untuk Penanganan Air Lindi (Leachate) Pada Calon Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Kabupaten Mesuji](
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan, Apr 28, 2018
Land sites of Final Processing Disposal (TPA) Mesuji district has a relative flat topographic wit... more Land sites of Final Processing Disposal (TPA) Mesuji district has a relative flat topographic with a 3,20 ha area, the extents of the allocation of land use is planned landfill area 2.60 ha and the remaining 0.60 ha as area supporting infrastructure. From the analysis of the water balance in landfill sites was obtained percolation 39 mm/month, with an area of landfill area of 2.60 ha planned then be generated leachate (leachate) that must be managed as much as 33.2 m 3 /day. Leachate treatment plan using stabilization pond method consisting of an anaerobic pond with a detention time of 12 days and an 398.40 m 3 capacity will reduce pollutants leachate influent BOD around 1500 mg/lt be 288.46 mg/lt; Facultative pond with a detention time of 8 days and a capacity of 265.60 m3 pond will reduce pollutants leachate influent BOD 288.24 mg/lt be 79.51 mg/lt, and Maturasipond with a detention of 10 days and a capacity of 322 m 3 pond will reduce the material influent BOD of leachate pollutant 79.51 mg/lt be 16.86 mg/lt is further eligible to flow into water bodies (rivers). The texture of the soil conditions in the local area is clay, then structural stabilization pond construction recommended using reinforced concrete plate.
![Research paper thumbnail of Simulasi Koefisien Parameter DAS dalam Membangkitkan Debit Sintesis dengan Metode Nreca (Studi Kasus pada DAS Sekampung Propinsi Lampung)](
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan, Apr 25, 2018
This study aims to create a simulation of watershed parameters in the coefficient generating disc... more This study aims to create a simulation of watershed parameters in the coefficient generating discharge data by the method of synthesis of NRECA at watershed Sekampung. The research was conducted at Polytechnic Lampung in August and November 2011. Search the data using charts NRECA created four stages of simulation, of the four simulations have started to show a trend following observations have been made. From the results of the simulation parameters to manufacture-4 is closer to a state of observation and calculation. This is shown by-average number of discharges with the same observation. Visually, the graph is closer to the observation that the model parameters can be used to predict the amount of discharge, especially in watershed areas compatriot Lampung Province. The best simulation on the simulation of the four obtained values of model parameters correlation coefficient Q obs Vs Q sim of 0.27 with the watershed parameters S initial : 50, G winitial : 50, S NOM : 100, K rech : 0.85, 0.63 K Base and CF: 0.72. included in watershed characteristics that have characteristics of watersheds with high permeable aquifers and discharge the small mainstay.
![Research paper thumbnail of Korelasi Perlakuan Lapang terhadap Galat Tereduksi Poligon Terbuka](
The surveyor often apply unreferenced opened traverse method in basic framework surveying defined... more The surveyor often apply unreferenced opened traverse method in basic framework surveying defined, especially, surveying which emphasized in long trace surveying. The objectives of this research are (1) Define procedure in unreferenced opened traverse in order that it may be corrected and (2) Predict similar nomenclature coordinates deviation value of unreferenced opened traverse and unreferenced one with treatments. Geometric approach as treatment was given in four points of unreferenced opened traverse by reading ruler marks, horizontal, and vertical angels which referenced to prior point and prior one with defined interval. The both computation result show that the treatment done able to reduce similar nomenclature coordinates deviation of unreferenced opened traverse to closure traverse. Systematic errors reduced was defined as reducing area which made by unreferenced opened traverse coordinates and it one with treatment to closure traverse. The reduce value was 42,888 m2 to 28,...
![Research paper thumbnail of Rancangan Sistem Filtrasi Ganda untuk Pengolaan Air Limbah Laundry Rumah Tangga](
The household laundry wastewater contains detergents that can cause water pollution. The habit of... more The household laundry wastewater contains detergents that can cause water pollution. The habit of many household to directly throw the laundry wastewater into water body, will have an impact on environmental damage in the future. Some previous researchers have made observations on filtration system to treat laundry wastewater. The development of current filtration technology, has recommended the double filtration system for drinking water and wastewater treatment. This research is an experiment to design double filtration system for household laundry wastewater treatment. The research were designed the multiple filtration system for the household laundry wastewater treatment, with parameters observations such as: color,smell , TSS and pH. The result of this experiment shown that the water produced by the system becoming harmless and colorless. The Observations on TSS parameter values shown a decrease of 26.27%, from 150 ppm to 110 ppm, while the pH value are increased from 5.4 to 5....
![Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Curah Hujan terhadap Kualitas Air Sungai Way Kuripan sebagai Sumber Air Baku Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Way Rilau](
So far almost 30%  people need clean water of urban city in Bandar Lampung supplied by PDAM Way ... more So far almost 30%  people need clean water of urban city in Bandar Lampung supplied by PDAM Way Rilau. There are about 12 sources of raw water consisting of surface water , ground water, and springs are treated by PDAM Way Rilau. One source of raw water is surface water from Way Kuripan processed in "Water Treament Plant (WTP I and WTP II). Therefore,as a surface water, the source of raw water from Way Kuripan is always influenced by external conditions, especially rainfall this study was conducted in early 2013 to take on secondary data consisting of raw water quality parameters: turbidity, degree of acidity (pH), total hardness , dissolved content of Cl, SO 4, KMnO 4, Ca, and Mg are derived from the "PDAM Raw Water analysis Report" for the year 2012; While rainfall data taken from Lampung State Polytechnic Climatology Station which includes parameters: Number of Monthly rainfall , Number of Days Rain, and Rain Maximum every month. Raw water quality parameters of ...
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan, 2021
The Bandar Lampung coastal area naturally has the potential of a tsunami hazard. Historically the... more The Bandar Lampung coastal area naturally has the potential of a tsunami hazard. Historically the coastal area of Bandar Lampung City had been hit by a tsunami with a height of 10-30 meters in 1883 when the eruption of Mount Krakatau occurred. The partial collapse of Mount Krakatau, which occurred at the end of 2018, also had a tidal wave impact as high as 1-2 meters in the Bandar Lampung coastal area. This study aims to produce Thematic Maps of Tsunami Hazard Zones in the Coastal Areas of Bandar Lampung City as a source of information for the community and stakeholders. The method used is spatial analysis with GIS through the overlay method. The result shown that eight sub district in Bandar Lampung City are prone to tsunami hazards with risk categories up to very high risk categories.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian - TekTan, Dec 1, 2013
![Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Alat Pemurni Air Laut Tenaga Surya Dengan Kolektor Panas Cermin Cekung](
Jukung (Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan), Sep 1, 2018
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: merancang alat pemurni air laut berdasarkan teori pemanasan, p... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: merancang alat pemurni air laut berdasarkan teori pemanasan, penguapan dan kondensasi menggunakan energi sinar matahari. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan dengan mengamati data parameter berdasarkan 3 kombinasi perlakuan, yaitu; a) penggunaan kotak evaporasi yang memurnikan air setinggi 1 cm; b) penggunaan kotak evaporasi dan cermin cekung yang memurnikan air setinggi 1 cm; c) penggunaan kotak evaporasi, cermin cekung, dan kondensor yang memurnikan air setinggi 1 cm; Pengamatan selama 10 jam pemanasan di bawah matahari mulai pukul 07.00-17.00 WIB, memberi hasil bahwa ketiga kombinasi tersebut mampu memurnikan air laut menjadi air tawar. Kombinasi terbaik adalah kombinasi B, yang menghasilkan volume air tawar sebanyak 1.718 ml. Pengamatan lain yaitu nilai TDS menunjukkan bahwa penurunan nilai TSD air baku (air laut) dari 27.000 ppm menjadi 3 ppm hingga 5 ppm, sedangkan suhu air yang dihasilkan dari proses pemurnian menunjukkan nilai-nilai berkisar antara 27,5 o C hingga 29,7 o C, sedangkan pH air destilasinya berkisar di 5,024 hingga 5,252.
![Research paper thumbnail of Diktat struktur beton jilid 1 (1)](
'ry'ta rvofyrnr rutr rvoryrnr ' rfvr orv.rurr.3vnr rvrroiiiriil IIIOIVI YIilIII IIf,Of, J. Iorvr ... more 'ry'ta rvofyrnr rutr rvoryrnr ' rfvr orv.rurr.3vnr rvrroiiiriil IIIOIVI YIilIII IIf,Of, J. Iorvr TvIrrI IIIVO lIuI|Or xl rwldryt rnlln rvroollr (-tvril ruDr-n iflffi;;1,1ffiliilffi[i: <ry.. ],.f,or (r rvtr arr. r l roortl xorvt crvl.rvril ruofvrnl rYO Orurolrt IVOIyInJ. IUInJ,ITITI ryIOOIf q_ 3va.]olf, rorilra orvarvlra ' rqlu! 'ror + rilro rnxrrrr rio. IIINI IIsIO I''I.ITI' OIUIOII3 ruDrYlnr rurnJ'Illlr rvril,re (-rur.]tro-rvr-(q l rurrr vr.** ,*?,:$ 'rlrrr rlralr tvrllrf,rxrf ;woorr <E a,ur.rror ':illllilt,iltffi,lfllil : illli l; ftq;t,n4r' htfi '-#1e{tt,,I '<1* ,, f^7,f ' qx1 q'awd dAI ItIUd I l.Ig:tsu3d l0'lu8 luggmudulgiluu ilugtuTr $In${lllSll. l}llud 0t A1t:.1'P'q'ql tnHUEIl(I llSu ou (sw.flwrtlljltg38u3d l0'tu[ lugmt/dulstuu ilugtuTl [umfiilil $ugoud l{3u 0I lst0,ltw!3ltjltglsu3d x0'tu8 Tssilil nulu dulglluu tugt{ulnt ilulruffiil3ll lluug0ud-6T-Y'll/-/ u, , \41,1 F-20-i80 RBB ..00255 I Bl f C / (F t 1.005 + F / 20m00ll 590 Rlltt = .73 I RBB + {tS?, (E I tll-DDlll I FS / f t93 R{ = f,Sl / lB I (ll-DDll 6t0 IF {R+-Rlttt} } ,005 TIEX Pilffi 'Unnil EIffinffi m.0r ilnnUS DIPERBESCA'I EtD 615 REll CEr rEilEf,LI ltt IAIE'DPCI DIPITU, TtI.ffiil RAmInP 620 RL = tn$ I F-ISS I tSl, (,8t I C I Dl 630 tlUU n,S I ttn$ I F-ISI I tS] | (ll-DD-tL, 21 + ISI I FS t lll-DD-DDll 6Ii llUU " llW , 1000000 6t0 pRIilT I pfllltT .i0ltEt Ic[6 D$PII DIPITU, ru.il8fiil [fffi[cP"; I PfiIIT USIIE ',llllfll.ll'i llxlt I PRItil '[Irr 650 PRIIIT 660 IF rU) rUU THEil PRII{T'PERBAtlYf,t T&nilE0ll ICRII Dnil TEInil'3 I EllD
Papers by Iskandar Zulkarnain