Tingginya tingkat kesibukan di perkotaan menjadikan efisiensi dalam menggunakan waktu merupakan h... more Tingginya tingkat kesibukan di perkotaan menjadikan efisiensi dalam menggunakan waktu merupakan hal penting. Kebutuhan untuk mencuci mobil seringkali terkendala oleh waktu luang yang sedikit. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dibangunlah rancangan sistem aplikasi pencarian car wash terdekat secara cepat dan mudah, sehingga dapat membantu user mengefisien waktu. Metode yang akan digunakan dalam proses pembuatan sistem aplikasi ini, yaitu menggunakan user centered design. Sistem aplikasi Speed Wash ini dapat digunakan untuk semua kalangan, khususnya para driver untuk mendapatkan informasi tempat pencucian mobil berdasarkan lokasi, harga, rating, dan jenis layanan yang tersedia pada car wash tersebut.
The slowness of a job can be affected by many things, mostly due to the large number of files for... more The slowness of a job can be affected by many things, mostly due to the large number of files for a single activity. The introduction of a computerized goods recording system is intended to assist users in carrying out their work and facilitate users in finding information on incoming and outgoing goods data. The application made has additional features from previous research, namely exporting incoming and outgoing goods data in the form of 3D graphics and there is a live chat that functions for interaction between application users. For data security, the transaction id stored in the database uses base64 encryption, aiming to secure data from irresponsible parties. In the encryption process, it has been tested using 300 data and has a file size of 1MiB (Mebibyte) by making the data safe and cannot be cracked by other parties. In testing the attack on encrypted data in this application, 20 methods of attack were proven to be unhackable, unless using the encode that was made in this ...
In the field of medicine, especially orthopedics, there are several types of spinal diseases incl... more In the field of medicine, especially orthopedics, there are several types of spinal diseases including scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, and spondylosis. Therefore, an expert system is needed to diagnose spinal diseases. Based on this problem, we performed an exponential comparison of the two hybrid methods. With the final value of the combined forward chaining & naive bayes method of 8.89, and 9.40 the highest final value of the combined forward chaining method and certainty factor. So that in this research, forward chaining and certainty factor methods are used which are designed based on a website, using Sublime Text 3 programming tools and PHP and MySQL as databases. From the results of application testing and manual calculations with 30 sample data, it was concluded that 7 users or about 23% entered the level of confidence in the possibility of developing spinal disease and 23 users or 77% of the total testing stated at the level of confidence in the probability of developing spin...
Qurbani worship is a worship of the slaughter of livestock carried out on the feast of Eid al-Adh... more Qurbani worship is a worship of the slaughter of livestock carried out on the feast of Eid al-Adha. In Indonesia the dominant livestock used for qurban worship is goats and cows, qurban animals that are allowed to be slaughtered also have conditions ranging from age and most importantly their health. This research is done so that goats and cows that will be slaughtered for qurban worship are free from existing diseases. Some of the problems in the system that will be built is the lack of understanding of the sellers of animals qurban about the diseases suffered by goats and cows from the symptoms experienced by these animals. This study used the method of forward chaining and certaity factor in solving the problems that exist in goat and cow animals, to produce a conclusion in detecting diseases in these animals based on existing symptoms. The process of designing the application of disease detection expert systems in goat and cow animals uses the java programming language and ...
In this study, it is related to an expert system for detecting delirium in COVID-19 patients whic... more In this study, it is related to an expert system for detecting delirium in COVID-19 patients which has never been done in Indonesia in previous studies, related to the method used by researchers to compare 2 hybrid methods, namely the Certanty Factor method with the Forward Chaining method compared to the Bayes method and Forward Chaining . From the results of the comparison, a higher confidence value is obtained, namely the certainty factor and forward chaining as a method in making an expert system application for detecting delirium in elderly COVOD-19 patients. From the results of the application test, which is compared with the calculation results, it is known that from the 20 patient samples, 70% of the samples stated Possibility and 30% stated Most Likely from the diagnosed disease. The certainty factor technique is applied to calculate the certainty value of a fact or rule and the forward chain method is used to draw conclusions that will help diagnose a disease.
JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Informatika)
Kebakaran merupakan peristiwa yang tidak dikehendaki oleh manusia.Hal ini mengarah kepada penting... more Kebakaran merupakan peristiwa yang tidak dikehendaki oleh manusia.Hal ini mengarah kepada pentingnya menjaga suatu ruangan dari bahaya kebakaran yang berakibat fatal,yang mana kejadian ini dapat terjadi tidak mengenal tempat dan waktu, bisa terjadi dimana saja dan kapan saja.Kebakaran dapat mengakibatkan kerugian material atau kerugian korban jiwa.Untuk itu di perlukan alat yang bisa mendeteksi kebarakaran api,asap dan gas.Perancangan alat pendeteksi kebakaran ini adalah rancangan sistem yang terhubung melalui jaringan internet dan dapat memberikan informasi jika terjadi adanya indikasi kebakaran kepada pihak terkait melalui Monitoring yang diharapkan dapat mencegah terjadinya kebakaran dalam skala besar.Alat pendeteksi kebakaran ini menggunakan mikrokontroller yang sudah di lengkapi dengan beberapa sensor yaitu dengan Flame sensor,MQ-2 dan MQ-7.Jika Flame sensor terdeteksi adanya api dengan jarak 5cm dengan besarnya api 85’c maka alarm Buzzer akan berbunyi dan akan mengeluarkan air...
Thesis is the result of a scientific research paper written and adapted to the scientific rules t... more Thesis is the result of a scientific research paper written and adapted to the scientific rules that apply in writing and the process of working on a thesis, usually students are guided by two supervisors. Because during the pandemic and the difficulty of consulting with supervisors and the establishment of health protocols to avoid the impact of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the author intends to build a Thesis Guidance Information System application that can be accessed online and based on a website and facilitates the thesis implementation process. Features contained in the system include students who can submit ideas and thesis titles and can see notifications of ideas and thesis titles being rejected or not. Students who carry out theses can be ensured that they are supervised by their supervisors, therefore supervisors can guide their students using the application and can carry out online sessions and seminars. The thesis guidance information system is designed using the ...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
In the era of Society 5.0, technological progress is unstoppable. Technological advances in the e... more In the era of Society 5.0, technological progress is unstoppable. Technological advances in the era of society 5.0 have become the main needs of humans in helping daily work. Technology is used as a medium for finding information to transportation tools that are integrated with the intervention of digital technology. Almost every company has technology to support their business development needs. And especially in agencies in this era, employee data is also processed using technology, but with the integration of employee data into technology, a lot of sensitive data must be protected in order to avoid misuse by irresponsible people. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to develop the application of the Message Diggest Algorithm (MD5) Cryptography Algorithm in employee data applications. This application is very appropriate to make it easier for companies to manage their employee data and ensure data security. To secure sensitive data from each employee, the process carr...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
E-commerce or online stores appear to provide convenience for the public in the field of informat... more E-commerce or online stores appear to provide convenience for the public in the field of information technology, Budi Luhur is a shop in the field of selling household needs such as cabinets, plate racks, spring beds, sofas, and electronics. But the problem is that until now, how to market their products still using manuals such as brochures, posters, and orders that are still recorded manually with books, so that the store requires costs that are sometimes not small in number to print brochures which will later be used to convey information to customers manually. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to create a system at the Budi Luhur store that can make it easier for customers and shop owners to make transactions. The design of Budi Luhur's E-Commerce System uses a Software development methodology, namely the waterfall method. This method is used by researchers to develop Software systems by having a Software life flow sequentially starting from analysis, design, codin...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
Computers have become a huge requirement to support human performance. Computers also often exper... more Computers have become a huge requirement to support human performance. Computers also often experience Hardware damage such as processors, VGA, motherboards, memory, mouse, keyboards, hard disks, optical drives, monitors. Until now, many computer users still do not have sufficient knowledge of the initial diagnosis of computer Hardware damage which causes a lot of computer users to pay a lot of money to find out and repair the damage that occurs to Computer Hardware. In this Expert System application research development, the authors use a combination of two inference methods, namely the Forward Chaining method and the Certainty Factor Method. The programming tools used in the development of this Expert System application is using the Sublime Text 3 application while the database uses MySQL with PHP as the programming language. The purpose of this Expert System application is made to assist computer users in making an initial diagnosis of a damaged computer Hardware along with the c...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
Internet of things menjadi salah satu trend di dunia teknologi, penggunaan teknologi seperti ini ... more Internet of things menjadi salah satu trend di dunia teknologi, penggunaan teknologi seperti ini dapat ditemukan salah satunya yaitu dalam menjaga keamanan suatu toko. Dalam penelitian ini, kunci laci kasir mekanik akan digantikan dengan teknologi pengenalan biometrik sidik jari yang ada pada ponsel pintar. Penggunaan solenoid doorlock sebagai pengganti kunci laci kasir. Sidik jari akan memverifikasikan oleh aplikasi untuk dapat dicocokkan dengan database, lalu mengirim data ke mikrokontroler nodemcu yang terintegrasi dengan perangkat ponsel pintar sebagai monitoring. Data-data akan dikirimkan ke database dan dibaca oleh sistem aplikasi yang ada pada perangkat ponsel pintar untuk dapat diakses dimana saja. Solenoid doorlock sebagai pengganti kunci laci. Apabila fingerprint berhasil memverifikasikan sidik jari dan sesuai dengan data yang ada pada sistem, maka kunci laci kasir akan terbuka.
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing, 2021
During the Covid-19 virus pandemic as it is currently being experienced in Indonesia is very rapi... more During the Covid-19 virus pandemic as it is currently being experienced in Indonesia is very rapidly spreading, forcing the government to impose a PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Bersekala Besar) system in several regions in Indonesia. With the government regulation on health protocols, many companies must take action to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 virus. In this situation with daily activities opens opportunities for the Covid-19 virus to spread very quickly, especially in the office sphere. The spread of the Covid-19 virus could be through an attendance system that still uses finger print tools used to collect employee attendance data. In this study, attendance application developed using facial recognition method as key for employee data retrieval. This method of facial recognition is applied in real time with a certain distance and lighting. Eigenface algorithm is used as a training process for employees' faces that have been inputted before. The results of the training data...
JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Informatika), 2021
3) ABSTRAK Rumah Singgah CLOW (Cat Lover in the World) merupakan tempat persinggahan untuk kucing... more 3) ABSTRAK Rumah Singgah CLOW (Cat Lover in the World) merupakan tempat persinggahan untuk kucing yang telantar. Tak jarang kucing jalanan kerap mendapat perlakuan yang kurang baik. Rumah Singgah CLOW memberi perhatian khusus untuk kucingkucing tersebut. Tidak hanya itu, CLOW memberikan tempat dan pelayanan yang layak bagi para hewan yang terlantar untuk diadopsi oleh pemilik yang baru. Jenis hewan yang diadopsi oleh CLOW yaitu anjing dan kucing. Saat ini CLOW telah menampung ratusan kucing dan beberapa anjing di setiap shelternya. Maka, sebagai pelayanan yang terbaik bagi pecinta hewan untuk dapat mengakses informasi-informasi tersebut, Sebuah sistem prototype dirancang untuk Rumah Singgah CLOW sebagai pelayanan terhadap pengguna sistem adopsi hewan. Metode User Centered Design (UCD) pada aplikasi Rumah Singgah CLOW diterapkan pada penelitian ini. Dengan metode UCD aplikasi dipermudah dengan sistem yang memuat halaman sesuai kebutuhan pengguna dan memiliki tampilan yang unik dan menarik. Hasil pengujian berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan pengguna yang nantinya akan menghasilkan perancangan desain solusi dan mendapatkan penilaian dari setiap resonden yang akan diperhitungan sesuai rumus melalui tahapan evaluasi desain solusi.
JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Informatika), 2021
3) ABSTRAK Teknologi membawa perubahan terutama pada bidang komunikasi dan informasi dengan tekno... more 3) ABSTRAK Teknologi membawa perubahan terutama pada bidang komunikasi dan informasi dengan teknologi yang ada saat ini, memungkinkan kita melakukan pencarian dengan bantuan Search Engine sistem ini bekerja dengan menyimpan setiap data yang ada pada database kemudian ditampilkan kembali sesuai dengan kebutuhan penggunanya. Search Engine bekerja dengan cara mencocokan sebuah pattern pada suatu teks dan menampilkan hasil sesuai dengan pattern tersebut. Sistem yang peneliti bangun adalah sebuah sistem pencarian data orang hilang dengan menggunakan metode String Matching dan Algoritma Brute Force pada sistem ini pengguna dapat melakukan pencarian korban dengan cara memasukan suatu keyword pada bar kemudian sistem akan melakukan pencocokan pattern terhadap nama, lokasi kehilangan, kronologi kehilangan, usia, jenis kelamin, ciri fisik, tanggal hilang, nomor pencari, status pencarian, nama pencari. Sistem pencarian data orang hilang ini berbasikan sebuah website yang ditambahkan dengan Google Maps sehingga data yang dicari lebih akurat, sistem juga dapat menampikan waktu pencarian dari setiap pattern yang dicari karena setiap pattern memiliki waktu pemrosesan data yang berbedabeda.
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
Auditorium Universitas Nasional merupakan salah satu aset dan fasilitas di Universitas Nasional y... more Auditorium Universitas Nasional merupakan salah satu aset dan fasilitas di Universitas Nasional yang dikelola oleh Unit Administrasi Umum (BAU). Biasanya auditorium disewakan untuk berbagai keperluan seperti seminar, pernikahan, pelatihan dan lain sebagainya. Namun saat ini proses penyewaan auditorium masih bersifat manual, dimana tenant harus datang langsung ke unit BAU Universitas Nasional untuk mendapatkan informasi gedung dan kepastian jadwal. Hal ini membuat penyewa membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu jika ingin menyewa. Penelitian ini mengembangkan aplikasi Manajemen Sewa Auditorium Universitas Nasional berbasis web dengan metode Rational Unified Process (RUP) sebagai solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Pengembangan akan menyoroti model RUP dan memanfaatkan alat Unified Modeling Language (UML) untuk pemodelan dan menggunakan bahasa PHP untuk konstruksi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tersedianya aplikasi manajemen persewaan yang memudahkan penyewa untuk menyewa auditorium dan memb...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
The BRT unit is a part of the National University that manages electronic equipment including rep... more The BRT unit is a part of the National University that manages electronic equipment including repairing or maintenance in the event of a breakdown. Usually, BRT unit technicians carry out the process of repairing electronic equipment based on complaints received from staff/employees. However, so far the complaint process is still manual and recorded using simple tools such as excel, word and ledgers. This causes the process of electronic complaints and maintenance to be slow. Therefore, in this study, a web-based electronic complaint and maintenance application will be developed at the National University. The application was developed based on the waterfall model using the PHP programming language and using a MySQL database using the First in First Out (FIFO) method. The results of this study are the availability of applications that can help the processing of electronic complaints and maintenance data to be more effective and efficient. Testing of the application was carried out u...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
Copyright is a direct right granted to the creator of a work in any form that is real and recogni... more Copyright is a direct right granted to the creator of a work in any form that is real and recognized in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force in the area. Copyright infringement is very detrimental to the creators of works who have tried hard in creating a work. The steganography technique can be a solution to insert hidden messages into digital data. In writing this scientific research journal, an application was made to give a hidden message sign to an image. The goal is to protect copyrighted works from being easily recognized by irresponsible parties. Making this simple application using MATLAB R2021a software. By using the Least Significant Bit [LSB] method, what happens is that the data bits will be inserted into the digital image bit by changing the last bit. The result is that the image inserted with the message does not experience significant changes, but when the image undergoes an extraction process, the inserted message will appear. The results of th...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
The development of the business world always requires us to improve the quality of products and s... more The development of the business world always requires us to improve the quality of products and services to consumers. goods purchasing services can be done electronically and can also be done online or in electronic commerce. Not a few entrepreneurs or business owners still manage their business transaction data manually, which of course has a high risk of losing data or making financial calculations wrong. Therefore, this website-based Point of sale application was designed with the aim of reducing these shortcomings and making it easier for entrepreneurs to manage their company's transaction data. This website-based Point of sale application has several advantages such as: facilitating transaction data management, simplifying business financial calculations, a computerized monthly financial recapitulation of the business.
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
The National University has a number of rooms that can be used by the entire academic community t... more The National University has a number of rooms that can be used by the entire academic community to support their activities. Currently, the use of the room is managed by the General Administration Unit (BAU) of the National University. Anyone who will use the room must apply for a permit to the BAU unit. The problem is, currently the existing process is still manual where the borrower must come directly to the unit. If the room has been borrowed by someone else or the BAU unit admin is not in place, then the borrower's efforts will be in vain. This is certainly not effective and efficient. This research designs and develops a Web-based application for borrowing meeting rooms at the National University. The application was designed using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) tool and developed with the PHP and MySQL languages. The result of this research is the availability of room loan applications at the National University. The results of testing the logic path with the white bo...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
Life in the current era of technology is almost every line connected to the internet, as well as ... more Life in the current era of technology is almost every line connected to the internet, as well as when doing business. Website is a container used for business development and improvement. One form of this is to create an attractive website display as a strategy to increase product quality and quantity. This research aims to; 1) The creation of a marketing information system facility with the application of CRM using the web-based React.JS framework as the main purpose of the research, and 2) Understanding and describing the benefits of implementing a Marketing Information System with CRM Applications using the web-based React.JS framework as a marketing strategy to improve quality and product quantity. To implement this research, the researcher uses the Agile method. A website-based marketing system with the implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) at Reswara Digital printing produces structured and detailed data storage and the delivery of product information to con...
Tingginya tingkat kesibukan di perkotaan menjadikan efisiensi dalam menggunakan waktu merupakan h... more Tingginya tingkat kesibukan di perkotaan menjadikan efisiensi dalam menggunakan waktu merupakan hal penting. Kebutuhan untuk mencuci mobil seringkali terkendala oleh waktu luang yang sedikit. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dibangunlah rancangan sistem aplikasi pencarian car wash terdekat secara cepat dan mudah, sehingga dapat membantu user mengefisien waktu. Metode yang akan digunakan dalam proses pembuatan sistem aplikasi ini, yaitu menggunakan user centered design. Sistem aplikasi Speed Wash ini dapat digunakan untuk semua kalangan, khususnya para driver untuk mendapatkan informasi tempat pencucian mobil berdasarkan lokasi, harga, rating, dan jenis layanan yang tersedia pada car wash tersebut.
The slowness of a job can be affected by many things, mostly due to the large number of files for... more The slowness of a job can be affected by many things, mostly due to the large number of files for a single activity. The introduction of a computerized goods recording system is intended to assist users in carrying out their work and facilitate users in finding information on incoming and outgoing goods data. The application made has additional features from previous research, namely exporting incoming and outgoing goods data in the form of 3D graphics and there is a live chat that functions for interaction between application users. For data security, the transaction id stored in the database uses base64 encryption, aiming to secure data from irresponsible parties. In the encryption process, it has been tested using 300 data and has a file size of 1MiB (Mebibyte) by making the data safe and cannot be cracked by other parties. In testing the attack on encrypted data in this application, 20 methods of attack were proven to be unhackable, unless using the encode that was made in this ...
In the field of medicine, especially orthopedics, there are several types of spinal diseases incl... more In the field of medicine, especially orthopedics, there are several types of spinal diseases including scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, and spondylosis. Therefore, an expert system is needed to diagnose spinal diseases. Based on this problem, we performed an exponential comparison of the two hybrid methods. With the final value of the combined forward chaining & naive bayes method of 8.89, and 9.40 the highest final value of the combined forward chaining method and certainty factor. So that in this research, forward chaining and certainty factor methods are used which are designed based on a website, using Sublime Text 3 programming tools and PHP and MySQL as databases. From the results of application testing and manual calculations with 30 sample data, it was concluded that 7 users or about 23% entered the level of confidence in the possibility of developing spinal disease and 23 users or 77% of the total testing stated at the level of confidence in the probability of developing spin...
Qurbani worship is a worship of the slaughter of livestock carried out on the feast of Eid al-Adh... more Qurbani worship is a worship of the slaughter of livestock carried out on the feast of Eid al-Adha. In Indonesia the dominant livestock used for qurban worship is goats and cows, qurban animals that are allowed to be slaughtered also have conditions ranging from age and most importantly their health. This research is done so that goats and cows that will be slaughtered for qurban worship are free from existing diseases. Some of the problems in the system that will be built is the lack of understanding of the sellers of animals qurban about the diseases suffered by goats and cows from the symptoms experienced by these animals. This study used the method of forward chaining and certaity factor in solving the problems that exist in goat and cow animals, to produce a conclusion in detecting diseases in these animals based on existing symptoms. The process of designing the application of disease detection expert systems in goat and cow animals uses the java programming language and ...
In this study, it is related to an expert system for detecting delirium in COVID-19 patients whic... more In this study, it is related to an expert system for detecting delirium in COVID-19 patients which has never been done in Indonesia in previous studies, related to the method used by researchers to compare 2 hybrid methods, namely the Certanty Factor method with the Forward Chaining method compared to the Bayes method and Forward Chaining . From the results of the comparison, a higher confidence value is obtained, namely the certainty factor and forward chaining as a method in making an expert system application for detecting delirium in elderly COVOD-19 patients. From the results of the application test, which is compared with the calculation results, it is known that from the 20 patient samples, 70% of the samples stated Possibility and 30% stated Most Likely from the diagnosed disease. The certainty factor technique is applied to calculate the certainty value of a fact or rule and the forward chain method is used to draw conclusions that will help diagnose a disease.
JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Informatika)
Kebakaran merupakan peristiwa yang tidak dikehendaki oleh manusia.Hal ini mengarah kepada penting... more Kebakaran merupakan peristiwa yang tidak dikehendaki oleh manusia.Hal ini mengarah kepada pentingnya menjaga suatu ruangan dari bahaya kebakaran yang berakibat fatal,yang mana kejadian ini dapat terjadi tidak mengenal tempat dan waktu, bisa terjadi dimana saja dan kapan saja.Kebakaran dapat mengakibatkan kerugian material atau kerugian korban jiwa.Untuk itu di perlukan alat yang bisa mendeteksi kebarakaran api,asap dan gas.Perancangan alat pendeteksi kebakaran ini adalah rancangan sistem yang terhubung melalui jaringan internet dan dapat memberikan informasi jika terjadi adanya indikasi kebakaran kepada pihak terkait melalui Monitoring yang diharapkan dapat mencegah terjadinya kebakaran dalam skala besar.Alat pendeteksi kebakaran ini menggunakan mikrokontroller yang sudah di lengkapi dengan beberapa sensor yaitu dengan Flame sensor,MQ-2 dan MQ-7.Jika Flame sensor terdeteksi adanya api dengan jarak 5cm dengan besarnya api 85’c maka alarm Buzzer akan berbunyi dan akan mengeluarkan air...
Thesis is the result of a scientific research paper written and adapted to the scientific rules t... more Thesis is the result of a scientific research paper written and adapted to the scientific rules that apply in writing and the process of working on a thesis, usually students are guided by two supervisors. Because during the pandemic and the difficulty of consulting with supervisors and the establishment of health protocols to avoid the impact of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the author intends to build a Thesis Guidance Information System application that can be accessed online and based on a website and facilitates the thesis implementation process. Features contained in the system include students who can submit ideas and thesis titles and can see notifications of ideas and thesis titles being rejected or not. Students who carry out theses can be ensured that they are supervised by their supervisors, therefore supervisors can guide their students using the application and can carry out online sessions and seminars. The thesis guidance information system is designed using the ...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
In the era of Society 5.0, technological progress is unstoppable. Technological advances in the e... more In the era of Society 5.0, technological progress is unstoppable. Technological advances in the era of society 5.0 have become the main needs of humans in helping daily work. Technology is used as a medium for finding information to transportation tools that are integrated with the intervention of digital technology. Almost every company has technology to support their business development needs. And especially in agencies in this era, employee data is also processed using technology, but with the integration of employee data into technology, a lot of sensitive data must be protected in order to avoid misuse by irresponsible people. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to develop the application of the Message Diggest Algorithm (MD5) Cryptography Algorithm in employee data applications. This application is very appropriate to make it easier for companies to manage their employee data and ensure data security. To secure sensitive data from each employee, the process carr...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
E-commerce or online stores appear to provide convenience for the public in the field of informat... more E-commerce or online stores appear to provide convenience for the public in the field of information technology, Budi Luhur is a shop in the field of selling household needs such as cabinets, plate racks, spring beds, sofas, and electronics. But the problem is that until now, how to market their products still using manuals such as brochures, posters, and orders that are still recorded manually with books, so that the store requires costs that are sometimes not small in number to print brochures which will later be used to convey information to customers manually. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to create a system at the Budi Luhur store that can make it easier for customers and shop owners to make transactions. The design of Budi Luhur's E-Commerce System uses a Software development methodology, namely the waterfall method. This method is used by researchers to develop Software systems by having a Software life flow sequentially starting from analysis, design, codin...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
Computers have become a huge requirement to support human performance. Computers also often exper... more Computers have become a huge requirement to support human performance. Computers also often experience Hardware damage such as processors, VGA, motherboards, memory, mouse, keyboards, hard disks, optical drives, monitors. Until now, many computer users still do not have sufficient knowledge of the initial diagnosis of computer Hardware damage which causes a lot of computer users to pay a lot of money to find out and repair the damage that occurs to Computer Hardware. In this Expert System application research development, the authors use a combination of two inference methods, namely the Forward Chaining method and the Certainty Factor Method. The programming tools used in the development of this Expert System application is using the Sublime Text 3 application while the database uses MySQL with PHP as the programming language. The purpose of this Expert System application is made to assist computer users in making an initial diagnosis of a damaged computer Hardware along with the c...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
Internet of things menjadi salah satu trend di dunia teknologi, penggunaan teknologi seperti ini ... more Internet of things menjadi salah satu trend di dunia teknologi, penggunaan teknologi seperti ini dapat ditemukan salah satunya yaitu dalam menjaga keamanan suatu toko. Dalam penelitian ini, kunci laci kasir mekanik akan digantikan dengan teknologi pengenalan biometrik sidik jari yang ada pada ponsel pintar. Penggunaan solenoid doorlock sebagai pengganti kunci laci kasir. Sidik jari akan memverifikasikan oleh aplikasi untuk dapat dicocokkan dengan database, lalu mengirim data ke mikrokontroler nodemcu yang terintegrasi dengan perangkat ponsel pintar sebagai monitoring. Data-data akan dikirimkan ke database dan dibaca oleh sistem aplikasi yang ada pada perangkat ponsel pintar untuk dapat diakses dimana saja. Solenoid doorlock sebagai pengganti kunci laci. Apabila fingerprint berhasil memverifikasikan sidik jari dan sesuai dengan data yang ada pada sistem, maka kunci laci kasir akan terbuka.
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing, 2021
During the Covid-19 virus pandemic as it is currently being experienced in Indonesia is very rapi... more During the Covid-19 virus pandemic as it is currently being experienced in Indonesia is very rapidly spreading, forcing the government to impose a PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Bersekala Besar) system in several regions in Indonesia. With the government regulation on health protocols, many companies must take action to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 virus. In this situation with daily activities opens opportunities for the Covid-19 virus to spread very quickly, especially in the office sphere. The spread of the Covid-19 virus could be through an attendance system that still uses finger print tools used to collect employee attendance data. In this study, attendance application developed using facial recognition method as key for employee data retrieval. This method of facial recognition is applied in real time with a certain distance and lighting. Eigenface algorithm is used as a training process for employees' faces that have been inputted before. The results of the training data...
JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Informatika), 2021
3) ABSTRAK Rumah Singgah CLOW (Cat Lover in the World) merupakan tempat persinggahan untuk kucing... more 3) ABSTRAK Rumah Singgah CLOW (Cat Lover in the World) merupakan tempat persinggahan untuk kucing yang telantar. Tak jarang kucing jalanan kerap mendapat perlakuan yang kurang baik. Rumah Singgah CLOW memberi perhatian khusus untuk kucingkucing tersebut. Tidak hanya itu, CLOW memberikan tempat dan pelayanan yang layak bagi para hewan yang terlantar untuk diadopsi oleh pemilik yang baru. Jenis hewan yang diadopsi oleh CLOW yaitu anjing dan kucing. Saat ini CLOW telah menampung ratusan kucing dan beberapa anjing di setiap shelternya. Maka, sebagai pelayanan yang terbaik bagi pecinta hewan untuk dapat mengakses informasi-informasi tersebut, Sebuah sistem prototype dirancang untuk Rumah Singgah CLOW sebagai pelayanan terhadap pengguna sistem adopsi hewan. Metode User Centered Design (UCD) pada aplikasi Rumah Singgah CLOW diterapkan pada penelitian ini. Dengan metode UCD aplikasi dipermudah dengan sistem yang memuat halaman sesuai kebutuhan pengguna dan memiliki tampilan yang unik dan menarik. Hasil pengujian berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan pengguna yang nantinya akan menghasilkan perancangan desain solusi dan mendapatkan penilaian dari setiap resonden yang akan diperhitungan sesuai rumus melalui tahapan evaluasi desain solusi.
JIPI (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Informatika), 2021
3) ABSTRAK Teknologi membawa perubahan terutama pada bidang komunikasi dan informasi dengan tekno... more 3) ABSTRAK Teknologi membawa perubahan terutama pada bidang komunikasi dan informasi dengan teknologi yang ada saat ini, memungkinkan kita melakukan pencarian dengan bantuan Search Engine sistem ini bekerja dengan menyimpan setiap data yang ada pada database kemudian ditampilkan kembali sesuai dengan kebutuhan penggunanya. Search Engine bekerja dengan cara mencocokan sebuah pattern pada suatu teks dan menampilkan hasil sesuai dengan pattern tersebut. Sistem yang peneliti bangun adalah sebuah sistem pencarian data orang hilang dengan menggunakan metode String Matching dan Algoritma Brute Force pada sistem ini pengguna dapat melakukan pencarian korban dengan cara memasukan suatu keyword pada bar kemudian sistem akan melakukan pencocokan pattern terhadap nama, lokasi kehilangan, kronologi kehilangan, usia, jenis kelamin, ciri fisik, tanggal hilang, nomor pencari, status pencarian, nama pencari. Sistem pencarian data orang hilang ini berbasikan sebuah website yang ditambahkan dengan Google Maps sehingga data yang dicari lebih akurat, sistem juga dapat menampikan waktu pencarian dari setiap pattern yang dicari karena setiap pattern memiliki waktu pemrosesan data yang berbedabeda.
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
Auditorium Universitas Nasional merupakan salah satu aset dan fasilitas di Universitas Nasional y... more Auditorium Universitas Nasional merupakan salah satu aset dan fasilitas di Universitas Nasional yang dikelola oleh Unit Administrasi Umum (BAU). Biasanya auditorium disewakan untuk berbagai keperluan seperti seminar, pernikahan, pelatihan dan lain sebagainya. Namun saat ini proses penyewaan auditorium masih bersifat manual, dimana tenant harus datang langsung ke unit BAU Universitas Nasional untuk mendapatkan informasi gedung dan kepastian jadwal. Hal ini membuat penyewa membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu jika ingin menyewa. Penelitian ini mengembangkan aplikasi Manajemen Sewa Auditorium Universitas Nasional berbasis web dengan metode Rational Unified Process (RUP) sebagai solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Pengembangan akan menyoroti model RUP dan memanfaatkan alat Unified Modeling Language (UML) untuk pemodelan dan menggunakan bahasa PHP untuk konstruksi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tersedianya aplikasi manajemen persewaan yang memudahkan penyewa untuk menyewa auditorium dan memb...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
The BRT unit is a part of the National University that manages electronic equipment including rep... more The BRT unit is a part of the National University that manages electronic equipment including repairing or maintenance in the event of a breakdown. Usually, BRT unit technicians carry out the process of repairing electronic equipment based on complaints received from staff/employees. However, so far the complaint process is still manual and recorded using simple tools such as excel, word and ledgers. This causes the process of electronic complaints and maintenance to be slow. Therefore, in this study, a web-based electronic complaint and maintenance application will be developed at the National University. The application was developed based on the waterfall model using the PHP programming language and using a MySQL database using the First in First Out (FIFO) method. The results of this study are the availability of applications that can help the processing of electronic complaints and maintenance data to be more effective and efficient. Testing of the application was carried out u...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
Copyright is a direct right granted to the creator of a work in any form that is real and recogni... more Copyright is a direct right granted to the creator of a work in any form that is real and recognized in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force in the area. Copyright infringement is very detrimental to the creators of works who have tried hard in creating a work. The steganography technique can be a solution to insert hidden messages into digital data. In writing this scientific research journal, an application was made to give a hidden message sign to an image. The goal is to protect copyrighted works from being easily recognized by irresponsible parties. Making this simple application using MATLAB R2021a software. By using the Least Significant Bit [LSB] method, what happens is that the data bits will be inserted into the digital image bit by changing the last bit. The result is that the image inserted with the message does not experience significant changes, but when the image undergoes an extraction process, the inserted message will appear. The results of th...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
The development of the business world always requires us to improve the quality of products and s... more The development of the business world always requires us to improve the quality of products and services to consumers. goods purchasing services can be done electronically and can also be done online or in electronic commerce. Not a few entrepreneurs or business owners still manage their business transaction data manually, which of course has a high risk of losing data or making financial calculations wrong. Therefore, this website-based Point of sale application was designed with the aim of reducing these shortcomings and making it easier for entrepreneurs to manage their company's transaction data. This website-based Point of sale application has several advantages such as: facilitating transaction data management, simplifying business financial calculations, a computerized monthly financial recapitulation of the business.
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
The National University has a number of rooms that can be used by the entire academic community t... more The National University has a number of rooms that can be used by the entire academic community to support their activities. Currently, the use of the room is managed by the General Administration Unit (BAU) of the National University. Anyone who will use the room must apply for a permit to the BAU unit. The problem is, currently the existing process is still manual where the borrower must come directly to the unit. If the room has been borrowed by someone else or the BAU unit admin is not in place, then the borrower's efforts will be in vain. This is certainly not effective and efficient. This research designs and develops a Web-based application for borrowing meeting rooms at the National University. The application was designed using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) tool and developed with the PHP and MySQL languages. The result of this research is the availability of room loan applications at the National University. The results of testing the logic path with the white bo...
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi), 2022
Life in the current era of technology is almost every line connected to the internet, as well as ... more Life in the current era of technology is almost every line connected to the internet, as well as when doing business. Website is a container used for business development and improvement. One form of this is to create an attractive website display as a strategy to increase product quality and quantity. This research aims to; 1) The creation of a marketing information system facility with the application of CRM using the web-based React.JS framework as the main purpose of the research, and 2) Understanding and describing the benefits of implementing a Marketing Information System with CRM Applications using the web-based React.JS framework as a marketing strategy to improve quality and product quantity. To implement this research, the researcher uses the Agile method. A website-based marketing system with the implementation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) at Reswara Digital printing produces structured and detailed data storage and the delivery of product information to con...
Papers by Iskandar Fitri