Papers by Isaac Oluwatayo

Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce
This study investigated the intensity and profitability of smallholder cassava farmers’ involveme... more This study investigated the intensity and profitability of smallholder cassava farmers’ involvement in cassava value addition in Afijio Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Data were collected from 150 cassava farming households through the use of a well-structured questionnaire and employing a simple random sampling procedure. The data collected included information on the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents, intensity of value addition among the respondents, factors influencing their decisions to add value as well as the extent of value addition, profitability of cassava value addition and the factors that determined the profitability level of the enterprises. The data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics for profiling the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents, gross margin was used to measure profitability, and ordinary least squares regression model was used to determine the factors influencing the decisions of smallholder cassava farmer...

HighTech and Innovation Journal
Coronavirus is a public health issue with socioeconomic and livelihood dimensions. The World Heal... more Coronavirus is a public health issue with socioeconomic and livelihood dimensions. The World Health Organization declared the current novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic a public health emergency of international concern on January 30, 2020, and a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. The South African government has implemented different strategies, ranging from total lockdown in certain locations and provision of palliatives in some provinces across the country. This study, therefore, investigated the correlates of vulnerability and responsiveness to the adverse impacts of COVID-19 in South Africa. The study utilized primary data collected among 477 respondents. Descriptive statistical tools, Tobit and Probit regression models, were used to analyze the data. The study found different levels of vulnerability (low, medium, and high) and responsiveness among households, including stocking up of food items, remote working, reliance on palliatives, and social grant provision, am...

International Journal of Agricultural Extension
This assesses the disparities of human capital in agricultural departments at the universities in... more This assesses the disparities of human capital in agricultural departments at the universities in Limpopo Province, South Africa. From the two universities in the study area, a sample of 110 lecturers and researchers was selected for this study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The study findings showed that married individuals were more productive in terms of research outputs than single or unmarried individuals. Also, students’ throughput in either group and merged data sets by gender revealed that there was no significant difference in research output and students’ throughput in both universities. On subjecting the data to principal component analysis, five components (challenges) were identified - resources and infrastructure, financial, personal, research productivity and confidential and marital issues. The paper indicates that collaboration among married and other staff members is necessary to boost the research capacity of younger researc...

Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Research
This paper investigated the types of brooding technology used by egg producers in Oyo State, Nige... more This paper investigated the types of brooding technology used by egg producers in Oyo State, Nigeria and its effect on technical efficiencies of the producers. The study was carried out in two Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Oyo State with data obtained from a total of 139 egg producers (farmers). Descriptive statistics was used to profile the farmers, probit model was employed to analyse the determinants of choice of brooding management technology, Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier function was used to estimate technical efficiency among the farmers and Tobit regression model was also employed to ascertain technical efficiency determinants. The results show that only 9.4% of the farmers used modern brooding technology and over 50% of them employed unskilled labour. Sex of the farmer (p<0.10), household size (p<0.05) and having a secondary income (p<0.05) were the significant factors influencing adoption of modern brooding technology. Farmers who adopted the traditional bro...

This paper examines the determinants of household vulnerability to drought in the Western Cape pr... more This paper examines the determinants of household vulnerability to drought in the Western Cape province, South Africa. The study used secondary data collected by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). The dataset is made up of 240 households located in the City of Cape Town along with two small towns in the West Coast District Municipality (Piketberg and Clanwilliam). While descriptive statistics were used to analyse households’ socioeconomic variables, an ordered logit model was employed to analyse the factors contributing to households’ vulnerability to drought in the study area. The paper revealed that 28% of the households were extremely vulnerable to drought. The result of the ordered logit regression model showed that factors such as the age of the household head, communication of water restrictions by the authorities, household water consumption in the last two years, and public cooperation with water restrictions were significant factors influencing households’ vulnerab...

Marketing plays a major role in agricultural production and this is because agriculture has the p... more Marketing plays a major role in agricultural production and this is because agriculture has the potential to provide the majority of smallholder farmers with employment and income. However, for smallholder farmers to enjoy the benefits provided by agriculture they need to have a reliable market for their produce. This paper therefore examined cowpea value chain mapping and marketing efficiency among cowpea farmers in Ga-Molepo of Capricorn district and Bela-Bela of Waterberg district. Primary data was collected through face to face interviews from 80 smallholder cowpea farmers using structured questionnaire. Value chain map, descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression model were used to analyse the data. The study findings showed that 66% of the smallholder cowpea farmers were market efficient and 34% were market inefficient. It was also revealed that women were more involved in cowpea production than men. Results of binary logistic regression model employed indicated that...

Despite the achievements of the deciduous fruit industry in South Africa, investment in agricultu... more Despite the achievements of the deciduous fruit industry in South Africa, investment in agricultural research has been declining. Efforts to change these funding trends have been bound by the limited evidence of research investment benefits and the long lag lengths associated with these returns. The aim of the study was to estimate the economic benefits of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC)'s pear breeding programme, through estimating the benefit-cost ratio (BCR), the adoption rate and the marginal internal rate of return (MIRR). The Cobb-Douglas production function was used to model South Africa's pear industry and estimate the effect of area planted to pears, weather as well as research and development (R&D) investment on production from 1990 to 2016. Polynomial distribution function was used to estimate the lag distribution of R&D investment and the elasticities derived were used to calculate the MIRR. The results show that the adoption rate was 5.32%. However, BCR was 1.63:1 and the MIRR was R10.49 with a 19-year lag with no lead-time. This means that every R100 invested returns a R10.49 increase in value in pear industry and the benefits cease after 19 years. This implies that the ARC's pear breeding programme is economically viable.

Livelihood diversification has become the backbone for many of the households in rural areas of S... more Livelihood diversification has become the backbone for many of the households in rural areas of South Africa and it is perceived as a strategy to cope with the growing population and the rapidly increasing poverty rate. A sizeable number of rural households in South Africa combine two or more jobs to generate more income as possible to enhance their poverty status. Therefore this study was conducted to examine the nexus between poverty and diversification of livelihoods and to ascertain whether the different livelihood diversification strategies engaged in make rural households better-off or worse-off in the study area. A multi-stage and simple random sampling technique was employed to collect data from a sample of 216 respondents. Analytical techniques employed were descriptive statistics, FGT poverty index and the probit regression model. Eight variables were included as explanatory variables in the probit regression and only five variables (gender of the household head, marital s...

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2017
This study examined multidimensional welfare deprivation of women in rural and urban South-South ... more This study examined multidimensional welfare deprivation of women in rural and urban South-South (SS) Nigeria. Secondary data from Nigeria Demographic Health Survey (NDHS, 2013) was used for this study. A total number of 1965 women in rural and 1275 in urban South SS were covered in the study. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and fuzzy analysis. The mean age of women in rural SS was 34 years while in urban SS it was 28 years. The highest level of education attained by women in rural SS was complete primary education while in urban SS the women had complete secondary. This level of education had effect on their deprivation status because women in rural SS were less educated and more deprived than women in urban SS. In rural SS women have a mean household size of 6 while in the urban area women have a mean household size of 5. The Deprivation index for rural women ranges from 0.05 to 0.89 with a mean value of 0.39 in rural SS and in urban SS the Deprivation index ranges from 0.19 to 0.96 with a mean of 0.29. In the study area women had their Deprivation index between 0.000-0.9000 in both rural and urban SS. Women in urban SS have high deprivation compared to the women in rural SS, this can also be related to their educational attainment because women in urban SS are more educated than women in rural SS. For women's deprivation status to be improved the rural community should be educated on the need to improve on their housing and sanitation characteristics and autonomy. Also interventions in the area of housing and sanitation characteristics and education should be made in urban SS.

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2010
The study aim is to examine the evolution and origin of polarization, bipolarization and inequali... more The study aim is to examine the evolution and origin of polarization, bipolarization and inequality in the regional distribution of per capita income and how these later contribute to poverty in Nigeria. Some possible dimensions around which polarization might have taken place will be analysed following the identification-alienation framework. Further, valueadded polarization-poverty decomposition method will be developed and applied. Sources of data will include National Consumer Survey 1996, General Household Survey, 1997/98, and National Living Standards Survey, 2004. More concern on methodology will also involve the use of standard measures of inequality, Gini index and recently developed measures of polarization and bipolarization. It is expected that this study will enhance our understanding of when social forces contribute to economic inequality, polarization, bipolarization, poverty, social tension in Nigeria. Results of the study will also guide and inspire policies to mitigate these phenomena.

European Business & Management, 2018
Women are important segment of the human population and appropriate investment in their welfare w... more Women are important segment of the human population and appropriate investment in their welfare would be of great benefit at individual, household, and community levels. There has been an increasing incidence of welfare deprivation among women in rural Nigeria. Thus this study examined the welfare deprivation of women in rural NorthWest (NW) Nigeria. Secondary data from Nigeria Demographic Health Survey (NDHS, 2013) was used for this study and 6798 rural women were sampled in the survey. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics, fuzzy analysis and logit regression. The mean age of women in NW is 30 years and a standard deviation of 9. Majority of the women in NW had no formal education (85.80%) and this is a major contributor to women's welfare. Women in this region have a mean household size of 7 and this had an effect on their deprivation status. The Deprivation Index for rural women ranges from 0.01 to 0.82 with a mean value of 0.30. Educational attainment, employment type, household size, marital status, age of the woman, state of residence determines a woman's deprivation status in rural NW. The study concluded that women are deprived in rural NW. Government and non-Governmental Organisations should put in place measures to augment human capacity development of the women in NW through increased school funding in order to overcome the financial constraints of parents involvement in educating up-coming generations.

Food Research, 2021
Climate variability is an issue of serious concern especially in a water-scarce country like Sout... more Climate variability is an issue of serious concern especially in a water-scarce country like South Africa. This is because a sizeable number of households in the country reside in the rural area where rain-fed agriculture is the main source of livelihood for the people. This study, therefore, examined factors influencing the choice of climate variability adaptation and mitigation strategies employed among smallholder maize farmers in Sebayeng village, Limpopo province, South Africa. Primary data were collected from a random sample of 160 smallholder maize farmers through the administration of a structured questionnaire. While descriptive statistics were used to describe and analyse respondents’ socioeconomic characteristics; multinomial-logistic regression model was employed to analyse factors influencing farmers’ choice of climate variability adaptation and mitigation strategies. Analysis of the data collected showed that the majority of farmers (72.5%) do not adapt and/or mitigate...

The study examined income diversification, inequality and poverty among rural households in Oyo s... more The study examined income diversification, inequality and poverty among rural households in Oyo state, Nigeria. Cross-section data were generated from the survey conducted on a sample of 200 households with the aid of structured questionnaire using multi-stage sampling procedure. Descriptive statistics, diversification index, Gini coefficient, FGT poverty index, and the Probit regression model were used to analyze data. Mean income diversification index of 1.22 shows that majority of the respondents had multiple streams of income but crop farming had the largest share (90%) in total income. Mean income of respondents was ₦77,613.2±83575.01, and Gini coefficient of 0.48, 0.46, and 0.39 were obtained for total income, non-agricultural income, and agricultural income respectively. The poverty line was ₦6,490.50 and mean per capita expenditure was ₦9,735.74. The head count ratio showed that 53.5% of the households were poor while 46.5% were regarded as non-poor, and poverty gap was 0.21...

The study examines gender dimensions of poverty and the coping options among smallholder farmers ... more The study examines gender dimensions of poverty and the coping options among smallholder farmers in Eastern Nigeria. Primary data used in this study were collected through interview schedule a well-structured questionnaire administered on 199 respondents using a multistage random sampling technique. Seven major autonomous communities were covered in the survey. Analytical tools employed include simple descriptive statistics, probit model and the coping strategies use index (CSUI) generated based on the information gathered from respondents. The result of descriptive analysis shows that there were more female respondents (56.3%) than the male respondents (43.7%) in the study area. Most of the households were headed by male respondents (71%) as compared to the female respondents (29%). More women also had their major occupation as farming (56%) than the men (42%), with more men (13.8%) having tertiary level of education than the women (10.2%). Also, more female respondents were poor (...

The pervasiveness of information and communication technologies (ICTs) from cell phones to low co... more The pervasiveness of information and communication technologies (ICTs) from cell phones to low cost videos, digital cameras, television, internets and laptops to mention just a few has transformed the lives of many especially the rural folks. Recent advances in ICTs have resulted in expanding existing jobs and creating new opportunities some of which were unimaginable only a few decades ago. The result has been significant worldwide and especially in developing countries like Nigeria where over three-quarter of her inhabitants rely on small-scale non-farm businesses and agriculture as means of livelihood. ICTs have therefore become an indispensable tool in fighting poverty and actualizing pro-poor growth. The result presented here relied on data collected from a random sample of 350 small-scale business owners in Southwest Nigeria. Analysis of respondents ’ socioeconomic characteristics revealed average age to be 44 years. Respondents ’ distribution by educational status showed that...

There is no gainsaying the fact that the increasing awareness and penetration of information and ... more There is no gainsaying the fact that the increasing awareness and penetration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) into the developing world has transformed the economy of these countries. In fact, the banking sector in many of these countries is not spared. In Nigeria for instance, there has been a lot of awareness and transformation brought about by the ICTs ‘ revolution. Notable among these is the introduction of mobile and e-banking especially into the banking industry. This paper was based on the study conducted to examine the extent to which mobile phones have aided financial services among farming households in rural southwest Nigeria. Data for this study were collected from a random sample of 360 farming households in Ekiti and Osun States. Descriptive analysis of socioeconomic characteristics of respondents showed their average age to be 45 years with only about one third (34.7percent) of them having tertiary education. While about 38.3 percent had no formal...

There is no gainsaying the fact that Nigeria is blessed with vast human and material resources. D... more There is no gainsaying the fact that Nigeria is blessed with vast human and material resources. Despite this, it is very appalling to know that a sizeable number of inhabitants of the country have continued to face untold hardship arising from dwindling incomes, rising poverty levels and other forms of socioeconomic deprivations. This is not unconnected with inadequacy of information and lack of awareness on and accessibility to livelihood-enhancing opportunities available in different regions of the country. The result presented here relied on data collected from a random sample of 320 households engaged in the production, processing and marketing of Thaumatococcus danielli (an example of neglected and underutilised specie – NUS) from three communities in rural Southwest Nigeria. Data analysis revealed average age of respondents to be 63 years with mean household size of 7. Distribution of respondents by educational level showed that only about one-quarter had tertiary education wi...

The objective of this study was to investigate the extent and perception of contraceptive use amo... more The objective of this study was to investigate the extent and perception of contraceptive use among women from farming households in Oyo state, Nigeria. Descriptive statistics were used in profiling the socioeconomic characteristics of respondents, a multinomial logistic model was used to estimate the determinants of contraceptive usage, while the Likert scale was used to measure their perception towards the use of contraceptives. A total of 150 women were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The results obtained indicated that while only 27% of the women were aware of contraceptives, 23% of them had used them. Cost was the most important consideration among the women for choosing a method as indicated by 41% of them. Further, among those who had not used any contraceptive, traditional and religious beliefs were their major considerations. The regression analysis showed formal education to be a significant factor (at α0.05) that increased the probability of women embracing ...

Italian Journal of Food Safety, 2020
This paper examined the perception and willingness to pay (WTP) for safety and innovative attribu... more This paper examined the perception and willingness to pay (WTP) for safety and innovative attributes of processed chicken meat among consumers in Oyo State, Nigeria, taking into consideration their risk attitudes. The study revealed that the majority of the consumers were more aware of existing attributes than innovative attributes of processed chicken meat. Also, the majority of consumers (73.3%) were risk-neutral. Only 35% of respondents had lowered chicken consumption due to safety concerns and about 51.7% of respondents claimed to be satisfied with the level of safety and quality of chicken meat sold in the Nigerian markets. Sex, household size, major occupation, being a grocery shopper, income and age significantly affected the willingness of consumers to pay a premium for safety and innovative attributes of processed chicken meat. A positive mean WTP of 1,613.16 Naira was estimated. It was therefore recommended that key players in the value chain should adopt relevant marketin...
Papers by Isaac Oluwatayo