Rain is one of the 4 weather conditions on earth. The rain itself is sometimes erratic. For some ... more Rain is one of the 4 weather conditions on earth. The rain itself is sometimes erratic. For some people, rain is sometimes seen as an obstacle in carrying out their daily activities. Therefore, predictions about rain are needed. Predictions about rain really help people in carrying out their daily activities. The research aims to compare the predictive performance of SVM and ARIMA in forecasting rain. The data used in this case study research is data regarding daily weather for 10 years in the Albury area, Australia from 2008-2017 with a lot of 3040 data. The results obtained from SVM for forecasting rain using daily weather data for 10 years in the Albury area, Australia with the best accuracy rate with the SVM model is 97.532% with an error rate of 2.468%, while in the ARIMA model, the results are MAE 0.181, RMSE 0.254 and MAPE 0.159. So it can be concluded that the ARIMA model has a better performance in predicting rain than the SVM method.
This article discusses the Qur'anic view of time management. This theme is studied based on t... more This article discusses the Qur'anic view of time management. This theme is studied based on the al-Qur'an's vocabulary which represents time terms such as the word, Al-Ajal, Ad-dahr, Al-waqt, andwords of time to swear such as the editors of al-layl, al-duha, al-subh, al - nahar, al - fajr, and al-'asr aslanguage analysis. The word is used to see the factors that underlie the primacy of time managementso that it gets priority in activities. Based on the discussion carried out, the Qur'anic view of time.Time is something so important that Allah repeatedly mentions it in the Koran, both showing a clearduration and a clear boundary. Time management presents the skills, tools, and ability to do the rightthing at the right time, with minimal effort and minimal resources, effective and efficient, throughwhich one can achieve personal goals and values that are prioritized factors that support the priorityof time in conducting management time is to do time planning, organ...
Selain menguraikan sekian banyak amal yang menjadi rahasiaa lapang rezeki, buku ini juga mencoba ... more Selain menguraikan sekian banyak amal yang menjadi rahasiaa lapang rezeki, buku ini juga mencoba meluruskan paradigma yang benar tentang rezeki. Sehingga dalam usaha mencari.136 hlm.; 20,5 c
Energy pathways in soil nematode communities consist of energy pathways for roots, bacteria, and ... more Energy pathways in soil nematode communities consist of energy pathways for roots, bacteria, and fungi. The dominance of the root energy pathway indicated an increase in nematode attacks on the roots that can be regulated through changes in food availability and the environment. This study aimed to (i) determines the effect of the biochar rate on soil nematode energy pathways on local tomato plants and (2) determine the biochar rate that can suppress the dominance of root-feeding nematodes of local varieties of Muna tomato plants. The treatment tested was the biochar rate expressed as a percentage of the biochar weight the soil weight, namely 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. Each was repeated three times, randomly placed in the experimental plot following the randomized block design procedure. The results showed that the addition of biochar to 10% of the soil weight decreased the abundance of the total nematodes and family Longidoridae, on the other hand, increased Aphelenchoididae, Spearman r...
Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology, 2007
Spontaneous rupture of a secondary liver deposit is a rare occurrence. A young female patient of ... more Spontaneous rupture of a secondary liver deposit is a rare occurrence. A young female patient of choriocarcinoma presented with liver secondaries, haemorrhage in peritoneum and rapidly developing shock. Following suppor tive treatment and chemotherapy she improved. To the best of our knowledge rupture of a liver metastasis from choriocarcinoma has not been reported.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan sosial emosional anak berlatar b... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan sosial emosional anak berlatar belakang orangtua karir di Kelas B3 Tk Masyithoh Ndasari Budi II Krapyak Kulon Panggungharjo Sewon Bantul. Selain itu juga untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalm pelaksanaan perkembangan sosial emosional anak berlatar belakang orangtua karir di Kelas B3 TK Masyithoh Ndasari Budi II Krapyak Kulon Panggungharjo Sewon Bantul. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan melakukan pengumpulan data di TK Masyithoh Ndasari Budi II. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi pada peserta didk di kelompok B3, wawancara dengan kepala sekolah dan guru kelas, dan dokumentasi TK Masyithoh Ndasari Budi II. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan verivikasi, setelah itu ditarik kesimpulan. Uji keabsahan data dengan triangulasi sumber teknik dan waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) perkembangan sosial emosional anak berlatar ...
Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki cadangan energi panas bumi sekitar 40% yang menjadikan I... more Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki cadangan energi panas bumi sekitar 40% yang menjadikan Indonesia menjadi negara terbesar yang memiliki cadangan energi panas bumi terbesar di dunia .Energi panas bumi merupakan sumber energi lokal yang tidak dapat di ekspor dan sangat ideal untuk mengurangi peran bahan bakar fosil guna meningkatkan nilai tambah nasional dan merupakan sumber energi yang ideal untuk pengembangan daerah setempat.Sampai saat ini pemanfaatan energi panas bumi di Indonesia masih belum maksimal oleh karena itu Indonesia Harus melakukan Kerjasama dengan Negara Jepang yang sudah berpengalaman dalam pemanfaatan energi panas bumi. Hubungan Kerjasama antar negara sudah menjadi suatu hal yang sangat wajar.Negara Indonesia berpotensi menjadi produsen listrik panas bumi terbesar di dunia sedangkan Jepang dengan Teknologi dan SDM yang menunjang dipastikan mampu bertindak sebagai kontraktor dalam pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP).Kerjasama dalam bidang e...
مستخلص البحث القرآن هو دليل حي للمسلمين. التعلم في قراءة القرآن هو العبادة. هذا البحث سوف ينفذ طر... more مستخلص البحث القرآن هو دليل حي للمسلمين. التعلم في قراءة القرآن هو العبادة. هذا البحث سوف ينفذ طريقة الترابط لتصحيح القراءة على تعلم القرآن من أسلوب الصوت القائم على الأمي. ويستند اختيار طريقة الترابط إلى قدرة طريقة الارتباط لإظهار مستوى علاقة إشارتين بالتنفيذ البسيط. وقد بلغ مجموع البيانات المستخدمة في هذه الدراسة 561 بيانات مستمدة من عدة خبراء. وبناء على نتائج التجربة حصل على دقة % 68.09 مع أفضل إطار هو 20. ABSTRACT The Qur'an is a living manual for Muslims. Learning to read the Qur'an is worship. This research will implement correlation method for reading correction on Al Qur'an learning of Ummi based sound method. Selection of correlation method is based on the ability of correlation method to show the relationship level of two signals with simple implementation. The total data used in this study amounted to 561 data sourced from several experts. Based on the results of the trial obtained accuracy of 68.09% with the best frame is 20 ABSTRAK. Al-Qur’an merupakan kitab...
ABSTRAKSI Irfan Hakim 53410602 APLIKASI SEKOLAH TAMAN HARAPAN BERBASIS WEBSITE PI. Teknik Informa... more ABSTRAKSI Irfan Hakim 53410602 APLIKASI SEKOLAH TAMAN HARAPAN BERBASIS WEBSITE PI. Teknik Informatika. Fakultas Teknologi Industri. Universitas Gunadarma. 2014 Kata Kunci : Pendidikan, Sekolah , Taman Harapan, Web. (xi+ 102 + Lampiran) APLIKASI SEKOLAH TAMAN HARAPAN BERBASIS WEBSITE ini penulis buat karena beberapa alasan, diantaranya adalah karena kepedulian penulis terhadap siswa dan masyarakat dalam mengakses informasi mengenai sekolah terkait serta membantu pihak sekolah dalam menyebarkan informasi dan promo yang berkaitan dengan sekolah ini. Ini merupakan suatu web edukasi, serta informasi yang mana dalam web ini akan mengeluarkan sejumlah artikel tentang pendidikan seperti tutorial dan teknik-teknik tertentu yang menunjang kreatifitas, dan yang paling utama adalah dalam penyebaran informasi mengenai sekolah ini sehingga membantu siswa dan menarik minat masyarakat untuk mengenal sekolah ini. Web ini dibuat menggunakan bahasa PHP: Hypertext Language, MySQL Database, HTML (Hypert...
Across Canada, healthcare leaders are exploring the potential of artificial intelligence and adva... more Across Canada, healthcare leaders are exploring the potential of artificial intelligence and advanced analytics to transform the healthcare system. This report shares a summary of the current state of healthcare analytics across major hospitals and public healthcare agencies in Canada. We present information on the current level of investment, data governance maturity, analytics talent and tools and models being leveraged across the nation. The findings point to an opportunity for enhanced collaboration in advanced analytics and the adoption of nascent artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare. The recommendations will help drive adoption in Canada, ultimately improving the patient experience and promoting better health outcomes for Canadians.
Positive Psychology Interventions in Practice, 2017
Flourish is a strengths-based collaborative project bringing together four student services depar... more Flourish is a strengths-based collaborative project bringing together four student services departments on a post-secondary campus with the aim of building resilience of students in college and university settings. Its overarching mission is to help students grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally and to teach them concrete skills so that they can translate this growth into action, habit, and purpose. Broadly based on theories of positive psychology and student development, the programme aims to help all students in post-secondary educational settings, but first year students in particular, acquire concrete skills that build their emotional, academic, and physical resilience. The premise is that these components of resilience, in turn, will facilitate emotional, intellectual, and social growth of students towards flourishing. The programme starts with a comprehensive online assessment, which helps determine whether the student is flourishing, languishing, or functioning somewhere between these two states. The assessment includes a comprehensive feedback report and a rich repository of online and campus-wide resources to support their resilience. With staff from four student services departments and student leaders, students in the programme can participate in a range of interventions that support their resilience. This chapter describes Flourish, as a strengths-based assessment and intervention for young adults, in post-secondary settings. It describes the theoretical background of the Flourish assessment battery, programme interventions and initial results. The chapter concludes with a brief discussion about the future direction of the programme.
Pursuant to observations that macro thrombocytopenia is prevalent in this Himalayan state and to ... more Pursuant to observations that macro thrombocytopenia is prevalent in this Himalayan state and to strengthen and collaborate project to unmask this “Himalayan platelet syndrome”, a study was undertaken to know the quantum and magnitude of this entity. Blood donors in a tertiary care hospital come from different parts of valley, thereby offer a representative character. This was coupled with asymptomatic thrombocytopenia cases seen on outdoor basis, which were also evaluated on similar and identical lines, after proper consent and approval from Hospital Ethics committee. Three familial pattern of asymptomatic macro thrombocytopenia from south and central Kashmir were identified. These subjects are on follow up for development of any neurosequelae, autoimmune disorder, cardiovascular event, nephritis that could explain current thrombocytopenia and its possible association with gene related macro thrombocytopenia, currently under way where some preliminary results have surfaced. Diagnosis of macro thrombocytopenia can help do away with unnecessary medications or spleenectomy.
High blood pressure affects approximately one in three adults in the Americas, Europe, some Asian... more High blood pressure affects approximately one in three adults in the Americas, Europe, some Asian countries and Australia, and one billion people worldwide."2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: Report from the panel members appointed to the eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8), (jama.jamanetwork.com)" published Dec.18 by JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, outlines nine specific recommendations for initiating and modifying pharmacotherapy for patients with elevated blood pressure (BP). We are concerned that relaxing the recommendations may expose more persons to the problem of inadequately controlled blood pressure," AHA President A condensed version of the guideline's nine recommendations follows: In the general population ages 60 and older, pharmacologic treatment to lower BP should be initiated at a systolic blood pressure (SBP) of 150 mmHg or higher or a diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 90 ...
The possible correlation between sunspot number and El Niño/La Nina was investigated. The SOI dat... more The possible correlation between sunspot number and El Niño/La Nina was investigated. The SOI data was used and selected according to El Niño/La Nina criteria. Calculation was done for several length of delay in the selected SOI data. Using 50 years data, the strongest anti correlation, with coefficient -0.26, occur at 27-month delay. The delay and the peak of sunspot
Page 1. Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Vol. 8 No. 2, Juni 2003, hal 47 50 Solar Cycle Variations a... more Page 1. Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Vol. 8 No. 2, Juni 2003, hal 47 50 Solar Cycle Variations and its Effects on El Niño/La Niña Behaviour Iratius Radiman1), Dhani Herdiwidjaja1), Zadrach L. Dupe2), Chatief Kunjaya1), M ...
Rain is one of the 4 weather conditions on earth. The rain itself is sometimes erratic. For some ... more Rain is one of the 4 weather conditions on earth. The rain itself is sometimes erratic. For some people, rain is sometimes seen as an obstacle in carrying out their daily activities. Therefore, predictions about rain are needed. Predictions about rain really help people in carrying out their daily activities. The research aims to compare the predictive performance of SVM and ARIMA in forecasting rain. The data used in this case study research is data regarding daily weather for 10 years in the Albury area, Australia from 2008-2017 with a lot of 3040 data. The results obtained from SVM for forecasting rain using daily weather data for 10 years in the Albury area, Australia with the best accuracy rate with the SVM model is 97.532% with an error rate of 2.468%, while in the ARIMA model, the results are MAE 0.181, RMSE 0.254 and MAPE 0.159. So it can be concluded that the ARIMA model has a better performance in predicting rain than the SVM method.
This article discusses the Qur'anic view of time management. This theme is studied based on t... more This article discusses the Qur'anic view of time management. This theme is studied based on the al-Qur'an's vocabulary which represents time terms such as the word, Al-Ajal, Ad-dahr, Al-waqt, andwords of time to swear such as the editors of al-layl, al-duha, al-subh, al - nahar, al - fajr, and al-'asr aslanguage analysis. The word is used to see the factors that underlie the primacy of time managementso that it gets priority in activities. Based on the discussion carried out, the Qur'anic view of time.Time is something so important that Allah repeatedly mentions it in the Koran, both showing a clearduration and a clear boundary. Time management presents the skills, tools, and ability to do the rightthing at the right time, with minimal effort and minimal resources, effective and efficient, throughwhich one can achieve personal goals and values that are prioritized factors that support the priorityof time in conducting management time is to do time planning, organ...
Selain menguraikan sekian banyak amal yang menjadi rahasiaa lapang rezeki, buku ini juga mencoba ... more Selain menguraikan sekian banyak amal yang menjadi rahasiaa lapang rezeki, buku ini juga mencoba meluruskan paradigma yang benar tentang rezeki. Sehingga dalam usaha mencari.136 hlm.; 20,5 c
Energy pathways in soil nematode communities consist of energy pathways for roots, bacteria, and ... more Energy pathways in soil nematode communities consist of energy pathways for roots, bacteria, and fungi. The dominance of the root energy pathway indicated an increase in nematode attacks on the roots that can be regulated through changes in food availability and the environment. This study aimed to (i) determines the effect of the biochar rate on soil nematode energy pathways on local tomato plants and (2) determine the biochar rate that can suppress the dominance of root-feeding nematodes of local varieties of Muna tomato plants. The treatment tested was the biochar rate expressed as a percentage of the biochar weight the soil weight, namely 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. Each was repeated three times, randomly placed in the experimental plot following the randomized block design procedure. The results showed that the addition of biochar to 10% of the soil weight decreased the abundance of the total nematodes and family Longidoridae, on the other hand, increased Aphelenchoididae, Spearman r...
Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology, 2007
Spontaneous rupture of a secondary liver deposit is a rare occurrence. A young female patient of ... more Spontaneous rupture of a secondary liver deposit is a rare occurrence. A young female patient of choriocarcinoma presented with liver secondaries, haemorrhage in peritoneum and rapidly developing shock. Following suppor tive treatment and chemotherapy she improved. To the best of our knowledge rupture of a liver metastasis from choriocarcinoma has not been reported.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan sosial emosional anak berlatar b... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan sosial emosional anak berlatar belakang orangtua karir di Kelas B3 Tk Masyithoh Ndasari Budi II Krapyak Kulon Panggungharjo Sewon Bantul. Selain itu juga untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalm pelaksanaan perkembangan sosial emosional anak berlatar belakang orangtua karir di Kelas B3 TK Masyithoh Ndasari Budi II Krapyak Kulon Panggungharjo Sewon Bantul. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan melakukan pengumpulan data di TK Masyithoh Ndasari Budi II. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi pada peserta didk di kelompok B3, wawancara dengan kepala sekolah dan guru kelas, dan dokumentasi TK Masyithoh Ndasari Budi II. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan verivikasi, setelah itu ditarik kesimpulan. Uji keabsahan data dengan triangulasi sumber teknik dan waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) perkembangan sosial emosional anak berlatar ...
Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki cadangan energi panas bumi sekitar 40% yang menjadikan I... more Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki cadangan energi panas bumi sekitar 40% yang menjadikan Indonesia menjadi negara terbesar yang memiliki cadangan energi panas bumi terbesar di dunia .Energi panas bumi merupakan sumber energi lokal yang tidak dapat di ekspor dan sangat ideal untuk mengurangi peran bahan bakar fosil guna meningkatkan nilai tambah nasional dan merupakan sumber energi yang ideal untuk pengembangan daerah setempat.Sampai saat ini pemanfaatan energi panas bumi di Indonesia masih belum maksimal oleh karena itu Indonesia Harus melakukan Kerjasama dengan Negara Jepang yang sudah berpengalaman dalam pemanfaatan energi panas bumi. Hubungan Kerjasama antar negara sudah menjadi suatu hal yang sangat wajar.Negara Indonesia berpotensi menjadi produsen listrik panas bumi terbesar di dunia sedangkan Jepang dengan Teknologi dan SDM yang menunjang dipastikan mampu bertindak sebagai kontraktor dalam pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP).Kerjasama dalam bidang e...
مستخلص البحث القرآن هو دليل حي للمسلمين. التعلم في قراءة القرآن هو العبادة. هذا البحث سوف ينفذ طر... more مستخلص البحث القرآن هو دليل حي للمسلمين. التعلم في قراءة القرآن هو العبادة. هذا البحث سوف ينفذ طريقة الترابط لتصحيح القراءة على تعلم القرآن من أسلوب الصوت القائم على الأمي. ويستند اختيار طريقة الترابط إلى قدرة طريقة الارتباط لإظهار مستوى علاقة إشارتين بالتنفيذ البسيط. وقد بلغ مجموع البيانات المستخدمة في هذه الدراسة 561 بيانات مستمدة من عدة خبراء. وبناء على نتائج التجربة حصل على دقة % 68.09 مع أفضل إطار هو 20. ABSTRACT The Qur'an is a living manual for Muslims. Learning to read the Qur'an is worship. This research will implement correlation method for reading correction on Al Qur'an learning of Ummi based sound method. Selection of correlation method is based on the ability of correlation method to show the relationship level of two signals with simple implementation. The total data used in this study amounted to 561 data sourced from several experts. Based on the results of the trial obtained accuracy of 68.09% with the best frame is 20 ABSTRAK. Al-Qur’an merupakan kitab...
ABSTRAKSI Irfan Hakim 53410602 APLIKASI SEKOLAH TAMAN HARAPAN BERBASIS WEBSITE PI. Teknik Informa... more ABSTRAKSI Irfan Hakim 53410602 APLIKASI SEKOLAH TAMAN HARAPAN BERBASIS WEBSITE PI. Teknik Informatika. Fakultas Teknologi Industri. Universitas Gunadarma. 2014 Kata Kunci : Pendidikan, Sekolah , Taman Harapan, Web. (xi+ 102 + Lampiran) APLIKASI SEKOLAH TAMAN HARAPAN BERBASIS WEBSITE ini penulis buat karena beberapa alasan, diantaranya adalah karena kepedulian penulis terhadap siswa dan masyarakat dalam mengakses informasi mengenai sekolah terkait serta membantu pihak sekolah dalam menyebarkan informasi dan promo yang berkaitan dengan sekolah ini. Ini merupakan suatu web edukasi, serta informasi yang mana dalam web ini akan mengeluarkan sejumlah artikel tentang pendidikan seperti tutorial dan teknik-teknik tertentu yang menunjang kreatifitas, dan yang paling utama adalah dalam penyebaran informasi mengenai sekolah ini sehingga membantu siswa dan menarik minat masyarakat untuk mengenal sekolah ini. Web ini dibuat menggunakan bahasa PHP: Hypertext Language, MySQL Database, HTML (Hypert...
Across Canada, healthcare leaders are exploring the potential of artificial intelligence and adva... more Across Canada, healthcare leaders are exploring the potential of artificial intelligence and advanced analytics to transform the healthcare system. This report shares a summary of the current state of healthcare analytics across major hospitals and public healthcare agencies in Canada. We present information on the current level of investment, data governance maturity, analytics talent and tools and models being leveraged across the nation. The findings point to an opportunity for enhanced collaboration in advanced analytics and the adoption of nascent artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare. The recommendations will help drive adoption in Canada, ultimately improving the patient experience and promoting better health outcomes for Canadians.
Positive Psychology Interventions in Practice, 2017
Flourish is a strengths-based collaborative project bringing together four student services depar... more Flourish is a strengths-based collaborative project bringing together four student services departments on a post-secondary campus with the aim of building resilience of students in college and university settings. Its overarching mission is to help students grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally and to teach them concrete skills so that they can translate this growth into action, habit, and purpose. Broadly based on theories of positive psychology and student development, the programme aims to help all students in post-secondary educational settings, but first year students in particular, acquire concrete skills that build their emotional, academic, and physical resilience. The premise is that these components of resilience, in turn, will facilitate emotional, intellectual, and social growth of students towards flourishing. The programme starts with a comprehensive online assessment, which helps determine whether the student is flourishing, languishing, or functioning somewhere between these two states. The assessment includes a comprehensive feedback report and a rich repository of online and campus-wide resources to support their resilience. With staff from four student services departments and student leaders, students in the programme can participate in a range of interventions that support their resilience. This chapter describes Flourish, as a strengths-based assessment and intervention for young adults, in post-secondary settings. It describes the theoretical background of the Flourish assessment battery, programme interventions and initial results. The chapter concludes with a brief discussion about the future direction of the programme.
Pursuant to observations that macro thrombocytopenia is prevalent in this Himalayan state and to ... more Pursuant to observations that macro thrombocytopenia is prevalent in this Himalayan state and to strengthen and collaborate project to unmask this “Himalayan platelet syndrome”, a study was undertaken to know the quantum and magnitude of this entity. Blood donors in a tertiary care hospital come from different parts of valley, thereby offer a representative character. This was coupled with asymptomatic thrombocytopenia cases seen on outdoor basis, which were also evaluated on similar and identical lines, after proper consent and approval from Hospital Ethics committee. Three familial pattern of asymptomatic macro thrombocytopenia from south and central Kashmir were identified. These subjects are on follow up for development of any neurosequelae, autoimmune disorder, cardiovascular event, nephritis that could explain current thrombocytopenia and its possible association with gene related macro thrombocytopenia, currently under way where some preliminary results have surfaced. Diagnosis of macro thrombocytopenia can help do away with unnecessary medications or spleenectomy.
High blood pressure affects approximately one in three adults in the Americas, Europe, some Asian... more High blood pressure affects approximately one in three adults in the Americas, Europe, some Asian countries and Australia, and one billion people worldwide."2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: Report from the panel members appointed to the eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8), (jama.jamanetwork.com)" published Dec.18 by JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, outlines nine specific recommendations for initiating and modifying pharmacotherapy for patients with elevated blood pressure (BP). We are concerned that relaxing the recommendations may expose more persons to the problem of inadequately controlled blood pressure," AHA President A condensed version of the guideline's nine recommendations follows: In the general population ages 60 and older, pharmacologic treatment to lower BP should be initiated at a systolic blood pressure (SBP) of 150 mmHg or higher or a diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 90 ...
The possible correlation between sunspot number and El Niño/La Nina was investigated. The SOI dat... more The possible correlation between sunspot number and El Niño/La Nina was investigated. The SOI data was used and selected according to El Niño/La Nina criteria. Calculation was done for several length of delay in the selected SOI data. Using 50 years data, the strongest anti correlation, with coefficient -0.26, occur at 27-month delay. The delay and the peak of sunspot
Page 1. Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Vol. 8 No. 2, Juni 2003, hal 47 50 Solar Cycle Variations a... more Page 1. Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Vol. 8 No. 2, Juni 2003, hal 47 50 Solar Cycle Variations and its Effects on El Niño/La Niña Behaviour Iratius Radiman1), Dhani Herdiwidjaja1), Zadrach L. Dupe2), Chatief Kunjaya1), M ...
Papers by Irfan Hakim