Papers by Ir. Aco Wahyudi Efendi, ST., MT
Deleted Journal, Feb 3, 2023
The earth's surface moves downward from a point in a process known as land subsidence, which caus... more The earth's surface moves downward from a point in a process known as land subsidence, which causes the elevation of the ground surface to drop or become lower than it was. The geoelectric technique is one way to investigate soil. Depending on the electrical characteristics of the rock, this technique is one of the geophysical exploration methods that can give a generalized (map) of a rock layer or formation and the depth of the rock layers. The goals of this study were to model landslide behavior and identify the soil layers using geoelectric data. The rock or hard soil zone has a high resistivity rating based on geoelectricity. As a result, evidence of topsoil to clay may be seen in Trace 1's rock or hard soil zones, which range in depth from 18.5 to 24.9 tie points and 40 to 120 tie points, respectively. The soil layer is unidirectional and uniform. This geoelectrical value is linear with the results of a soil survey performed using the drilling method, i.e., the soil properties are quite sturdy and strong at a depth of 10-20 meters, with NSPT at a depth of 10-17 and increases at that depth. than 20 m at NSPT 60, and because it has reached twice NSPT 60, this can be considered real rock.
Deleted Journal, Feb 16, 2022
Land subsidence is land subsidence in a vertical direction with respect to a specific elevation r... more Land subsidence is land subsidence in a vertical direction with respect to a specific elevation reference surface, such as B. Mean Sea Level (MSL) or a reference ellipsoid area. Subsidence is a natural phenomenon that often occurs in built-up areas, such as large cities that sit on top of a layer of sediment. This analysis assesses the stability and integrity of the building and obtains parameters in unstable areas, and it is hoped that data will be available that can represent the soil conditions and their relevance to development. Also, information about the effects of changes in the field due to development, such as e.g. B. Ground stability, and awareness of the possibility of excessive ground subsidence which may adversely affect the structure of the building above. The results of the decrease from tests on geoelectric trajectories with loading according to the construction conditions gave a decrease value of 6.78-7.8 cm, with the largest stress analysis on the ground 1000-1200 kN/m2 in the deepest soil layer at an altitude of 1000-1200kN/m2 is-20-25m. Chemichal (epoxy resin) reinforcement method can inhibit the subsidence rate by 0.20 meters against the subsidence analysis results of 0.24 meters. The reinforcement method using compaction grouting can inhibit the subsidence rate by 0.21 meters versus the subsidence analysis results of 0.24 meters.
Selodang mayang, Apr 8, 2024
International Journal of Advanced Science and Computer Applications
The increasingly widespread use of micro-bacteria in research to improve soil characteris-tics in... more The increasingly widespread use of micro-bacteria in research to improve soil characteris-tics in the world of construction and also provide a significant increase in soil carrying ca-pacity so that this kind of research makes a very good contribution where the material and mixing object are natural materials, namely in the form of bacteria. This study used the finite element method with the help of LISA V.8 FEA (Li-cense), a finite element method software package, to obtain the stress arising from existing soil ma-terial with soil material that has been mixed with mycobac-teria or the biogrouting method. According from the results of the analysis using numerical analysis using the finite el-ement method LISA V.8 FEA program, it can be seen that there is a reduc-tion in the oc-currence of settlement after adding the two bacteria which have been aged for 30 days with a reduction in soil settlement of 2.9-2.27 mm de-spite an increase in stress. ranging from 58.3 to 69.4 kN/m2.
PADURAKSA: Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Warmadewa
Wilayah IKN didominasi oleh daerah perbukitan dan dataran yang luas, Melihat karakteristik tanah ... more Wilayah IKN didominasi oleh daerah perbukitan dan dataran yang luas, Melihat karakteristik tanah yang beragam dan elevasi tanah yang bervariasi, sering terjadi bencana seperti tanah longsor dan penurunan muka tanah. Penelitian ini melakukan validasi hasil LISA terhadap program analisis geoteknik yang sangat sering digunakan dan khusus untuk perangkat lunak geoteknik. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan sumbangsih bagi dunia geoteknik khususnya menjadi khazanah baru dengan menggunakan metode elemen hingga LISA V.8 FEA. Untuk sudut penurunan yang terjadi adalah 0.0623 meter, dimana pada analisis menggunakan software geoteknik Geostudio Sigma/W , penurunan yang terjadi pada titik yang sama pada tinjauan adalah 0.0633 meter, terdapat perbedaan yang tidak signifikan dengan rasio 1.016 dari hasil software geoteknik Geostudio Sigma/W dengan hasil LISA V.8 FEA.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil (JRS-Unand), 2012
Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki ancaman gempa bumi yang cukup tinggi. Indonesi... more Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan yang memiliki ancaman gempa bumi yang cukup tinggi. Indonesia terletak pada empat pertemuan lempeng tektonik utama yakni Eurasia, Indo-Australia, Pasifik, dan Filipina. Gempa bumi tidak dapat diprediksi namun usaha untuk meminimalisir kerusakan yang ditimbulkan dapat dilakukan pada bangunan. Salah satunya dengan melakukan tindakan retrofit pada bangunan sederhana (non-engineered) yang mengalami kerusakan akibat bencana gempa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metoda pelaksanaan yang tepat dan efisien dalam melakukan perbaikan, restorasi, dan perkuatan bangunan sederhana. Dengan menggunakan prinsip teknik yang benar, detail konstruksi yang baik dan praktis maka kerugian harta benda dan jiwa menusia yang diakibatkan gempa bumi dapat dikurangi untuk masa yang akan datang. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya efisiensi dari segi biaya dan waktu dalam pekerjaan retrofit yang dilakukan pada bangunan. Keywords: retrofit, perba...
Nusantara Civil Engineering Journal
The IKN area, especially in the dock and stockyard construction area, is in an area with soft sur... more The IKN area, especially in the dock and stockyard construction area, is in an area with soft surface soil and requires several options for handling the stockyard area with several materials that are being widely used and easy methods and provide economic value in development. The use of geoform can increase the CBR value of native soil and the use of geofoam as embankment material provides a higher safety factor value with a smaller deformation value besides that the foam mortar material contributes to a small decrease and stress on the surface of the native soil. This study provides a behavioral review of the vertical settlement and stresses that occur in the soil and gives special behavior to the Geofoam material in the presence of hydrostatic forces. The largest settlement that occurred was 0.0961 m on the surface of the foam mortar, while on the existing soil surface a settlement of 0.0288 m occurred, while the largest settlement that occurred was 0.04254 m on the surface of th...
Jurnal Ekologi, Masyarakat dan Sains
PLTD activities must pay attention to environmental conditions on the important impacts that occu... more PLTD activities must pay attention to environmental conditions on the important impacts that occur, specifically regarding the impact of noise that occurs from the operation of the machine. This study's intention is to quantify the degree to which the Senayan 101 MW PLTD's operation has an adverse effect on the neighborhood's noise levels. Constant Noise Type having a broad frequency range. It is advised to install a barrier made of concrete blocks 200 x 200 x 400 with a thickness of 300 mm as high as 6000 mm and a distance of 3000 mm in areas where the noise level is above 70 dB.A. This will help to reduce noise pollution by 20.05 dB.A, bringing the initial noise level down to 68.65 dB. A.
Selodang Mayang: Jurnal Ilmiah Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir
Identification of damage or often referred to as on-site structural forensic testing, using visua... more Identification of damage or often referred to as on-site structural forensic testing, using visual observation methods and testing of existing materials using the Non Destructive Test method, in addition to check condition the geometry of the bridge after a ship hit. Conducted to determine the extent of damage to the Segah Bridge P2 pier after it was struck by a pontoon vessel carrying coal material across the Segah Bridge. To conduct this research, in addition to collecting data from the visual survey and some field testing, the results were analyzed using LISA FEA to determine the behaviors and stresses encountered during the incident. This investigation was conducted by collecting data from the on-site visual inspection followed by an inspection using the NDT tool to determine the material condition of the elements of the struck bridge, namely the P2 pierhead of the Segah Bridge. After collecting data, it proceeds by performing a microstructural analysis using the FEA software, n...
Dinamika Bahari
Analysis of the buoyancy of this platform for use in mid-ocean land survey operations where this ... more Analysis of the buoyancy of this platform for use in mid-ocean land survey operations where this platform is loaded with the weight of the tools and workers on the platform. The purpose of this research is to describe the buoyancy of the mooring buoys. The research was conducted by calculating the capacity and weight of each material used and the buoyancy of the buoy to be used as a platform for land surveys in mid-ocean, the ability of seawater to shift the size of the pontoon to be used as a platform and calculate the load on the pontoon itself to obtain the buoyancy value of the pontoon. The ability of the strapping between the pontoon and the anchor was calculated to anticipate unstable pontoon motion and must have a stress capability that exceeds the stress experienced when the pontoon is hit by a wave. The tension in the chain is greatest force is assumed, namely the force of the ballast. When the earthworks pontoon capacity is used as mooring buoy by estimating the total wei...
Kurva S : Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Sipil, Aug 14, 2022
International Journal of Advanced Science and Computer Applications
The purpose of this work is to evaluate the most generally used techniques for measuring the ther... more The purpose of this work is to evaluate the most generally used techniques for measuring the thermal conductivity of concrete, as well as to consider the variables influencing the thermal conductivity of cement-based materials. Based on previous research indicating that the pattern of heat flow can be modeled in a numerical analysis program and provide a hue of coverage and differences in indoor temperature conditions, as well as the impact that occurs on several elements in the room, a heat simulation analysis was performed in this study due to a fire. The researchers in this study simulated the flow pattern from the temperature that occurred due to fire in a room measuring 4000x4000 mm with a wall thickness of 200 mm with Hebel/light brick material, floor plate thickness was 120 mm, and the size of the building column structural elements was 400x400 mm with the material reinforced concrete. According to the simulation results of a fire that occurred in the middle of the room with ...
Journal of Railway Transportation and Technology
In the development of railroads, geosynthetics can be introduced in or under the stabilizer layer... more In the development of railroads, geosynthetics can be introduced in or under the stabilizer layer or sub ballast, foam mortar has become one of the trends in the construction sector in replacing the foundation layer as an excellent alternative. The researcher conducted a comparative analysis on railroad ballast by using a substitute for conventional railroad ballast material, namely granular material using mortar foam, conducting research on the stresses that occur and the value of the decrease that occurs in ballast using mortar foam. From the results of the analysis of this study, it was found that there was an increase in the ability of ballast with mortar foam material compared to granular material, the decrease in stress that occurred and a decrease in the deformation value in railroad construction gave an option to use conventional ballast substitutes.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Computer Applications
Semi-rigid connections are very economical compared to other connections because they can prevent... more Semi-rigid connections are very economical compared to other connections because they can prevent the frame from breaking immediately due to brittleness without endangering the entire structure. Steel frame construction is one of the types of construction described in the building codes for simple seismic buildings. The research on the use of this semi-rigid connection uses one of the computer software that uses the finite element method, namely ANSYS ED.9, by taking validation models from experimental and manual calculation analysis and using 35 research models with different loads, positions and number of bolts and types of portal bracing. The ability to survive on the gantry due to side loads is dominated by the number and position of the bolts and the type of gantry stiffener used, this is evident from the different models, with the rise ratio in each model ranging from 0.7852 to 2.5900 and in ranges of softening compared to clamped stiffeners, which experience a decrease in str...
Nusantara Civil Engineering Journal
The occurrence of changes in the location and height of the tide at the time of execution that ex... more The occurrence of changes in the location and height of the tide at the time of execution that exceed the planning conditions and disrupt the flow of municipal shipping. For this reason, the suspension bridge chamber was upgraded in order to create a traffic-free area opposite the free threshold. The results of the manual analysis taking into account the labor force due to the bridge steps, so that the real value of the bridge chamber is obtained to obtain the ideal deformation of the bridge working load. The ability of the bridge state to change the deformation results from this evaluation. The behavior of the four conditions was significantly different, namely the SDL forward state, in which the horizontal force that occurred in this state increased, but the deflection decreased by up to 200%, whereby in the f0 forward state was 0.16 meters , but in the SDL forward state the horizontal force only increased with a deflection of 0.05 meters. However, the overall result is that the s...
Elektriese: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Elektro
Anchor blocks are one of the components and elements that are very risky for suspension bridge co... more Anchor blocks are one of the components and elements that are very risky for suspension bridge construction, because almost The ability The Suspension bridge resistance rests on the cables held in place by the anchor block. This anchor block behavior study is to find out the major stress information occurring in the anchor block elements. In this research, the researcher refers to the Circular Letter of Design Criteria for Rigid Symmetrical Pedestrian Suspension Bridge, and conducts structural modeling using the finite element method-LISA program on anchor blocks. Condition of the anchor block after receiving the appropriate tensile force from the round table at a span of 96 meters, the tensile force of the suspension bridge cable is 664.6 kN, resulting in a stress of 6.184 N/mm2 on the concrete surface of the anchor block using the concrete grade is fc 30 MPa, in the suspension cable of the bridge there is a tension of 22.26 N/mm2 at the point of work. The results of the analysis o...
Journal of Railway Transportation and Technology
A very important element of railway is the rail bearing, different types of rail bearings that ... more A very important element of railway is the rail bearing, different types of rail bearings that we know in Indonesia are wooden rail bearings, concrete rail bearings. In this study, the stress behavior that occurs in the two types of railway bearings due to the load and the occurring temperature effect is to be checked. It was found that the stress occurring in bearings with different materials, namely concrete and wood, when the The nominal stress can be seen on the concrete bearing is 11.87 N/mm2, on the wooden material the bearing load is 10.41 N/mm2. As for the temperature effect, it looks similar to the temperature of 80 °C for each material, but it can be seen that the temperature effect spreads from the surface due to the friction between the railroad tracks and the railroad wheels.
Investigasi tanah menggunakan alat Geolistrik/georesistant untuk mendapatkan pendekatan rona lapi... more Investigasi tanah menggunakan alat Geolistrik/georesistant untuk mendapatkan pendekatan rona lapisan tanah dan juga batas permuakaan air dalam tanah. Pada kasus ini melakukan instigasi terhadap longsoran yang terjadi di pemukiman masyarakat di Perumnas daerah batu ampar Balikpapan.
Semi-rigid connections are very economical compared to other connections, due to be able to avoid... more Semi-rigid connections are very economical compared to other connections, due to be able to avoid a direct portal framework from brittle fracture without endangering the whole structure. Steel frame structure is one of the type set forth in the guidelines on the construction of simple buildings earthquake resistant.Research with semi-rigid connections portal using the Finite Element Method (FEM) with ANSYS ED.9 by taking a model of experimental validation and analysis manual calculations, and uses 35 models with the difference of loading, the position and number of bolts and stiffener type of portal.The ability to survive in the portal due to lateral load is dominated by the number and position of the bolt and the type of stiffener portal used, it can be seen from the differences in the model with increase in the ratio of each model in the range 0.7852 to 2.5900 and the softening conditions compared flops stiffener which decreased voltage with the same ratio.
Papers by Ir. Aco Wahyudi Efendi, ST., MT