Teaching Documents by Shovia Indah Firdiyanti
Papers by Shovia Indah Firdiyanti
Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah : Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Humaniora
This study uses a combination of two theories, namely Theory Reasoned Action (TRA) and Theory Pus... more This study uses a combination of two theories, namely Theory Reasoned Action (TRA) and Theory Push-Pull-Mooring (PPM). This study aims to determine the effect of religious attitude, alternative attractiveness and subjective norm on customers switching intention. The research method used is quantitative. This study uses primary data distributed to respondents with purposive sampling technique. The population in this study are Islamic bank customers who have previously been customers of conventional banks in Central Java who are Muslim. The sample used is 100 respondents obtained through distributing questionnaires. This research uses multiple regression analysis technique with Smart-PLS software. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that religious attitude, alternative attractiveness and subjective norm have a positive and significant effect on customers switching intentions on Islamic bank customers. The result of the highest influence is shown by the subjective norm variable ...
Shar-E : Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi Hukum Syariah
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perubahan lingkungan sosial dan perkembangan teknologi yang ... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perubahan lingkungan sosial dan perkembangan teknologi yang dapat mengubah cara pandang manusia dalam menjalankan kehidupan. Teori revolusi paradigma diperkenalkan oleh filosof Thomas S. Kuhn yang mengatakan bahwa perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan tidak lepas dari pergeseran paradigma. Salah satu ilmu yang mengalami pergeseran paradigma adalah ekonomi Islam dalam bidang transaksi jual beli. Kondisi ini menarik para akademisi dan tokoh agama untuk mengkaji hukum transaksi jual beli online yang melekat dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Banyaknya kajian mengenai hukum transaksi jual beli online dalam pandangan ekonomi Islam dikarenakan semakin meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat muslim untuk menerapkan syariat Islam khususnya dalam bidang ekonomi. Penting bagi masyarakat untuk mengetahui relevansi teori revolusi paradigma dengan keilmuan Islam dan penerapannya dalam transaksi jual beli online. Jenis dan metode penelitian adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif...
Shirkah: Journal of Economics and Business
Halal is currently a global concept that is becoming more universally recognized. Strengthening t... more Halal is currently a global concept that is becoming more universally recognized. Strengthening the digital economy is advocated by the 2019–2024 Indonesian Islamic Economic Masterplan (MEKSI), whose primary target is the halal market. Drawing in this issue, this study scrutinizes the influence of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control on the purchase intention of Muslim consumers in the halal marketplace. This study involves the Muslim community in Semarang, Indonesia. Taking a sample of 100 respondents, this quantitative study was used with multiple linear regression. The results demonstrated that Muslim consumers have a good understanding of the halal market. An individual's understanding of the halal market improves with increasing levels of education. Subjective norms and behavior control have a significant influence on the purchase intention of Muslim consumers in the halal marketplace. Attitude does not significantly influence Muslim consumers' pur...
Business Management Journal
The research aims to determine of the effect of Office Channeling, Financing to Deposit Ratio (FD... more The research aims to determine of the effect of Office Channeling, Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), and BI Rate on the total assets of sharia business units in 2014-2019. The research approach used is a quantitative. The data used is data in the form of time series obtained from sharia banking statistics reports published by the Financial Services Authority and BI Rate from Indonesian Banks. The population in this study are all sharia business units in Indonesia. The sample used was 60 data from October 2014 to September 2019. This study used multiple regression analysis that was processed through the SPSS 16.0 program.The results of hypothesis testing show that partially office channeling has a positive and significants effect with a regression value of 91,444. FDR has a negative but not significants effect with a regression value of -224,687. NPF has a negatice and significants effect with a regression value of -11559,375. And the BI Rate has a pos...
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui besaran pengaruh Office Channeling (OC), Financing to Deposit... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui besaran pengaruh Office Channeling (OC), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), dan BI Rate Terhadap Total Aset Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS) Tahun 2014-2019. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data dalam bentuk time series diperoleh dari laporan statistik perbankan syariah yang diterbitkan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan BI Rate dari Bank Indonesia. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Unit Usaha Syariah di Indonesia. Sampel yang digunakan sebesar 60 data periode Oktober 2014 sampai September 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi berganda yang diolah melalui progam SPSS 16.0. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial Office Channeling berpengaruh positif dan signifikan dengan nilai regresi sebesar 91,443, FDR berpengaruh negatif tetapi tidak signifikan dengan nilai regresi sebesar -224,687, NPF berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan dengan nila...
Teaching Documents by Shovia Indah Firdiyanti
Papers by Shovia Indah Firdiyanti